253 research outputs found

    A Representação Social e a Pesquisa Qualitativa no estudo da Geografia da Deficiência

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    The multidimensional analysis of disability contributes to the understanding of spatial practices related to seeking and obtaining health. In this article we intend to discuss the need and importance of using Qualitative Research procedures to analyze motor disability based on the representations of the subjects who experience it, both individually and collectively, in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP). For this, we oriented our study, mainly, to Qualitative Research procedures with oral sources, to obtain testimonies from people with motor disabilities who reside in the investigated city. From the research it was possible to discover that there are several dimensions to consider to understand the context of these people. And this can be observed in the data resulting from the interviews carried out and in the answers about when, how and what were the circumstances in which they acquired the motor disability. This allowed us to consider that implanting a generalized brand of a person with a motor disability can make it difficult to understand the reality of these subjects, since it includes it in a stagnant category, ignoring other categories, as well as which social representation (individual and collective) that these individuals make up for disability. In this perspective, we propose thematic possibilities that can be studied by Geography from historical-dialectical research with a qualitative approach.El análisis multidimensional de la discapacidad contribuye a la comprensión de las prácticas espaciales relacionadas con la búsqueda y obtención de salud. En este artículo pretendemos discutir la necesidad e importancia de utilizar procedimientos de Investigación Cualitativa para analizar la discapacidad motriz a partir de las representaciones de los sujetos que la viven, tanto individual como colectivamente, en la ciudad de Presidente Prudente (SP). Para ello, orientamos nuestro estudio, principalmente, a procedimientos de Investigación Cualitativa con fuentes orales, para obtener testimonios de personas con discapacidad motriz que residen en la ciudad investigada. A partir de la investigación fue posible descubrir que existen varias dimensiones a considerar para comprender el contexto de estas personas. Y esto se puede observar en los datos resultantes de las entrevistas realizadas y en las respuestas sobre cuándo, cómo y cuáles fueron las circunstancias en que adquirieron la discapacidad motriz. Lo que nos permitió considerar que implantar una marca generalizada de persona con discapacidad motriz puede dificultar el conocimiento de la realidad de estos sujetos, ya que la incluye en una categoría estancada, desconociendo otras categorías, así como cuál representación social (individual y colectiva) que estos individuos hacen de la discapacidad. En esta perspectiva, proponemos posibilidades temáticas que pueden ser estudiadas por la Geografía a partir de la investigación histórico-dialéctica con enfoque cualitativo.A análise multidimensional da deficiência contribui para o entendimento de práticas espaciais relacionadas à procura e obtenção de saúde. No presente artigo, pretendemos discutir a necessidade e importância do uso de procedimentos da Pesquisa Qualitativa para analisar a deficiência motora a partir das representações dos sujeitos que a vivencia, tanto de forma individual quanto coletiva, no espaço Presidente Prudente (SP). Para tanto guiamos nosso estudo, principalmente, por procedimentos da Pesquisa Qualitativa com fontes orais, no intuito de obter relatos de pessoas com deficiência motora que vivem na cidade pesquisada. A partir da pesquisa, foi possível descobrir que existem várias dimensões a serem consideradas para entender o contexto destas pessoas. E isso pode ser observado pelos dados resultantes das entrevistas realizadas e em respostas sobre quando, como e quais os motivos se tornaram deficientes motores. O que nos possibilitou considerar que, implantar um rótulo generalizado de pessoa com deficiência motora pode dificultar o conhecimento da realidade desses sujeitos, uma vez que o inclui numa categoria estanque, ignorando outras categorias, assim como qual representação social (social e coletiva) estes indivíduos fazem da deficiência. Nesta perspectiva, este artigo propõe possibilidades temáticas, importantes, que podem ser estudas pela Geografia a partir de pesquisas histórico-dialéticas com enfoque qualitativo

    Bolsa família : uma análise para o estado do Paraná no período 2000-2010

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    Orientador: Fernando Motta CorreaMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasResumo: Trata da análise dos efeitos do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) sobre a pobreza e indigência nas dez mesorregiões do estado do Paraná. O estudo propõe identificar disparidades internas do Estado. Pretende-se demonstrar o comportamento da pobreza após a introdução do PBF. Foram consultados o número de beneficiados do Programa Bolsa Família, desde sua introdução em 2004 até o ano de 201 O, bem como o desembolso do programa no mesmo período. Também foram analisados o número de pobres e indigentes de acordo com o censo demográfico de 2000 e de 201 O. Essa análise permite afirmar que houve significativa diminuição da pobreza e indigência no Estado do Paraná no período analisado

