11 research outputs found

    DmOAZ, the unique Drosophila melanogaster OAZ homologue is involved in posterior spiracle development

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    In this paper, we study DmOAZ, the unique Drosophila melanogaster homologue of the OAZ zinc finger protein family. We show partial conservation of the zinc finger organization between DmOAZ and the vertebrate members of this family. We determine the exon/intron structure of the dmOAZ gene and deduce its open reading frame. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis shows that dmOAZ is transcribed throughout life. In the embryo, strongest DmOAZ expression is observed in the posterior spiracles. We suggest that dmOAZ acts as a secondary target of the Abd-B gene in posterior spiracle development, downstream of cut and ems. In a newly created loss-of-function mutant, dmOAZ 93 , the "filzkörper” part of the posterior spiracles, is indeed structurally abnormal. The dmOAZ 93 mutant is a larval lethal, a phenotype that may be linked to the spiracular defect. Given the dmOAZ 93 mutant as a new tool, the fruit fly may provide an alternative model for analyzing in vivo the functions of OAZ family member

    Role of proneural genes in the formation of the larval olfactory organ of Drosophila

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    In this paper, we address the role of proneural genes in the formation of the dorsal organ in the Drosophila larva. This organ is an intricate compound comprising the multineuronal dome—the exclusive larval olfactory organ—and a number of mostly gustatory sensilla. We first determine the numbers of neurons and of the different types of accessory cells in the dorsal organ. From these data, we conclude that the dorsal organ derives from 14 sensory organ precursor cells. Seven of them appear to give rise to the dome, which therefore may be composed of seven fused sensilla, whereas the other precursors produce the remaining sensilla of the dorsal organ. By a loss-of-function approach, we then analyze the role of atonal, amos, and the achaete-scute complex (AS-C), which in the adult are the exclusive proneural genes required for chemosensory organ specification. We show that atonal and amos are necessary and sufficient in a complementary way for four and three of the sensory organ precursors of the dome, respectively. AS-C, on the other hand, is implicated in specifying the non-olfactory sensilla, partially in cooperation with atonal and/or amos. Similar links for these proneural genes with olfactory and gustatory function have been established in the adult fly. However, such conserved gene function is not trivial, given that adult and larval chemosensory organs are anatomically very different and that the development of adult olfactory sensilla involves cell recruitment, which is unlikely to play a role in dome formatio

    Diversity, variability, and suboesophageal connectivity of antennal lobe neurons in D. melanogaster larvae

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    Whereas the “vertical” elements of the insect olfactory pathway, the olfactory receptor neurons and the projection neurons, have been studied in great detail, local interneurons providing “horizontal” connections in the antennal lobe were ignored for a long time. Recent studies in adult Drosophila demonstrate diverse roles for these neurons in the integration of odor information, consistent with the identification of a large variety of anatomical and neurochemical subtypes. Here we focus on the larval olfactory circuit of Drosophila, which is much reduced in terms of cell numbers. We show that the horizontal connectivity in the larval antennal lobe differs largely from its adult counterpart. Only one of the five anatomical types of neurons we describe is restricted to the antennal lobe and therefore fits the definition of a local interneuron. Interestingly, the four remaining subtypes innervate both the antennal lobe and the suboesophageal ganglion. In the latter, they may overlap with primary gustatory terminals and with arborizations of hugin cells, which are involved in feeding control. This circuitry suggests special links between smell and taste, which may reflect the chemosensory constraints of a crawling and burrowing lifestyle. We also demonstrate that many of the neurons we describe exhibit highly variable trajectories and arborizations, especially in the suboesophageal ganglion. Together with reports from adult Drosophila, these data suggest that wiring variability may be another principle of insect brain organization, in parallel with stereotypy

    Transplanted wing and leg imaginal discs in Drosophila melanogaster demonstrate interactions between epidermis and myoblasts in muscle formation

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    Adult muscle development in Drosophila is intimately associated with the development of the nervous system and epidermis. During metamorphosis, myoblasts from the wing imaginal disc reach target sites on the developing pupal epidermis and begin the formation of multinucleate myofibres of the dorsal thorax. The paths taken by pupal myoblasts could be specified by the nervous system and/or the epidermis. Using genetically marked donor pupal wing and leg discs transplanted onto pupal hosts, we have generated animals that have ectopic wings or legs and have examined the formation of adult muscle types. We show that thoracic myoblasts migrate over both host and donor epidermis when the transplant site on the host is thoracic. However, when the transplant site is on the abdomen, thoracic myoblasts do not migrate over abdominal epidermis. Our results show that the epidermis plays an important role in determining the migration pattern of myoblasts. Since muscles are multinucleate cells that form by the fusion of myoblasts, one way in which their molecular characteristics could be achieved is by some myoblasts acting as "founders". These myoblasts could influence the pattern of gene expression of those nuclei that fuse with them. We have examined, again using disc transplant experiments, if myoblasts on discs have the capacity to express fibre-specific genes as distinct from this property being conferred by other extra-discs myoblasts. Our results demonstrate that disc-associated myoblasts can indeed fuse with each other to express fibre-specific genes. We synthesize the results presented here with those from earlier experiments to suggest a mechanism for muscle patterning in the adult thorax

