61 research outputs found

    Analisis Proses Bisnis dan Perancangan Prosedur Operasional Standar Platform Digital Kurban Online Ternaknesia

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    Jumlah penduduk beragama islam di Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, hal itu tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan jumlah pemenuhan beberapa kebutuhan ibadah salah satunya hewan kurban (sapi, kambing, dan domba). Berbagai cara dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemenuhan pelaksanaan ibadah kurban, salah satu caranya adalah dengan penggunaan teknologi dalam memasarkan produk hewan kurban kepada konsumen. Banyak lembaga yang memanfaatkan peluang ini, salah satunya PT Ternaknesia Farm Innovation. Ternaknesia adalah platform digital untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dialami peternak dari hulu (permodalan) hingga hilir (pemasaran hasil peternakan). Melalui Divisi Smartqurban, kurban penyaluran sebagai salah satu program kurban online yang menyalurkan hewan kurban kepada daerah yang membutuhkan, belum memiliki pemetaan proses bisnis dan standar operasional baku yang tertulis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses bisnis dan merancang Prosedur Operasional Standar (POS) dari Program Kurban Penyaluran Ternaknesia. Pemetaan proses bisnis dimulai dengan identifikasi menggunakan Fishbone Diagram untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang terjadi dilanjutkan dengan pemodelan proses bisnis menggunakan Diagram Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) dan Integration Definition Language 0 (IDEF0). Hasil dari pemetaan proses bisnis kemudian dibuatkan SOP untuk dijadikan acuan baku tertulis bagi perusahaan. Berdasarkan analisis didapatkan enam belas akar permasalahan dari kurban penyaluran ternaknesia. Hasil pemetaan proses bisnis menunjukkan terdapat tujuh aktivitas utama yang tergambar dalam diagram BPMN dan empat level dekomposisi IDEF0 kurban penyaluran ternaknesia. Lalu dibuat rancangan Prosedur Operasional Standar untuk menjadi alternatif perusahaan dalam menjaga standar baku nya. Implikasi manajerial dapat diaplikasikan oleh Ternaknesia untuk menjalankan program Kurban Penyaluran di tahun berikutny


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    This research is a form of research that is devoted to the realiasasi community. Research this time raised the issue of the handling of plastic waste which can give added value to be handcrafted. The object of the research is done at the village, district of Dajah Sendang Madura, Indonesia. Research conducted with observational approach to the issue and allotment of intervention against the problems raised. In more detail, the plasik waste management approaches in interventions is the plastic wrap from drinks powder. The method of intervention is done by providing training to women in the area of the village of Dajah Sendang which profession as a member of the family prosperity coaching (PKK). Approach to interventions made during the sixweek period in mid-November to late December 2018. The result of this activity is the formation of creative products in the form of bags that have a value and can sell the public consumption. Training done dap. Keywords : Creative Product, Sendang Dajah, Plastic Waste

    The Determinant Factors that Affecting Performance Employee in Jakarta Smart City Unit

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    Public demand for a new paradigm of government administration based on bureaucratic professionalism is getting sharper, therefore good performance is needed in order to provide good service to the community. In this case, the DKI Jakarta government formed a team, namely Technical Implementing Service Unit (UPT) Jakarta Smart City ( JSC), to handle public complaints. Therefore, it is important to analyze the performance of the employees of the UPT JSC as a service to the community. This study aims to determine the effect of work facilities, work environment, and leadership style on employee performance and develop strategy that has improvement effect on the service. This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods, with a sample of 100 respondents from of Technical Implementing Service Unit (UPT) Jakarta Smart City ( JSC) employees using the convenience method. The data obtained were analyzed using the PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis technique. The results showed that work facilities, work environment, and leadership style had a significant positive effect on employee performance. Keywords: Work Facilities; Work Environment; Leadership Style; Employee Performance; Partial Least Squar

    Pengukuran Efisiensi dan Pemodelan Proses Bisnis Usaha Subsektor Fashion di Industri Kreatif (Studi Kasus: Kota Surabaya)

