7 research outputs found

    The Role of Voluntary Function in Predicting Addiction Potential: A Survey on Iranian Red Crescent Societies

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    Background and Aim:Considering Voluntary Function, the purpose of the present study was to predictthe addiction potential among some members of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS).Materials and Methods:The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the present study was all members of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS). The sampling method was multi-stage cluster sampling, in which 620 active volunteers of the IRCS from 31 province and 175 cities of Iran (48.7% female and 50.1 Male mean age 23.27±3.32, range 14–31 years)were selected for this research.The research data was collected using theIranian Addiction Potential Scale (IAPS) and Voluntary Function Inventory (VFI). Results:Findings proved that there was a negative significant correlation between the AP and all measurements of VF such as protective enhancement, understanding, career, values, and motives; meaning that the more time youth spent on participating in voluntary activities, the less likely they sought to resort to misusing AP. Findings of the multiple regression has proved that volunteerism could predict 15% of changes in the AP as a criterion variable.Conclusion:Voluntary function can increase happiness, mental health, expand interpersonal relationships and social networking, self-esteem and social skills in individuals. These skills can reduce the high-risk behaviors, including addiction. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this valuable factors in preventive programs

    Evaluating the controls on Tourmaline Crystallization in the mylonitic granite-gneiss pluton in the Northeastern of Jan mine (Lorestan province)

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    Introduction The study area is a part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan zone that is located in the NW of Azna city and NE of the dimension stone mine of Jan between 49° 11' 41"and 49° 16' 07" E longitude and 33° 36'35" and 33° 38'12" N latitude., A pluton of mylonitic granite-gneiss is exposed in the area which contains abundant tourmalines as black and patchy or subgrain association. Geochemically, the studied granite-gneiss is A-type, peraluminous to slightly metaluminous and calc – alkaline to slightly alkaline (Moradi et al., 7). The electron microprobe analyses of the tourmalines display shorl-dravite in composition with more tendency to shorl (Moradi et al., 2015). In this paper we try to study the petrological sites of tourmaline formation with associated minerals, controller factors of crystallization using mineral chemistry of tourmaline, comprehensive behavior of trace elements in the tourmaline, synthetic phase diagrams and finally relationships between the associated minerals. Materials and methods The results of trace-element and major-element analyses were obtained from one polished thin section including 2 tourmaline grains. Major-element analyses of tourmaline were obtained at Oklahama City University of America using the JEOL 8200 electron microprobe with a spot size of 5 ÎŒm and trace-element analyses were performed on just a sample by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) a 193nm ArF excimer laser ablation system (MicroLas GeoLas 200Q) in combination with a quadrupole ICP-MS (Micromass Platform ICP) at Utrecht University of Netherland. Representative EMP and LA-ICP-MS analyses of tourmaline samples are presented in Tables1 and 2. Results The results of LA-ICP-MS on tourmalines of Jan mine in the North east of mylonitic granite-gneiss body show that distribution and diffusion of trace elements during the growth of tourmaline trend is positive on the plots of binary Mn versus Fetot / (Fetot +Mg) and it represents the formation of the tourmaline mineral from the melt is along with the progress of the differentiation (Jolliff et al., 1987; Kontak et al., 2002). Also the average composition of tourmaline – bearing mylonitic granite-gneiss pluton normalized spider diagram for the studied tourmaline shows positive anomaly and negative anomaly in Eu that indicates tourmaline minerals surrounded by quartz and feldspar grains (Copjakova et al., 2013). Secondary phases such as zircon and allanite very much effect on the REE patterns (Rollinson, 1993). Therefore, in the final stages of differentiation, allanite appeared earlier than it appeared in areas without tourmaline crystalliziation and LREE soon after tourmaline crystalized and they are deposited (Cuney and Friedrich, 1987). Using a combination of phase diagrams, the controlling factors of creation of tourmaline associated with biotite-tourmaline can be assessed, and the relationship between tourmaline and associated minerals, chemistry of tourmaline – bearing granitoid pluton, and location of petrological minerals tourmaline can be sought (Pesquera et al., 2005). Discussion The results of LA-ICP-MS on tourmalines of mylonitic granite-gneiss body in the north east of Jan mine in Sanandaj – Sirjan Zone represents tourmaline crystallization from the melt along with the progress of the differentiation. Also, the average composition of tourmaline – bearing mylonitic granite-gneiss pluton normalized spider diagram for the studied tourmaline shows positive anomaly and negative anomaly in Eu that indicates that tourmalines are surrounded by quartz and feldspar grains. According to petrographic evidence of tourmaline and biotite, it can be seen with muscovite. Therefore, where tourmaline is dominant, biotite and associated minerals are limited or do not exist. Using a combination of phase diagrams controlling factors of tourmaline crystallization associated with biotite-tourmaline can be assessed, and the relationship between tourmaline and associated minerals, chemistry of tourmaline – bearing granitoid pluton, and location of petrological of tourmaline minerals can be sought. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Shahrekord University for providing the budget for this research. References Copjakova, R., Skoda, R., Galiova, M.V. and Novak, M., 2013. Distributions of Y + REE and Sc in tourmaline and their implications for the melt evolution; examples from NYF pegmatites of the Trebic Pluton, Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic. Journal of Geosciences, 58(2): 113–131. Cuney, M. and Friedrich, M., 1987. Physicochemical and crystalchemical controls on accessory mineral paragenesis in granitoids: implications for uranium metallogenesis. Bulletin Mineralogie, 110(2-3): 235–247. Jolliff, B.L., Papike, J.J. and Laul, J.C., 1987. Mineral recorders of pegmatite internal evolution: REE contents of tourmaline from the Bob Ingersoll pegmatite, South Dakota. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 51(8): 2225–2232. Kontak, D.J., Dostal, J., Kyser, K. and Archibald, D.A., 2002. A petrological, geochemical, isotopic and fluidinclusion study of 370 Ma pegmatite–aplite sheets, Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40(5): 1249–1286. Moradi, A., Shabanian Boroujeni, N. and Davodian Dehkordi, A.R., 2015. Geochemistry and determination genesis of tourmalines in the mylonitic granite-gneiss pluton in Northeastern of Jan mine (Lorestan province(. Journal of Petrology, 23(6): 65-82. (in Persian with English abstract) Moradi, A., Shabanian Boroujeni, N. and Davodian Dehkordi, A.R., 2017. Geochemistry of granitoid pluton in northeastern of mine Jan (province Lorestan). Journal of Economic Geology (in Persian with English abstract). (in print) Pesquera, A., Torres-Ruiz, J., Gil-Crespo, P.P. and Jiang, S. Y., 2005. Petrographic, chemical and B-isotopic insights into the origin of tourmaline-rich rocks and boron recycling in the Martinamor antiform (Central Iberian Zone, Salamanca, Spain). Journal of Petrology, 46(5): 1013–1044. Rollinson, H., 1993. Using geochemical data: evolution, presentation, interpretation. Longman Scientific and Technical, London, 352 pp

