152 research outputs found

    In Vitro Investigation of Thiol-Functionalized Cellulose Nanofibrils as a Chronic Wound Environment Modulator

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    There is currently a huge need for new, improved therapeutic approaches for the treatment of chronic wounds. One promising strategy is to develop wound dressings capable of modulating the chronic wound environment (e.g., by controlling the high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and proteases). Here, we selected the thiol-containing amino acid cysteine to endow wood-derived cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) with bioactivity toward the modulation of ROS levels and protease activity. Cysteine was covalently incorporated into CNF and the functionalized material, herein referred as cys-CNF, was characterized in terms of chemical structure, degree of substitution, radical scavenging capacity, and inhibition of protease activity. The stability of the thiol groups was evaluated over time, and an in vitro cytotoxicity study with human dermal fibroblasts was performed to evaluate the safety profile of cys-CNF. Results showed that cys-CNF was able to efficiently control the activity of the metalloprotease collagenase and to inhibit the free radical DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical), activities that were correlated with the presence of free thiol groups on the nanofibers. The stability study showed that the reactivity of the thiol groups challenged the bioactivity over time. Nevertheless, preparing the material as an aerogel and storing it in an inert atmosphere were shown to be valid approaches to increase the stability of the thiol groups in cys-CNF. No signs of toxicity were observed on the dermal fibroblasts when exposed to cys-CNF (concentration range 0.1-0.5 mg/mL). The present work highlights cys-CNF as a promising novel material for the development of bioactive wound dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds

    A synthetic cyclized antimicrobial peptide with potent effects against drug resistant skin pathogens

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    Acknowledgments We would like to thank Anna Blasi-Romero for helping with the set-up of the initial scanning electron microscopy experiments. This project was partially supported by the Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare (AB 186 678), Region Stockholm (AB, ALF project 995080), a fellowship grant from the EPSRC (no. EP/S027246/1, W.E.H.), the Bo Rydin Foundation (no. F30/20; NF), the Swedish Research Council (# no. 2011-3403; UG); and Postdoctoral scholarship by Elisabeth and Alfred Ahlqvists Stiftelse, Apotekarsocieteten (TM). The graphical abstract was created with a BioRender standard academic license.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Comparação da prova de função pulmonar e da força muscular respiratória entre idosas osteoporóticas com e sem fratura vertebral torácica = Comparation of pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength among older osteoporotic women with and without thoracic vertebral fracture

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    Introduction: Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by decreased bone mass, resulting in fractures, which may occur in the thoracic vertebrae, causing changes in respiratory mechanics, impairing lung function. Objectives: To compare the spirometric, respiratory muscle strength and angle of thoracic kyphosis among elderly osteoporotic vertebral fractures with and without chest. Methods: The sample was divided into group A, elderly women with thoracic vertebral fracture (n = 5) and group B, older chest without vertebral fracture (n = 7). All were assessed by spirometry, manometer, and anthropometric measurements of the thoracic curvature. Results: The results showed an increase in thoracic curvature and a decrease in lung function in Group A compared with Group B and respiratory muscle strength deficit in Group A. Conclusion: The thoracic kyphosis deformity, caused by osteoporotic fractures, affects both the respiratory and musculoskeletal system

    Haemocompatibility and ion exchange capability of nanocellulose polypyrrole membranes intended for blood purification

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    Composites of nanocellulose and the conductive polymer polypyrrole (PPy) are presented as candidates for a new generation of haemodialysis membranes. The composites may combine active ion exchange with passive ultrafiltration, and the large surface area (about 80 m2 g−1) could potentially provide compact dialysers. Herein, the haemocompatibility of the novel membranes and the feasibility of effectively removing small uraemic toxins by potential-controlled ion exchange were studied. The thrombogenic properties of the composites were improved by applying a stable heparin coating. In terms of platelet adhesion and thrombin generation, the composites were comparable with haemocompatible polymer polysulphone, and regarding complement activation, the composites were more biocompatible than commercially available membranes. It was possible to extract phosphate and oxalate ions from solutions with physiological pH and the same tonicity as that of the blood. The exchange capacity of the materials was found to be 600 ± 26 and 706 ± 31 μmol g−1 in a 0.1 M solution (pH 7.4) and in an isotonic solution of phosphate, respectively. The corresponding values with oxalate were 523 ± 5 in a 0.1 M solution (pH 7.4) and 610 ± 1 μmol g−1 in an isotonic solution. The heparinized PPy–cellulose composite is consequently a promising haemodialysis material, with respect to both potential-controlled extraction of small uraemic toxins and haemocompatibility

