1,428 research outputs found

    Hechos sin literatura

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    La imposibilidad de un espacio no habitado por la literatura es recíproca a la de una literatura que no descanse en los hechos. La transgresión de esta transitividad es lo que lleva a cabo Clarice Lispector en su novela La hora de la estrella. Este artículo pretende mostrar la inmersión de Lispector en la controvertida naturaleza de la ficción, presentando la melancolía como la cualidad que determina la frustración fundamental de cualquier búsqueda literaria.Abstract: The impossibility of space not being inhabited by literature corresponds to that of literature not resting on facts. The transgression of this transitivity is carried out by Clarice Lispector’s The Hour of the Star. This paper intends to show Lispector’s immersion in the controversial nature of fiction, depicting melancholy as the quality that determines the fundamental frustration of any literary search

    The Estate Must Be Protected! Work and the Necessity of Restraint in Roa Bárcena’s \u3ci\u3eLa quinta modelo\u3c/i\u3e (1857)

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    Left to his own devices, man succumbs to vagrancy, idleness and, ultimately, death. That is the lesson that lies behind the political parody and moralizing polemic that is La quinta modelo (1857), a novel penned by Mexican Catholic writer José María Roa Bárcena (1827- 1908). Written in the eve of the Reform War (1857-1861), La quinta modelo staged the confrontation between a traditional and providential order, and what it considered the foreign and dangerous idealism of Mexican liberals in the domestic space of an hacendado family. Published in the Mexico City press of the time, the novel served not only as a cautionary tale of the dangers of the political and constitutional platform of the Partido Liberal, which had come to power after the Revolution of Ayutla (1854-1855), but also as a condemnation of what Roa Bárcena foresaw as an imminant and dangerous war.

    Strategic minerals exploration in the central andes: sustainable sources of raw materials for green technologies

