485 research outputs found

    Análisis del tipo de entidades que colaboran con la Universitat Jaume I

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018En la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (UJI), a partir del proyecto de investigación EMBI (relaciones universidad-Empresa para docencia, Motivaciones, Beneficio e Impacto) el cual proporciona información sobre los beneficios, impactos y motivaciones de la relación entre la universidad y las entidades del mercado laboral, se ha considerado el siguiente objetivo: obtener información sobre el tipo de entidades que colaboran en las prácticas externas de dicha universidad, teniendo en cuenta su sector académico principalmente. En segundo lugar, se han obtenido resultados sobre la titularidad y sobre el tamaño de estas mismas entidades. Esta información se ha obtenido mediante entrevistas, encuestas y también a partir de una base de datos facilitada por la UJI. Para adquirir dicha información se ha realizado un análisis cuantitativo y un análisis de frecuencias hecho a partir de las muestras y clasificando las entidades según el sector académico: Artes y Humanidades; Salud; Sociales y Jurídicas; Ingeniería y Arquitectura; otros. Por tanto, en este artículo podemos descubrir el contraste entre los porcentajes de las diferentes modalidades según el sector académico principalmente, y los porcentajes de titularidad y tamaño. Se tiene en cuenta que las entidades que se han encontrado en la base de datos son tanto nacionales como internacionales y, además, actualmente están colaborando con la universidad en todo lo referente al diseño, desarrollo e impartición de los planes. Como conclusión, se ha obtenido un porcentaje elevado de entidades que se dedican al sector Social y Jurídico, y en lo referente a la titularidad y al tamaño, el porcentaje alto es para la titularidad privada y las micro empresas.At the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (UJI), based on the research project EMBI (UniversityCompany relations for teaching, Motivations, Benefit and Impact), which provides information about the benefits, impacts and motivations of the relationship between the university and the entities of the labour market, the following objective has been considered: to obtain information about the type of entities that collaborate in the external practices of said university, mainly taking into account its academic sector. Secondly, results have been obtained on the ownership and size of these same entities. This information has been obtained through interviews, surveys and also from a database provided by the UJI. In order to acquire this information, a quantitative analysis and a frequency analysis has been carried out, based on the samples and classifying the companies according to the academic sector: Arts and Humanities; Health; Social and Legal; Engineering and Architecture; others. Therefore, in this article we can discover the contrast between the percentages of the different modalities according to the academic sector mainly, and the percentages of ownership and size. It is taken into account that the entities that have been found in the database are both national and international and, in addition, are currently collaborating with the university in everything related to the design, development and delivery of the plans. In conclusion, a high percentage of entities dedicated to the social and legal sector have been obtained, and in terms of ownership and size, the high percentage is for private ownership and micro enterprises

    Theory of Mind Measurements and Mechanisms: An Investigation of Construct Validity and Cognitive Processes in Theory of Mind Tasks

