428 research outputs found

    Chemical speciation of L-glutamine complexes with Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) in cationic micellar medium

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    The impact of cationic micelles on the protonation equilibria of L-glutamine and chemical speciation of its complexes with Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) have been studied by monitoring hydrogen ion concentration pH metrically at 303 K and at an ionic strength of 0.16 M. The protonation constants and binary stability constants have been calculated with the computer program MINIQUAD75. The best fit chemical models are selected based on standard deviations in the model parameters and residual analysis using crystallographic R-factor and sum of squares of residuals in all mass-balance equations. The trend in the variation of stability constants of the complexes with mole fraction of the surfactant is attributed to the compartmentalization of complexation equilibria. Distribution of species and effect of influential parameters on chemical speciation have also been presented. KEY WORDS: Chemical speciation, complex equilibria, L-glutamine, cationic micelles Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2012, 26(3), 383-394.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v26i3.

    Study report on Indian agriculture with IoT

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    Most of the population of our country are depends on agriculture for their survival. Agriculture plays an important role in our country economy. But since past few years production from agriculture sector is decreasing drastically. Agriculture sector saw a drastic downfall in its productivity from past few years, there are many reasons for this downfall. In this paper we will discuss about past, present and future of agriculture in our country, agricultural policies which are provided by government to improve the growth of agriculture and reasons why we are not able see the growth in agriculture. And also we will see how can we adopt automation into agriculture using various emerging technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), data mining, cloud computing and machine learning and some authors done some quality work previously on this topic we will discuss that also. Here we will see previous work done by various authors which can be useful to increase the productivity of agriculture secto


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    In this paper we introduce vague frame, vague co- frames, vague frame generated by frame and investigate some of its basic properties. In particular, some interesting characterizations closely related to the vague co- frames and vague cut sets on vague co-frame are given also studied their properties. Further we investigate the development of some important results and theorems about vague cut sets on vague co-frame

    Dynamic Time Slice Calculation for Round Robin Process Scheduling Using NOC

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    Process scheduling means allocating a certain amount of CPU time to each of the user processes.  One of the popular scheduling algorithms is the “Round Robin” algorithm, which allows each and every process to utilize the CPU for short time duration.  Processes which finish executing during the time slice are removed from the ready queue.  Processes which do not complete execution during the specified time slice are removed from the front of the queue, and placed at the rear end of the queue. This paper presents an improvisation to the traditional round robin scheduling algorithm, by proposing a new method. The new method represents the time slice as a function of the burst time of the waiting process in the ready queue. Fixing the time slice for a process is a crucial factor, because it subsequently influences many performance parameters like turnaround time, waiting time, response time and the frequency of context switches.  Though the time slot is fixed for each process, this paper explores the fine-tuning of the time slice for processes which do not complete in the stipulated time allotted to them


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    Chemical speciation of Pb(II), Cd(II), Hg(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of L-methionine in 0.0-60 % v/v 1,2-propanediol-water mixtures maintaining an ionic strength of 0.16 M at 303 K has been studied pH metrically. The active forms of ligand are LH2+, LH and L-. The predominant species detected are ML, MLH, ML2, ML2H, ML2H2 and MLOH. Models containing different numbers of species were refined by using the computer program MINIQUAD 75. The best-fit chemical models were arrived at based on statistical parameters. The trend in variation of complex stability constants with change in the dielectric constant of the medium is explained on the basis of electrostatic and non-electrostatic forces. KEY WORDS: Complex equilibria, Chemical speciation, L-Methionine, 1,2-Propanediol, Metals Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2007, 21(3), 363-372

    Study On Strength Development Of Concrete With Partial Replacement Of Silica Fume & Fly ash

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    In created nations, utilizing high quality cement in structures today would bring about both specialized and practical preferred standpoint. In high quality solid, it is important to decrease the water/concrete proportion and which as a rule builds the bond content. To conquer low workability issue .The progression of solid innovation can decrease the utilization of common assets and vitality sources and diminish the weight of contaminations on condition. By and by huge measure of fly fiery remains are created in the warm enterprises with an imperative effect on condition and people. Solid blends were delivered, tried and thought about as far as compressive and split and flexure with regular cement. These tests were done to assess the mechanical properties for the test comes about for compressive quality up to 28days are taken.   In view of this examination Comparison Graphs of Compressive quality with various fly fiery remains bond concrete(FAC) and miniaturized scale silica(SF) in water curing in the wake of curing 7,14,28 days

    The Oceans

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    Sea erosion along the Andhra Pradesh coast

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    Andhra Pradesh with a coastline of around 974 km has frequently been affected by cyclones and inundated by storm surges. Sea erosion is noticed at Visakhapatnam, Bhimunipatnam and in the East and West Godavari districts. Vishakhapatnam coast is facing erosion since long specially at Ramakrishna Beach. In 2013 and 2014, the cyclones ‘Phailin’ and ‘Hudhud’ further hastened erosion of the Ramakrishna Beach, severely damaging the adjacent protection wall and road. Uppada village which is 22 kilometres away from Kakinada also faces severe erosion. The Kakinada-Uppada road is gradually disappearing due to shoreline erosion


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    It continues to provide an example of how to use filters, such as the Flexible Selection of Mutual Information Feature. FMIFS is an upgrade of MIFS and MMIFS. The FMIFS recommends adapting the Battiti sample to minimize value sharing. FMIFS consumes the cycle required by MIFS and MMIFS.FMIFS to enhance MIFS and MMIFS. The FMIFS recommends adapting the Battiti sample to minimize value sharing. FMIFS ignored the highest level of replication required in MIFS and MMIFS. Currently, there are solutions that can be completely prevented from completely preventing the Internet and computer programs from threatening the use of mobile phones by hackers and computer attacks and malware in the United States. Current business information, often large, presents a significant challenge to IDS. Examinations of studies show that our organization of specialized options helps the LSSVM-IDS to achieve a better degree in reducing cost comparison compared to the art of art. This build is based on the design of selected statistics designed for statistical and non-reliability records. In this form, we recommend a basic doctor to provide information that defines the full meaning of the classification. Its value must be calculated within the certification rate of the attack. Impossible and unpredictable information has led to a long period of time in the distribution of telecommunication trade. These tasks not only slow down the entire design process, not just protect a person who is making the right decisions, especially when faced with important information