644 research outputs found

    Deafness, Ethnicity, and Minority Politics in Modern Malaysia

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    An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Mind–Body Interventions Targeting Sleep on Salivary Oxytocin Levels in Cancer Survivors

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    Cancer survivors experience high levels of distress, associated with a host of negative psychological states, including anxiety, depression, and fear of recurrence, which often lead to sleep problems and reduction in quality of life (QOL) and well-being. As a neuropeptide hormone associated with affiliation, calmness, and well-being, oxytocin may be a useful biological measure of changes in health outcomes in cancer survivors. In this exploratory study, which comprised a subset of participants from a larger study, we evaluated ( a ) the feasibility and reliability of salivary oxytocin (sOT) levels in cancer survivors and ( b ) the effects of 2 sleep-focused mind–body interventions, mind–body bridging (MBB) and mindfulness meditation (MM), compared with a sleep hygiene education (SHE) control, on changes in sOT levels in 30 cancer survivors with self-reported sleep disturbance. Interventions were conducted in 3 sessions, once per week for 3 weeks. Saliva samples were collected at baseline, postintervention (~1 week after the last session), and at the 2-month follow-up. In this cancer survivor group, we found that intra-individual sOT levels were fairly stable across the 3 time points, of about 3 months’ duration, and mean baseline sOT levels did not differ between females and males and were not correlated with age. Correlations between baseline sOT and self-report measures were weak; however, several of these relationships were in the predicted direction, in which sOT levels were negatively associated with sleep problems and depression and positively associated with cancer-related QOL and well-being. Regarding intervention effects on sOT, baseline-subtracted sOT levels were significantly larger at postintervention in the MBB group as compared with those in SHE. In this sample of cancer survivors assessed for sOT, at postintervention, greater reductions in sleep problems were noted for MBB and MM compared with that of SHE, and increases in mindfulness and self-compassion were observed in the MBB group compared with those in SHE. The findings in this exploratory study suggest that sOT may be a reliable biological measure over time that may provide insight into the effects of mind–body interventions on health outcomes in cancer survivors

    Resistance and Co-optation : the Japanese Federation of the Deaf and its Relations with State Power(""2002 ISS-OUP Prize"" Winning Article)

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    日本の聴覚障害者を代表する団体は,政府の利益を推進するよう設計された法的環境のなかで単に活動しているというだけでなく,さらに進んで,システムを自己の利益のために操作することにも成功している.この団体は,政治権力による統制を避けるために,団体をアメーバのように細分化し,団体構造の柔軟性を保ってきた.本論文は,日本の市民社会構造の中での政治権力とそれに対する抵抗の問題を取り上げる.The main organization of the deaf in japan has not only been able to work within a civil law environment designed largely to promote the interests of the state and quell social protest, but has been able to succeed in manipulating the system to its own benefit It has shown remarkable organizational flexibility by subdividing in an amoeba-like fashion to avoid political control. This paper engages questions of power and resistance in the civi society framework of japan

    5-deazaflavin derivatives as inhibitors of p53 ubiquitination by HDM2

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    Based on previous reports of certain 5-deazaflavin derivatives being capable of activating the tumour suppressor p53 in cancer cells through inhibition of the p53-specific ubiquitin E3 ligase HDM2, we have conducted an structure–activity relationship (SAR) analysis through systematic modification of the 5-deazaflavin template. This analysis shows that HDM2-inhibitory activity depends on a combination of factors. The most active compounds (e.g., 15) contain a trifluoromethyl or chloro substituent at the deazaflavin C9 position and this activity depends to a large extent on the presence of at least one additional halogen or methyl substituent of the phenyl group at N10. Our SAR results, in combination with the HDM2 RING domain receptor recognition model we present, form the basis for the design of drug-like and potent activators of p53 for potential cancer therapy

    Diseño de un edificio sostenible con sistema estructural aporticado y su influencia en el impacto ambiental del Asentamiento Humano Laderas del Sur, Nuevo Chimbote -2019