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    Understanding the perspectives of others is a critical skill. Theory of mind (ToM) is an essential ability for social competence and communication, and it is necessary for understanding behaviors that differ from our own (Premack and Woodruff, 1978). Although all individuals possess a ToM to varying degrees, bilinguals are especially adept to perspective-taking. Research has reported that bilinguals outperform monolinguals in ToM tasks (e.g., Goetz, 2003; Rubio-Fernandez & Glucksberg, 2012). However, the mechanisms underlying this effect are unclear. Studying individual differences in ToM performance between bilinguals and monolinguals can help explain these mechanisms. Yet this promising area of research faces an important challenge: the lack of psychometric research on ToM measurement. Recent research suggests that tests that measure the ToM construct might not be as reliable as previously thought (Warnell & Redcay, 2019). This hinders the interpretation of experimental and correlational findings and puts into question the validity of the ToM construct. This dissertation addresses these two questions empirically to improve our understanding of what constitutes ToM. Study 1 examines the structure of ToM, crystallized intelligence (Gc), and fluid intelligence (Gf) to understand (a) whether ToM constitutes a construct separate from other cognitive abilities and (b) to explore whether tasks of ToM present adequate construct validity. For this, three confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were conducted. The results demonstrated that a model with three latent factors (ToM, Gf and Gc) did not adequately fit the data and was not significantly different from a model with only two latent factors (ToM-Gf and Gc). In addition, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) showed that two of the ToM tasks loaded onto a Gf factor whereas one of the tasks loaded onto a third factor by itself. Finally, an exploratory network analysis (NMA) was conducted to observe relationships among the tasks. The results showed that the ToM tasks were no more related to each other than to some tasks of Gf and Gc, and that ToM tasks did not form a consistent cluster. Overall, the results of Study 1 suggest that ToM tasks are likely not measuring a monolithic ToM construct. Study 2 examines individual differences in metalinguistic awareness, executive function, and bilingualism as predictors of ToM. The results showed that all variables significantly predicted ToM, but bilingualism was not a significant moderator of ToM. Overall, the findings suggest that in this sample there was no difference in the processes used to predict ToM based on being bilingual or monolingual. Implications for measurement and individual differences in ToM are discussed

    Coordinated detection of forwarding faults in wireless community networks

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    Wireless Community Networks (WCN) are crowdsourced networks where equipment is contributed and managed by members from a community. WCN have three intrinsic characteristics that make forwarding faults more likely: inexpensive equipment, non-expert administration and openness. These characteristics hinder the robustness of network connectivity. We present KDet, a decentralized protocol for the detection of forwarding faults by establishing overlapping logical boundaries that monitor the behavior of the routers within them. KDet is designed to be collusion resistant, ensuring that compromised routers cannot cover for others to avoid detection. Another important characteristic of KDet is that it does not rely on path information: monitoring nodes do not have to know the complete path a packet follows, just the previous and next hop. As a result, KDet can be deployed as an independent daemon without imposing any change in the network, and it will bring improved network robustness. Results from theoretical analysis and simulation show the correctness of the algorithm, its accuracy in detecting forwarding faults, and a comparison in terms of cost and advantages over previous work, that confirms its practical feasibility in WCN.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    It Takes a Village: Using Network Science to Identify the Effect of Individual Differences in Bilingual Experience for Theory of Mind

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    An increasing amount of research has examined the effects of bilingualism on performance in theory of mind (ToM) tasks. Bilinguals outperform monolinguals in ToM when comparing groups. However, it is unclear what aspects of the bilingual experience contribute to this effect in a dynamic construct like ToM. To date, bilingualism has been conceptualized as a dichotic skill that is distinct from monolingualism, obscuring nuances in the degree that different bilingual experience affects cognition. The current study used a combination of network science, cognitive, and linguistic behavioral measurements to explore the factors that influence perspective-taking ToM based on participants’ current and previous experience with language, as well as their family networks’ experience with language. The results suggest that some aspects of the bilingual experience predict task performance, but not others, and these predictors align with the two-system theory of ToM. Overall, the findings provide evidence for the extent to which individual differences in bilingualism are related to different cognitive outcomes

    Album cover art image generation with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were introduced by Goodfellow in 2014, and since then have become popular for constructing generative artificial intelligence models. However, the drawbacks of such networks are numerous, like their longer training times, their sensitivity to hyperparameter tuning, several types of loss and optimization functions and other difficulties like mode collapse. Current applications of GANs include generating photo-realistic human faces, animals and objects. However, I wanted to explore the artistic ability of GANs in more detail, by using existing models and learning from them. This dissertation covers the basics of neural networks and works its way up to the particular aspects of GANs, together with experimentation and modification of existing available models, from least complex to most. The intention is to see if state of the art GANs (specifically StyleGAN2) can generate album art covers and if it is possible to tailor them by genre. This was attempted by first familiarizing myself with 3 existing GANs architectures, including the state of the art StyleGAN2. The StyleGAN2 code was used to train a model with a dataset containing 80K album cover images, then used to style images by picking curated images and mixing their styles

