8 research outputs found

    The Use of Local Malay and Woirata in Social Media

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    Investigating The Shear Behaviour of Hard Points on Honeycomb Sandwich Panels / Nazarrudin Abdullah Ramdzam and Jamaluddin Mahmud

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    Honeycomb sandwich panels which act as the main structure of UiTM solar car, namely Stingray, are exposed to the localize load due to the weight of the handling system components attached to it. Therefore, hard points were introduced to strengthen the structure. Nevertheless, studies pertaining to the shear behaviour of hard points have not been well established. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the shear behaviour of hard points on honeycomb sandwich panels due to variations of potting agent volume. The samples, which are panels with hard points were fabricated with variations of potting agent volume (1ml, 2ml and 3ml). Apart from that, panels with hard points made of commercial metal insert (NAS1834) were also fabricated for benchmarking purposes. Shear tests were conducted on the samples to observe the failure mode, where the procedure was based on a published work. Stress-strain diagrams were plotted to determine the Modulus of Rigidity, Gave,1ml, Gave,2ml, Gave,3ml and Gave,NAS1834 and shear strength (the maximum load which the panel could withstand). As an alternative solution, finite element analysis was performed for the same specification. Initially, the panels with hard points were modelled using SOLIDWORKS and then assembled in CATIA. A commercial finite element analysis software, HyperWorks, was used to simulate the deformation behaviour of the panels under shear, according to the conducted tests set up. The experiments results are found to produce similar curves trend to other researchers. The simulated results for shear properties were compared with all the samples from physical tests. In general, the results show that the shear strength of the panels could be increased by increasing the volume of the potting agent. The panels with hard points with 3ml of potting agent volume have the highest shear strength as compared to the other three variations. It can be concluded that the research related to the application of the hard points on the solar car is important and found to be very useful for improving the next UiTM Eco-Photon solar car

    Sanksi hukum terhadap buruknya pelayanan bagi penumpang bus patas menurut Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan perspektif konsep ta'zir dalam Islam

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    INDONESIA: Usaha jasa transportasi merupakan sektor bisnis profit yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan Nasional dan kegiatan masyarakat luas, khususnya dalam perkembangan ekonomi. Namun, terkadang bisnis tersebut tidak sepenuhnya mewujudkan pelayanan terbaik bagi penumpang sebagai pengguna jasa yang seharusnya bisa diakomodasi dengan baik oleh pihak pengusaha jasa. Sebagai contoh dalam hal ini misalnya pengusaha jasa bus patas sering kali tidak memperhatikan secara baik untuk memenuhi hak dan kewajiban dari kedua belah pihak, baik pengusaha jasa maupun penumpang. Adapun kasus-kasus yang terjadi seperti pengemudi sering tidak mengenakan sabuk pengaman, ugal-ugalan, dan fasilitas tidak sepenuhnya ada. Kasus-kasus pelanggaran yang ditemukan tersebut seharusnya mendapatkan tindakan hukum yang tegas berupa sanksi hukum yang berfungsi untuk mengatur dan menghukum bagi pengusaha jasa transportasi yang tidak menaati peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Maka dari itu penelitian ini, terdapat rumusan masalah, yaitu: 1) bagaimana sanksi hukum buruknya pelayanan bus patas menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu-Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan? 2) bagaimana sanksi hukum dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu-Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan Prespektif Konsep Ta’zir dalam Islam? Sedangkan penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian hukum normatif. Adapun pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah beberapa bahan analisis sebagai pedoman dalam mengolah data bahan skripsi. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, bahwa sanksi hukum peraturan perundang- undangan yang berlaku untuk mengatur transportasi khususnya pelayanan penumpang bus patas tidak berjalan dengan baik sehingga menimbulkan ketidak-adilan bagi penumpang sebagai pengguna jasa serta pelanggaran selalu terjadi berkelanjutan. Sanksi hukum oleh Undang- Undang tersebut sesuai dengan konsep ta’zir dalam Islam yang identik dengan kriteria hukuman Ta’zir tersebut. Masalah lain adalah pengawasan oleh pejabat berwenang juga tidak begitu efektif dalam menegakkan hukum untuk mencapai keadilan bagi semua penumpang. Selayaknya peraturan perundang-undangan bisa memberikan efek positif dalam mengatur dan menegakkan hukum. ENGLISH: Transportation services business is a profit business sector is very important in national development and the wider community activities, especially in economic development. However, sometimes these businesses do not fully realize the best service for the passengers as service users who should be well accommodated by the employer services. For example in this regard entrepreneurs example executives bus services often do not pay attention well to fulfill the rights and obligations of both parties, both employers and passenger services. As for the cases that occurred as the driver often does not wear a seatbelt, reckless, and the facility is not fully there. Violation cases are found they should be getting strict legal action in the form of legal sanction that serves to regulate and punish the transport services for employers who do not comply with the legislation in force. Therefore this research, there is a formulation of the problem, namely: 1) how bad the legal sanction executive bus services according to Law Number 22 Year 2009 on Traffic and Transportation? 2) how the sanctions law in the Law No. 22 Year 2009 on Traffic and Transportation Perspective Ta'zir concept in Islam? While this study belong to the normative legal research. The approach in this study is the approach to legislation. Methods of data analysis are some of the materials used as a guide in the analysis of process data thesis material. The results of this study is, that the law sanctions laws and regulations that apply specifically to arrange transport executive bus passenger services are not running properly, causing injustice to passengers as service users as well as ongoing violations always occur. Legal sanctions by the Act in accordance with the concept of the Islamic ta'zir identical with the Ta'zir penalty criteria. Another problem is the supervision of the authorities is also not very effective in enforcing the law to achieve justice for all passengers. Legislation should be able to give positive effects in regulating and enforcing the law

