13 research outputs found

    What is the impact of interventions that prevent fetal mortality on the increase of preterm live births in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil?

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    BACKGROUND: There is a global growing trend of preterm births and a decline trend of fetal deaths. Is there an impact of the decline of fetal mortality on the increase of preterm live births in State of Sao Paulo, Brazil? METHODS: The time trends were evaluated by gestational age through exponential regression analysis. Data analyzed included the fetal mortality ratio, proportion of preterm live births, fertility rate of women 35 years and over, prenatal care, mother's education, multiple births and cesarean section deliveries. A survival analysis was carried out for 2000 and 2010. RESULTS: Preterm births showed the highest annual increase (3.2%) in the less than 28 weeks of gestation group and fetal mortality ratio decreased (7.4%) in the same gestational age group. There was an increase of cesarean section births and it was higher in the < 28 weeks group (6.1%). There was a decreased annual trend of mothers with inadequate prenatal care (6.1%) and low education (8.8%) and an increased trend in multiple births and fertility rates of women of 35 years and over. The variables were highly correlated to which other over time. In 2000, 8.2% of all pregnancies resulted in preterm births (0.9% in fetal deaths and 7.3% in live births). In 2010, the preterm birth increased to 9.4% (0.8% were preterm fetal deaths and 8.6% preterm live births). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that 45.2% could be the maximum contribution of successful interventions to prevent a fetal death on the increase in preterm live births. This increasing trend is also related to changes of the women reproductive profile with the change of the women reproductive profile and access to prenatal care

    What is the impact of interventions that prevent fetal mortality on the increase of preterm live births in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil?

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud There is a global growing trend of preterm births and a decline trend of fetal deaths. Is there an impact of the decline of fetal mortality on the increase of preterm live births in State of Sao Paulo, Brazil?\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud The time trends were evaluated by gestational age through exponential regression analysis. Data analyzed included the fetal mortality ratio, proportion of preterm live births, fertility rate of women 35 years and over, prenatal care, mother's education, multiple births and cesarean section deliveries. A survival analysis was carried out for 2000 and 2010.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Preterm births showed the highest annual increase (3.2 %) in the less than 28 weeks of gestation group and fetal mortality ratio decreased (7.4 %) in the same gestational age group. There was an increase of cesarean section births and it was higher in the < 28 weeks group (6.1 %). There was a decreased annual trend of mothers with inadequate prenatal care (6.1 %) and low education (8.8 %) and an increased trend in multiple births and fertility rates of women of 35 years and over. The variables were highly correlated to which other over time. In 2000, 8.2 % of all pregnancies resulted in preterm births (0.9 % in fetal deaths and 7.3 % in live births). In 2010, the preterm birth increased to 9.4 % (0.8 % were preterm fetal deaths and 8.6 % preterm live births).\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud The results suggest that 45.2 % could be the maximum contribution of successful interventions to prevent a fetal death on the increase in preterm live births. This increasing trend is also related to changes of the women reproductive profile with the change of the women reproductive profile and access to prenatal care.State Secretary of Health of São PauloPan American Health Organizatio

    Desafios e Implicações do Uso de Psicoestimulantes entre Estudantes: Uma Análise Crítica da Literatura

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    This paper presents a literature review on the use of psycho stimulants by college students. Through a comprehensive analysis of scientific articles, the prevalence, motivations, consequences, and trends of this behavior were investigated. The results highlight the significant prevalence of non-medical use of psycho stimulants among college students, as well as the varied motivations behind this behavior, including the pursuit of academic performance enhancement. However, risks to physical and mental health, as well as ethical and academic concerns associated with the use of these substances, were also identified. This work emphasizes the importance of comprehensive, evidence-based approaches to prevent and reduce non-medical use of psycho stimulants among college students, aiming to promote a healthy and safe academic environment.Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão da literatura sobre o uso de psicoestimulantes por estudantes universitários. Através de uma análise abrangente de artigos científicos, foram investigadas a prevalência, motivações, consequências e tendências desse comportamento. Os resultados destacam a prevalência significativa do uso não médico de psicoestimulantes entre estudantes universitários, bem como as motivações variadas que levam a esse comportamento, incluindo a busca por melhoria do desempenho acadêmico. No entanto, também foram identificados riscos à saúde física e mental, bem como preocupações éticas e acadêmicas associadas ao uso dessas substâncias. Este trabalho ressalta a importância de abordagens abrangentes e baseadas em evidências para prevenir e reduzir o uso não médico de psicoestimulantes entre estudantes universitários, visando promover um ambiente acadêmico saudável e seguro

    Does socioeconomic status modify the effect of air pollution on health outcomes?