    Zircon U–Pb and geochemistry of the north Shahrekord metamorphosed felsic rocks: implications for the Ediacaran–Cambrian tectonic setting of Iran

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    The basement felsic igneous rocks associated with the continental tectonic zones of Iran are key elements that contain a well-preserved geological record of the protracted evolutionary history of the North Gondwana margin within the Ediacaran–Cambrian timespan. Two distinct Ediacaran–Cambrian magmatic pulses are recognized in the North Shahrekord Metamorphic Complex (NSMC) as a part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (SaSZ) in Iran. The NSMC is defined by a Pan-African/Cadomian basement dominated by two felsic suites of granitic gneisses and meta-granitoids, which have experienced mylonitization and high-grade metamorphism. Zircon U–Pb dating displays magmatic crystallization ages of 555 ± 7 Ma and 561 ± 10 Ma corresponding to the Late Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) for the granitic gneisses. Geochemically, the gneisses are differentiated as I-type granites and subalkaline in composition, and similar to the mylonitic meta-granitoids with characteristics similar to those of both I-type and A-type characters, have an affinity to Cordilleran granites. Considering the enrichment in LILEs (e.g., Rb, Th, and U), depletion in HFSEs (e.g., Nb, Ta, and Ti), high ratios of Th/La and Th/Zr, low Nb/U ratio, Y/Nb ratio > 1.2, and low Mg# reported from both felsic rocks and high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.71088 to 0.74514), negative ƐNd(555 Ma) value (− 3.7 to − 2.3) and Nd model age (TDM2 = 1.40 to 1.51 Ga) reported from the granitic gneisses, a protolith probably derived from partial melting of a common pre-existing felsic crustal source is plausible. Available data indicate that the source magma of the granitic gneisses may have been generated within the Ediacaran convergent margin environment during the subduction of proto-Tethys under north Gondwana before thinning lithospheric and formation of the Middle Cambrian meta-granitoids, as with other peri-Gondwana terranes.publishe