    The Effect of Acute Caffeine Ingestion on Tactical Performance of Professional Soccer Players

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    In soccer, physical, tactical, and decision-making processes are highly important facets of successful performance. Caffeine has well established effects for promoting both physical and cognitive performance, but the translation of such benefits specifically for soccer match play is not well established. This study examined the effects of acute caffeine ingestion on tactical performance during small-sided games (SSG) in professional soccer players. Nineteen soccer players (22 ± 4 years) underwent a randomized, counterbalanced, crossover, double-blind placebo-controlled trial. The protocol consisted of 5 bouts of 5-min SSG with 3 players plus a goalkeeper in each team (3 + GK × 3 + GK) with each SSG separated by 1 min rest intervals. Tactical performance was assessed using the system of tactical assessment in soccer (FUT-SAT). Prior to each experimental trial, participants ingested caffeine (5 mg·kg(−1)) or a placebo 60 min before the protocol. Overall, caffeine ingestion resulted in an increased ball possession time when compared to the placebo. When the offensive and defensive core principles were analyzed, the results were equivocal. Caffeine resulted in positive effects on some tactical decisions during the protocol, but it was deleterious or promoted no observed effect on other of the core tactical principles. Caffeine ingestion resulted in less offensive (during SSG3) and defensive (SSG 2, SSG3, and SSG4) errors. Caffeine ingestion also resulted in higher total offensive success during SSG 1 and SSG2, but it was detrimental during SSG3. Additionally, total defensive success was lower for the caffeine conditions during SSG 2 and SSG5 when compared to the placebo. In conclusion, caffeine influenced aspects of tactical decisions in soccer, resulting in fewer offensive and defensive errors, although it may be deleterious considering other tactical parameters. Future studies may clarify the effects of caffeine ingestion on specific decision-making parameters in soccer

    Efeito da L-lisina na alimentação in ovo de embriões avícolas

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da alimentação in ovo utilizando L-lisina sobre a eclodibilidade, relação pinto/ovo, desenvolvimento do trato gastrointestinal (do nascimento aos sete dias pós-eclosão) e desempenho dos pintos de um a sete dias. Foram utilizados 350 ovos férteis da linhagem Rhode Island Red (matrizes com 47 semanas). O delineamento experimental foi o completamente casualizado com os tratamentos constituídos por dois controles e cinco níveis crescentes de L-lisina com 50 repetições (ovos) cada. Os dados coletados foram submetidos a regressão polinomial a 5%. Houve efeito significativo (p<0,05) sobre a eclodibilidade, mortalidade embrionária intermediária, mortalidade intermediária tardia e ovos bicados, com uma gradual queda na eclodibilidade a partir do aumento dos níveis de L-lisina utilizados. Foram observadas diferenças significativas (p<0,05) sobre o peso do coração e do pâncreas de pintos com um dia; e no consumo de ração, percentual de ganho de peso e comprimento do ceco dos pintos aos sete dias. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a alimentação in ovo utilizando L-lisina afeta diretamente a eclodibilidade dos ovos inoculados. Usando 0,5% e 1,0% de L-lisina, houve um efeito positivo no peso do pinto, do coração, do pâncreas e sobre o desempenho dos pintinhos de um a 7 dias, sem afetar negativamente a relação pintinho/ovo e o trato gastrointestinal

    ESTs from a wild Arachis species for gene discovery and marker development

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    BACKGROUND: Due to its origin, peanut has a very narrow genetic background. Wild relatives can be a source of genetic variability for cultivated peanut. In this study, the transcriptome of the wild species Arachis stenosperma accession V10309 was analyzed. RESULTS: ESTs were produced from four cDNA libraries of RNAs extracted from leaves and roots of A. stenosperma. Randomly selected cDNA clones were sequenced to generate 8,785 ESTs, of which 6,264 (71.3%) had high quality, with 3,500 clusters: 963 contigs and 2537 singlets. Only 55.9% matched homologous sequences of known genes. ESTs were classified into 23 different categories according to putative protein functions. Numerous sequences related to disease resistance, drought tolerance and human health were identified. Two hundred and six microsatellites were found and markers have been developed for 188 of these. The microsatellite profile was analyzed and compared to other transcribed and genomic sequence data. CONCLUSION: This is, to date, the first report on the analysis of transcriptome of a wild relative of peanut. The ESTs produced in this study are a valuable resource for gene discovery, the characterization of new wild alleles, and for marker development. The ESTs were released in the [GenBank:EH041934 to EH048197]

