394 research outputs found

    Firm Opacity Lies in the Eye of the Beholder

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    We classify and test empirical measures of firm opacity and document theoretical and empirical inconsistencies across these proxies by testing the relative opacity of banks versus non-banks. We evaluate the effectiveness of these proxies by observing the effect of two cleanly identified shocks to firm-specific information: credit rating initiation and inclusion in the S&P 500 index. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we compare firms that are newly rated and firms that are included in the S&P 500 index with a propensity matched sample of “unchanged” firms. We find that only the number of analysts and Amihud's illiquidity ratio provide consistent patterns across different estimation specifications and different econometric settings. These two proxies show that banks are more opaque than non-banks. Based on our tests, we recommend that these proxies be used as the primary measures of firm opacity

    Cloning and expression of a human kinesin heavy chain gene: interaction of the COOH-terminal domain with cytoplasmic microtubules in transfected CV-1 cells.

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    To understand the interactions between the microtubule-based motor protein kinesin and intracellular components, we have expressed the kinesin heavy chain and its different domains in CV-1 monkey kidney epithelial cells and examined their distributions by immunofluorescence microscopy. For this study, we cloned and sequenced cDNAs encoding a kinesin heavy chain from a human placental library. The human kinesin heavy chain exhibits a high level of sequence identity to the previously cloned invertebrate kinesin heavy chains; homologies between the COOH-terminal domain of human and invertebrate kinesins and the nonmotor domain of the Aspergillus kinesin-like protein bimC were also found. The gene encoding the human kinesin heavy chain also contains a small upstream open reading frame in a G-C rich 5' untranslated region, features that are associated with translational regulation in certain mRNAs. After transient expression in CV-1 cells, the kinesin heavy chain showed both a diffuse distribution and a filamentous staining pattern that coaligned with microtubules but not vimentin intermediate filaments. Altering the number and distribution of microtubules with taxol or nocodazole produced corresponding changes in the localization of the expressed kinesin heavy chain. The expressed NH2-terminal motor and the COOH-terminal tail domains, but not the alpha-helical coiled coil rod domain, also colocalized with microtubules. The finding that both the kinesin motor and tail domains can interact with cytoplasmic microtubules raises the possibility that kinesin could crossbridge and induce sliding between microtubules under certain circumstances

    Dirofilariosis canina: microfilaremia en perros de la ribera del RĂ­o de la Plata, Argentina

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    La dirofilariosis es una enfermedad zoonótica causada por Dirofilaria immitis y transmitida por mosquitos. Este trabajo presenta un relevamiento de la microfilaremia en perros en la ribera del Río de la Plata utilizando la técnica de Knott modificada y estudia posibles especies de mosquitos como vectores. A través de consultorios veterinarios y centros de zoonosis de Villa Domínico, Quilmes Este, La Plata y Berisso (Buenos Aires) se obtuvieron 265 muestras de sangre de perros y se completó una encuesta (sexo, edad, pedigree, talla, largo del pelo, manejo de las mascotas y tratamiento con ivermectina). Se capturaron y disecaron 412 mosquitos con aspirador manual sobre cebo humano en la ribera del Río de la Plata para observar formas filariformes. El 78,8% de las muestras de sangre correspondieron a hembras, el 76,2% de los perros fueron mestizos, las tallas chicas a medianas (30,1% y 41,1% respectivamente) y el 38,2% de las mascotas permanecía las 24 horas fuera de la vivienda. El 73% de las muestras correspondieron a perros menores de 6 años. Se detectaron 6 casos Knott positivos (prevalencia 2,26%). El 50% de los casos positivos eran asintomáticos. Si bien los machos estuvieron más parasitados que las hembras (diferencias significativas), se estima que ello está asociado a un manejo especial de las mascotas hembras por parte de los dueños. Éstas suelen permanecer mayor tiempo en el interior de la vivienda y así tendrían menor probabilidad de contacto con mosquitos. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre edades. Los adultos estuvieron más parasitados que los jóvenes. No se hallaron formas filariformes en los mosquitos disecados. Se recomienda el test de Knott modificado como técnica rápida, económica y efectiva para el diagnóstico de dirofilariosis, siempre que el canino no haya sido tratado con ivermectin

    An analysis of the most distant catalogued open clusters -- Re-assessing fundamental parameters with Gaia EDR3 and ASteCA\texttt{ASteCA}

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    Several studies have been presented in the last few years applying some kind of automatic processing of data to estimate the fundamental parameters of open clusters. These parameters are later on employed in larger scale analyses, for example the structure of the Galaxy's spiral arms. The distance is one of the more straightforward parameters to estimate, yet enormous differences can still be found among published data. This is particularly true for open clusters located more than a few kpc away. We cross-matched several published catalogues and selected the twenty-five most distant open clusters (>>9000 pc). We then performed a detailed analysis of their fundamental parameters, with emphasis on their distances, to determine the agreement between catalogues and our estimates.} Photometric and astrometric data from the Gaia EDR3 survey was employed. The data was processed with our own membership analysis code (pyUPMASK), and our package for automatic fundamental cluster's parameters estimation (ASteCA\texttt{ASteCA}). We find differences in the estimated distances of up to several kpc between our results and those catalogued, even for the catalogues that show the best matches with ASteCA\texttt{ASteCA} values. Large differences are also found for the age estimates. As a by-product of the analysis we find that vd Bergh-Hagen 176 could be the open cluster with the largest heliocentric distance catalogued to date. Caution is thus strongly recommended when using catalogued parameters of open clusters to infer large-scale properties of the Galaxy, particularly for those located more than a few kpc away.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    An investigative study into the sensitivity of different partial discharge φ-q-n pattern resolution sizes on statistical neural network pattern classification