    Glomerular Maps without Cellular Redundancy at Successive Levels of the Drosophila Larval Olfactory CircuitGlomerular Maps without Cellular Redundancy at Successive Levels of the Drosophila Larval Olfactory Circuit

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    Background: Drosophila larvae possess only 21 odorant-receptor neurons (ORNs), whereas adults have 1,300. Does this suggest that the larval olfactory system is built according to a different design than its adult counterpart, or is it just a miniature version thereof? Results: By genetically labeling single neurons with FLP-out and MARCM techniques, we analyze the connectivity of the larval olfactory circuit. We show that each of the 21 ORNs is unique and projects to one of 21 morphologically identifiable antennal-lobe glomeruli. Each glomerulus seems to be innervated by a single projection neuron. Each projection neuron sends its axon to one or two of about 28 glomeruli in the mushroom-body calyx. We have discovered at least seven types of projection neurons that stereotypically link an identified antennal-lobe glomerulus with an identified calycal glomerulus and thus create an olfactory map in a higher brain center. Conclusions: The basic design of the larval olfactory system is similar to the adult one. However, ORNs and projection neurons lack cellular redundancy and do not exhibit any convergent or divergent connectivity; 21 ORNs confront essentially similar numbers of antennal-lobe glomeruli, projection neurons, and calycal glomeruli. Hence, we propose the Drosophila larva as an “elementary” olfactory model system

    Integration of complex larval chemosensory organs into the adult nervous system of Drosophila

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    The sense organs of adult Drosophila, and holometabolous insects in general, derive essentially from imaginal discs and hence are adult specific. Experimental evidence presented here, however, suggests a different developmental design for the three largely gustatory sense organs located along the pharynx. In a comprehensive cellular analysis, we show that the posteriormost of the three organs derives directly from a similar larval organ and that the two other organs arise by splitting of a second larval organ. Interestingly, these two larval organs persist despite extensive reorganization of the pharynx. Thus, most of the neurons of the three adult organs are surviving larval neurons. However, the anterior organ includes some sensilla that are generated during pupal stages. Also, we observe apoptosis in a third larval pharyngeal organ. Hence, our experimental data show for the first time the integration of complex, fully differentiated larval sense organs into the nervous system of the adult fly and demonstrate the embryonic origin of their neurons. Moreover, they identify metamorphosis of this sensory system as a complex process involving neuronal persistence, generation of additional neurons and neuronal death. Our conclusions are based on combined analysis of reporter expression from P[GAL4] driver lines, horseradish peroxidase injections into blastoderm stage embryos, cell labeling via heat-shock-induced flip-out in the embryo, bromodeoxyuridine birth dating and staining for programmed cell death. They challenge the general view that sense organs are replaced during metamorphosis

    Role of proneural genes in the formation of the larval olfactory organ of Drosophila

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    In this paper, we address the role of proneural genes in the formation of the dorsal organ in the Drosophila larva. This organ is an intricate compound comprising the multineuronal dome—the exclusive larval olfactory organ—and a number of mostly gustatory sensilla. We first determine the numbers of neurons and of the different types of accessory cells in the dorsal organ. From these data, we conclude that the dorsal organ derives from 14 sensory organ precursor cells. Seven of them appear to give rise to the dome, which therefore may be composed of seven fused sensilla, whereas the other precursors produce the remaining sensilla of the dorsal organ. By a loss-of-function approach, we then analyze the role of atonal, amos, and the achaete-scute complex (AS- C), which in the adult are the exclusive proneural genes required for chemosensory organ specification. We show that atonal and amos are necessary and sufficient in a complementary way for four and three of the sensory organ precursors of the dome, respectively. AS- C, on the other hand, is implicated in specifying the non-olfactory sensilla, partially in cooperation with atonal and/or amos. Similar links for these proneural genes with olfactory and gustatory function have been established in the adult fly. However, such conserved gene function is not trivial, given that adult and larval chemosensory organs are anatomically very different and that the development of adult olfactory sensilla involves cell recruitment, which is unlikely to play a role in dome formation

    DmOAZ, the unique Drosophila melanogaster OAZ homologue is involved in posterior spiracle development.

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    In this paper, we study DmOAZ, the unique Drosophila melanogaster homologue of the OAZ zinc finger protein family. We show partial conservation of the zinc finger organization between DmOAZ and the vertebrate members of this family. We determine the exon/intron structure of the dmOAZ gene and deduce its open reading frame. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis shows that dmOAZ is transcribed throughout life. In the embryo, strongest DmOAZ expression is observed in the posterior spiracles. We suggest that dmOAZ acts as a secondary target of the Abd-B gene in posterior spiracle development, downstream of cut and ems. In a newly created loss-of-function mutant, dmOAZ ( 93 ), the "filzkörper" part of the posterior spiracles, is indeed structurally abnormal. The dmOAZ ( 93 ) mutant is a larval lethal, a phenotype that may be linked to the spiracular defect. Given the dmOAZ ( 93 ) mutant as a new tool, the fruit fly may provide an alternative model for analyzing in vivo the functions of OAZ family members.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe