10 research outputs found

    A BAC-Based Transgenic Mouse Specifically Expresses an Inducible Cre in the Urothelium

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    Cre-loxp mediated conditional knockout strategy has played critical roles for revealing functions of many genes essential for development, as well as the causal relationships between gene mutations and diseases in the postnatal adult mice. One key factor of this strategy is the availability of mice with tissue- or cell type-specific Cre expression. However, the success of the traditional molecular cloning approach to generate mice with tissue specific Cre expression often depends on luck. Here we provide a better alternative by using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based recombineering to insert iCreERT2 cDNA at the ATG start of the Upk2 gene. The BAC-based transgenic mice express the inducible Cre specifically in the urothelium as demonstrated by mRNA expression and staining for LacZ expression after crossing with a Rosa26 reporter mouse. Taking into consideration the size of the gene of interest and neighboring genes included in a BAC, this method should be widely applicable for generation of mice with tissue specific gene expression or deletions in a more specific manner than previously reported

    Tissue-specific activity of iCReERT2 in vivo.

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    <p>Eight week old <i>TgUICBAC;Rosa26</i> mice were treated as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0035243#pone-0035243-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3</a>, sections of other organs were obtained and X-gal staining was performed. Note that X-gal blue staining is observed only in the epithelial cells of the renal pelvis, ureter (indicated with arrows) in mice injected with TAM, whereas no staining is observed in control mice or other organs of TAM-injected mice. Bars correspond to 100 µm.</p

    iCreERT2 activity in <i>TgUICBAC</i> mice in vivo.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Eight week old <i>TgUICBAC;Rosa26</i> mice were injected with Tamoxifen for 3 days (TAM) or equal volume of sunflower oil (OIL, control group). Mice were sacrificed one week after injection, bladder sections were obtained and X-gal staining was performed. Note that X-gal blue staining is observed in the epithelial cells of the bladder in mice injected with TAM, whereas no staining is observed in the bladder of control mice. Bars correspond to 100 µm. <b>B)</b> Representative immunofluorescence analysis of Upk2 (green) and ß-galactosidase (red) co-expression in bladder urothelium of <i>TgUICBAC;Rosa26</i> mice injected with Tamoxifen. Note that most of the Upk2-positive urothelial cells show a doted staining for ß-galactosidase. Bars correspond to 100 µm. <b>C)</b> Quantification of percentage of recombination in the analyzed bladder sections from 2 female and 2 male transgenic mice illustrated by mean ± SD.</p

    Generation of mice carrying insertion of <i>iCreERT2</i> into the <i>ATG</i> of <i>Upk2</i> gene.

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    <p><b>A)</b> The BAC clone bMQ-343M5 contains the <i>Upk2</i> gene flanked by parts of <i>Foxr1</i> and <i>Blr1</i> genes, which together with <i>Upk2</i> gene are all transcribed from reverse strand, and <i>Bcl9l</i>, which is from forward strand. The size of the BAC clone insert is 82951 bp (from 44267673 to 44184722 in mouse chromosome 9). <i>iCreERT2-pA</i> is inserted into the <i>ATG</i> start of <i>Upk2</i> gene. ScaI sites and probes for southern blot (P5) are shown. Arrows indicate primers used for PCR genotyping. <b>B)</b> Mouse genotyping by PCR (upper panel) and Southern blot (lower panel). Positive founder lines (#1 and #5) are marked with circles. <i>UIC</i> stands for the <i>TgUICBAC</i> transgene.</p

    iCreERT2 expression in <i>TgUICBAC</i> mice.

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    <p>Total RNA from various organs of male (M) and female (F) mice were extracted, and subjected to RT-PCR analysis of iCreERT2 expression. Note that iCreERT2 expression is observed only in kidney (renal pelvis), ureter and bladder, revealing that it is specific of organs coated with urothelium. Mouse Gapdh served as a control.</p

    Distinct Expression Profiles of p63 Variants during Urothelial Development and Bladder Cancer Progression

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    The TP63 gene, a member of the TP53 tumor suppressor gene family, can be expressed as at least six isoforms due to alternative promoter use and alternative splicing. The lack of p63 isoform–specific antibodies has limited the analysis of the biological significance of p63. We report a novel set of well-defined antibodies to examine p63 isoforms in mouse and human urothelium during embryogenesis and tumor progression, respectively. We provide evidence that basal and intermediate urothelial cells express p63 isoforms, with the TAp63 variant the first to be detected during development, whereas umbrella cells are characterized by a p63-negative phenotype. Notably, we report that p63-null mice develop a bladder with an abnormal urothelium, constituted by a single layer of cells that express uroplakin II and low molecular weight cytokeratins, consistent with an umbrella cell phenotype. Finally, analysis of 202 human bladder carcinomas revealed a new categorization of invasive tumors into basal-like (positive for ΔNp63 and high molecular weight cytokeratins and negative for low molecular weight cytokeratins) versus luminal-like (negative for ΔNp63 and high molecular weight cytokeratins and positive for low molecular weight cytokeratins) phenotypes, with ΔNp63 expression associated with an aggressive clinical course and poor prognosis. This study highlights the relevance of p63 isoforms in both urothelial development and bladder carcinoma progression, with ΔNp63 acting as an oncogene in certain invasive bladder tumors