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    This paper investigates the sensitivity of statistical fingerprints to different phase resolution (PR) and amplitude bins (AB) sizes of partial discharge (PD) φ-q-n (phase-amplitude-number) patterns. In particular, this paper compares the capability of the ensemble neural network (ENN) and the single neural network (SNN) in recognizing and distinguishing different resolution sizes of φ-q-n discharge patterns. The training fingerprints for both the SNN and ENN comprise statistical fingerprints from different φ-q-n measurements. The result shows that there exists statistical distinction for different PR and AB sizes on some of the statistical fingerprints. Additionally, the ENN and SNN outputs change depending on training and testing with different PR and AB sizes. Furthermore, the ENN appears to be more sensitive in recognizing and discriminating the resolution changes when compared with the SNN. Finally, the results are assessed for practical implementation in the power industry and benefits to practitioners in the field are highlighted

    Sphingosine-1-Phosphate in the Tumor Microenvironment: A Signaling Hub Regulating Cancer Hallmarks

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    As a key hub of malignant properties, the cancer microenvironment plays a crucial role intimately connected to tumor properties. Accumulating evidence supports that the lysophospholipid sphingosine-1-phosphate acts as a key signal in the cancer extracellular milieu. In this review, we have a particular focus on glioblastoma, representative of a highly aggressive and deleterious neoplasm in humans. First, we highlight recent advances and emerging concepts for how tumor cells and different recruited normal cells contribute to the sphingosine-1-phosphate enrichment in the cancer microenvironment. Then, we describe and discuss how sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling contributes to favor cancer hallmarks including enhancement of proliferation, stemness, invasion, death resistance, angiogenesis, immune evasion and, possibly, aberrant metabolism. We also discuss the potential of how sphingosine-1-phosphate control mechanisms are coordinated across distinct cancer microenvironments. Further progress in understanding the role of S1P signaling in cancer will depend crucially on increasing knowledge of its participation in the tumor microenvironment

    Biomolecular, histological, clinical, and radiological analyses of dental implant bone sites prepared using magnetic mallet technology: A pilot study in animals

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    Background. A new instrumentation exploiting magneto-dynamic technology (mallet) proposed for implant site preparation was investigated. Methods. In the tibias of three minipigs, two sites were prepared by mallet and two by drill technique. Primary stability (ISQ) was detected after implant positioning (T0) and at 14 days (T14). X-rays and computed tomography were performed. At T14, bone samples were utilized for histological and biomolecular analyses. Results. In mallet sites, histological evaluations evidenced a significant increase in the newly formed bone, osteoblast number, and a smaller quantity of fibrous tissue. These results agree with the significant BMP-4 augmentation and the positive trend in other osteogenic factors (biological and radiological investigations). Major, albeit IL-10-controlled, inflammation was present. For both techniques, at T14 a significant ISQ increase was evidenced, but no significant difference was observed at T0 and T14 between the mallet and drill techniques. In mallet sites, lateral bone condensation was observed on computed tomography. Conclusions. Using biological, histological, clinical, and radiological analyses, this study first shows that the mallet technique is effective for implant site preparation. Based on its ability to cause osseocondensation and improve newly formed bone, mallet technology should be chosen in all clinical cases of poor bone quality

    A 3D inďľ vitro model of patient-derived prostate cancer xenograft for controlled interrogation of inďľ vivo tumor-stromal interactions

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    Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models better represent human cancer than traditional cell lines. However, the complex in vivo environment makes it challenging to employ PDX models to investigate tumor-stromal interactions, such as those that mediate prostate cancer (PCa) bone metastasis. Thus, we engineered a defined three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel system capable of supporting the co-culture of PCa PDX cells and osteoblastic cells to recapitulate the PCa-osteoblast unit within the bone metastatic microenvironment in vitro. Our 3D model not only maintained cell viability but also preserved the typical osteogenic phenotype of PCa PDX cells. Additionally, co-culture cellularity was maintained over that of either cell type cultured alone, suggesting that the PCa-osteoblast cross-talk supports PCa progression in bone, as is hypothesized to occur in patients with prostatic bone metastasis. Strikingly, osteoblastic cells co-cultured with PCa PDX tumoroids organized around the tumoroids, closely mimicking the architecture of PCa metastases in bone. Finally, tumor-stromal signaling mediated by the fibroblast growth factor axis tightly paralleled that in the in vivo counterpart. Together, these findings indicate that this 3D PCa PDX model recapitulates important pathological properties of PCa bone metastasis, and validate the use of this model for controlled and systematic interrogation of complex in vivo tumor-stromal interactions
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