    Analisis Komparasi Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Besar dan Bank Kecil di Indonesia.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbedaan tingkat kesehatan antara bank besar dengan bank kecil. Tujuan lain yang ingin dicapai adalah membandingkan tingkat kesehatan bank besar dan bank kecil sebelum dan sesudah dikeluarkannya Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 10/15/PBI/2008 tentang Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum Bank Umum.Faktor-faktor yang diuji dalam mengukur tingkat kesehatan bank adalah rasio CAMEL sesuai dengan ketentuan Bank Indonesia. Rasio yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mencakup CAR, NPL, NIM, ROA, BOPO, dan LDR. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 10 bank besar dan 7 bank kecil yang penggolongannya didasarkankan pada jumlah minimum modal inti bank sebesar Rp 100 miliar. Metode statistik yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian adalah uji independent t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rasio CAR, NPL, NIM, dan LDR adalah signifikan, yang menunjukkan antara bank besar dan bank kecil terdapat perbedaan. Sedangkan rasio ROA dan BOPO adalah non signifikan, yang menunjukkan antara bank besar dan bank kecil cenderung memiliki nilai yang sama. Penelitian ini juga memberikan bukti empiris bahwa sebelum maupun sesudah dikeluarkannya Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 10/15/PBI/2008 tahun 2008 baik bank besar maupun bank kecil tidak mengalami perbedaan tingkat kesehatan. Dimana bank besar telah mampu memenuhi semua rasio CAMEL dan dikategorikan kedalam bank sehat, sedangkan bank kecil gagal dalam memenuhi rasio permodalan baik sebelum maupun sesudah peraturan tersebut dikeluarkan dan masuk dalam kategori bank tidak sehat

    Augmented reality mobile application for Malay heritage museum

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    With the rapid development of educational tools, co-design has been on the rise. Co-design is instrumental in successful product development as it merges two key perspectives, namely consumers‟ insights and professionals‟ knowledge. The roles of users, designers, and developers are now blurred as educators have begun to construct their own tools for teaching based on problems and ideas conceived in their classrooms, thereby assuming roles as designers and to some extent, as developers. A more common practice in recent days is educators‟ co-designing of tools with system developers to achieve their targeted goal. This study attempted to explore the process of co-designing an augmented reality (AR) mobile application and the role of a system developer in mediating the design process with non-designers, namely academic members of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia. This study further aimed to delineate the nuances of the AR mobile application co-design experience from the perspective of the system developer. Semi-structured interviews, observations, and document analyses were conducted to examine the detailed process of co-designing and developing the AR application as well as to understand the developer‟s interaction with the consumers. The main findings of this study suggest that the waterfall model of the Software Development Life Cycle was in use during the co-design process. This cycle generally involves five stages, namely (i) planning, (ii) analysis, (iii) design, (iv) implementation, and (v) maintenance, which are iterative in nature. The designer‟s role in mediating the co-design process encompassed balancing their knowledge and experience with the needs of consumers that do not necessarily match the designer‟s expectations. This was achieved through (i) precise communication, (ii) commitment to the delivery and quality of the AR mobile application, as well as to building cohesive working relationships, and (iii) motivation to work with co-designers during the development process. The findings shed light on the value of co-design and the complex role of designers in mediating the design process with non-designers, which when accounted for, can lead to more feasible project development

    Augmented reality mobile application for Malay Heritage Museum

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    Lack of staffs and language barriers are two factors that limit the Malay Heritage Museum UPM staffs to handle visitors especially during peak seasons. Therefore, an augmented reality mobile application is proposed to assists and entertain visitors while touring the museum. In this work, the augmented reality will be imposed at the Malay traditional cloth and textiles section. To develop the propose application, the methodology used in this work is agile model due to its capability to ensure that the overall process can be done within a time given and also its ability to increase the standard software instantly. Agile model consists of six phases such as requirements, design, development, testing, deployment and review. The experiment was conducted on the same day and three hours were allocated for the respondent because they were having classes. The time required for one respondent to experience the MTRACR is approximately 10 minutes per person. The survey is used as a platform to get feedbacks from users. Based on the survey, it shows that all users were satisfied with the proposed application and they suggested others to use it