    The Number of Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors Is Independently Correlated with Disease Activity in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis

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    Background and objectives: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is associated with several comorbidities, including among others an increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease, atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, hypertension dyslipidemia, and diabetes. The purpose of the present study was to determine how the number of CV risk factors correlates with disease related data such as disease activity. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study that encompassed 305 patients who fulfilled the CASPAR criteria for PsA were assessed for lipid profile, disease activity measurements, and the presence of six traditional CV risk factors (diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and smoking status). A multivariable regression analysis, adjusted for age, sex, and disease duration, was performed to evaluate if the number of classic CV risk factors was independently related with specific features of the disease, including disease activity. Results: Disease duration was found to be higher, after adjustment for age and sex, in patients with 1 or 2, and 3 or higher CV factors, compared to those patients without CV risk factors. Similarly, DAPSA (Disease Activity in PSoriatic Arthritis score) was found to be independently upregulated in patients with a higher number of CV risk factors. In this sense, as DAPSA score increases the odds ratio (OR) of having 1 or 2 (OR 1.12 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03?1.21), p = 0.010), and 3 or higher (OR 1.15 (95% CI 1.04?1.26), p = 0.004) CV factors was significantly higher compared to no CV risk factors category. This was independently found after adjustment for age, sex, and disease duration. Conclusions: PsA patients with a higher number of CV risk factors exhibit an upregulated disease activity compared to those without them. This is independent of disease duration and other demographics factorsThis research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria grants PI06/0024, PI09/00748, PI12/00060, PI15/00525, PI18/00043) and the ISCIII RETICS programs (RD12/0009 and RD16/0012)

    Impacto da quarentena no estilo de vida de hipertensos: Impact of quarantine on the lifestyle of hypertensive people

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    Objetivo. Conhecer como as restrições da pandemia dificultam no controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica para indivíduos diagnosticados hipertensos primários, em relação: hábitos alimentares (controle de sal e temperos), uso de tabaco e álcool, atividade física e fator emocional. Métodos. Estudo de campo, com abordagem quantitativa, do tipo analítico transversal, realizado a partir de um questionário estruturado, o qual abordou variáveis categóricas: hábito de fumar (sim/não); hábito de usar temperos naturais (sim/não); hábito de consumir bebida alcoólica (sim/não); percepção estresse ou ansiedade (sim/não). E variáveis quantitativas: consumo diário de sal e atividade física realizada durante a semana. Todas as variáveis foram questionadas no período de “antes” e “durante” o período de quarentena do COVID-19. A técnica usada para análise dos dados foi bivariada de tabulação cruzada, com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. As associações entre variáveis foram realizadas através dos testes Qui-quadrado e t de Student. Resultado. Participaram 378 indivíduos hipertensos, do município de Birigui-SP, entre 18 e 80 anos de idade. Durante o período de restrição social, as análises demonstraram, com significância estatística, que houve diminuição da prática de atividade física, o aumento no consumo de sal, e o aumento da auto percepção de estresse e da ansiedade. Conclusão. Os resultados apontam uma piora dos hábitos de vida do grupo de hipertensos no quesito de atividade física, fator emocional e consumo de sódio, o que dificulta o controle da doença

    Disease activity influences cardiovascular risk reclassification based on carotid ultrasound in patients with psoriatic arthritis

