406 research outputs found

    Octobre 42 à la Bibliothèque nationale : Des faits de collaboration par les livres

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    Ce colloque s’est tenu les jeudi et vendredi 23 et 24 mars 2017, à la Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations et à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Il a été organisé par le Centre Gabriel Naudé de l\u27Ecole nationale supérieure des sciences de l\u27information et des bibliothèques (ENSSIB), l\u27Institut d\u27histoire du temps présent (IHTP, UMR CNRS Paris 8) et l\u27Université Paris Diderot (EA Identités, cultures, territoires), avec le soutien de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, de la Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations (BULAC), de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, de la Claims Foundation, de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l\u27Homme et du Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Au cours de ce colloque, une douzaine de livres, datant du XVIIe siècle et retrouvés dans ses collections par la Bibliothèque centrale et régionale de Berlin (Zentral -und Landesbibliothek) ont été restitués à trois ministères français (ministère des Affaires étrangères, ministère de l\u27Intérieur, ministère de la Justice) auxquels ils avaient été spoliées en juin 1940. Un registre manuscrit d\u27état civil des années 1751-1771, spolié à la commune de Verpel (Ardennes) lui sera également restitué. Associé à ce colloque en ligne, les Presses de l’Enssib proposent Où sont les bibliothèques françaises spoliées par les nazis ? ouvrage coordonné par Martine Poulain qui a rassemblé les contributions, enrichies, concernant particulièrement l’histoire d’environ 14 000 livres spoliés et déposés dans une quarantaine de bibliothèques françaises entre 1950 et 1953, et leurs caractéristiques. https://presses.enssib.fr/catalogue/ou-sont-les-bibliotheques-francaises-spoliees-par-les-nazi

    Not Fit for Hire: The United States and France on Weight Discrimination in Employment

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    Part I will examine past and present attitudes regarding obesity in US society and will discuss the employment challenges obese individuals face because of weight discrimination. Further, Part I will survey US statutory laws at the federal, state, and local levels that currently protect against particular instances of weight discrimination. In sum, this Part aims to provide the current legal and social landscape in the United States for protecting individuals against employment discrimination based on their weight. Part II will look at France’s cultural bias against obesity and its laws against physical appearance discrimination. Part II then will analyze French statutory law and legislative history. This Part will ground the discussion in cases that have arisen in French media involving physical appearance discrimination based on weight, including an investigation by France’s human rights watch institution, Le Défenseur des droits. Overall, this perspective on French law will form the foundation for analyzing the extent of protection that the United States may feasibly adopt to protect individuals against weight discrimination. Part III juxtaposes France’s laws prohibiting physical appearance discrimination with current US federal law to highlight the ways in which the United States falls short of its promise of equal protection for all by permitting employment discrimination based on an individual’s weight. This Part posits that US law may serve as a tool to catalyze important social change in the public’s perception of obesity, based on a similar shift in public perception that occurred in France following the adoption of its laws prohibiting physical appearance discrimination. Ultimately, this Note argues that the United States must act to eliminate the pervasive discrimination against obese individuals by passing national legislation making employment decisions based on weight unlawful

    SNP array typing provides new insights in chromosomal nondisjunction

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    Background Maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) of chromosome 7 (upd(7)mat) accounts for approximately 10% of patients with Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS). For upd(7)mat and trisomy 7, a significant number of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the postzygotic formation of these chromosomal compositions, but all have been based on as small number of cases. To obtain the ratio of isodisomy and heterodisomy in UPDs (hUPD, iUPD) and to determine the underlying formation mechanisms, we analysed a large cohort of upd(7)mat patients (n = 73) by SNP array typing. Based on these data, we discuss the UPDs and their underlying trisomy 7 formation mechanisms. Results A whole chromosome 7 maternal iUPD was confirmed in 28.8%, a mixture or complete maternal hUPD in 71.2% of patients. Conclusions We could demonstrate that nondisjunction mechanism affecting chromosome 7 are similar to that of the chromosomes more frequently involved in trisomy (and/or UPD), and that mechanisms other than trisomic rescue have a lower significance than previously suspected. Furthermore, we suggest SNP array typing for future parent- and cell-stage-of origin studies in human aneuploidies as they allow the definite classification of trisomies and UPDs, and provide information on recombinational events and their suggested association with aneuploidy formation

    Congenital imprinting disorders: EUCID.net - a network to decipher their aetiology and to improve the diagnostic and clinical care.

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    Imprinting disorders (IDs) are a group of eight rare but probably underdiagnosed congenital diseases affecting growth, development and metabolism. They are caused by similar molecular changes affecting regulation, dosage or the genomic sequence of imprinted genes. Each ID is characterised by specific clinical features, and, as each appeared to be associated with specific imprinting defects, they have been widely regarded as separate entities. However, they share clinical characteristics and can show overlapping molecular alterations. Nevertheless, IDs are usually studied separately despite their common underlying (epi)genetic aetiologies, and their basic pathogenesis and long-term clinical consequences remain largely unknown. Efforts to elucidate the aetiology of IDs are currently fragmented across Europe, and standardisation of diagnostic and clinical management is lacking. The new consortium EUCID.net (European network of congenital imprinting disorders) now aims to promote better clinical care and scientific investigation of imprinting disorders by establishing a concerted multidisciplinary alliance of clinicians, researchers, patients and families. By encompassing all IDs and establishing a wide ranging and collaborative network, EUCID.net brings together a wide variety of expertise and interests to engender new collaborations and initiatives

    Recent Advances in Imprinting Disorders.