    Geochronology, provenance, and tectonic setting of the meta-sedimentary rocks from the North Shahrekord metamorphic Complex, Iran

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    The meta-sedimentary rocks from the North Shahrekord metamorphic Complex (NSMC) comprise micaschists, paragneisses, quartz-feldspathic schists, and marbles. Detrital zircons from the paragneisses yield ages of ca. 2811–507 Ma with most of the dated grains belonging to the Late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian, suggesting a maximum depositional age of the sedimentary protolith during the Late Ediacaran to the Early Cambrian times (543 ± 12 Ma). In contrast, detrital zircons from the quartz-feldspathic schists are mostly dominantly 692–577 Ma and a few at ca. 2369–703 Ma, suggesting that the maximum depositional age of 577 ± 9 Ma, Late Neoproterozoic. The age distribution of detrital zircons suggests that their main provenance was located within the Arabian-Nubian Shield and adjacent terranes. Rutiles from a paragneiss give a U-Pb lower-intercept age of 181 ± 3 Ma, indicating the occurrence of a high-pressure metamorphic event during the Early Jurassic. The trace element contents of the two rock units show enrichment in LREE relative to HREE and negative Eu anomalies, indicating upper continental crustal sources. The geochemical evidence (e.g. low to moderate Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and Plagioclase Index of Alteration, high Index of Compositional Variability (PIA), and low Th/U) suggests that the quartz-feldspathic schists and paragneisses originated from an immature, and immature to less mature, respectively, intermediate-felsic igneous source and their protolith experienced a simple sedimentary recycling history with relatively weak to moderate chemical weathering. Geochemical and petrographic data also suggest that the precursor to the quartz-feldspathic schists and paragneisses were deposited in a continental island arc and a back-arc basin setting, respectively. Our new data, including depositional age, provenance, and geochemical evidence, provide perspectives on palaeogeographic affinities (provenance of sediments with different weathering and recycling materials), and paleotectonic reconstructions (from arc to back-arc) of the Iranian basement, exposed in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, during Ediacaran.</p

    Tectonic transition from Ediacaran continental arc to early Cambrian rift in the NE Ardakan region, central Iran: Constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of magmatic rocks

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    Ediacaran-early Cambrian magmatic rocks from the Ardakan region of central Iran include deformed granites from deformed granitic plutons and dolerites from doleritic sills. The granites contain zircon grains with U-Pb ages of 552–550 Ma, and dolerites have a zircon U-Pb age of 528 Ma. These granites are high K calc-alkaline in nature and have variable concentrations of SiO2 (69.1–76.3 wt%), Na2O (2.06–4.82 wt%), K2O (3.08–4.79 wt%) and MgO (0.57–2.02 wt%). They represent I-type granite and are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, with negative primitive mantle-normalized Nb, Ti and Eu anomalies. 87Sr/86Sr(i) and ΔNd(t) in the granites vary from 0.7075 to 0.7120 and from −3.0 to +7.3, respectively. Dolerites are alkaline, with low contents of SiO2 (45.7–48.6 wt%), Cr and Ni (13.6–313 and 15.7–146 ppm, respectively) and overall high contents of TiO2 (2.0–4.6 wt%). TiO2 contents define high-Ti and low-Ti dolerite types, which show similar high field strength and rare earth element abundances. The high-Ti dolerites may be evolved equivalents of the low-Ti type. The 87Sr/86Sr(i) and ΔNd(t) values of both types are highly variable (0.7029 to 0.7077 and −6.1 to +7.7, respectively). The data indicate melting of an asthenospheric mantle source, with additional fractionation, and mixing with crustal melts to produce the evolved dolerites. Geochemical data from granites in NE Ardakan are consistent with late Ediacaran arc magmatism ∌550 Ma. The ∌528 Ma OIB-like dolerites may indicate continental extension at this time

    40 Ar/ 39 Ar mineral ages of eclogites from North Shahrekord in the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, Iran: Implications for the tectonic evolution of Zagros orogen

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