182 research outputs found

    Beyond legislation: genuine change in the interaction between victims of sexual crimes and the criminal law system

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    This article examines the changes in the encounter between sexual assault victims and representatives of the law enforcement and judicial systems in Israel as perceived by workers and volunteers of the sexual assault crisis centres. After more than four decades of action in legal contexts—from spurring legislation changes, through the training of professionals within the legal system, up to escorting victims—it is still hard to find studies describing any change beyond legislation and procedures in the forms that this encounter assumes in Israel and in the world. For the purpose of the study, this interaction was separated from the other aspects of the procedure, observed in depth and, with the interviewees’ help, broken down into its relevant components. Data gathered and processed using quantitative and qualitative methods show that, according to the impression of the critical and experienced interviewees, representatives of the legal system truly did endeavour during the first decade of the second millennium to provide the victims better conditions than in the past, encouraging them to speak out in the criminal proceedings. As a possible background for the changes in the interpersonal encounter, the article suggests focusing on two mutually related processes, historical but also ongoing. The first is a change in the modes of thought and action in the crises centres that dealt with this matter and promoted specific changes in the interpersonal encounter. The second process is reflected in the way that legislators chose to intervene in the interpersonal encounters through four sections in the Rights of Victims of Crime Law. These processes influenced one another and still largely accompany the developments in this sphere, teaching important lessons about change in systems not easily amenable to it

    Saffron (Crocus sativus L.), a monomorphic or polymorphic species?

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    Morphology, anatomy and germination response of heteromorphic achenes of Anthemis chrysantha J. Gay (Asteraceae), a critically endangered species

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    [EN] This study demonstrates that Anthemis chrysantha, a 'Critically Endangered' annual plant, produces two morphs of achenes: white and dark achenes, which differ in size, mass, anatomy and germination behaviour. Fresh white achenes germinated at all temperatures assayed from 10 to 25 degrees C in both continuous darkness and 12-h photoperiod, ranging between 24% at 25 degrees C in darkness and 89% at 12/20 degrees C in light, whereas fresh dark achenes did not germinate under any temperature or light conditions. To identify differences in dormancy type between the two morphs, germination of dry-stored achenes, and achenes stratified at 5 or 25 degrees C for 2 months were tested in both darkness and light at 5, 15 and 12/20 degrees C for dry-stored and warm-stratified (25 degrees C) achenes; and at 15, 25 and 12/20 degrees C for cold-stratified (5 degrees C) achenes. Of the white achenes, 90% germinated during the cold stratification period. In general, dry storage and warm stratification did not increase germination compared to fresh achenes. However, dark achenes did not germinate under any conditions. Dark achene dormancy was only broken by mechanical scarification or by excising the embryo (germination reached 71%). An anatomical study showed that the mesocarp of dark achenes had no intercellular spaces and was much thicker and stronger than that of white achenes, making the entry of water difficult, and also preventing germination by mechanical restriction. This study demonstrated that dormancy in the dark achenes is likely caused by the thickness of their pericarp, physically impeding germination and hampering imbibition of water.This work was financed by the Consejeria de Agricultura y Agua de la Comunidad Autonoma de la Region de Murcia and the Fundacion Seneca de la Region de Murcia (Project 1186/PI/09).Aguado, M.; Martinez-Sanchez, JJ.; Reig Armiñana, J.; García Breijo, FJ.; Franco, JA.; Vicente, MJ. (2011). Morphology, anatomy and germination response of heteromorphic achenes of Anthemis chrysantha J. Gay (Asteraceae), a critically endangered species. Seed Science Research. 21(4):283-294. doi:10.1017/S0960258511000183S28329421

    Structure, attachment properties, and ecological importance of the attachment system of English ivy (Hedera helix)

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    Root climbers such as English ivy (Hedera helix) rely on specialized adventitious roots for attachment, enabling the plants to climb on a wide range of natural and artificial substrates. Despite their importance for the climbing habit, the biomechanical properties of these specialized adventitious roots compared with standard roots and their performance in the attachment to different host species or inert substrates have not been studied. Here organs and tissues involved in the attachment are characterized and their significance in regard to a broader functional and ecological aspect is discussed. Depending on the substrate, the root clusters show different types of failure modes at various frequencies, demonstrating the close interaction between the climber and its substrates. With a Young’s Modulus of 109.2 MPa, the attachment roots are relatively stiff for non-woody roots. The central cylinders of the attachment roots show a high tensile strength of 38 MPa and a very high extensibility of 34%. In host trees naturally co-distributed with English ivy, a ‘balanced’ occurrence of failure of the attachment system of the climber and the bark of the host is found, suggesting a co-evolution of climber and host. Maximum loads of root clusters normalized by the number of roots match those of individually tested attachment roots. In comparison with most subterranean roots the properties and structure of the attachment roots of English ivy show distinct differences. There exist similarities to the properties found for roots of Galium aparine, suggesting a trend in not fully self-supporting plants towards a higher extensibility

    Red Lustrous Wheelmade ware: analysis of organic residues in Late Bronze Age trade and storage vessels from the eastern Mediterranean

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    YesTransport and storage vessels in Red Lustrous Wheelmade ware (RLWm ware) were traded across a large area of the eastern Mediterranean for approximately 300 years (c. 1500–1200 BCE) during the Late Bronze Age (c.1600–1000 BCE). The extreme consistency of the ceramic, in form, fabric, chemistry and mineralogy, points to a single production source for the ware, which, although no kiln sites have been identified, is generally accepted to have been on Cyprus. The aim of this study was to determine whether organic residues were present in this very fine, dense ware, and to characterise the contents of RLWm ware vessels from different sites, contexts and periods, and of different forms, to improve our understanding of the trade in this ceramic type. To that end, 101 RLWm ware sherds, together with three visible residues, were examined from sites in Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt and Syria. Residues were identified in more than half of the samples, indicating that organic material is absorbed into and preserved in this very fine fabric. Four commodities were identified: fat (probably plant oil), which in four residues was identified further as castor oil; beeswax; bitumen; and Pinaceae spp. resin. The commodities were found alone or, occasionally, one of the latter three was combined with the fat or oil. Fatty material was the only commodity present at all sites and its wide distribution may indicate that generally the vessels were used for a mixture or mixtures based on plant oils, in some cases containing castor oil. It was impossible to determine whether the beeswax, bitumen and resin formed part of this mixture or represented post-firing treatments of the ceramic to make it less porous. The identification of more than one type of residue indicates that RLWm ware vessels did not always contain the same commodity. No significant correlation could be detected between the vessel forms, and the dating of many of the sherds was not precise enough to reveal any variation through time. The type of residue present did vary depending on the geographical location of its final use. Beeswax was, with two exceptions, only present in samples from Turkey, while bitumen was found exclusively in samples from Cypriot sites. The occurrence of at least one example of every commodity in the samples from Cyprus is consistent with the theory that this ware was manufactured on Cyprus, and indicates that the vessels could also have been filled and exported from there. The variation in content of the vessels found in different geographical areas could highlight a special trading relationship between the Hittite heartland in Turkey and the Cypriot potters who produced the ware, and a possible trade in bitumen as a raw material between the north Syrian coastal area of Ugarit and Cyprus.This research was funded by an AHRC PhD studentship (number 110786), awarded to V. Steele

    Chromophores in Photomorphogenesis

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    The Prevention of Nuisances in Israel

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