8 research outputs found

    ¿Que ens motiva a investigar? Impacte PERIS

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    PERIS; Infermeria; Investigació sanitàriaPERIS; Enfermería; Investigación sanitariaPERIS; Nursing; Health researchDins de les diferents àrees de coneixement de la salut, concretament la recerca infermera té poc recorregut històric en el nostre entorn, per tant, això fa que es disposi de poc recolzament i en conseqüència de poques oportunitats de finançament. Però malgrat les dificultats, és important posar en valor els beneficis que suposa gaudir dʼajudes com podrien ser les intensificacions PERIS o altres Beques. Aquestes ens permeten generar nous coneixements per millorar la cura dels nostres pacients, redefinir programes de salut més eficaços o ajudar a visibilitzar la recerca infermera. Lʼobjectiu dʼaquest pòster és motivar a companyes i companys infermers a través dʼuna infografia a iniciar el camí de la recerca, destacant els valors claus: autonomia, expertesa, sentiment de pertinença, autoestima.Amb el suport del Departament de Salut com a entitat finançadora per la Intensificació d’infermeria: SLT008/18/0007

    Eficàcia d’una intervenció educativa centrada en la persona, realitzada per infermeria en pacients amb Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal

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    Atenció centrada en el pacient; Malaltia inflamatòria intestinal; Programa d'intervenció educativaAtención centrada en el paciente; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; Programa de intervención educativaPatient care; Inflammatory bowel disease; Educational intervention programEl conocimiento sobre la propia enfermedad tiene una importancia crucial, cuando trabajamos bajo el paradigma del modelo de atención centrado en el paciente. Y son los programas educativos para la salud, una de las herramientas utilizadas para empoderar a nuestros pacientes. Conseguir poner de manifiesto la eficacia de los programas educativos en la mejora de la adquisición de conocimientos sobre la propia enfermedad para los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, tanto la enfermedad de Crohn como la colitis ulcerosa, es muy relevante tanto para el diseño de programas en función de las necesidades educativas detectadas como para la evaluación objetiva de los mismos.El coneixement sobre la pròpia malaltia té una importància crucial, quan treballem sota el paradigma de el model d'atenció centrat en el pacient. I són els programes educatius per a la salut, una de les eines utilitzades per donar poder als nostres pacients. Aconseguir posar de manifest l'eficàcia dels programes educatius en la millora de l'adquisició de coneixements sobre la pròpia malaltia per als pacients amb malaltia inflamatòria intestinal, tant la malaltia de Crohn com la colitis ulcerosa, és molt rellevant tant per al disseny de programes en funció de les necessitats educatives detectades com per a l'avaluació objectiva dels mateixos.Amb el suport del Departament de Salut com a entitat finançadora per la Intensificació d’infermeria: SLT008/18/0007

    Coneixements, actituds i comportaments sobre deshabituació tabàquica en infermeres que cuiden pacients amb malaltia inflamatòria intestinal

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    Tractament del tabaquisme; Infermeres; Malaltia inflamatòria intestinal; Malaltia de CrohnTratamiento del tabaquismo; Enfermeras; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; Enfermedad de CrohnSmoking treatment; Nurses; Inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn diseaseSmoking is one the main preventable public health problems in developed countries. In relation to Crohn's disease, it is the best-characterized environmental factor that negatively impacts, both the predisposition to the disease and its evolution. Despite it has been demonstrated the effectiveness of smoking treatments and the smoking cessation minimal intervention method 5 A's ( Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange) in chronic patients, seem that nurses experienced in care of IBD patients don’t routinely perform it. Maybe because lack of skills or time on the job. Objective: to explain the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in relation to smoking cessation, of nurses involved in the IBD patients care. As secondary objectives: to determine the level of implementation of smoking cessation intervention 5 A's, identify improvement areas on nurses' smoking cessation knowledge, and finally to identify factors/barriers that hinder nurses' participation in smoking cessation interventions for IBD patients. Methods: an exploratory, observational, cross-sectional and multicenter study has been designed. Target: advanced IBD nurse, gastroenterology staff nurse and daycare center's nurse Study variables: Competence in tobacco cessation activities through the self-administered KABO© (knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and organization) questionnaire. This instrument (validated in Spanish) is specifically designed to evaluate relevant factors in the implementation of stop smoking interventions. Sociodemographic variables: age, gender, smoking status, level of studies, individual characteristics the profession, years of professional experience, smoking training, current work situation and years of experience. Conclusions: We will present some preliminary data. Knowing the skills we have in smoking cessation practices would allow us to define strategies to improve our intervention.Amb el suport del Departament de Salut com a entitat finançadora per la Intensificació d’infermeria: SLT008/18/0007

    Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Updating of Quality Indicators for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Comprehensive Care Units in Spain

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    Comprehensive care unit; Patient reported outcome; Quality indicatorsUnidad de atención integral; Resultado informado por el paciente; Indicadores de calidadUnitat d'atenció integral; Resultat informat pel pacient; Indicadors de qualitatBackground and Aims Management of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] is complex and IBD Comprehensive Care Units [ICCUs] facilitate the delivery of quality care to IBD patients. The objective of this study was to update the existing set of quality indicators [QIs] for ICCUs, based on a nationwide quality certification programme carried out in Spain, from a multi-stakeholder perspective and using multicriteria decision analysis [MCDA] methodology. Methods An MCDA comprising three different phases was conducted. In phase 1, a systematic literature review was performed, and after validation by a scientific committee comprising 11 experts, a preliminary set of QIs was developed. In phase 2, a larger group of 49 experts determined the relevance and relative importance of each QI by prioritising and weighing the preliminary set. Finally in phase 3, the scientific committee reviewed the results and made a final selection via a deliberative process. Results The final set comprised 67 QIs, classified as Structure [23 QIs], Process [35 QIs] and Outcome [9 QIs], which were ranked according to their relative importance. Multidisciplinary management was the most important requirement in ICCUs, followed by continuity of care, standardisation of clinical care and, especially, the incorporation of patients’ reported outcomes. Conclusions This updated set of QIs comprises a weighted and prioritised set of items that represent the essential minimum of criteria for ensuring appropriate quality of care in the management of IBD patients.AbbVie sponsored the CUE programme. AbbVie had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of this manuscript

    The experience of inflammatory bowel disease patients with healthcare: A survey with the IEXPAC instrument

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    Inflammatory bowel disease; Patients experience; Chronic diseaseMalaltia intestinal inflamatòria; Experiència dels pacients; Malalties cròniquesEnfermedad intestinal inflamatoria; Experiencia de los pacientes; Enfermedades crónicasTo assess inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients' experience of chronic illness care and the relationship with demographic and healthcare-related characteristics.This cross-sectional survey used the Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases (IEXPAC) questionnaire to identify parameters associated with a better healthcare experience for IBD patients. IEXPAC questionnaire responses are grouped into 3 factors - productive interactions, new relational model, and patient self-management, scoring from 0 (worst) to 10 (best experience). Scores were analyzed by bivariate comparisons and multiple linear regression models.Surveys were returned by 341 of 575 patients (59.3%, mean age 46.8 (12.9) years, 48.2% women). Mean (SD) IEXPAC score was 5.9 (2.0); scores were higher for the productive interactions (7.7) and patient self-management factors (6.7) and much lower for the new relational model factor (2.2). Follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines were associated with higher (better) overall patient experience score, and higher productive interactions and self-management factor scores. A higher productive interactions score was also associated with patients receiving medication subcutaneously or intravenously. Higher new relational model scores were associated with follow-up by a nurse, affiliation to a patients' association, receiving help from others for healthcare, a lower number of medicines and a higher educational level.In patients with IBD, a better overall patient experience was associated with follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines

    The experience of inflammatory bowel disease patients with healthcare: a survey with the IEXPAC instrument

