390 research outputs found

    Periodic Oscillations of Josephson-Vortex Flow Resistance in Oxygen-Deficient Y1Ba2Cu3Ox

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    We measured the Josephson vortex flow resistance as a function of magnetic field applied parallel to the ab-planes using annealed Y1Ba2Cu3Ox intrinsic Josephson junctions having high anisotropy (around 40) by oxygen content reduction. Periodic oscillations were observed in magnetic fields above 45-58 kOe, corresponding to dense-dilute boundary for Josephson vortex lattice. The observed period of oscillations, agrees well with the increase of one fluxon per two junctions (HpH_{p}\textit{=Φ\Phi }0_{0}\textit{/2Ls}), may correspond to formation of a triangular lattice of Josephson vortices as has been reported by Ooi et al. for highly anisotropic (larger than 200) Bi-2212 intrinsic Josephson junctions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A Multi-band Photometric Study of Tidal Debris in A Compact Group of Galaxies: Seyfert's Sextet

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    In order to investigate the properties of the prominent tidal debris feature extending to the northeast of the compact group of galaxies Seyfert's Sextet, we analyzed multi-band (U, B, V, VR, R, I, J, H and K') photometric imaging data and obtained the following results: 1) The radial surface brightness distribution of this tidal debris in Seyfert's Sextet (TDSS) in each band appears to be well approximated by an exponential profile. 2) The observed B-V color of TDSS is similar to those of dwarf elliptical galaxies in nearby clusters. 3) Comparing the spectral energy distribution (SED) of TDSS with theoretical photometric evolution models and with the SED of the stars in the outer part of HCG 79b, we find that its SED is comparable to that of a \sim 10 Gyr-old stellar population with solar metallicity, similar to the stellar population in the outer part of HCG 79b. This suggests that TDSS consists of stars that may have been liberated from HCG 79b by strong galaxy interactions, not a pre-existing dwarf galaxy previously thought.Comment: 9 pages, included 6 figures (5 PS files and 6 EPS files), emulateapj LaTeX, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2002, 54, No.1, in pres

    Применение криптографических методов шифрования информации

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    Необходимость технических средств защиты диктуется тем, что Интернет – это источник информации, за который никто не несет ответственности, и вероятность получения из него недостоверной, оскорбительной, пиратской или запрещенной по другим причинам информации весьма велика.The need for technological protection measures dictated by the fact that the Internet - a source of information for which no one is responsible, and the probability of getting out of it inaccurate, abusive, pirated or illegal for other reasons information is very high

    In-situ epitaxial growth of superconducting La-based bilayer cuprate thin films

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    We investigate the epitaxial growth of bilayer cuprate La2CaCu2O6+\delta using pure ozone as an oxidant, and find that even the crystal with parent composition without cation substitution can show metallic behavior with the aid of epitaxial strain effect. The hole concentration is controlled simply by excess-oxygen doping, and the films grown under the optimum conditions exhibit superconductivity below 30 K. This is the first result on the superconductivity of bilayer La2CaCu2O6+\delta induced purely by the excess oxygen.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, To appear in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communication

    Macroscopic quantum tunneling in a d-wave high-Tc superconductor

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    There is a wide recognition that Josephson-junction-like structures intrinsic to the layered cuprate high temperature superconductors offer an attractive stage for exploiting possible applications to new quantum technologies. On the other hand the low energy quasiparticle excitations characteristically present in these d-wave superconductors may easily destruct the coherence required. Here we demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of macroscopic quantum tunneling in the intrinsic Josephson junctions of a high temperature superconductor, and find it to be characterized by a high classic-to-quantum crossover temperature and a relatively weak quasiparticle dissipation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Ver. 2, Added referenc

    Observation of Spin-Dependent Charge Symmetry Breaking in ΛN\Lambda N Interaction: Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Λ4^4_{\Lambda }He