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    Securing a sustainable supply of critical raw materials such as In, Ge, and Ga has become a global concern in recent years. These elements are essential for the manufacture of modern digital and green technologies. The central-Andean metallogenetic belts in Peru bear potential for strategic metal/metalloid resources in some of the great variety of magmatic-hydrothermal and other hydrothermal mineral deposits they host. This doctoral thesis aims to provide a detailed survey on the ore mineralogy and mineral geochemistry at different metalliferous districts in the Central Andes of Peru, including constraints on the temporal and spatial distributions of trace elements with particular focus on In, Ge, and Ga. This contribution also expects a better understanding regarding the geochemical behavior of In, Ge, and Ga during magmatic-hydrothermal and other hydrothermal processes, as well as the metallogenetic preference of each of these elements, contributing to the development of exploration guidelines. In general, the highest In, Ge, and Ga contents are found in sphalerite. Amongst analyzed samples, sphalerite is particularly rich in In in low-sulfidation assemblages in Cordilleran mineralization (up to 1.7 wt.% in Ayawilca); however, in the Morococha district, the highest In values are found in sphalerite from high-sulfidation assemblages (up to 1456 ppm), followed by sphalerite from low-sulfidation assemblages (up to 459 ppm in the Manto Italia body), whereas in intermediate-sulfidation assemblages its content is highly variable. The highest Ga contents are recorded in sphalerite from epithermal veins overprinting the Toromocho porphyry (up to 1739 ppm). Sphalerite from MVT deposits is remarkably Ge-rich, with values up to 1861 ppm in the San Vicente deposit. Chalcopyrite (up to 1185 ppm In in the Ayawilca deposit) and stannite (up to 1908 ppm in the Ayawilca deposit) can also host significant In contents. Tetrahedrite-tennantite samples from intermediate-sulfidation assemblages in the Morococha district occasionally host significant Ge contents (up to 266 ppm); however, values are in general low. In analyzed galena In, Ge, and Ga contents are mostly at the sub-ppm level. In sphalerite, In, Ge, and Ga are incorporated into the crystal lattice via coupled substitutions. Substitution schemes for the incorporation of In, Ge, and Ga in the other analyzed ore minerals remain unclear. Some spatial and temporal trends in In, Ge, and Ga contents, mostly in sphalerite, have been observed. In intermediate-sulfidation assemblages from the Morococha district, sphalerite shows continuous In and Cu depletion from proximal-to-porphyry Cu metalliferous zone to distal-to-porphyry Ag-Pb metalliferous zone, and within single sampled orebodies, sphalerite records In depletion and Ge enrichment from early to late generations. These observations have led to the conclusion that in porphyry-related polymetallic mineralization, the distribution of In in sphalerite is controlled by i) sourcing of In via metal-rich magmatic-hydrothermal fluids; ii) a relatively high availability of Cu in the mineral system; iii) a relatively high temperature of the mineralizing fluid (> 250ºC) or low pH favoring the stability Cl complexes, and iv) availability of Cl to form In (and Cu) chloride complexes. Chalcopyrite from intermediate-sulfidation assemblages in the Morococha district shows a trend toward Se and Hg depletion and Sn and Ag enrichment from proximal to distal orebodies. As for VMS deposits, in the Sofía-D zone-refined massive sulfide body in the María Teresa deposit, there is a progressive enrichment in In, Cu, Mn, and Se and a depletion in Ge in sphalerite towards the chalcopyrite-rich basal domain. Finally, in the San Vicente and Shallipayco MVT deposits, Ge-richest sphalerite, which shows bright orange and yellow colors, crystalized relatively late in the respective paragenetic sequences.Asegurar un suministro sostenible de materias primas críticas como el indio, el germanio y el galio se ha convertido en un interés global en los últimos años. Estos elementos son esenciales para la fabricación de tecnologías digitales modernas y limpias. Los cinturones metalogenéticos del área centro-Andina del Perú tienen un gran potencial para albergar importantes recursos de metales/metaloides estratégicos debido a la gran variedad de depósitos magmático-hidrotermales y otros depósitos hidrotermales que alojan. Esta tesis doctoral tiene por finalidad proporcionar un estudio detallado sobre la mineralogía y la geoquímica mineral de menas en diferentes distritos metalíferos en los Andes Centrales del Perú, incluyendo la definición de la distribución temporal y espacial de elementos traza con un enfoque particular en In, Ge y Ga. El presente aporte también espera una mejor comprensión respecto al comportamiento geoquímico del In, Ge y Ga durante los procesos magmático-hidrotermales y otros procesos hidrotermales, así como la preferencia metalogenética de cada uno de estos elementos, permitiendo el desarrollo de posibles guías de exploración. En general, los contenidos más altos de In, Ge y Ga se encuentran en la esfalerita. De las muestras analizadas, la esfalerita es particularmente rica en In en ensambles de baja sulfuración en mineralización Cordillerana (hasta 1,7% wt.% en Ayawilca). Sin embargo, en el distrito de Morococha, los valores más altos de In se encuentran en la esfalerita de ensambles de alta sulfuración (hasta 1456 ppm), seguida de la esfalerita de ensambles de baja sulfuración (hasta 459 ppm en el cuerpo de Manto Italia), mientras que en ensambles de sulfuración intermedia su contenido es muy variable. Los mayores contenidos de Ga se registran en esfalerita de vetas epitermales que sobreimprimen el pórfido de Toromocho (hasta 1739 ppm). La esfalerita de depósitos MVT es notablemente rica en Ge, con valores de hasta 1861 ppm en el depósito San Vicente y de hasta 1119 ppm en el depósito Shallipayco. La calcopirita (hasta 1185 ppm de In en el depósito de Ayawilca) y la estannita (hasta 1908 ppm en el depósito de Ayawilca) también pueden albergar contenidos importantes de In. La tetraedrita y tennantita provenientes de ensambles de sulfuración intermedia en el distrito de Morococha alberga ocasionalmente contenidos significativos de Ge (hasta 266 ppm); sin embargo, los valores son en general bajos. En la galena analizada, los contenidos de In, Ge y Ga son principalmente a nivel de sub-ppm. En la esfalerita, el In, Ge y Ga se incorporan a la red cristalina mediante sustituciones acoplada. Los esquemas de sustitución para la incorporación de In, Ge y Ga en los otros minerales analizados siguen sin poder ser definidos de forma clara. Se han observado algunas tendencias espaciales y temporales en los contenidos de In, Ge y Ga, principalmente en esfalerita. En ensambles de sulfuración intermedia del distrito de Morococha, la esfalerita muestra un empobrecimiento continuo en In y Cu desde la zona metalífera de Cu, proximal al pórfido, hasta la zona metalífera de Ag-Pb, distal al pórfido. Dentro de algunos cuerpos minerales en particular, la esfalerita también registra un empobrecimiento en In y Cu y enriquecimiento en Ge desde generaciones tempranas a tardías. Estas observaciones han permitido concluir que en mineralizaciones polimetálicas en sistemas de pórfido Cu(-Mo), la distribución de In en la esfalerita está controlada por i) el suministro de In a través de fluidos magmático-hidrotermales ricos en metales; ii) una disponibilidad relativamente alta de Cu en el sistema mineral; iii) una temperatura relativamente alta del fluido mineralizante (> 250ºC) o pH bajo favoreciendo la estabilidad de los complejos de Cl, y iv) disponibilidad de Cl para formar complejos clorurados de In y Cu. La calcopirita de ensambles de sulfuración intermedia en el distrito de Morococha muestra un empobrecimiento de Se y Hg y un enriquecimiento de Sn y Ag desde cuerpos minerales proximales a distales en relación al pórfido. En cuanto a los depósitos VMS, en el cuerpo de sulfuro masivo en la zona-refinada de Sofía-D del depósito María Teresa, se produce un enriquecimiento progresivo en In, Cu, Mn, Se y un empobrecimiento en Ge en la esfalerita hacia el dominio basal, rico en calcopirita. Finalmente, en los depósitos MVT de San Vicente y Shallipayco, la esfalerita más rica en Ge, que se caracteriza por colores de cristal naranja y amarillo, cristalizó relativamente tarde en las respectivas secuencias paragenéticas

