75 research outputs found

    Educating the Ontological Model of Intellectual Capital Devel-opment Using the Method “Categorial Series”

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    The development of intellectual capital at the macro- and mesoscale is the main tool for the transition of the economy to a progressive sixth technological mode, and at the level of an individual organization it ensures its stable position and high competitiveness in the market. However, training and educating its applications are of a great importance. A prerequisite for an effective implementation of this process is the formation of a systemic idea about the phenomenon of intellectual capital, the composition of its elements, the sequence of stages and the necessary conditions for its formation. To solve this problem, the article proposes to use a categorical-system methodology, in particular, the method of “categorical series”. Using the method, the analysis and a comprehensive description of intellectual capital development within the categories of the subject area is performed. The main characteristics of cognitive activity at various stages of intellectual capital development are determined. An ontological model of intellectual capital, which is based on the comparison of concept pairs in accordance with the nature of the contradictions developing between them, is proposed. Application of the model makes it possible to determine some promising areas for the development of intellectual capital, taking into account available resources, as well as to formulate the requirements for the composition of resources to obtain a certain type of intellectual capital. A further prospect of the obtained model use is the development of a full-fledged scientific theory of intellectual capital, including, in addition to its constituent element description, the determination of their formation stage sequence and the mechanism of their interaction. The use of this theory will make it possible to implement effective managerial influences on intellectual capital in order to increase the level of its systemic and organizational complexity. The presented results can be applied in legislative activity and in the development of program documents of the Government and the constituent entities of the Federation aimed at the Russian economy change

    Educar el modelo ontológico del desarrollo del capital in-telectual utilizando el método "Serie categórica"

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    The development of intellectual capital at the macro- and mesoscale is the main tool for the transition of the economy to a progressive sixth technological mode, and at the level of an individual organization it ensures its stable position and high competitiveness in the market. However, training and educating its applications are of a great importance. A prerequisite for an effective implementation of this process is the formation of a systemic idea about the phenomenon of intellectual capital, the composition of its elements, the sequence of stages and the necessary conditions for its formation. To solve this problem, the article proposes to use a categorical-system methodology, in particular, the method of “categorical series”. Using the method, the analysis and a comprehensive description of intellectual capital development within the categories of the subject area is performed. The main characteristics of cognitive activity at various stages of intellectual capital development are determined. An ontological model of intellectual capital, which is based on the comparison of concept pairs in accordance with the nature of the contradictions developing between them, is proposed. Application of the model makes it possible to determine some promising areas for the development of intellectual capital, taking into account available resources, as well as to formulate the requirements for the composition of resources to obtain a certain type of intellectual capital. A further prospect of the obtained model use is the development of a full-fledged scientific theory of intellectual capital, including, in addition to its constituent element description, the determination of their formation stage sequence and the mechanism of their interaction. The use of this theory will make it possible to implement effective managerial influences on intellectual capital in order to increase the level of its systemic and organizational complexity. The presented results can be applied in legislative activity and in the development of program documents of the Government and the constituent entities of the Federation aimed at the Russian economy change.El desarrollo del capital intelectual a escala macro y mesoescala es la herramienta principal para la transición de la economía a un sexto modo tecnológico progresivo, y al nivel de una organización individual asegura su posición estable y alta competitividad en el mercado. Sin embargo, la capacitación y educación de sus aplicaciones son de gran importancia. Un requisito previo para una implementación efectiva de este proceso es la formación de una idea sistémica sobre el fenómeno del capital intelectual, la composición de sus elementos, la secuencia de etapas y las condiciones necesarias para su formación. Para resolver este problema, el artículo propone utilizar una metodología de sistema categórico, en particular, el método de "series categóricas". Utilizando el método, se realiza el análisis y una descripción completa del desarrollo del capital intelectual dentro de las categorías del área temática. Se determinan las principales características de la actividad cognitiva en diversas etapas del desarrollo del capital intelectual. Se propone un modelo ontológico de capital intelectual, que se basa en la comparación de pares de conceptos de acuerdo con la naturaleza de las contradicciones que se desarrollan entre ellos. La aplicación del modelo permite determinar algunas áreas prometedoras para el desarrollo del capital intelectual, teniendo en cuenta los recursos disponibles, así como para formular los requisitos para la composición de los recursos para obtener un cierto tipo de capital intelectual. Otra posibilidad del uso del modelo obtenido es el desarrollo de una teoría científica completa del capital intelectual, que incluya, además de la descripción de su elemento constituyente, la determinación de su secuencia de etapa de formación y el mecanismo de su interacción. El uso de esta teoría permitirá implementar influencias gerenciales efectivas en el capital intelectual para aumentar el nivel de su complejidad sistémica y organizacional. Los resultados presentados pueden aplicarse en la actividad legislativa y en el desarrollo de documentos de programas del Gobierno y las entidades constitutivas de la Federación dirigidos al cambio de la economía rusa