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    Industri kreatif telah menjadi alternatif untuk dijadikan sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian negara karena memiliki sumber daya yang terbarukan berdasarkan kreativitas, kemampuan intelektual ide dan talenta. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia mulai mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif sejak tahun 2009 sampai saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi model proses bisnis untuk usaha subsektor fashion di kota Surabaya. Tujuan ini diangkat karena sesuai dengan arah pengembangan ekonomi kreatif yang telah dibuat oleh BEKRAF. Penelitian ini berawal dari pencarian usaha yang efisien untuk dapat dijadikan contoh dalam pembuatan model proses bisnis, pembuatan model proses bisnis, analisis model proses bisnis dan perancangan ulang. Dalam keseluruhan proses diketahui bahwa ada enam UMKM yang didapati efisien. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada UMKM terpilih ialah permasalahan mengenai persediaan dan pengiriman pesanan kepada pelanggan sebelum pelanggan membayar menjadi aktivitas krusial disetiap UMKM. Oleh karena itu, rekomendasi proses model bisnis diberikan, baik untuk masing-masing UMKM maupun untuk seluruh UMKM fashion. Rekomendasi model proses bisnis yang diberikan lebih berfokus pada dimensi waktu dan biaya dari dimensi kinerja the devil’s quadrangle untuk dapat mengatasi aktivitas krusial dan permasalahan yang sering terjadi


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    Gadget adalah sebuah istilah yang berasal dari bahasa Inggris, yang artinya perangkat elektronik kecil yang memiliki fungsi khusus. Salah satu hal yang membedakan gadget dengan perangkat elektronik lainnya adalah unsur “kebaruan”. Artinya, dari hari ke hari gadget selalu muncul dengan menyajikan teknologi terbaru yang membuat hidup manusia menjadi lebih praktis. Gadget yang difasilitasi dengan berbagai macam fitur dan aplikasi yang menarik sehingga membuat anak suka dengan permainan di dalam aplikasi tersebut. Adanya suatu barang atau alat pasti membawa dampak positif dan negatif.Hal ini yang perlu diketahui oleh para orang tua /pengasuh mengenai pengaruh gadget, agar anaknya dapat dibatasi penggunaannya dan daya kembang anak dapat berkembang dengan baik dan menjadi anak yang aktif, cerdas, dan interaktif terhadap orang lain

    Implementation of Lead Time Improvement in the Cutting Production Process using Clustering Data Mining and Lean Manufacturing

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    In steel companies, there are some processes in the production such as cutting, machining and heat treatment. The production process begins with cutting process and then machining process and the last one is the heat treatment process. It becomes a background that gives the challenge and needs continuous improvement on all aspects, mainly in the cutting process. The research is conducted at one of steel companies located in Pulogadung Industrial Estate. The purpose of the research is to know the factors which cause process lead time cannot be achieved. The methods used are clustering data mining and lean manufacturing. Clustering method can be used to focus on big data and find out clusters or the same pattern. Those clusters are processed with Weka software and using K-means algorithm. Improvement ideas will be implemented to the formed clusters using lean manufacturing such as Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) which have been mapped through value stream mapping, 5S, and Kanban beforehand. The materials’ dimension on the production process is affecting the cutting process lead time. The thicker material diameters will need a longer time to process. With the methods used, lead time of cutting process increased from 3449 minutes to 2165 minutes (3 days to be 2 days). Meanwhile if the “SMED” activities are implemented, the cutting process lead time increased from 187 minutes to 136 minutes. Keywords: Clustering; SMED; Lean Manufacturing; Process Lead Time; Value Stream Mappin


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    This paper aims to find out the local potential in Tebuwung Village. The author, together with the entrepreneurship division, numbered thirteen people conducted three times surveys and observations in Tebuwung Village in the context of implementing a community service program. The results of the survey can be used as data and materials to mapping problems and find useful solutions for Tebuwung Village. The method used in this writing is descriptive qualitative. While the method of implementing activities is the provision of material and practice with the subject. The results obtained from this activity were that the subjects had never carried out a simulation or practice using corn hair base material. The subjects have also never marketed corn hair into a product that has a high selling value. It is expected that in the subsequent service activities, a sustainable agenda can be implemented using the same products with a wider marketing scope


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    The purpose of training is a activities of community servants where we have a reason why this Al-Qorrobiyah Foundation School is our target because this school, which is the largest foundation in Sendang Dajah Village, is still a problem with technological developments, for example the learning curriculum there is still using the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) 2014, while in University which has implemented the Education Curriculum 2019 (KP). The procedure for this training students will be explained about Ms.Office. After the material is explained, students will be accompanied one by one to work on sample problems, in order to measure students' abilities in the deepening of Microsoft . From the development of the student's comprehension, a data analysis will be drawn which will then be described in descriptive analysis. The results of training showed that many of the students had little understanding of the learning material so far due to their rarity in carrying out parkatek activities. The enthusiasm of students is also very high as long as students receive this material and learning activities together

