551 research outputs found

    Irreducible Hamiltonian approach to the Freedman-Townsend model

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    The irreducible BRST symmetry for the Freedman-Townsend model is derived. The comparison with the standard reducible approach is also addressed.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Aspecte ale echo-cardiografiei la pacienții cu IRC

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    Summary. Cardiovascular disease is the major cauze of death among patients with end-stage renal disease, accounting for almost half of all fatalities.ln recent years much progress has been made in understanding the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in the uraemic population. Asignificant proportion of patients have established cardiovascular complications on initiation of dialysis, raisingthe possibility of early correction of anemia as a strategy for preventing cardiovascular comorbidities among renal patients

    HDF on-line în tratamentul complicaţiilor dializei

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    Summary. HDF that includes diffusion and convection represents a method for the renal replacement, which maximizes the elimination of the dissolved substances. HDF is convenient while preparing the solution for the replacement by means of on-line. Thus the HDF possesses a strong efficacy that allows to gives to the patient a high dose of dialysis within a relatively short period of time. So, we can conclude that the HDF can serve as a fundamental method for the renal replacement in the new century

    Caracteristica histopatologică a segmentelor atretice în atrezia de esofag cu fistulă eso-traheheală distală

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    Analiza rezultatelor studiului efectuat privind particularitățile macro- și microanatomice ale componentelor structurale și a celor morfologice ne demonstrează că în cadrul atreziei esofaginene cu fistulă eso-traheală inferioară concomitent cu aspectele macroscopice, histologic sunt prezente o serie de modificări cu importanță predictivă asupra perioadei postoperatorii, care pot fi clasate în două grupe: primare – caracterizate de tulburările histiogenerezii la etapa embrionară (displazia fibro-musculară, ectopia cartilajului displazic la nivelul esofagian și a mucoasei gastrice, dublicaturile esofagului, membrana esofagiană incompletă, aganglionoza) și secundare – atrofico-hipertrofice evoluate pe parcursul etapei fetale de la 12-13 săptămîni gestație care variază după prezența lor și după localizare (hipetrofia și/sau atrofia fasciculilor musculare, ectaziile varicoase vasculare, procesele inflamatorii, dismaturiția structurilor nervoase. Prezenţa insuliţelor de mucoasă gastrică foveolară în segmentul distal cu fistulă eso-traheală poate servi un substrat morfologic favorabil de dezvoltare a esofagului Barett la bolnavii cu atrezie de esofag sau malignizare, fapt ce impune necesitatea unei evaluări endoscopice de urmărire permanentă.The analysis of the results of the study of the macro- and microanatomic peculiarities of the structural and morphological components shows that in the esophageal atresia with inferior eso-tracheal fistula concurrently with the macroscopic, histological aspects there are a number of changes with predictive importance on the postoperative period, can be classified into two groups: primary - characterized by histiogenesis disorders at the embryonic stage (fibro-muscular dysplasia, ectopic dysplastic cartilage at esophageal and gastric mucosa, esophagus diets, incomplete esophageal membrane, aganglionosis) and secondary - atrophic-hypertrophic evolution during the fetal stage from 12-13 weeks gestation that varies according to their presence and location (muscle hypertrophy and / or muscle atrophy, vascular varicose ectasis, inflammatory processes, dismutation of nerve structures. The presence of the islets of foveolar gastric mucosa in the distal segment with eso-tracheal fistula may serve as a favorable morphological substrate for the development of the Barett esophagus in patients with esophageal atresia or malignisation, which necessitates an endoscopic evaluation of permanent follow-up

    Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST analysis of Stueckelberg coupled p-form gauge theories

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    The irreducible Hamiltonian BRST symmetry for p-form gauge theories with Stueckelberg coupling is derived. The cornerstone of our approach is represented by the construction of an irreducible theory that is equivalent from the point of view of the BRST formalism with the original system. The equivalence makes permissible the substitution of the BRST quantization of the reducible model by that of the irreducible theory. Our procedure maintains the Lorentz covariance of the irreducible path integral.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Relationship between paraclinick manifestation in patients with bone renal disease