    Nests of Eufriesea aff. auriceps (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossini) in remnants of Atlantic Forest and reforested areas

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    In recent decades, the use of the trap-nest technique has helped to increase knowledge on the nest architecture of many orchid bee species. This study describes the nest architecture of Eufriesea aff. auriceps constructed in trap-nests made of dried bamboo internodes (canes). The nests were placed in remnants of Atlantic forest and in reforested areas next to forest remnants and monitored monthly from August 2015 to August 2016 and from August 2018 to August 2019 in southern Brazil. The bamboo internodes occupied by bees varied in internal diameter from 1.0cm to 2.0 cm (`X = 1.7; SD = 0.3; N = 12) and in length from 11.0 cm to 28.0 cm (`X = 19.5; SD = 4.8; N = 12). The total size of the nests inside the bamboo internodes ranged from 9.0 cm to 19.9 cm (`X = 14.3; SD= 3.9; N = 12). The number of brood cells constructed per nest varied from 1 to 10 (`X = 4.0; SD = 2.3; N = 15). The cells were built with small pieces of bark cemented with resin, linearly arranged along the bamboo tube. Internally, the cell wall was lined with resin. The cells measured 1.5-3.0 cm (`X = 2.3 ± 0.5; N = 48) in length and 1.4-1.7 (`X = 1.5 ± 0.1; N = 17) cm in width. The internal contour of the cells was elliptical. Females of Eufriesea aff. auriceps occupied trap-nests in both the forest remnants and in areas undergoing restoration


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    Dioctophyma renale é um parasita nematoide, parasita prioritariamente o rim direito, podendo também ser encontrado livre na cavidade abdominal. Quando adulto apresenta morfologia cilíndrica e coloração avermelhada, podendo chegar até 1,2m de comprimento. A dioctofimose se dá através da ingestão da sua forma larval, que pode estar presente nos anelídeos oligoquetas, que são hospedeiros intermediários, ou ainda de peixes e rãs, que são hospedeiros paratênicos ou acidentais. Os sinais clínicos podem ou não estar presentes, e no geral são hematúria ao final da micção, inapetência e dores lombares, as vezes é assintomático. O tratamento irá variar de acordo com o estágio da parasitose, sendo nefrectomia para casos avançados e nefrotomia retirando em casos mais precoces. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de Dioctophyma renale em cão, abordando as manifestações clínicas, diagnóstico e tratamento. No presente caso, um cão, macho, sem raça definida, de 4 anos de idade, oriundo da cidade de Concórdia, Santa Catarina, foi atendido pela clínica veterinária “Mil Patinhas”, onde foi diagnosticado com dioctofimose por ultrassonografia, e outros exames complementares. No exame clínico geral todos os parâmetros se encontravam dentro da normalidade, sendo a queixa principal presença de urina amarelo escuro com uma secreção marrom esverdeada lembrando um “lodo”. Na urinálise observou-se coloração amarela escuro da urina, com sedimento marrom esverdeado, presença de ovos do parasita, densidade urinária alta (1.060), presença de sangue oculto (3+) e traços de proteína. Na análise bioquímica sérica foram realizados a determinação da glicose, creatinina, uréia, relação ureia/creatinina, proteína total, albumina, globulinas, relação albumina/globulina, alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e fosfatase alcalina (FA). A creatinina estava aumentada (2,3 mg/dL) que em conjunto do aumento da densidade urinário indica azotemia pré-renal, houve ainda hiperglobulina (4,9 g/dL) devido ao processo inflamatório causado pelo parasita, e aumento da enzima ALT (146 U/L), por dano hepático. Os demais parâmetros bioquímicos avaliados estavam dentro dos padrões de referência. Na ultrassonografia o rim direito apresentou perda da arquitetura renal, presença de estruturas tubulares arredondadas com centro hipoecogênico e contorno hiperecogênico, compatível com parasitismo por Dioctophyma renale, rim esquerdo sem parasita. Após esses achados o animal foi encaminhado no mesmo dia para nefrectomia unilateral direita, o rim já havia perdido sua arquitetura anatômica e após aberto foram retirados seis parasitas, o maior medindo 50 centímetros de comprimento. O animal permaneceu estável no pós-operatório imediato e foi acompanhado mensalmente apresentando todos os parâmetros normais. Conclui-se que dioctofimose acomete principalmente os animais de vida errante, possivelmente em virtude de seus hábitos alimentares menos seletivos. Normalmente, é um achado acidental na clínica veterinária, sendo encontrado principalmente em necropsias ou exames físicos sem sinais clínicos prévios. No município de Concórdia é o primeiro relato de caso sobre a presença deste parasita. O diagnóstico precoce é essencial para o prognóstico favorável e tratamento eficaz do animal acometido, prevenindo o acometimento de outros animais

