418 research outputs found

    A Palatable Hyperlipidic Diet Causes Obesity and Affects Brain Glucose Metabolism in Rats

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    Background We have previously shown that either the continuous intake of a palatable hyperlipidic diet (H) or the alternation of chow (C) and an H diet (CH regimen) induced obesity in rats. Here, we investigated whether the time of the start and duration of these feeding regimens are relevant and whether they affect brain glucose metabolism. Methods Male Wistar rats received C, H, or CH diets during various periods of their life spans: days 30-60, days 30-90, or days 60-90. Experiments were performed the 60th or the 90th day of life. Rats were killed by decapitation. The glucose, insulin, leptin plasma concentration, and lipid content of the carcasses were determined. The brain was sliced and incubated with or without insulin for the analysis of glucose uptake, oxidation, and the conversion of [1-14C]-glucose to lipids. Results The relative carcass lipid content increased in all of the H and CH groups, and the H30-60 and H30-90 groups had the highest levels. Groups H30-60, H30-90, CH30-60, and CH30-90 exhibited a higher serum glucose level. Serum leptin increased in all H groups and in the CH60-90 and CH30-90 groups. Serum insulin was elevated in the H30-60, H60-90, CH60-90, CH30-90 groups. Basal brain glucose consumption and hypothalamic insulin receptor density were lower only in the CH30-60 group. The rate of brain lipogenesis was increased in the H30-90 and CH30-90 groups. Conclusion These findings indicate that both H and CH diet regimens increased body adiposity independent treatment and the age at which treatment was started, whereas these diets caused hyperglycemia and affected brain metabolism when started at an early age

    Diretrizes para gestão de suprimentos: análise do panorama da função compras na construção civil de uma capital Amazônica

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo a apresentação de um conjunto de diretrizes relacionadas ao panorama da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos (SCM), com ênfase à função compras, em pequenas, médias e grandes empresas da indústria da construção civil na cidade de Belém, localizada na Amazônia Brasileira. Para tanto, adotou conceitos teóricos relacionados à estrutura da área, seus processos, desempenho e tendências. A realização da investigação, tem como referência metodológica central um relevante estudo nacional em gestão de suprimentos, utilizando-se como ferramenta para coleta de dados um questionário fechado, em formato eletrônico, tipo survey. Constatou-se que quase a metade das empresas (44%) sequer utilizam-se da SCM em suas compras, que mais de 1/3 (36%) sofrem com atrasos muito significativos nas entregas e que a grande maioria busca a diversificação de fornecedores (92%), melhoria nas relações com eles (80%) e nos seus sistemas de Tecnologia de Informação - TI (76%). A partir destes e dos demais resultados alcançados são ressaltadas diretrizes, dentre as quais destacam-se: (1) necessidade de formalização da utilização de Indicadores de Desempenho dos Fornecedores; (2) indicação do aumento do nível de envolvimento da área de compras em decisões abrangentes; (3) configuração de uma nova postura proativa da gestão de compras. O presente estudo de caso, em um segmento específico (habitacional) de um cidade de médio porte em um país em desenvolvimento, chega à conclusões que corroboram os conceitos e as teorias existentes na literatura de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos e estratégia organizacional, em especial no setor da construção civil, e seus resultados convergem com trabalhos desenvolvidos em outros países emergentes, o que pode contribuir para o avanço e maior utilização da SCM na região amazônica e, talvez, em outras que guardem caraterísticas ou contextos similares, podendo, assim, haver importantes implicações gerenciais no setor.This article aims to present a set of guidelines related to supply management, with emphasis to procurement, in small, medium and large companies in the construction industry, building subsector in the city of Belém, located in the Brazilian Amazon. Therefore, concepts were adopted relating theories to the structural area, processes, and performance trends. To perform the research, Having as central methodological reference a relevant national study in the management of supplies we opted for the survey method, using as a tool for collecting data a closed questionnaire, in electronic format.From the great diversity of results obtained, guidelines are highlighted, among which the following stand out: (1) the need to formalize the use of supplier performance indicators; (2) the increase in the shopping area of the level of involvement in comprehensive decisions; (3) setting up a new proactive approach of purchasing management. These results contribute to the management literature of supply chain and organizational strategy as well as provide important managerial implications, especially highlighting the most usual practices found in the amazon region

    Contribution of Yap 1 towards S. cervisiae adaptation to arsenic mediated oxidative stress

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    Post-PrintIn the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae arsenic detoxification involves the activation Yap8, a member of the Yap family of transcription factors, which in turn regulates ACR2 and ACR3, encoding an arsenate reductase and a plasma membrane arsenite efflux-protein, respectively. In addition, Yap1 is involved in the arsenic adaptation process through regulating the expression of the vacuolar-pump encoded by YCF1 and also contributing to the regulation of ACR genes. Here we show that Yap1 is also involved in the removal of ROS generated by arsenic compounds. Data on lipid peroxidation and intracellular oxidation indicate that deletion of YAP1 and YAP8 triggers cellular oxidation mediated by inorganic arsenic. In spite of the increased amounts of As(III) absorbed by the yap8 mutant, the enhanced transcriptional activation of the antioxidant genes such as GSH1, SOD1 and TRX2 may prevent protein oxidation. In contrast, the yap1 mutant exhibits high contents of protein carbonyl groups and the GSSG:GSH ratio is severely disturbed upon exposure to arsenic compounds in these cells. These results point to an additional level of Yap1 contribution to arsenic stress responses by preventing oxidative damage in cells exposed to these compounds. Transcriptional profiling revealed that genes of the functional categories related with sulphur and methionine metabolism and with the maintenance of the cell redox homeostasis are activated to mediate adaptation of the wild type strain to 2 mM arsenate treatmen

    Los materiales usados en escuelas de Educación Infantil proyectados en sus webs y blogs

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    En España, la Educación Infantil (EI) no es una etapa de escolarización obligatoria, pero, en la actualidad casi el 100% del alumnado de 3-6 años está escolarizado. En los últimos años en la comunidad científica se ha despertado un interés por investigar sobre diferentes aspectos curriculares relacionados con la praxis educativa de esta etapa. En este marco, los materiales juegan un rol fundamental como mediadores para el acceso al conocimiento y también para el desarrollo de proyectos educativos. En paralelo, las políticas de incentivación del uso de las TIC en la sociedad y en la escuela generan nuevas formas traspasar muros: sus webs y blogs sirven de escaparate para que los centros dejen constancia de su trabajo. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tiene dos objetivos: Identificar el tipo de materiales proyectados en los blogs y website de los centros educativos, y comprobar si éstos están contextualizados en la comunidad educativa. En esta investigación se seleccionan cuatro colegios que responde a cuatro modelos representativos en cuanto al uso de materiales y de webs/blogs. Es una selección intencionada a partir de los siguientes criterios: tipo de escuela, contexto socieconómico, uso de sus webs/blogs y tipos de materiales. Es una muestra de 27 aulas agrupadas en cuatro centros. El instrumento de investigación se elaboró a partir de los indicadores propuestos por Booth and Ainscow (2011). Los resultados indican que existe una cultura de compartir materiales; uso mayoritario de materiales de fuera de la comunidad excepto en los centros rurales. El uso de los blogs y website difiere: unos centros reflejan procesos y otros presentan los productos

    Morphology of Gambierdiscus excentricus (Dinophyceae) with emphasis on sulcal plates

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    Gambierdiscus excentricus is an epibenthic dinoflagellate able to produce ciguatoxin and maitotoxin-like compounds that are responsible for ciguatera fish poisoning. Morphological descriptions and molecular characterization of two G. excentricus strains isolated from Brazil and maintained in culture were provided. The most complete description of the morphology of the sulcal region of Gambierdiscus based on light and scanning electron microscopy was presented. The sulcal area morphology and nomenclature used by different authors to name the sulcal plates in Gambierdiscus were reviewed. Two small sulcal plates (S.m.a. and S.m.p.) were shown for the first time. Phylogenetic trees based on D1–D3 and D8–D10 large subunits of ribosomal RNA gene sequences showed that the strains of G. excentricus from Brazil clustered with strains of G. excentricus isolated from its type locality, the Canary Islands. Both phylogenetic trees reconstructed the same relationships among all the formally described Gambierdiscus species and Gambierdiscus sp. ribotype 2 and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2.Versión del editor2,080