    Mix method analysis for analyzing user behavior on logistic company mobile pocket software

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    The present study emphasizes mixed-method analysis, integrating the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and customer journey for mobile pocket office improvement in logistic XYZ company. The extension of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT 2) model by incorporating perceived risk (PR), personal innovativeness (PI), and trust (TR) variables are used. The sample for this study consisted of 243 res­pondents. Based on the results of the PLS-SEM analysis, two of the eleven tested hypotheses were determined to be rejected. In application usage, the proposed model effectively explained 85.7 per cent of the influence on beha­vioral intention (BI) and 72.1 per cent on use behavior (UB). The customer journey mapping (CJM) investigation's findings show that fluctuations in the use of mobile pocket office technology in the field are generally brought on by a lot of data entry, sluggish internet connections, and overworked field operations. The XYZ company may acquire sugges­tions and knowledge for developing further applications due to this inquiry.Saat ini, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan inovasi sangat penting bagi perekonomian. Selain itu, hal ini menyebabkan persaingan yang semakin ketat antara perusahaan. Aplikasi mobile pocket office berbasis mobile disediakan oleh perusahaan logistik PT. XYZ dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan khususnya di divisi operasional. Namun karena fluktuasi penggunaan, program mobile pocket office ini tidak dapat bekerja pada level puncaknya. Untuk menguji perilaku pengguna, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis metode campuran, mengintegrasikan PLS-SEM dan Perjalanan Pelanggan. Evaluasi PLS-SEM Penelitian ini menilai variabel yang mempengaruhi penerimaan pengguna terhadap penggunaan aplikasi mobile pocket office dengan membangun model UTAUT 2 yang ditingkatkan dengan menggabungkan variabel persepsi risiko (PR), inovasi pribadi (SINN), dan kepercayaan (TR). Sampel untuk penelitian ini terdiri dari 243 responden. Berdasarkan hasil analisis PLS-SEM, dua dari sebelas hipotesis yang diuji dinyatakan tidak benar. Efek terbesar pada niat perilaku dan perilaku penggunaan masing-masing disebabkan oleh variabel motivasi hedonis (HM) dan variabel kebiasaan (HB) (BI). Dalam konteks penggunaan aplikasi, model yang diusulkan menjelaskan secara efektif pengaruh sebesar 85,7 persen terhadap behavioral intention (BI) dan 72,1 persen terhadap use behavior (UB). Variabel persepsi risiko (PR) dan ekspektasi upaya (EE) diabaikan. Pengguna merasakan banyak usaha, dan tingginya risiko penyalahgunaan membuat mereka kurang tertarik menggunakan program, menurut hasil. Temuan investigasi Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) menunjukkan bahwa fluktuasi penggunaan teknologi mobile pocket office di lapangan umumnya disebabkan oleh banyak entri data, koneksi internet yang lamban, dan operasi lapangan yang terlalu banyak bekerja. PT. Perusahaan XYZ dapat memperoleh saran dan pengetahuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi lebih lanjut sebagai hasil dari penyelidikan ini.   &nbsp

    Learning from a distance during a pandemic outbreak: Factors affecting students' acceptance of distance learning during school closures due to COVID-19

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    Distance learning has become the only solution for learning in the current Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. A more straightforward form of distance learning with the utilization of telepresence and cloud-based productivity tools was apparent in many institutions. The present study investigated this phenomenon and ask, “What factors affect students’ acceptance of distance learning during school closures due to COVID-19?”. An extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was employed to answer the research question, with 156 students participating in the study. The result revealed that Effort Expectancy (EE) has the biggest effect on students’ acceptance of distance learning during school closures (β=0.372, p<0.001). Additionally, the extended variable of Socia l Presence (SP) was also showing great effects on students' acceptance (β=0.296, p<0.001). However, one of the UTAUT constructs, Facilitating Conditions, was found to have no effect on students' acceptance. Practical implications for schools and distance learning program managers were discussed to provide insight on improving a distance learning program. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on learning technologies as well as on how society, especially in the educational sector, should continue despite the current pandemic crisis
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