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    ABSTRACT: Objective. Because the addition of carotid ultrasound (US) into composite cardiovascular (CV) risk scores has been found effective for identifying patients with inflammatory arthritis and high CV risk, we aimed to determine whether its use would facilitate the reclassification of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) into the very high Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) risk category and whether this might be related to disease features. Methods. This was a cross-sectional study involving 206 patients who fulfilled ClASsification for Psoriatic ARthritis criteria for PsA, and 179 controls. We assessed lipid profile, SCORE, disease activity measurements, and the presence of carotid plaques and carotid intima-media thickness by ultrasonography. A multivariable regression analysis, adjusted for classic CV risk factors, was performed to evaluate whether the risk of reclassification could be explained by disease-related features and to assess the most parsimonious combination of risk reclassification predictors. Results. Forty-seven percent of patients were reclassified into a very high SCORE risk category after carotid US compared to 26% of controls (p < 0.001). Patients included in the low SCORE risk category were those who were more commonly reclassified (30% vs 14%, p = 0.002). The Disease Activity Index for PsA (DAPSA) score was associated with reclassification (? 1.10, 95% CI 1.02?1.19; p = 0.019) after adjusting for age and traditional CV risk factors. A model containing SCORE plus age, statin use, and DAPSA score yielded the highest discriminatory accuracy compared to the SCORE-alone model (area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve 0.863, 95% CI 0.789?0.936 vs 0.716, 95% CI 0.668?0.764; p < 0.001). Conclusion. Patients with PsA are more frequently reclassified into the very high SCORE risk category following carotid US assessment than controls. This was independently explained by the disease activity.Funding: This work was supported by a grant to I.F-A. from the Spanish Ministry of Health, Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016 and by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional -FEDER - (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, FIS PI14/00394, PI17/00083) Professor González-Gay research was supported by European Union FEDER funds and by the “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria” (grants PI06/0024, PS09/00748, PI12/00060, PI15/00525 and PI18/00043) of the ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (ISCIII, Health Ministry, Spain). It was also partially supported by RETICS Programs RD12/0009 (RIER), RD12/0009/0013 and RD16/0012 from the ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (ISCIII, Health Ministry, Spain)


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    A arborização urbana traz diversos benefícios às cidades, tais como melhoria do microclima, embelezamento, redução da poluição sonora e visual além da melhoria física e mental dos habitantes. Porém a inserção de algumas plantas no meio urbano pode trazer malefícios, principalmente quando estas forem providas de princípios tóxicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as espécies vegetais potencialmente nocivas distribuídas nas praças, ruas e avenidas do bairro Centro da cidade de Santiago/RS. Para isso foi realizado um levantamento das espécies arbóreas através de visitas in loco, identificando-as individualmente, no período de dezembro de 2007 a fevereiro de 2008.  As espécies foram identificadas de acordo com o sistema de classificação APG III e, posteriormente, calculouse a freqüência de ocorrência de cada espécie. A pesquisa demonstrou a predominância de Ligustrum lucidum Ait. e Melia azedarach L. entre as espécies tóxicas relatadas

    Aspectos morfológicos dos órgãos genitais femininos do gambá (Didelphis sp.)