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    The energy spacing between the ground-state spin doublet of Λ4^4_\Lambda He(1+^+,0+^+) was determined to be 1406±2±21406 \pm 2 \pm 2 keV, by measuring γ\gamma rays for the 1+0+1^+ \to 0^+ transition with a high efficiency germanium detector array in coincidence with the 4^4He(K,π)(K^-,\pi^-) Λ4^4_\Lambda He reaction at J-PARC. In comparison to the corresponding energy spacing in the mirror hypernucleus Λ4^4_\Lambda H, the present result clearly indicates the existence of charge symmetry breaking (CSB) in ΛN\Lambda N interaction. It is also found that the CSB effect is large in the 0+0^+ ground state but is by one order of magnitude smaller in the 1+1^+ excited state, demonstrating that the ΛN\Lambda N CSB interaction has spin dependence

    On the Hidden Order in URu2_{2}Si2_{2} --- Antiferro Hexadecapole Order and its Consequences

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    An antiferro ordering of an electric hexadecapole moment is discussed as a promising candidate for the long standing mystery of the hidden order phase in URu2_{2}Si2_{2}. Based on localized ff-electron picture, we discuss the rationale of the selected multipole and the consequences of the antiferro hexadecapole order of xy(x2y2)xy(x^{2}-y^{2}) symmetry. The mean-field solutions and the collective excitations from them explain reasonably significant experimental observations: the strong anisotropy in the magnetic susceptibility, characteristic behavior of pressure versus magnetic field or temperature phase diagrams, disappearance of inelastic neutron-scattering intensity out of the hidden order phase, and insensitiveness of the NQR frequency at Ru-sites upon ordering. A consistency with the strong anisotropy in the magnetic responses excludes all the multipoles in two-dimensional representations, such as (Oyz,Ozx)(O_{yz},O_{zx}). The expected azimuthal angle dependences of the resonant X-ray scattering amplitude are given. The (x2y2)(x^{2}-y^{2})-type antiferro quadrupole should be induced by an in-plane magnetic field along [110][110], which is reflected in the thermal expansion and the elastic constant of the transverse (c11c12)/2(c_{11}-c_{12})/2 mode. The (x2y2)(x^{2}-y^{2})-type [(xy)(xy)-type] antiferro quadrupole is also induced by applying the uniaxial stress along [110][110] direction [[100][100] direction]. A detection of these induced antiferro quadrupoles under the in-plane magnetic field or the uniaxial stress using the resonant X-ray scattering provides a direct redundant test for the proposed order parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    The optical afterglows and host galaxies of three short/hard gamma-ray bursts

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    Short GRBs are commonly thought to originate from the merging of double compact object binaries but direct evidence for this scenario is still missing. Optical observations of short GRBs allow us to measure redshifts, firmly identify host galaxies, characterize their properties, and accurately localize GRBs within them. Multiwavelength observations of GRB afterglows provide useful information on the emission mechanisms at work. These are all key issues that allow one to discriminate among different models of these elusive events. We carried out photometric observations of the short/hard GRB 051227, GRB 061006, and GRB 071227 with the ESO-VLT starting from several hours after the explosion down to the host galaxy level several days later. For GRB 061006 and GRB 071227 we also obtained spectroscopic observations of the host galaxy. We compared the results obtained from our optical observations with the available X-ray data of these bursts. For all the three above bursts, we discovered optical afterglows and firmly identified their host galaxies. About half a day after the burst, the optical afterglows of GRB 051227 and GRB 061006 present a decay significatly steeper than in the X-rays. In the case of GRB 051227, the optical decay is so steep that it likely indicates different emission mechanisms in the two wavelengths ranges. The three hosts are blue, star forming galaxies at moderate redshifts and with metallicities comparable to the Solar one. The projected offsets of the optical afterglows from their host galaxies centers span a wide range, but all afterglows lie within the light of their hosts and present evidence for local absorption in their X-ray spectra. We discuss our findings in light of the current models of short GRB progenitors.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A. 11 pages, 9 figures; v2: minor changes and new version of Fig.