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    A poluição do ar é responsável por vários efeitos nocivos à saúde dos seres humanos. Estima-se que 90% da população mundial esteja exposta a algum tipo de agente tóxico no ar e a desigualdade social pode agravar os efeitos deletérios causados por essa poluição. O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar se o efeito da poluição do ar na saúde da população é alterado devido à diferença no nível socioeconômico. Primeiramente apresenta-se uma revisão da literatura abordando os efeitos da exposição à poluição do ar na mortalidade por causas cardiorrespiratórias e por todas as causas não acidentais e em eventos adversos da gestação e em seguida descrevem-se os estudos sobre a modificação de efeito da condição socioeconômica nestas relações. Em seguida, avaliou-se a modificação de efeito da condição socioeconômica na relação entre poluição do ar e mortalidade por causas não acidentais e cardiorrespiratórias. Os resultados indicaram a existência de modificação de efeito para todos os poluentes medidos, sendo a população com piores indicadores socioeconômicos a mais afetada. Finalmente, foi avaliada a modificação de efeito da condição socioeconômica na relação entre poluição e desfechos negativos da gravidez. Os resultados novamente indicaram a presença de modificação de efeito dos indicadores socioeconômicos individuais e contextuais na associação entre poluentes do ar e desfechos adversos da gravidez. Em conclusão, foram encontradas evidências de que as populações com pior acesso à educação e vivendo em regiões menos assistidas têm maior risco de mortalidade por causas não acidentais e cardiorrespiratórias e de desfechos negativos na gravidez devidos à poluição atmosféricaAir pollution is responsible for several harmful effects on human health. It is estimated that 90% of the world population is exposed to some type of toxic agent and social inequality can aggravate the harmful effects caused by air pollution. The objective of this study was to examine whether the effect of air pollution on the population\'s health is altered due to differences in socioeconomic status. First, a literature review is presented addressing the effects of exposure to air pollution on mortality from cardiorespiratory causes and from all non-accidental causes and on adverse pregnancy events, and then studies on the effect modification by socioeconomic condition in these relationships. Then, the modification of the effect by socioeconomic status on the relationship between air pollution and mortality from non-accidental and cardiorespiratory causes was evaluated. The results indicated the existence of an effect modification for all measured pollutants, with the population with the worst socioeconomic indicators being the most affected. Finally, the effect modification of socioeconomic status on the relationship between pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes was accessed. The results again indicated the presence of effect modification for all pollutants by individual and contextual socioeconomic indicators. In conclusion, evidence was found that populations with poorer access to education and living in less assisted areas have a higher risk of mortality from non-accidental and cardiorespiratory causes and from negative outcomes in pregnancy due to air pollutio

    Exposure to organochlorine substances in São Paulo: serum levels in blood donors and associated factors

