109 research outputs found

    An Intelligent Learning Environment for Learning by Problem Posing

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    Space weathering structures on the surface micro-nano morphologies of Itokawa regolith particles.

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月30日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Influence of petrographic textures on the shapes of impact experiment fine fragments measuring several tens of microns: Comparison with Itokawa regolith particles

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    In 2010, fine regolith particles on asteroid Itokawa were recovered by the Hayabusa mission. The three-dimensional microstructure of 48 Itokawa particles smaller than 120 µm was examined in previous studies. The shape distribution of Itokawa particles is distributed around the mean values of the axial ratio 2:√2:1, which is similar to laboratory impact fragments larger than several mm created in catastrophic disruptions. Thus, the Itokawa particles are considered to be impact fragments on the asteroid's surface. However, there have never been any laboratory impact experiments investigating the shapes of fine fragments smaller than 120 µm, and little is known about the relation between the shapes of fine fragments and the petrographic textures within those fragments. In this study, in order to investigate the relation between the petrographic textures and the shapes of fine fragments by impacts, the shapes of 2163 fine fragments smaller than 120 µm are examined by synchrotron radiation-based microtomography at SPring-8. Most samples are fine fragments from basalt targets, obtained in previous laboratory impact experiments by Michikami et al. (2016). Moreover, two impacts into L5 chondrite targets were carried out and the shapes of their fine fragments are examined for comparison. The results show that the shape distributions of fine fragments in basalt targets are similar regardless of impact energy per target mass (in contract to the shape distribution of relatively large fragments, which are affected by impact energy), and are similar to those in L5 chondrite targets and Itokawa regolith particles. The physical process producing these fine fragments would be due to multiple rarefaction waves in the target. Besides, the petrographic textures do not significantly affect the shapes of fine fragments in our experiments. On the other hand, according to Molaro et al. (2015), the shapes of the fragments produced by thermal fatigue by the day-night temperature cycles on the asteroid surface are influenced by the petrographic textures. Therefore, we conclude that the Itokawa particles are not the products of thermal fatigue but impact fragments on the asteroid surface

    Discovery of primitive CO2-bearing fluid in an aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite

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    隕石中に閉じ込められたCO2に富む液体の水を世界で初めて発見 --太陽系形成時に誕生した小天体がその後の木星の軌道変化に伴なって移動した証拠--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-04-22.Water is abundant as solid ice in the solar system and plays important roles in its evolution. Water is preserved in carbonaceous chondrites as hydroxyl and/or H₂O molecules in hydrous minerals, but has not been found as liquid. To uncover such liquid, we performed synchrotron-based x-ray computed nanotomography and transmission electron microscopy with a cryo-stage of the aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite Sutter’s Mill. We discovered CO₂-bearing fluid (CO₂/H₂O > ~0.15) in a nanosized inclusion incorporated into a calcite crystal, appearing as CO₂ ice and/or CO₂ hydrate at 173 K. This is direct evidence of dynamic evolution of the solar system, requiring the Sutter’s Mill’s parent body to have formed outside the CO₂ snow line and later transportation to the inner solar system because of Jupiter’s orbital instability

    Application of Scanning-Imaging X-Ray Microscopy to Fluid Inclusion Candidates in Carbonates of Carbonaceous Chondrites

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    In order to search for such fluid inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites, a nondestructive technique using x-ray micro-absorption tomography combined with FIB sampling was developed and applied to a carbonaceous chondrite. They found fluid inclusion candidates in calcite grains, which were formed by aqueous alteration. However, they could not determine whether they are really aqueous fluids or merely voids. Phase and absorption contrast images can be simultaneously obtained in 3D by using scanning-imaging x-ray microscopy (SIXM). In refractive index, n=1-sigma+i(beta), in the real part, 1-sigma is the refractive index with decrement, sigma, which is nearly proportional to the density, and the imaginary part, beta, is the extinction coefficient, which is related to the liner attenuation coefficient, mu. Many phases, including water and organic materials as well as minerals, can be identified by SIXM, and this technique has potential availability for Hayabusa-2 sample analysis too. In this study, we examined quantitative performance of d and m values and the spatial resolution in SIXM by using standard materials, and applied this technique to carbonaceous chondrite samples. We used POM ([CH2O]n), silicon, quartz, forsterite, corundum, magnetite and nickel as standard materials for examining the sigma and mu values. A fluid inclusion in terrestrial quartz and bi-valve shell (Atrina vexillum), which are composed of calcite and organic layers with different thickness, were also used for examining the spatial resolution. The Ivuna (CI) and Sutter's Mill (CM) meteorites were used as carbonaceous chondrite samples. Rod- or cube-shaped samples 20-30 micron in size were extracted by using FIB from cross-sectional surfaces of the standard materials or polished thin sections of the chondrites, which was previously observed with SEM. Then, the sample was attached to a thin W-needle and imaged by SIXM system at beamline BL47XU, SPring-8, Japan. The slice thickness was 109.3 nm and the pixel size was mostly 100 nm