    Controle da hemoterapia e da doença de Chagas transfusional: 1988 e 1990

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    Com o objetivo de atualizar o estudo da situação da hemoterapia no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil foi realizado inquérito em 1990, comparando-o com outro realizado em 1988. Foram pesquisados 79 municípios, sendo que (77,4%) realizavam transfusões de sangue, envolvendo 104 serviços, dos quais 13,5% se utilizavam de sangue proveniente de Hemocentros. Em 1988, o inquérito envolveu 57 municípios, 40 com atividade hemoterápica e 71 serviços, sendo que em 8,5% foi constatada a participação de Hemocentros. O número de doadores, transfusões e prevalência de sorologia positiva para a doença de Chagas foi de, respectivamente: 105.170, 79.544 e 1,24%, enquanto que em 1988 estes números foram: 51.614, 49.211 e 1,52%. Avaliando a triagem sorológica evidenciaram-se 94,2%; 94,2%; 94,2%; 94,3% e 20,2% dos serviços que realizavam, respectivamente, testes sorológicos para doença de Chagas, sífilis, hepatite, HIV e malária, enquanto que em 1988, 69,0%; 70,4%; 67,6%; 63,4% e 16,9% dos serviços empregavam tais testes, respectivamente. Em relação à triagem sorológica específica para doença de Chagas, observou-se que: a reação de fixação do complemento era realizada por 4,9% dos serviços; látex por 4,0%, imunofluorescência indireta 80%; hemaglutinação direta 24%; hemaglutinação indireta 69% e ELISA 59,0%. No inquérito precedente apenas 14,3% dos serviços realizavam teste ELISA, e a fixação do complemento era utilizada em 28,6% dos serviços. Os resultados mostram que os serviços estão utilizando, a cada dia, técnicas mais sensíveis na rotina sorológica. Foi observado ainda que em 1988, 77,6% de todos os serviços estudados realizavam apenas uma técnica para o diagnóstico da doença de Chagas, enquanto que em 1990, 92,9% empregavam duas ou mais diferentes técnicas. Conclui-se que a qualidade da hemoterapia praticada no Estado de São Paulo foi significativamente melhorada nos dois últimos anos.An inquiry with the objective of bringing the study of the hemotherapy situation in the state of S. Paulo, up-to-date was undertaken in 1990 and compared with that carried out in 1988. In 1990 research was undertaken in 62 counties, 48 of which performed blood transfusions through 104 services, with hemocenter participation in 13.5% of these latter. In 1988 the respective figures were 57, 40, 71 and 8.5%. The number of donors and transfusions and prevalence of serological positivity for Chagas' disease were, respectively: 105,170; 79,544 and 1.24%, while in 1988 the corresponding numbers were: 51,614; 49,211 and 1.52%. Evaluating the serological selection it was found that the following percentages of the services performed serological tests: for Chagas' disease (94.2%), siphylis (94.2%), hepatitis (94.2%), HIV (92.3%) and malaria (20.2%) while in 1988 only 69.0%; 70.4%; 67.6%, 63.4% and 16.9%, respectively, of the services utilized these same tests. In respect of the serological trial specific for Chagas' disease the results were: complement fixation-4.9%; latex - 4.0%; indirect immunofluoresce - 80%; direct hemaglutination -24.0%, indirect hemaglutination - 69.0% and ELISA -59.0% of all services. In the preceding inquiry only 14.3% of the services performed the ELISA test, and complement fixation was utilized in 28.6%. The results show that the services are utilizing ever more sensitive techniques in the scrological routine. Further it was observed that in 1988, 77.6% of all the services studied used only one tecnique for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease while in 1990 92.9% utilized two or more different tecniques. It is concluded that the quality of the hemotherapy undertaken in the state of S. Paulo has improved significantly

    Natural Probiotics and Nanomaterials: A New Functional Food

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    Natural probiotics are functional foods with several biological properties and nutritional value inherent to their chemical composition and can play a potentially beneficial role in reducing the risk of chronic degenerative diseases. In order to improve the stability of these compounds, increase the encapsulating power, delay oxidation, increase their effectiveness, control their release and improve the bioavailability of their combination with nanomaterials is a potential tool in the food area enabling the development of new products with functional and nutraceutical characteristics. In addition, the study of nanomaterials in natural probiotics is rarely reported in the literature, being an area of paramount importance in the development of new functional foods. Therefore, in this chapter, a review of nanomaterials’ use in natural probiotics will be addressed to specify their advantages and methodologies of preparation and characterization