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    Imprinting disorders (ImpDis) are a group of currently 12 congenital diseases with common underlying (epi)genetic etiologies and overlapping clinical features affecting growth, development and metabolism. In the last years it has emerged that ImpDis are characterized by the same types of mutations and epimutations, i.e. uniparental disomies, copy number variations, epimutations, and point mutations. Each ImpDis is associated with a specific imprinted locus, but the same imprinted region can be involved in different ImpDis. Additionally, even the same aberrant methylation patterns are observed in different phenotypes. As some ImpDis share clinical features, clinical diagnosis is difficult in some cases. The advances in molecular and clinical diagnosis of ImpDis help to circumvent these issues, and they are accompanied by an increasing understanding of the pathomechanism behind them. As these mechanisms have important roles for the etiology of other common conditions, the results in ImpDis research have a wider effect beyond the borders of ImpDis. For patients and their families, the growing knowledge contributes to a more directed genetic counseling of the families and personalized therapeutic approaches.COST (BM1208), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Network ‘Imprinting Diseases’, 01GM1513B), German Ministry of research and education (01GM1513B)This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cge.1282

    Congenital imprinting disorders: EUCID.net - a network to decipher their aetiology and to improve the diagnostic and clinical care

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    Imprinting disorders (IDs) are a group of eight rare but probably underdiagnosed congenital diseases affecting growth, development and metabolism. They are caused by similar molecular changes affecting regulation, dosage or the genomic sequence of imprinted genes. Each ID is characterised by specific clinical features, and, as each appeared to be associated with specific imprinting defects, they have been widely regarded as separate entities. However, they share clinical characteristics and can show overlapping molecular alterations. Nevertheless, IDs are usually studied separately despite their common underlying (epi) genetic aetiologies, and their basic pathogenesis and long-term clinical consequences remain largely unknown. Efforts to elucidate the aetiology of IDs are currently fragmented across Europe, and standardisation of diagnostic and clinical management is lacking. The new consortium EUCID.net (European network of congenital imprinting disorders) now aims to promote better clinical care and scientific investigation of imprinting disorders by establishing a concerted multidisciplinary alliance of clinicians, researchers, patients and families. By encompassing all IDs and establishing a wide ranging and collaborative network, EUCID.net brings together a wide variety of expertise and interests to engender new collaborations and initiatives

    Imprinting disorders: a group of congenital disorders with overlapping patterns of molecular changes affecting imprinted loci

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    Congenital imprinting disorders (IDs) are characterised by molecular changes affecting imprinted chromosomal regions and genes, i.e. genes that are expressed in a parent-of-origin specific manner. Recent years have seen a great expansion in the range of alterations in regulation, dosage or DNA sequence shown to disturb imprinted gene expression, and the correspondingly broad range of resultant clinical syndromes. At the same time, however, it has become clear that this diversity of IDs has common underlying principles, not only in shared molecular mechanisms, but also in interrelated clinical impacts upon growth, development and metabolism. Thus, detailed and systematic analysis of IDs can not only identify unifying principles of molecular epigenetics in health and disease, but also support personalisation of diagnosis and management for individual patients and families

    Adult case of partial trisomy 9q

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    Background: \ud Complete and partial trisomy 9 is the fourth most common chromosomal disorder. It is also associated with various congenital characteristics affecting the cranio-facial, skeletal, central nervous, gastrointestinal, cardiac and renal systems. Very few cases have been reported in adults. Partial trisomy 9q is also associated with short stature, poor growth and growth hormone deficiency. This is the first reported case of an extensive endocrinology investigation of short stature in trisomy 9q and the outcome of growth hormone treatment.\ud \ud Case Presentation: \ud The case involves a 23-year-old female of pure partial trisomy 9q. The case involves a 23-year old female with pure partial trisomy 9q involving a duplication of 9q22.1 to q32, de novo, confirmed by genetic studies using fluorescene in situ hybridization (FISH) method. The diagnosis was at 6 years of age. She did not demonstrate all the congenital morphologies identified with trisomy 9q disorders especially in relation to multi-organ morphologies. There is also a degree of associated intellectual impairment. At prepuberty, she was referred for poor growth and was diagnosed with partial growth hormone deficiency. She responded very well to treatment with growth hormone and is currently living an independent life with some support.\ud \ud Conclusions: \ud Trisomy 9q is associated with short stature and failure to thrive. Growth hormone deficiency should be identified in cases of trisomy 9q and treatment offered. This is the first reported case of response to growth hormone replacement in partial trisomy 9