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    Catedra Medicină Internă Nr.1 FP SCMetabolic bone disease develops often in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Effective clinical management includes measures to control phosphorus retention and prevent hyperphosphataemia, to maintain serum calcium concentration within the normal range and to prevent excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion by the judicious use of vitamin D sterols. Hyperphosphataemia thereby contributes to the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism and its skeletal expression, namely osteitis fibrosa, also promotes, together with calcium, the deposition of calcium phosphate crystals in soft tissues, in particular in the vessel wall and in periarticular regions, with potentially dramatic consequeces. The occurrence of such extraskeletal calcifications is favoured by age, exessive intake of calcium, phosphate (protein) and vitamin D. Soft-tissue calcium deposits are now observed with increasing frequency in uraemic patients heaving low to normal serum PTH levels, in the sitting of adinamic bon disease. Tulburările metabolismului mineral şi osos în Insuficienţa Renală Cronică (IRC) ocupă unul din locurile de frunte printre patologiile pacientului dializat. În asociere cu un şir de factori favorizanţi: vârsta, durata aflării la tratament prin hemodializă (HD), patologia de bază ce a dus la dezvoltarea IRC, hiperparatiroidismul secundar, excesul de calciu, fosfaţi (proteină), conţinutul de vitamină D, determină pronosticul maladiei şi caliatea vieţii pacienţilor (4, 5). Toate aceste schimbări provoacă depunerea de cristale de pirofosfat de calciu în ţesuturile moi şi calcificare a pereţilor arteriolelor la pacienţii cu IRC, care în consecinţă duc la sporirea morbidităţii cardiovasculare. Unele metode de tratament al tulburărilor metabolismului fosforului şi calciului au fost reevaluate prin prizma descoperirii complicaţiilor tardive ale tratamentului de lungă durată, în efortul de a reduce şi a preântâmpina efectele nedorite posibile (6). Controlul retenţiei de fosfaţi şi prevenirea hiperfosfatemiei la pacienţii cu IRC este una din punctele strategice al managementului contemporan al dereglărilor metabolismului fosfaţilor, dar uneori insuficientă, în particular restricţiile de fosfaţi obţinută prin dietă hipoproteică (7). Boala renală osoasă (BRO) reprezintă termenul ce defineşte o multitudine de sindroame printre care sunt: osteoporoza, osteomalacia, boala renală aplastică, osteoartropatia amiloidică

    On the generalized Freedman-Townsend model

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    Consistent interactions that can be added to a free, Abelian gauge theory comprising a finite collection of BF models and a finite set of two-form gauge fields (with the Lagrangian action written in first-order form as a sum of Abelian Freedman-Townsend models) are constructed from the deformation of the solution to the master equation based on specific cohomological techniques. Under the hypotheses of smoothness in the coupling constant, locality, Lorentz covariance, and Poincare invariance of the interactions, supplemented with the requirement on the preservation of the number of derivatives on each field with respect to the free theory, we obtain that the deformation procedure modifies the Lagrangian action, the gauge transformations as well as the accompanying algebra. The interacting Lagrangian action contains a generalized version of non-Abelian Freedman-Townsend model. The consistency of interactions to all orders in the coupling constant unfolds certain equations, which are shown to have solutions.Comment: LaTeX, 62 page

    Analysis of power consumption in heterogeneous virtual machine environments

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    Reduction of energy consumption in Cloud computing datacenters today is a hot a research topic, as these consume large amounts of energy. Furthermore, most of the energy is used inefficiently because of the improper usage of computational resources such as CPU, storage and network. A good balance between the computing resources and performed workload is mandatory. In the context of data-intensive applications, a significant portion of energy is consumed just to keep alive virtual machines or to move data around without performing useful computation. Moreover, heterogeneity of resources increases the difficulty degree, when trying to achieve energy efficiency. Power consumption optimization requires identification of those inefficiencies in the underlying system and applications. Based on the relation between server load and energy consumption, we study the efficiency of data-intensive applications, and the penalties, in terms of power consumption, that are introduced by different degrees of heterogeneity of the virtual machines characteristics in a cluster

    Analysis of power consumption in heterogeneous virtual machine environments

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    Reduction of energy consumption in Cloud computing datacenters today is a hot a research topic, as these consume large amounts of energy. Furthermore, most of the energy is used inefficiently because of the improper usage of computational resources such as CPU, storage and network. A good balance between the computing resources and performed workload is mandatory. In the context of data-intensive applications, a significant portion of energy is consumed just to keep alive virtual machines or to move data around without performing useful computation. Moreover, heterogeneity of resources increases the difficulty degree, when trying to achieve energy efficiency. Power consumption optimization requires identification of those inefficiencies in the underlying system and applications. Based on the relation between server load and energy consumption, we study the efficiency of data-intensive applications, and the penalties, in terms of power consumption, that are introduced by different degrees of heterogeneity of the virtual machines characteristics in a cluster

    Adjuvant treatment for elderly patients with colon cancer. An observational study

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    Background: Adjuvant. 5-fluoruracil-based chemotherapysignificantly reduces mortality in. patients with: stage II-III colon cancer, but is less prescribed with rising age. In this study we were interested in the pattern of adjuvant treatment and possible effects on survival among elderly patients. Patients and methods: From January to December 2004, 63 questionnaires on the management of stage II-III resected colon cancer patients aged over 70 years, collected from 10 Italian Centres, were retrospectively examined. Determinants of receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy and their relation to survival were considered. Results: The proportion of elderly patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy was 79.4%, distinct of age, gender, educational level and comorbidities. Grade 3-4 toxicities were the following: haematological in 4 (8.5.%) patients, mucositis in 4 (8.5%), diarrhoea in 2 (4.2%) and nausea in 1 (2.1%). The disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) at two years were 79.9% and 95.6%, respectively. Due to the paucity of events, the impact of prognostic factors (patient's age and comorbidity, tumour stage and grade) on DFS and OS could not be assessed. Conclusion: An increasing proportion of elderly patients with colon cancer may be treated with a tolerability and OS similar to those observed in the younger population. Development of age-based guidelines and increased awareness of both physicians and patients through education is important to prevent undertreatment of those elderly patients who are eligible for chemotherapy