    The Border is Their Public Swimming Pool

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    This article extends the metaphor at the heart of The Sum of Us - the decline of the public swimming pool in the U.S. - to discuss the political landscape of the US-Mexico border. The author argues that anti-immigrant whites residing on the border are so invested in white supremacy that they subscribe to an anti-immigrant politic that does not serve them. The article calls attention to society’s collective investment in white supremacy by highlighting the cost of this investment on migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border


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    The zebrafish early embryo acquires a general capability for apoptosis as a consequence of passage through the maternal-zygotic transition, the time that marks the beginning of zygotic transcription and the degradation of inherited maternal factors. We describe in detail the origin and regulation of the programmed cell death machinery found in the zebrafish early embryo. To elicit an apoptotic response from zebrafish early embryos, gastrulating germ-ring stage embryos were chronically exposed to the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Chronic exposure of germ-ring stage embryos to cycloheximide resulted in the rapid activation of an apoptotic response by the embryos, which was evident by the presence of extensive DNA fragmentation, chromatin condensation, and caspase-3 activation. Zebrafish eggs synchronously die if attempted fertilization is unsuccessful. The lack of fertilization results in the elimination of the eggs through apoptosis within eight hours, a time equivalent to mid-gastrulation in fertilized control embryos. The presence of extensive cytoplasmic fragmentation and the activation of caspase-3 by the egg provides evidence that the death is apoptotic. In addition, if 64-cell stage embryos are chronically exposed to cycloheximide, the embryo enters cell cycle arrest, and fails to undergo classical apoptosis, yet dies via a caspase-3 mediated type of secondary necrosis within five hours, a time equivalent to mid-gastrulation in control embryos. The data reported here generate support for the hypothesis that the zebrafish egg is supplied with the machinery for apoptosis prior to fertilization, and that if fertilization occurs, the formation of the zygote state activates an inhibition of the apoptotic machinery that persists until mid-gastrulation. These maternal inhibitors are effective at preventing classical apoptosis until the embryo reaches the maternal-zygotic transition. Once the maternal-zygotic transition begins, the embryo regains the ability to undergo classical apoptosis as demonstrated by the apoptotic death of germ-ring stage embryos upon exposure to cycloheximide. These results lead us to believe that post-maternal-zygotic transition embryos have the capability to initiate activation of the apoptotic response without the need for de novo protein synthesis. Taken together, our data reveal an elaborate mechanism of cell suicide, which has its roots in the unfertilized egg