    Antimicrobial prescription practices for outpatients with uncomplicated cystitis in Japan

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    To promote antimicrobial stewardship, we studied antimicrobial prescription rates for uncomplicated cystitis, a common outpatient disease requiring antibiotic treatment. This multicenter retrospective study was performed from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2020, in Japan, targeting outpatients aged >= 20 years whose medical records revealed International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes suggesting uncomplicated cystitis (N300). The data of 1445 patients were collected and that of 902 patients were analyzed. The overall median patient age was 71 years and a proportion of those aged less than 50 years was 18.8% with a female dominance (82.6%). Antimicrobials were prescribed for 884 patients (98.0%) and a total of 623 patients (69.1%) were treated with broad-spectrum drugs, including fluoroquinolones (36.0%), third-generation cephalosporins (29.9%) and faropenem (3.1%). A logistic regression model revealed that the broad-spectrum agents were significantly prescribed for the older patients, male patients, and those who visited internists. Recurrence was observed in 37 (4.1%) cases, and the multivariate analysis suggested any of age, sex, or antimicrobial types were not associated with the recurrence. Collectively, approximately two-thirds of antimicrobials prescribed for uncomplicated cystitis were broad-spectrum agents. The present data would be an indicator for antimicrobial prescriptions in uncomplicated cystitis in Japan

    Impact of the day of the week on the discontinuation of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescriptions; a multi-centered observational study

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    To encourage and guide antimicrobial stewardship team (AST) activity and promote appropriate antibiotic use, we studied the impact of day of the week on the initiation and discontinuation of antibiotic administration. This was a multicenter observational study conducted at 8 Japanese hospitals from April 1 to September 30, 2019, targeting patients who underwent treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus agents and anti-pseudomonal agents. We compared the weekly numbers of initiations and discontinuations of antibiotic prescription on each day of the week or on the days after a holiday. There was no statistical difference in the number of antibiotic initiations on both weekdays and the day after a holiday. However, antibiotic discontinuation was significantly higher from Tuesday onward than Monday and from the second day than the first day after a holiday. Similar trends were observed regardless of the categories of antibiotics, hospital and admission ward, and AST activity. This study suggests that broad-spectrum antibiotics tend to be continued during weekends and holidays and are most likely to be discontinued on Tuesday or the second day after a holiday. This was probably due to behavioral factors beyond medical indications, requiring further antimicrobial stewardship efforts in the future

    Demographics, practice patterns and long-term outcomes of patients with non–ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome in the past two decades: the CREDO-Kyoto Cohort-2 and Cohort-3

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate patient characteristics and long-term outcomes in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) in the past two decades. DESIGN: Multicenter retrospective study. SETTING: The Coronary REvascularization Demonstrating Outcome Study in Kyoto (CREDO-Kyoto) percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)/coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) Registry Cohort-2 (2005-2007) and Cohort-3 (2011-2013). PARTICIPANTS: 3254 patients with NSTEACS who underwent first coronary revascularisation. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was all-cause death. The secondary outcomes were cardiovascular death, cardiac death, sudden cardiac death, non-cardiovascular death, non-cardiac death, myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, stroke, hospitalisation for heart failure, major bleeding, any coronary revascularisation and target vessel revascularisation. RESULTS: Patients in Cohort-3 were older and more often had heart failure at admission than those in Cohort-2. The prevalence of PCI, emergency procedure and guideline-directed medical therapy was higher in Cohort-3 than in Cohort-2. In patients who received PCI, the prevalence of transradial approach, drug-eluting stent use and intravascular ultrasound use was higher in Cohort-3 than in Cohort-2. There was no change in 3-year adjusted mortality risk from Cohort-2 to Cohort-3 (HR 1.00, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.22, p=0.97). Patients in Cohort-3 compared with those in Cohort-2 were associated with lower adjusted risks for stroke (HR 0.65, 95% CI 0.46 to 0.92, p=0.02) and any coronary revascularisation (HR 0.76, 95%CI 0.66 to 0.87, p<0.001), but with higher risk for major bleeding (HR 1.25, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.47, p=0.008). The unadjusted risk for definite stent thrombosis was lower in Cohort-3 than in Cohort 2 (HR 0.29, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.67, p=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: In the past two decades, we did not find improvement for mortality in patients with NSTEACS. We observed a reduction in the risks for definite stent thrombosis, stroke and any coronary revascularisation, but an increase in the risk for major bleeding