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    Many garden chrysanthemums bred across the world are not fully winter hardy. Many are damaged by fungal diseases due to a high humidity and are late flowering. This makes them unsuitable for general commercial marketing. Since 2000 we have been conducting a breeding program using natural species of the genus Chrysanthemum that are adapted to the local conditions. The strategy of breeding adaptive hybrids and varieties of chrysanthemum native to Russia was proposed based on their biological, genetic peculiarities and natural resources of Chrysanthemum with the use of interspecific hybridization. Research objects are the first generations of interspecific hyb rids of F1 obtained previously by the author as a result of the hybridization of varieties and wild species of Chrysanthemum. Derived from different species and varieties, F1 hybrids were crossed among themselves to obtain the multicomponent F2 progeny. F2 seedlings with winter hardiness, resistance to Puccinia horiana Henn. and early flowering were used in closely related crosses. The offspring of F3 from closely related crosses were also assessed and selected according to adaptive and decorative characteristics. Inclusion in the selection process of various sources of winter hardiness and resistance to P. horiana allowed positive characteristics to be increased in F2 and to be revealed in F3. Adaptive signs of the wild species Chrysanthemum naktongense Nakai, C. coreanum (H. Lév. et Vaniot) Nakai, C. zawadzkii var. tenuisectum Kitag., C. leiophyllum Nakai, and C. zawadzkii subsp. acutilobum (DC.) Kitag., which have formed and fixed during evolution, were inherited and manifested in offspring of the multicomponent hybrids and the closely related crosses. Promising interspecific forms with biological signs determining the possibility of growing in extreme conditions of the subregion were selected

    Interspecific hybrids of some East Asian representatives of the genus Chrysanthemum L. and analysis of their sustainability

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    The garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) is a highly demanded autumn flowering culture for parks and gardens and as cut flowers and has long, abundant and colorful flowering. The lack of winter-hardy and season-adequate flowering cultivars and poor resistance to diseases limit its distribution in most regions of Russia. The development of new plant-breeding material by artificial interspecific hybridization able to combine valuable traits of different Chrysanthemum species in a single organism is therefore of importance. Reciprocal crossing has been conducted between the species of the Manchurian (C. chanetii H. Lév., C. coreanum (H. Lév. et Vaniot) Nakai, C. maximoviczii Kom., C. naktongense Nakai, C. zawadskii subsp. acutilobum (DC.) Kitag., C. tenuisectum Kitag., C. zawadskii subsp. latilobum (Maxim.) Kitag., C. leiophyllum Nakai), Mongolian-Siberian (C. mongolicum Y. Ling, C. zawadskii Herbich) flora and interspecific hybrid forms with the involvement of subtropical Chrysanthemum species. Crossing and backcrossing of species with identical numbers of chromosomes (hexaploid × hexaploid, 2n = 54 and tetraploid × tetraploid, 2n = 36) were easy. Tetraploids × hexaploids showed good compatibility. Diploids (2n = 18) are not always compatible between themselves and are partly compatible with hexaploids. Interspecific hybrids in the first generation (F1) were characterized by phenotypic uniformity with intermediate inheritance or predominance of traits of the highploidy parent and differed in hybrid power, intensity of emergent rhizomes and complex of adaptive qualities. Multicomponent interspecific hybrids have been obtained from combinations of crossing, consisting of three different components. The selected highly decorative interspecific and multicomponent forms have promise for planting of greenery and serve as complex sources of adaptiveness for the development of garden chrysanthemum native to Russia

    The novel circular RNA CircMef2c is positively associated with muscle growth in Nile tilapia

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    Muscle growth in teleosts is a complex biological process orchestrated by numerous protein-coding genes and non-coding RNAs. A few recent studies suggest that circRNAs are involved in teleost myogenesis, but the molecular networks involved remain poorly understood. In this study, an integrative omics approach was used to determine myogenic circRNAs in Nile tilapia by quantifying and comparing the expression profile of mRNAs, miRNAs, and circRNAs in fast muscle from full-sib fish with distinct growth rates. There were 1947 mRNAs, 9 miRNAs, and 4 circRNAs differentially expressed between fast- and slow-growing individuals. These miRNAs can regulate myogenic genes and have binding sites for the novel circRNA circMef2c. Our data indicate that circMef2c may interact with three miRNAs and 65 differentially expressed mRNAs to form multiple competing endogenous RNA networks that regulate growth, thus providing novel insights into the role of circRNAs in the regulation of muscle growth in teleosts.publishedVersio


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    Abstract from a conference report published in Aquaculture Journal. Report on the 6th Genomics in Aquaculture (GIA) Symposium Held in Granada, Spain, 4–6 May 2022.acceptedVersio

    The mitochondrial gene order and CYTB gene evolution in insects

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    Over millions of years of evolution, the genomes of modern insects have accumulated a significant number of mutations, which often can lead up a blind alley when carrying out phylogenetic research. Genomic differences between some representatives belonging to the same family or group are often so great that they demand using nonconventional methods of the phylogenetic analysis. It is known that molecular evolution goes by the way of not only single nucleotide substitutions, but also by larger genomic reorganizations, such as insertion or deletion of large genome fragments, and even changing the order of genes. Mitochondrial DNA genes (mtDNA) are quite often used as markers for phylogenetic research into many organisms including arthropods, because mtDNA is multicopied, is inherited maternally, does not undergo recombination and accumulates mutations quickly enough (relative to the nuclear genome). To date, a large number of full nucleotide sequences of mitogenomes (thousands of organisms) has been deposited in public databases; however, their phylogenetic analysis has obstacles, especially for representatives of the insects (Insecta), whose evolution takes a considerable part of geological time. In this work we describe the application and a comparison of two ways of the phylogenetic analysis for different groups of insects. The first method uses the variability of the nucleotide sequence of mtDNA, and the second one analyses the order of genes in full mitochondrial genomes of insects that can be used as an additional marker in phylogenetic research into representatives of the order Hymenoptera