3,694 research outputs found

    A Liouville type result for fractional Schrödinger operators in 1D

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    The aim of this master's thesis is to obtain an alternative and original proof of a Liouville type result for fractional Schrödinger operators in 1D without using a local extension problem, in the spirit of the recent work of Hamel et al. Thanks to this new proof we can extend the Liouville theorem to other nonlocal operators that do not have a local extension problem, being the first time that a result of this kind is proven. First, we introduce Schrödinger operators, the fractional Laplacian and its local extension problem. Then, we present a recent work about a nonlocal and nonlinear problem, where the prior study of fractional Schrödinger operators is needed. We also present the most important motivation for the study of Liouville type results: the conjecture of De Giorgi, and we review some Liouville type results both with local and nonlocal operators. Finally, we give the proof of the main theorems of the thesis

    Detección de M señales gaussianas utilizando el desarrollo modificado de un proceso estocástico

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    Utilizando el desarrollo modificado de un proceso estocástico se propone una nueva metodología, alternativa a la basada en el desarrollo de Karhunen-Loeve, para el problema de detección de M señales Gaussianas en ruido Gaussiano blanco. Las soluciones proporcionadas no presentan el problema del cálculo de los autovalores y autofunciones asociados a la función de covarianza involucrada y son fácilmente implementables desde el punto de vista práctico

    Proptech: A qualitative analysis of online real estate brokerage agencies in Spain

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    [EN] Purpose: The arrival of new companies that are more technological and scalable to the real estate sector has caused a revolution in a very conservative and not very innovative industry. The main objective of this research is to characterize the business model of proptech online brokerage companies in home sales in Spain, based on the traditional agency model. Design/methodology: Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with the CEOs and managers of six proptech online real estate brokerage agencies in Spain. Their content was analyzed by means of the study and comparison of common patterns. Findings: During the digitalization process of the brokerage, a regression was detected back to more classic procedures typically found in traditional agencies, thus establishing an important difference as compared to other more transparent markets. Accordingly, a convergence occurs between the different real estate brokerage models (online and traditional), resulting in a hybrid model. Research limitations/implications: The limited number of agencies that operate in the online mode in Spain makes the sample size quite small. Practical implications: The results contribute greater transparency to a traditional sector characterized by its opacity, and they give visibility to the changes that are currently taking place, facilitating information to both professionals and users. Social implications: It contributes to the fulfillment of sustainable development goal number 9, concerning the promotion of development-oriented policies that support the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. Originality/value: It expands the scientific literature dedicated to online real estate brokerage in Spain, given that as of today, we have no knowledge of any other published academic work on this topic. The research contributes to the vision that new sector agents have of it and those changes that are occurring within it.[ES] Objeto: La llegada de nuevas empresas más tecnológicas y escalables al sector inmobiliario ha provocado un movimiento disruptivo en una industria muy conservadora y poco innovadora. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es caracterizar el modelo de negocio de las empresas proptech online de intermediación en la compraventa de vivienda en España partiendo del modelo de la agencia tradicional. Diseño/metodología: Se realizaron nueve entrevistas semiestructuradas a los CEO y a personal con responsabilidad, pertenecientes a seis agencias proptech online de intermediación inmobiliaria en España. Su contenido se analizó mediante el estudio y comparación de patrones comunes. Aportaciones y resultados: En el proceso de digitalización de la intermediación se detecta una involución hacia procedimientos más clásicos propios de la agencia tradicional, estableciéndose una importante diferencia con otros mercados más transparentes. Se produce así una convergencia entre los distintos modelos de intermediación inmobiliaria (online y tradicional) dando lugar a un modelo híbrido. Limitaciones: El número limitado de agencias que operan en la modalidad online en España hace que el tamaño de la muestra sea reducido. Implicaciones prácticas: Los resultados aportan mayor transparencia a un sector tradicional caracterizado por su opacidad y visibilizan los cambios que están teniendo lugar en la actualidad, facilitando información tanto a los propios profesionales como a los usuarios. Implicaciones sociales: Contribuir al cumplimiento del objetivo de desarrollo sostenible número 9 sobre la promoción de políticas orientadas al desarrollo que apoyen la creación de puestos de trabajo decentes, el emprendimiento, la creatividad y la innovación. Valor añadido: Ampliar la literatura científica sobre la intermediación inmobiliaria online en España, puesto que a fecha de hoy no se conoce ningún trabajo académico publicado. El estudio aporta la visión que los nuevos agentes del sector tienen sobre el mismo y los cambios que en él se están produciendo. Palabras clave: agencia tradicional; estudio cualitativo; digitalización; intermediación inmobiliaria online; proptech Códigos JEL: M10, M19Asensio-Soto, JC.; Navarro Astor, E. (2022). Proptech: A qualitative analysis of online real estate brokerage agencies in Spain. Intangible Capital. 18(3):489-505. https://doi.org/10.3926/ic.209048950518