    Processing-property-structure relationships of carbonaceous materials derived from renewable lignin products

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    Efforts to effectively use lignin, a by-product of paper and biofuels production, have been carried out for several decades. This renewable resource has potential for use as a carbonaceous material due to its aromatic structure and high carbon content, reminiscent of graphite. The search for new carbon-based materials is extremely active, because they are necessary components in many applications, such as energy storage, electronics, catalysis, and lubricants. Traditional carbon-based materials are derived or mined from petroleum or coal, thus, contributing to pollution, national security risks, and anthropogenic climate change. Lignin, a carbon-rich component found in the tissues of vascular plants, is commercially available as a waste product from pulp and biofuels industries. The main processing stages involved in converting raw lignin into a viable product are lignin extraction, carbonization treatments, physiochemical characterization, and application testing. Lignin is a complex amorphous macromolecule difficult to predict and these studies attempt to identify its processing-structure-property relationships. Due to the tremendous growth in demand for graphite, the United States is stimulating research efforts to produce and synthesize an alternate material. The first part of this study involved processing kraft softwood lignin to make lignin-based anodes for low-cost, high-efficiency lithium-carbon batteries. The processing variables under investigation included the presence, temperature, and duration of thermal stabilization, pyrolysis, and reduction. Materials were characterized at the atomic- and micro-scales. Under optimal processing conditions, a coin cell with a lignin-based anode demonstrated capacity superior to the theoretical maximum capacity of 372 mAh/g [miliampere hour per grams] for graphite. The second part of this study consisted on understanding structural relationships between green lignin feedstock and the resulting carbon composites, via a suite of characterization techniques. Small angle neutron scattering experiments were performed to understand and visualize structural orientation of green lignin fibers. Raman spectroscopy provided insight of the high degree of ordering and disorder of graphitic structure from carbonized fibers. Moreover, different types of lignin helped predict structural relationships between lignin sources, extraction methods, such as kraft and organosolv, and processing. These relationships dictate the resulting carbon structure, its mechanical properties, and its suitability for specific applications


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    El Mono fue un semanario mexicano conservador que, en 1833, atacó consistentemente el gobierno liberal de Valentín Gómez Farías. A partir de un modo satírico que tomó de una novela italiana, El Mono criticó los cimientos de la política liberal: la soberanía popular, la opinión pública y la acción política. Sus editores insistieron que la política liberal no respondía a la razón, sino a vicios privados. Por ello, los únicos basamentos estables para la sociedad debían ser la moral, la tradición y la costumbre. Este trabajo muestra cómo esta crítica dependió del uso de la sátira juvenaliana. ABSTRACT El Mono was a short-lived conservative satirical newspaper in Mexico that, in 1833, consistently attacked the liberal government of Valentín Gómez Farías. Sustained by a mode of satire that it drew from an Italian 1749 satirical novel, El Mono’s editors undermined the conceptual foundations of liberal politics: popular sovereignty, public opinion and political action. Ultimately, for the editors, liberal politics responded neither to logic nor rational ideas, but to private vices. Thus, they held that the only stable grounds for society was morality, tradition and custom. This paper shows how this critique was developed through the use of Juvenalian satire

    The «state of the art» in Chile

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    La autora presenta una semblanza del estado en que se encuentra la gestión cultural en Chile. Para ello, incide en dos de los problemas fundamentales que caracterizan y lastran este ámbito: por un lado, las grandes diferencias sociales que se constatan en el país andino y, por otro, la concentración y centralización de los recursos en determinados territorios.The author presents a biographical sketch of the state of cultural management in Chile. To do this, she stresses two of the fundamental problems that characterise and create obstacles in this field: on one hand, the huge social differences that exist in this Andean country, and on the other hand, the concentration and centralization of resources in determined regions