29 research outputs found

    BUKU PANDUAN PENGKAFIRAN: Evaluasi Kritis Tibyān fī Ma’rifat al-Adyān karya Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī

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    Abstract: The aim of this article is to critically evaluate the thought of Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī, particularly his thought in Tibyān fī Ma’rifat al-Adyān. The book contained his accusation of others as being a kafir. This Indian origin theologian explained the history of religions from the times of Adam to the times of Jesus. He claimed that those pre-Islamic religion had perverted. He discussed also Islamic theological schools such as Rafidi, Khawarij, Jabbariyah, Qadariyah, Jahmiyah, Murji'ah and Karamiyah. He said that those schools are perverted as well. According to him, only Ahl al-Sunnah wa ’l-jamā’ah is the right theology. He also discussed various ideologies and the practices of mysticism that have ever grown and claimed that those are perverted too, except the akhlaqi tasawwuf. This article reviews the historical background of Aceh chronically till this "guidance book of takfir" come into existence. For that cause, the content of Tibyān fī Ma’rifat al-Adyānwill is discussed in brief. Finally, the theological thought of al-Ranīrī regarding the unity of being. The article focuses on the criticism over the attack of al-Ranīrī against the concept of the unity of being held by Hamzah Fansūrī and Shams al-Dīn al-Sumatranī. Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan melakukan evaluasi kritis atas pemikiran Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī, khususnya dalam bukunya Tibyān fī Ma’rifat al-Adyān. Dalam buku tersebut dia mengkafirkan banyak pihak. Teolog asal India itu mengulas sejarah agama-agama sejak Adam hingga Isa al-Masih. Dia mengatakan agama-agama tersebut telah menjadi agama yang sesat setelah Islam muncul. Selanjutnya dia membahas aliran-aliran teologi seperti Rafidi, Khawarij, Jabariyah, Qadariyah, Jamamiyah, Murji’ah dan Karamiyah. Dia mengatakan semua aliran teologi ter­sebut adalah sesat. Menurutnya aliran yang benar hanya Ahl al-Sunnah wa ’l-Jamā’ah. Selanjutnya dia mengulas berbagai itikad dan praktik mistisme yang pernah berkembang dan mengatakan semua itu sesat kecuali aliran tasawuf akhlaqi. Tulisan ini mengulas tentang latar belakang Aceh secara kronologis hingga “buku panduan pengkafiran” tersebut hadir. Selanjutnya diulas secara ringkan isi Tibyān fī Ma’rifat al-Adyān. Terakhir dilakukan evaluasi kritis atas pandangan teologis al-Ranīrī tentang Waḥdat al-Wujūd. Tulisan ini berfokus pada kritik atas serangan al-Ranīrī terhadap pemikiran Waḥdat al-Wujūd yang dipegang oleh Hamzah Fansūrī dan Shams al-Dīn al-Sumatranī

    Minoritas Dan Politik Perukunan (FKUB, Ideologi Toleransi dan Relasi Muslim-Kristen Aceh Tamiang)

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    One concept of how to improve the relationship between Christians and Muslims is the concept of interfaith dialogue. Community must deepen their knowledge to improve interreligious relationship. Avoiding stereotypes and learning other religions will increase understanding and respect among each other thus people can live together peacefully. One organization that seeks to assist with interfaith misunderstandings and provides opportunities for interreligious dialogue is the Interfaith Communication Forum (FKUB). FKUB's goal is to "knit true brotherhood, participate to build peace", build harmonious relationships and maintain their differences through a communicatio

    Preserving Identity through Modernity: Dayah al-Aziziyah and Its Negotiations with Modernity in Aceh

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    This paper aims to analyze the dayah negotiations in Aceh in the face of modernity. On the one hand, the dayah needs to maintain identity by caring for the uniqueness of the system and methods of religious teaching in accordance with methods that have been taught from generation to generation. Text review determined by the dayah teacher (teungku) starting from the criteria of the dayah student (santri) and the system of evaluation and standardization of abilities. Dayah also takes care of identity by forming the personality of the santri through the development of independence of life in the dayah. The dayah system has succeeded in giving birth to a society that understands Islam in a deep, comprehensive and far-reaching understanding of religion. More importantly, dayah education alienates santri from radical thought patterns and makes them tolerant humans. The results of this study show that Dayah Al-Aziziyah who cared about modernity by not losing its identity successfully spread religious teachings well in Aceh. Negotiations with modernity also made Al-Aziziyah a little left with some of its educational principles such as delaying the big vision to make Islamic Higher Educatin (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam, STAI) Al-Aziziyah Samalanga exactly like the dayah manyang (higher dayah level) that had been popular in Aceh.Tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisa negosiasi dayah di Aceh dalam menghadapi modernitas. Pada satu sisi, dayah perlu menjaga identitas dengan merawat keunikan sistem dan metode pengajaran agama sesuai dengan cara yang telah diajarkan secara turun-temurun. Kajian teks yang ditentukan oleh pengajar (teungku) mulai dari kriteria santri dan sistem evaluasi dan standarisasi kemampuan.Dayah juga merawat identitas dengan membentuk kepribadian santri melalui pembangunan kemandirian hidup di dayah.Sistem dayah telah berhasil melahirkan masyarakat yang memahami Islam secara mendalam, menyeluruh dan jauh paham sempit tentang agama.Yang lebih penting, pendidikan dayah menjauhkan santri dari pola pikir radikal dan menjadikan mereka manusia yang toleran.Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan, dayah Al-Aziziyah yang mempedulikan modernitas dengan tidak kehilangan identitas berhasil menyebarkan ajaran agama dengan baik di Aceh.Negosiasi dengan modernitas juga sedikit membuat Al-Aziziyah harus meninggalkan beberapa prinsip pendidikannya seperti menunda visi besar menjadikan STAI Al-Aziziyah Samalanga persis seperti dayah manyang yang pernah berjaya di Aceh

    Non-Muslim dalam Arena Ekonomi Islam: Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Menabung pada Bank Syariah di Langsa Aceh.