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    La presente tesis lleva de título: “Diseño de un edificio sostenible con sistema estructural aporticado y su influencia en el impacto ambiental del Asentamiento Humano Laderas del Sur, Nuevo Chimbote -2019”. Como objetivo general se tuvo, determinar de qué manera el diseño de un edificio sostenible con sistema estructural aporticado influye en el impacto ambiental del Asentamiento Humano Laderas del Sur, Nuevo Chimbote – 2019. Es importante entender que un edificio sostenible es aquel diseño que incorpora la protección al medio ambiente dentro de sus principios. Dentro de la metodología, yace el tipo de estudio de acuerdo a la contrastación, el cual es correlacional teniendo un diseño no experimental, asimismo, tanto la población como la muestra se sustentan en el Edificio Sostenible. Dentro de los instrumentos que se describen para las dos variables en estudio, se presentan para la independiente tres técnicas: la primera es la observación, que contiene la observación científica cuyo instrumento es la guía de observación científica y la observación técnica con los protocolos y la ficha técnica como instrumentos; la segunda es la encuesta con el cuestionario de instrumento y culmina en el instrumento del análisis documental, siendo éste la guía de análisis documental. Por otro lado, para la variable dependiente, encontraremos dos técnicas: el primero, análisis de contenido con la matriz de aspecto e impacto y la matriz Leopold como instrumentos; la segunda es la técnica de la observación, a través de la observación étnica, con una ficha técnica de instrumento. Como principal resultado se obtuvo que el diseño estructural propuesto cumple con los parámetros que evalúa la certificación LEED, determinando que es sostenible pues respeta la continuidad del medio ambiente. A manera de conclusión el diseño del edificio sostenible con sistema estructural aporticado influye positivamente en el impacto ambiental del Asentamiento Humano Laderas del Sur

    WormBase 2012: more genomes, more data, new website

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    Since its release in 2000, WormBase (http://www.wormbase.org) has grown from a small resource focusing on a single species and serving a dedicated research community, to one now spanning 15 species essential to the broader biomedical and agricultural research fields. To enhance the rate of curation, we have automated the identification of key data in the scientific literature and use similar methodology for data extraction. To ease access to the data, we are collaborating with journals to link entities in research publications to their report pages at WormBase. To facilitate discovery, we have added new views of the data, integrated large-scale datasets and expanded descriptions of models for human disease. Finally, we have introduced a dramatic overhaul of the WormBase website for public beta testing. Designed to balance complexity and usability, the new site is species-agnostic, highly customizable, and interactive. Casual users and developers alike will be able to leverage the public RESTful application programming interface (API) to generate custom data mining solutions and extensions to the site. We report on the growth of our database and on our work in keeping pace with the growing demand for data, efforts to anticipate the requirements of users and new collaborations with the larger science community

    Problemas vocais no trabalho: prevenção na prática docente sob a óptica do professor

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    Dentre os trabalhadores, a categoria mais numerosa que faz uso profissional da voz é a dos professores. Este artigo teve por objetivo discutir, sob a óptica do professor, o uso da voz na prática docente e a prevenção de problemas vocais. Trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo-descritivo com 25 professores. Com base num roteiro semiestruturado foram realizadas entrevistas a fim de conhecer a relação dos sujeitos com suas vozes, a relação dos sujeitos com o trabalho docente e obter sugestões de ações preventivas. Os resultados indicaram que a alteração vocal era percebida, mas geralmente atribuída maior importância ao fato de fazer-se compreender e de exercer controle sobre os alunos em sala de aula. Os professores que ainda não tinham problemas vocais conheciam colegas que tinham, reconheciam o risco ao qual estavam expostos e, aparentemente, consideravam-no uma consequência natural e esperada da prática docente. Acreditavam que as intervenções com os alunos, o apoio da entidade empregadora, a presença de especialistas na escola e o trabalho com as necessidades específicas que enfrentam em sala de aula, poderiam ajudar a preservar suas vozes.Among workers, the largest category that makes professional use of the voice is that of teachers. This article aims to discuss, from the teacher's perspective, the use of the voice in the teaching practice and the prevention of vocal problems. It is a qualitative-descriptive case study carried out with 25 teachers. Based on a semi-structured script, interviews were conducted to ascertain the subjects' relationship with their voice and with the teaching work, and also to receive suggestions for preventive actions. Results indicated that the voice alteration was perceived, but the teachers usually gave more importance to making sure they were being understood and to exerting control over the students. The teachers who had not had vocal problems yet knew colleagues who had; they knew the risk to which they were exposed and, apparently, they regarded it as a natural and expected consequence of the teaching practice. They believed that interventions with the students, the employer's support, the presence of specialists in the school and the work with the specific needs they face in the classroom could help them preserve their voices