    ¿Que ens motiva a investigar? Impacte PERIS

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    PERIS; Infermeria; Investigació sanitàriaPERIS; Enfermería; Investigación sanitariaPERIS; Nursing; Health researchDins de les diferents àrees de coneixement de la salut, concretament la recerca infermera té poc recorregut històric en el nostre entorn, per tant, això fa que es disposi de poc recolzament i en conseqüència de poques oportunitats de finançament. Però malgrat les dificultats, és important posar en valor els beneficis que suposa gaudir dʼajudes com podrien ser les intensificacions PERIS o altres Beques. Aquestes ens permeten generar nous coneixements per millorar la cura dels nostres pacients, redefinir programes de salut més eficaços o ajudar a visibilitzar la recerca infermera. Lʼobjectiu dʼaquest pòster és motivar a companyes i companys infermers a través dʼuna infografia a iniciar el camí de la recerca, destacant els valors claus: autonomia, expertesa, sentiment de pertinença, autoestima.Amb el suport del Departament de Salut com a entitat finançadora per la Intensificació d’infermeria: SLT008/18/0007

    Eficàcia d’una intervenció educativa centrada en la persona, realitzada per infermeria en pacients amb Malaltia Inflamatòria Intestinal

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    Atenció centrada en el pacient; Malaltia inflamatòria intestinal; Programa d'intervenció educativaAtención centrada en el paciente; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; Programa de intervención educativaPatient care; Inflammatory bowel disease; Educational intervention programEl conocimiento sobre la propia enfermedad tiene una importancia crucial, cuando trabajamos bajo el paradigma del modelo de atención centrado en el paciente. Y son los programas educativos para la salud, una de las herramientas utilizadas para empoderar a nuestros pacientes. Conseguir poner de manifiesto la eficacia de los programas educativos en la mejora de la adquisición de conocimientos sobre la propia enfermedad para los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, tanto la enfermedad de Crohn como la colitis ulcerosa, es muy relevante tanto para el diseño de programas en función de las necesidades educativas detectadas como para la evaluación objetiva de los mismos.El coneixement sobre la pròpia malaltia té una importància crucial, quan treballem sota el paradigma de el model d'atenció centrat en el pacient. I són els programes educatius per a la salut, una de les eines utilitzades per donar poder als nostres pacients. Aconseguir posar de manifest l'eficàcia dels programes educatius en la millora de l'adquisició de coneixements sobre la pròpia malaltia per als pacients amb malaltia inflamatòria intestinal, tant la malaltia de Crohn com la colitis ulcerosa, és molt rellevant tant per al disseny de programes en funció de les necessitats educatives detectades com per a l'avaluació objectiva dels mateixos.Amb el suport del Departament de Salut com a entitat finançadora per la Intensificació d’infermeria: SLT008/18/0007

    Coneixements, actituds i comportaments sobre deshabituació tabàquica en infermeres que cuiden pacients amb malaltia inflamatòria intestinal

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    Tractament del tabaquisme; Infermeres; Malaltia inflamatòria intestinal; Malaltia de CrohnTratamiento del tabaquismo; Enfermeras; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; Enfermedad de CrohnSmoking treatment; Nurses; Inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn diseaseSmoking is one the main preventable public health problems in developed countries. In relation to Crohn's disease, it is the best-characterized environmental factor that negatively impacts, both the predisposition to the disease and its evolution. Despite it has been demonstrated the effectiveness of smoking treatments and the smoking cessation minimal intervention method 5 A's ( Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange) in chronic patients, seem that nurses experienced in care of IBD patients don’t routinely perform it. Maybe because lack of skills or time on the job. Objective: to explain the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in relation to smoking cessation, of nurses involved in the IBD patients care. As secondary objectives: to determine the level of implementation of smoking cessation intervention 5 A's, identify improvement areas on nurses' smoking cessation knowledge, and finally to identify factors/barriers that hinder nurses' participation in smoking cessation interventions for IBD patients. Methods: an exploratory, observational, cross-sectional and multicenter study has been designed. Target: advanced IBD nurse, gastroenterology staff nurse and daycare center's nurse Study variables: Competence in tobacco cessation activities through the self-administered KABO© (knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and organization) questionnaire. This instrument (validated in Spanish) is specifically designed to evaluate relevant factors in the implementation of stop smoking interventions. Sociodemographic variables: age, gender, smoking status, level of studies, individual characteristics the profession, years of professional experience, smoking training, current work situation and years of experience. Conclusions: We will present some preliminary data. Knowing the skills we have in smoking cessation practices would allow us to define strategies to improve our intervention.Amb el suport del Departament de Salut com a entitat finançadora per la Intensificació d’infermeria: SLT008/18/0007

    Análisis del sector de la consultoría. Base para definir la posible estrategia de implantación de nuevas empresas consultoras en el entorno de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Carrera tiene como objeto el análisis del sector de la consultoría de empresas a nivel nacional, con el objetivo principal de intentar concluir si sería posible, o no, una implantación con éxito de una nueva corporación en el entorno de la Comunidad Valenciana. La consultoría de empresas es un servicio de asesoramiento profesional independiente que presta ayuda a gerentes y organizaciones a alcanzar los fines y objetivos de la organización, mediante la solución de problemas gerenciales y empresariales, el descubrimiento y la evaluación de nuevas oportunidades, la mejora del aprendizaje y la puesta en práctica de cambios. Según la Asociación Española de Empresas de Consultoría, en su informe “La Consultoría española. El sector en cifras 2016”, el sector se halla inmerso desde 2014 en una fase de crecimiento. Se trata de una fase expansiva estable, respaldada principalmente por la demanda interna y, particularmente, por la inversión del sector financiero en servicios de consultoría. En un contexto cada vez más difícil y competitivo, antes de lanzarse a emprender un nuevo negocio, es muy importante realizar un completo análisis del sector, que provea de una visión de la situación real con el objetivo de clarificar si sería un negocio rentable o no. En este análisis, se comenzará estudiando detalladamente el sector de la consultoría en España, su evolución y principales variables que lo caracterizan, así como la rentabilidad del mismo. Tras este estudio, se pasará a realizar el análisis en profundidad de la competencia, con el que se permite comprender más a fondo el entorno competitivo en el que podría tener cabida un nuevo negocio. El análisis del microentorno o entorno a nivel particular, con el modelo de las cinco fuerzas competitivas de Porter, se centrará en las relaciones de las empresas con los clientes, proveedores, nuevos entrantes y productos sustitutos, y la rivalidad entre competidores que hay en el sector. El análisis de la competencia se completará analizando cómo se distribuyen las empresas del sector en la Comunidad Valenciana, ya que el objetivo final es determinar la posible implantación a este nivel geográfico, teniendo en cuenta las oportunidades y amenazas. Con todo ello, y una vez obtenida una visión general del sector, se podrá concluir justificando la posibilidad de establecer una nueva empresa y examinar las estrategias a seguir en la implantación, así como su posicionamiento o localización. Para finalizar este Trabajo Final de Carrera, se ofrece un breve resumen de las conclusiones extraídas de este análisis, que servirá de ayuda para comprender en una corta lectura la situación actual de un sector considerado como una de las mejores salidas laborales para los jóvenes recién finalizados sus estudios.Navarro Cano, E. (2017). Análisis del sector de la consultoría. Base para definir la posible estrategia de implantación de nuevas empresas consultoras en el entorno de la Comunidad Valenciana. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88689.Archivo delegad