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    This article aims to analyze the factors that influence the interest of non-Muslims in Langsa Aceh to save in sharia banks. This study with non-Muslim samples in Langsa Aceh uses field research with a focus on interviews and observations to find data. Furthermore, the data is reduced and processed with rules that have been determined in the field research system. The findings of this study indicate four important factors that influence the interest of non-Muslims in Langsa Aceh to save in sharia banks. First is knowledge factor, second is location factor, third is promotion factor, and fourth is environmental factor. An important recommendation from this research is that sharia banks realize the enthusiasm of non-Muslims to save in sharia banks so that they become a focus of promotion and socialization. Sharia banks must offer an objective system of the advantages of the Islamic banking system.Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat non-muslim di Kota Langsa Aceh menabung di bank syariah.Penelitiandengan sampel non-muslim di Kota Langsa Aceh ini menggunakan penelitian lapangan dengan fokus wawancara dan observasi untuk menemukan data.Selanjutnya data direduksi dan diolah dengan kaidah yang telah ditemntukan dalam sistem penelitian lapangan.Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan empat faktor penting yang mempengaruhi minat non-muslim di Kota Langsa Aceh menabung di bank syariah.Pertama adalah faktor pengetahuan, kedua adalah faktor lokasi, ketiga adalah faktor promosi, dan keempat adalah faktor lingkungan.Rekomendasi penting dari penelitian ini supaya pihak bank syariah menyadari antusiasme non-muslim menabung di bank syariah sehingga mereka menjadi bagian fokus promosi dan sosialisasi.Pihak bank harus menawarkan sistem objektif tentang keunggulan sistem perbankan syariah

    Dinamika Sosial dalam Pandangan Al-Qur’an: Analisis Penafsiran Term Al-ibtilâ’

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    This study examines social change or social transformation in the view of the Qur'an. This paper emphasizes the understanding that social transformation is a necessity because it is part of the sunnatullah applied in the reality of life through the pattern or process of its transformation. This paper uses the concept of alibtila' as a selection process. The argument is described based on the perspective of the verses of the Qur'an and by the interpretations of the interpreters in understanding the verses that identify the term. In addition, this study is intended to build knowledge that people can understand and be able to realize a positive-idealistic, constructive social transformation amid their lives based on the most fundamental source of Islamic teachings.Abstrak:  Studi ini mengkaji  tentang perubahan sosial atau transformasi sosial dalam pandangan Al-Quran. Tulisan ini menekankan pada pemahaman bahwa transformasi sosial adalah sebuah keniscayaan terjadi karena itu merupakan bagian dari sunnatullah dalam realitas kehidupan melalui pola atau proses transformasinya. Tulisan ini menggunakan konsep alibtila' sebagai proses seleksi. Argument tersebut dideskripsikan berdasarkan perspektif ayat-ayat Al-Qur‟an dan sesuai dengan interpretasi para penafsir dalam memahami ayat-ayat yang mengidentifikasi term tersebut. Selain itu, studi ini ditujukan agar masyarakat dapat memahami dan mampu mewujudkan transformasi sosial yang positif-idealistik, konstruktif di tengah-tengah kehidupan mereka berdasarkan kepada sumber ajaran Islam yang paling fundamental, yaitu ayat-ayat Al-Qur‟an Al-Karim dari karya-karya tafsir yang menjelaskannya secara lebih rinci dan luas

    Applying Ibn ʿArabī's Concept of Tajallī: A Sufi Approach to Environmental Ethics

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    This article examines the Sufi concept of tajallī and its application to environmental ethics. This study usesdescriptive and productive interpretation to analyze the data which are extracted from the main works of Ibn  ͑Arabī, namely Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam and al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya. It finds that Ibn ʿArabī’s concept of tajallī can be understood not only in its philosophical sense but also in its spiritual and moral sense to develop a new approach to environmental ethics. This research has valid implications for taking a new direction in the study of mystic Islam and environmental ethic by incorporating tajallī and other Sufi doctrines such as waḥdat al-wujūd, maḥabbah, and maʿrifah.

    Integration of Religion and Culture in Muslim Minority Communities through Islamic Education

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    The clash between Islam and culture often occurs in efforts to disseminate Islamic education to the society especially in areas with Muslim minority communities. This study aims to explore the integration of culture and Islam in Muslim minority areas in the context of implementing Islamic education. The research took place at two Madrasah Aliyah schools and one Madrasah Tsanawiyah located in Tarutung City. This study applied qualitative and phenomenological approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Triangulation techniques were used to analyze the data. The informants involved in this study were community leaders, educational leaders and religious leaders. The results of the study show that Islamic religion and culture can be integrated in socializing Islamic education to people in Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. Many aspects of Batak culture are maintained because they are in accordance with Islamic religious teaching. Some aspect of Batak culture that are contrary to Islamic religious teachings are adapted to be compatible with Islamic religious teachings. In this study, the integration of Islamic religion and Batak  culture  went fairly smoothly and is accepted by the community to deliver in Islamic education in the region

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