    Characterization of an antagonistic peptide produced by a Bacteroides Fragilis isolate obtained from a patient with intra-abdominal infection / Caracterização de um peptido antagonístico produzido por Bacteroides Fragilis isolado obtido em um paciente com infecção intra-abdominal

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    The indigenous microbiota of humans is extremely rich and diverse, with special emphasis on the intestinal microbiota. As a constituent of this microbiota, it is mentioned the genus Bacteroides, whose members are Gram negative rods, obligate anaerobes, amphibionts, associated to the etiopathogenesis of important infectious diseases, such as intra-abdominal infections. Bacteroides strains have the ability to synthesize antagonistic substances that play an ecological role, especially in densely colonized habitats, giving a competitive advantage to the producing samples. The objective of this study was to evaluate the synthesis capacity of antagonistic substances by 40 samples of Bacteroides and Parabacteroides isolated from patients with intra-abdominal infections. The expression of antagonism was evaluated by the overlay diffusion method, using, as well as the test samples, 36 reference samples of Gram negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Subsequently, a production strain (Bacteroides fragilis) was used for extraction, purification and partial characterization of the detected antagonistic substance. As indicator strains, Bacteroides ovatus and Bacteroides caccae were used. The production strain was submitted to protein extraction, and the activity of the precipitated intracellular extract was detected with (NH4) 2SO4 in concentrations of 30% (C30) and 50% (C50). C30 and C50 were inactivated by proteases and high temperatures and remained active after exposure to organic solvents and a wide pH range. Both fractions presented antagonistic activity of bacteriostatic nature. The C50 extract was subjected to ion exchange chromatography, and 50 fractions were recovered. Among them, fractions 1 to 4, referring to a single peak, that were not able to bind to the column, presented antagonistic activity. Fractions from the ion exchange chromatography were applied in gel filtration chromatography. Among them, fractions 2 and 3 were able to inhibit the developing sample. These fractions were submitted to reverse phase chromatography, and 50 fractions were collected. One of them, fraction 2C, remained active against the revealing sample. Mass spectrometry, from fraction 2C obtained from reverse phase chromatography, presented ions of approximately 1300.00 Da, which generated a more intense signal. The search performed by similarity between the sequenced peptides and proteins described in the BLASTP database, from fragmentation obtained in reverse phase chromatography, resulted in 100% identity between two peptides. One of the sequenced peptides showed 100% identity to a type VII secretion protein. The search performed by similarity between the sequenced peptides and proteins described in the ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDE DATABASE database, from fragmentation obtained with trypsin digestion, resulted in 42% identity with a Streptomyces microcine. Together, the results indicate the production of antagonistic substances by the B. fragilis sample under study. It is plausible to assume that they play a relevant role in interbacterial relationships, as a virulence factor, in a complex environment such as intra-abdominal infection

    Characteristics related to antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation of widespread methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis ST2 and ST23 lineages in Rio de Janeiro hospitals, Brazil

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    AbstractStaphylococcus epidermidis is a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections, mostly associated with the use of medical devices in seriously ill or immunocompromised patients. Currently, the characteristics of methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis (MRSE) isolates from Rio de Janeiro hospitals are unknown. In this study, staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) types, antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, biofilm formation genes, and multilocus sequence types (MLST) were investigated in 35 MRSE clinical isolates. The collection of isolates was previously well characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) into 2 main genotypes (A and B, 22 isolates) and 10 sporadic genotypes (13 isolates). MLST revealed a total of 8 different sequence types (STs), but ST2 and ST23, which were icaAB-positive, represented the majority (71.4%) of MRSE isolates tested. Almost all isolates (91.4%) belonged to clonal complex 2. SCCmec types III and IV were identified among 71.4% of the isolates, while the remaining was nontypeable. The predominant MRSE genotypes were defined as SCCmec type III/ST2 (PFGE type A) and SCCmec type IV/ST23 (PFGE type B) isolates, which were both associated with high antimicrobial resistance and presence of biofilm-related genes