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    Obesity is among the top health concerns across the globe, and it has been for many years, yet the world remains unable to stop it. Overweight and obesity follow a clear uptrend pattern and that will not change unless a real battle is waged against their main causes.The present review will explore the causes and mechanisms underlying this health crisis, focusing on what for many years has been disregarded: the active role that the adipose tissue plays in the development of the metabolic alterations regarding obesity and the undeniable implication of gut microbiota in supporting the existing mechanisms for weight gain and fat storage. The aim is to integrate most of the factors to provide a global vision of the processes happening obesity.The review has been methodically elaborated, bringing together information from many different experts in the different fields, striving for accurate and state-of-the-art information throughout the whole review, with special emphasis in the final fragment on the other major health crisis concerning the world right now: COVID-19.<br /

    Determination of aspartame in soft drinks using HPLC

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    The aim of this project is to determine the levels of aspartame in various cola products using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Four different cola brands are examined, Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Light, Pepsi Max and Harboe Cola Minus. There is written a section of theory about aspartame, the environment and legislation for the substance. Additionally, there is made a theoretical section on HPLC and statistics. In the laboratory, a method for the examination of the aspartame in the coke product is created. This method is used to collect data for the various fabricates which are examined using various statistical parameters. In method development, it is found that aspartame can be separated completely from the other ingredients of the cola products. Aspartame content is verified by means of a certified standard substance. In the laboratory an Agilent HPLC is used with a C-18 column, 150 mm long and a particle diameter of 5 micrometers. The method uses a gradient program of acetonitrile and 22 mM phosphate buffer pH 2.5. The method is confirmed by statistical calculations that show that the data for the same cola is both repeatable and reproducible. Through tests of newer colas of the same brands, it is shown that the concentration of aspartame in the same brand vary significantly from bottle to bottle. The recovery of the method is close to 100 %, which is extremely essential for the validation of the method

    Diseño y modelado de escenografía y entorno para el prototipo de un nivel de videojuego 3D.

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    [ES] Este trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la creación de un escenario para un nivel de videojuego 3D. Para llevarlo a cabo, se traslada al formato de videojuego 3D una preproducción de animación 2D realizada anteriormente en un proyecto grupal. Debido al cambio de formato y medio, han sido necesarios un rediseño y una adaptación de los distintos elementos. Finalmente, tras pasar por todas las fases de desarrollo como modelado y texturizado, se ha implementado el escenario en un motor de videojuegos.[EN] The present bachelor project consists on creating an environment for a 3D video game. In order to perform it, a 2D animation pre-production, which was previously conducted as a group project is adapted to 3D video game format. Due to the change of format and medium, it was necessary to redesign and adapt different elements. Finally, after following all the development stages such as modelling and texturing, the environment has been tested in a game engine.Juan Navarro, C. (2021). Diseño y modelado de escenografía y entorno para el prototipo de un nivel de videojuego 3D. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/178297TFG
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