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    A utilização de pesticidas organoclorados é motivo de preocupação das entidades ligadas à área de saúde em todo o mundo. Apesar de as formas de contaminação serem bem conhecidas, não há um controle eficaz na fiscalização do seu uso no Brasil. Sabe-se que altos níveis séricos destes compostos nos organismos de seres humanos e animais acarretam sérios problemas de saúde. Tendo em vista essa realidade, foi realizado, em 2009, o Projeto Piloto do I Inquérito Nacional de Populações Expostas a Substâncias Químicas, cujo subprojeto \"doadores de sangue\" teve como objetivo mensurar as concentrações de substâncias químicas no sangue de 547 residentes da região metropolitana de São Paulo, dentre elas os pesticidas organoclorados. Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar as concentrações dos pesticidas hexaclorobenzeno (HCB), alfa-HCH, ?-HCH, beta-HCH, beta-HCH, heptacloro, heptacloro epóxido, dieldrin, mirex, o,p\'-DDT, p,p\'-DDT, o,p\'-DDE, p,p\'-DDE, o,p\'-DDD e p,p\'-DDD nesta população e compará-las com as encontradas em outros países e determinar fatores associados aos níveis mais elevados destas substâncias. O método analítico utilizado foi de cromatografia a gás. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a população adulta de São Paulo não está exposta a níveis preocupantes de pesticidas organoclorados, pois dentre os compostos analisados, apenas o beta-HCH e o p,p\'-DDE tiveram um número significante de amostras acima do limite de quantificação, 10,7% e 31,2% das amostras respectivamente. Quando utilizada a metade do limite de quantificação para substituir os valores abaixo do limite de quantificação do método, o valor médio encontrado para o beta-HCH foi de 0,028 ug/dL e para o p,p\'-DDE foi de 0,045 ug/dL. Este estudo propôs dois modelos multivariados para explicar os fatores associados aos compostos beta-HCH e p,p\'-DDE no sangue dos doadores. Segundo o modelo de Regressão Logística Ordinal Multivariado, os fatores associados a níveis mais altos de beta-HCH foram ter idade entre 26 e 45 anos e ser do sexo feminino. Para o p,p\'-DDE os fatores associados a níveis mais altos foram ter idade entre 26 e 45 anos, ser do sexo feminino e ter trabalhado com pesticidas, enquanto receber renda mensal de 3 a 5 salários mínimos e consumir derivados de origem animal uma ou mais vezes por semana foram associados a níveis mais baixos de p,p\'-DDE. Segundo o modelo de Regressão Linear Múltipla, os fatores associados a níveis mais altos de beta-HCH foram o sexo feminino, ter contato prévio com pesticidas na região agrícola, ter trabalhado com pesticidas em campanhas de saúde pública, ter trabalhado em empresas de capacitores ou transformadores, ter trabalhado em indústrias de solventes clorados, ter renda mensal de 3 a 5 salários mínimos, consumo de carnes uma ou duas vezes por semana e consumo de frutos do mar uma ou duas vezes por semana, enquanto consumo frequente de cerveja e ter renda mensal de 1 a 3 salários mínimos foram associado a níveis menores de beta-HCH. Já para o p,p\'-DDE, os fatores associados a níveis mais elevados foram ser do sexo feminino, ser não branco, ter trabalhado com pesticidas e consumir água de fontes que não sejam minerais ou de rede, enquanto o consumo frequente de bebidas alcoólicas foi associado a níveis mais baixos de p,p\'-DDEThe use of organochlorine pesticides is a cause of concern to the entities of the health field worldwide. Although the ways of contamination are well known, there is no effective surveillance of its use on Brazil. It\'s known that high levels of these compounds on human beings and animals entails serious health problems. Foreseeing this reality, a Pilot study of the 1st National Inquiry of Populations Exposed to Chemical Compounds was carried out in 2009, in a subproject called \"blood donors\" had the objective to measure the concentrations of chemical compounds on serum from 547 residents of the metropolitan area of São Paulo, among them, the organochlorine pesticides. This study had as objectives to evaluate the levels of the pesticides hexachlorobenzene (HCB), alfa-HCH, beta-HCH, beta-HCH, beta-HCH, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, mirex, o,p\'-DDT, p,p\'-DDT, o,p\'-DDE, p,p\'-DDE, o,p\'-DDD e p,p\'-DDD on blood donors and compare these with the ones found on other countries and to find out factors associated with higher levels of those compounds in the population. The analytical method used was gas chromatography. The results of this study indicate that, overall, the population in São Paulo is not exposed to high levels of these compounds because of all compounds analyzed, only beta-HCH and p,p\'-DDE had a significative number of samples above the quantification limit, 10,7% and 31,2% of the samples respectively. Using the half of the quantification limit to substitute the values below the quantification limit, the beta-HCH mean level was 0.028 ug/dL and p,p\'-DDE mean level was 0.045 ug/dL. This study proposed two multivariate models to explain the factors associated with beta-HCH and p,p\'-DDE blood levels. According to the Multivariable Ordinal Logistic Regression model, the factors associated with higher levels of beta-HCH were age between 26 and 45 years and female gender. For the p,p\'-DDE, the associated factors with higher levels were age between 26 to 45 years, female gender and previous work with pesticides while having income of 3 to 5 minimum wages and consumption of derivates of animal origin at least once per week were associated to lower levels of p,p\'-DDE. According to the Multiple Linear Regression model, the factors associated with higher levels of beta-HCH were female gender, previous contact with pesticides on agricultural region, working with pesticides on campaigns of public health, in companies of capacitators or transformers, in companies of chlorinated solvents, having income of 3 to 5 minimum wages, consumption of meat once or twice per week, and consumption of seafood once or twice per week, while frequent consumption of beer and income of 1 to 3 minimum wages lead to lower levels of beta-HCH. Factors associated with higher levels of p,p\'-DDE were female gender, being non-white, previous work with pesticides and consumption of water from sources that not mineral or mains, while frequent consumption of alcohol were associated with lower levels of p,p\'-DD