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    Eight reproductive systems of opossum females of had been collected (Didelphis sp). Five, had been destined to macrocospic study and three to the microscopical study. These animals were died and fixeded in the Department of Anatomy of the UNIfeob, with formaldehyde 10% from Araçatuba scientific creator - IBAMA. For macrocospic analysis, the reproductive systems had been removed, keeping to its positions "in situ" and were carried through the photographic documentation for macrocospic results. For the microscopical study, the reproductive system was processed routinely by the technique of inclusion in similar of paraffin and cut with 5µm thickness, and the cuts had been stained in HE, Toluidin blue, Picrosirius, PAS (periodic acid Shiff reaction) and tricromo de Masson16, 17. The feminine reproductive system of the opossum was compose for two ovaries, double uterus, two lateral vagins and between these a pseudovaginal canal, these three structures if they join forming the urogenital sinus locking up in a "pubic mount" or genital tubercle, forming an internal common opening to the anus and vulva, call of pseudocloaca or urogenital sinus. Microscopically the ovarios were functional with mono and poliovulares follicles. The uterine tube was characteristic, coated for ciliad prismatic epithelium. The uterine horns had presented epithelium of ciliad prismatic covering. The urogenital sinus presented three tubular structures. Vulva presented the same characteristics of the skin.Foram coletados oito sistemas reprodutores de fêmeas de gambás (Didelphis sp). Destes cinco, foram destinados ao estudo macroscópico e três ao estudo microscópico. Estes animais encontravam-se fixados no Departamento de Anatomia da UNIfeob, em formaldeído a 10%, provenientes do Criatório Científico de Araçatuba (IBAMA). Para análise macroscópica, os sistemas reprodutores foram retirados, guardando-se as devidas posições "in situ" e foi realizada a documentação fotográfica para resultados macroscópicos. Para o estudo microscópico, o sistema reprodutor foi processado rotineiramente pela técnica de inclusão em Paraplast e cortadas em micrótomo, com espessura média de 5 mm, e os cortes foram corados em HE, Azul de Toluidina, Picrosírius, PAS e tricromo de Masson16,17 . O sistema reprodutor feminino do gambá era composto por dois ovários, útero duplo, duas vaginas laterais e entre estas um canal pseudovaginal, estas três estruturas se unem formando o seio urogenital encerrando em um "monte" púbico ou tubérculo genital, formando uma abertura comum interna ao ânus e a vulva, chamada de pseudocloaca ou seio urogenital. Microscopicamente os ovários eram funcionais com folículos mono e poliovulares. A tuba uterina era característica, revestida por epitélio prismático ciliado. Os cornos uterinos apresentaram epitélio de revestimento prismático ciliado. O seio urogenital apresentou três estruturas tubulares. A vulva apresentou as mesmas características da pele


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    Forensic Anthropology is the branch of Physical Anthropology that deals with criminal examinations of bones and charred corpses or those in an advanced state of decomposition. Sex estimation is an essential step in identifying unknown individuals and often depends on the presence of highly dimorphic bones such as the pelvis and skull. In the absence of the skull and pelvis, isolated sacrum can be used to estimate sex, as it is a bone favored for preservation. The objective of our study was to perform an osteometric study on dry adult sacrum and relate the results to sexual dimorphism. For this we used a sample of 200 dried sacrums, 130 male and 70 female, all belonging to the Center for Forensic Anthropology at FAP-Araripina. We performed three linear measurements on these bones: maximum height, maximum width and transverse diameter of the body of the first sacral vertebra. All measurements were taken with the aid of a precision digital caliper graduated in millimeters from the Vonder brand. According to our results, the average maximum height was greater in males (117.0mm), while the maximum width and transverse diameter of S1 were higher in females with 111.1mm and 44.1mm respectively. We hope that more studies on our population will be carried out, especially in different regions, due to the large territorial area of Brazil and the great miscegenation that exists in our country.A Antropologia Forense é o ramo da Antropologia Física que lida com as perícias criminais de ossadas e de cadáveres carbonizados ou em estado avançado de decomposição. A estimativa do sexo é uma etapa essencial para identificar indivíduos desconhecidos e geralmente depende da presença de ossos altamente dimórficos, como a pelve e o crânio. Na ausência do crânio e da pelve, sacros isolados podem ser utilizados para a estimativa do sexo, pois é um osso favorecido pela preservação. O objetivo do nosso estudo foi de realizar um estudo osteométrico em sacros secos de adultos e relacionar os resultados com o dimorfismo sexual. Para isto utilizamos uma amostra de 200 sacros secos, sendo 130 do sexo masculino e 70 do sexo feminino, todos pertencentes ao Centro de Antropologia Forense da FAP-Araripina. Realizamos três medidas lineares nestes ossos: altura máxima, largura máxima e diâmetro transverso do corpo da primeira vértebra sacral. Todas as medidas foram tomadas com auxílio de um paquímetro digital de precisão graduado em milímetros da marca Vonder. De acordo com os nossos resultados, a média da altura máxima foi maior no sexo masculino (117,0mm), enquanto a largura máxima e o diâmetro transverso de S1 foram superiores no sexo feminino com 111,1mm e 44,1mm respectivamente. Esperamos que mais estudos em nossa população sejam realizados, principalmente em diferentes regiões, devido à grande área territorial do Brasil e a grande miscigenação existente em nosso país. &nbsp