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    [Abstract] To assess inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients' experience of chronic illness care and the relationship with demographic and healthcare-related characteristics.This cross-sectional survey used the Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases (IEXPAC) questionnaire to identify parameters associated with a better healthcare experience for IBD patients. IEXPAC questionnaire responses are grouped into 3 factors - productive interactions, new relational model, and patient self-management, scoring from 0 (worst) to 10 (best experience). Scores were analyzed by bivariate comparisons and multiple linear regression models.Surveys were returned by 341 of 575 patients (59.3%, mean age 46.8 (12.9) years, 48.2% women). Mean (SD) IEXPAC score was 5.9 (2.0); scores were higher for the productive interactions (7.7) and patient self-management factors (6.7) and much lower for the new relational model factor (2.2). Follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines were associated with higher (better) overall patient experience score, and higher productive interactions and self-management factor scores. A higher productive interactions score was also associated with patients receiving medication subcutaneously or intravenously. Higher new relational model scores were associated with follow-up by a nurse, affiliation to a patients' association, receiving help from others for healthcare, a lower number of medicines and a higher educational level.In patients with IBD, a better overall patient experience was associated with follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines

    Coneixements, actituds i comportaments sobre deshabituació tabàquica en infermeres que cuiden pacients amb malaltia inflamatòria intestinal

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    Tractament del tabaquisme; Infermeres; Malaltia inflamatòria intestinal; Malaltia de CrohnTratamiento del tabaquismo; Enfermeras; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; Enfermedad de CrohnSmoking treatment; Nurses; Inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn diseaseSmoking is one the main preventable public health problems in developed countries. In relation to Crohn's disease, it is the best-characterized environmental factor that negatively impacts, both the predisposition to the disease and its evolution. Despite it has been demonstrated the effectiveness of smoking treatments and the smoking cessation minimal intervention method 5 A's ( Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange) in chronic patients, seem that nurses experienced in care of IBD patients don’t routinely perform it. Maybe because lack of skills or time on the job. Objective: to explain the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in relation to smoking cessation, of nurses involved in the IBD patients care. As secondary objectives: to determine the level of implementation of smoking cessation intervention 5 A's, identify improvement areas on nurses' smoking cessation knowledge, and finally to identify factors/barriers that hinder nurses' participation in smoking cessation interventions for IBD patients. Methods: an exploratory, observational, cross-sectional and multicenter study has been designed. Target: advanced IBD nurse, gastroenterology staff nurse and daycare center's nurse Study variables: Competence in tobacco cessation activities through the self-administered KABO© (knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and organization) questionnaire. This instrument (validated in Spanish) is specifically designed to evaluate relevant factors in the implementation of stop smoking interventions. Sociodemographic variables: age, gender, smoking status, level of studies, individual characteristics the profession, years of professional experience, smoking training, current work situation and years of experience. Conclusions: We will present some preliminary data. Knowing the skills we have in smoking cessation practices would allow us to define strategies to improve our intervention.Amb el suport del Departament de Salut com a entitat finançadora per la Intensificació d’infermeria: SLT008/18/0007

    Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Updating of Quality Indicators for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Comprehensive Care Units in Spain.

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    Management of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] is complex and IBD Comprehensive Care Units [ICCUs] facilitate the delivery of quality care to IBD patients. The objective of this study was to update the existing set of quality indicators [QIs] for ICCUs, based on a nationwide quality certification programme carried out in Spain, from a multi-stakeholder perspective and using multicriteria decision analysis [MCDA] methodology. An MCDA comprising three different phases was conducted. In phase 1, a systematic literature review was performed, and after validation by a scientific committee comprising 11 experts, a preliminary set of QIs was developed. In phase 2, a larger group of 49 experts determined the relevance and relative importance of each QI by prioritising and weighing the preliminary set. Finally in phase 3, the scientific committee reviewed the results and made a final selection via a deliberative process. The final set comprised 67 QIs, classified as Structure [23 QIs], Process [35 QIs] and Outcome [9 QIs], which were ranked according to their relative importance. Multidisciplinary management was the most important requirement in ICCUs, followed by continuity of care, standardisation of clinical care and, especially, the incorporation of patients' reported outcomes. This updated set of QIs comprises a weighted and prioritised set of items that represent the essential minimum of criteria for ensuring appropriate quality of care in the management of IBD patients