    Perfil da coorte de pessoas em tratamento da infecção por HIV no SUS, Brasil, 2015–2018

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    OBJECTIVE: To build an integrated database of individual and service data from the cohort of people who started antiretroviral therapy (ART), from 2015 to 2018, in Brazil. METHODS: Open cohort study that includes people aged 15 years or older who started ART from 2015 to 2018, with follow-up in services of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), and who responded to the 2016/2017 Qualiaids national survey. The source of individual data was the related HIV database, derived from the probabilistic linkage between data from the SUS systems of diagnostic information, medication, tests, and deaths. The data source for the services was the services’ response database to the Qualiaids survey. After analysis of consistency and exclusions, the database of individuals was deterministically related to the database of services. RESULTS: The cohort comprised 132,540 people monitored in 941 SUS services. Of these services, 59% are located in the Southeast region and 49% followed 51 to 500 cohort participants. The average performance of organization and management of patient care ranged from 29% to 75%. Most of the cohort participants are male, black and mixed, aged between 20 and 39 years old, and have between 4 and 11 years of schooling. Median baseline T-CD4 was 419 cells/mm3, 6% had an episode of tuberculosis, and 2% died of HIV disease. CONCLUSION: For the first time in Brazil, this cohort provides the opportunity for a joint analysis of individual factors and services in the production of positive and negative clinical outcomes of HIV treatment.OBJETIVO: Construir uma base integrada de dados individuais e dos serviços da coorte de pessoas que iniciaram terapia antirretroviral (TARV) entre 2015 e 2018 no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte aberta que incluiu pessoas de 15 anos ou mais que iniciaram TARV entre 2015 e 2018, com acompanhamento em serviços do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), e que responderam ao inquérito nacional Qualiaids de 2016/2017. A fonte de dados individuais foi o banco relacionado do HIV, proveniente do relacionamento probabilístico entre dados dos sistemas de informação de diagnóstico, medicação, exames e óbitos do SUS. A fonte de dados dos serviços foi o banco de respostas dos serviços ao inquérito Qualiaids. Após análise de consistência e exclusões, o banco dos indivíduos foi relacionado deterministicamente com o banco de serviços. RESULTADOS: A coorte reuniu 132.540 pessoas acompanhadas em 941 serviços do SUS. Desses serviços, 59% localizam-se na região Sudeste e 49% acompanharam 51 a 500 participantes da coorte. O desempenho médio de organização e gerência da assistência ao paciente variou de 29% a 75%. A maioria dos participantes da coorte é do sexo masculino, preto e pardo, com idade entre 20 e 39 anos e tem entre 4 e 11 anos de escolaridade. O T-CD4 mediano basal foi de 419 células/mm3, 6% tiveram episódio de tuberculose e 2% foram a óbito por doença do HIV. CONCLUSÃO: A coorte oportuniza pela primeira vez no Brasil a análise conjunta de fatores individuais e dos serviços na produção dos desfechos clínicos positivos e negativos do tratamento do HIV

    Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery

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    Background: Ileus is common after colorectal surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Identifying features of normal bowel recovery and the appropriateness for hospital discharge is challenging. This study explored the safety of hospital discharge before the return of bowel function. Methods: A prospective, multicentre cohort study was undertaken across an international collaborative network. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The main outcome of interest was readmission to hospital within 30 days of surgery. The impact of discharge timing according to the return of bowel function was explored using multivariable regression analysis. Other outcomes were postoperative complications within 30 days of surgery, measured using the Clavien\u2013Dindo classification system. Results: A total of 3288 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 301 (9\ub72 per cent) were discharged before the return of bowel function. The median duration of hospital stay for patients discharged before and after return of bowel function was 5 (i.q.r. 4\u20137) and 7 (6\u20138) days respectively (P &lt; 0\ub7001). There were no significant differences in rates of readmission between these groups (6\ub76 versus 8\ub70 per cent; P = 0\ub7499), and this remained the case after multivariable adjustment for baseline differences (odds ratio 0\ub790, 95 per cent c.i. 0\ub755 to 1\ub746; P = 0\ub7659). Rates of postoperative complications were also similar in those discharged before versus after return of bowel function (minor: 34\ub77 versus 39\ub75 per cent; major 3\ub73 versus 3\ub74 per cent; P = 0\ub7110). Conclusion: Discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery appears to be safe in appropriately selected patients

    Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery

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    © 2020 BJS Society Ltd Published by John Wiley & Sons LtdBackground: Ileus is common after colorectal surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Identifying features of normal bowel recovery and the appropriateness for hospital discharge is challenging. This study explored the safety of hospital discharge before the return of bowel function. Methods: A prospective, multicentre cohort study was undertaken across an international collaborative network. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The main outcome of interest was readmission to hospital within 30 days of surgery. The impact of discharge timing according to the return of bowel function was explored using multivariable regression analysis. Other outcomes were postoperative complications within 30 days of surgery, measured using the Clavien–Dindo classification system. Results: A total of 3288 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 301 (9·2 per cent) were discharged before the return of bowel function. The median duration of hospital stay for patients discharged before and after return of bowel function was 5 (i.q.r. 4–7) and 7 (6–8) days respectively (P < 0·001). There were no significant differences in rates of readmission between these groups (6·6 versus 8·0 per cent; P = 0·499), and this remained the case after multivariable adjustment for baseline differences (odds ratio 0·90, 95 per cent c.i. 0·55 to 1·46; P = 0·659). Rates of postoperative complications were also similar in those discharged before versus after return of bowel function (minor: 34·7 versus 39·5 per cent; major 3·3 versus 3·4 per cent; P = 0·110). Conclusion: Discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery appears to be safe in appropriately selected patients

    Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery

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    Background Ileus is common after colorectal surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Identifying features of normal bowel recovery and the appropriateness for hospital discharge is challenging. This study explored the safety of hospital discharge before the return of bowel function. Methods A prospective, multicentre cohort study was undertaken across an international collaborative network. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The main outcome of interest was readmission to hospital within 30 days of surgery. The impact of discharge timing according to the return of bowel function was explored using multivariable regression analysis. Other outcomes were postoperative complications within 30 days of surgery, measured using the Clavien-Dindo classification system. Results A total of 3288 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 301 (9 center dot 2 per cent) were discharged before the return of bowel function. The median duration of hospital stay for patients discharged before and after return of bowel function was 5 (i.q.r. 4-7) and 7 (6-8) days respectively (P &lt; 0 center dot 001). There were no significant differences in rates of readmission between these groups (6 center dot 6 versus 8 center dot 0 per cent; P = 0 center dot 499), and this remained the case after multivariable adjustment for baseline differences (odds ratio 0 center dot 90, 95 per cent c.i. 0 center dot 55 to 1 center dot 46; P = 0 center dot 659). Rates of postoperative complications were also similar in those discharged before versus after return of bowel function (minor: 34 center dot 7 versus 39 center dot 5 per cent; major 3 center dot 3 versus 3 center dot 4 per cent; P = 0 center dot 110). Conclusion Discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery appears to be safe in appropriately selected patients

    Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery

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    Background: Ileus is common after colorectal surgery and is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Identifying features of normal bowel recovery and the appropriateness for hospital discharge is challenging. This study explored the safety of hospital discharge before the return of bowel function. Methods: A prospective, multicentre cohort study was undertaken across an international collaborative network. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The main outcome of interest was readmission to hospital within 30 days of surgery. The impact of discharge timing according to the return of bowel function was explored using multivariable regression analysis. Other outcomes were postoperative complications within 30 days of surgery, measured using the Clavien–Dindo classification system. Results: A total of 3288 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 301 (9·2 per cent) were discharged before the return of bowel function. The median duration of hospital stay for patients discharged before and after return of bowel function was 5 (i.q.r. 4–7) and 7 (6–8) days respectively (P &lt; 0·001). There were no significant differences in rates of readmission between these groups (6·6 versus 8·0 per cent; P = 0·499), and this remained the case after multivariable adjustment for baseline differences (odds ratio 0·90, 95 per cent c.i. 0·55 to 1·46; P = 0·659). Rates of postoperative complications were also similar in those discharged before versus after return of bowel function (minor: 34·7 versus 39·5 per cent; major 3·3 versus 3·4 per cent; P = 0·110). Conclusion: Discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery appears to be safe in appropriately selected patients