4,156 research outputs found

    Nica-Toeplitz algebras associated with product systems over right LCM semigroups

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    We prove uniqueness of representations of Nica-Toeplitz algebras associated to product systems of CC^*-correspondences over right LCM semigroups by applying our previous abstract uniqueness results developed for CC^*-precategories. Our results provide an interpretation of conditions identified in work of Fowler and Fowler-Raeburn, and apply also to their crossed product twisted by a product system, in the new context of right LCM semigroups, as well as to a new, Doplicher-Roberts type CC^*-algebra associated to the Nica-Toeplitz algebra. As a derived construction we develop Nica-Toeplitz crossed products by actions with completely positive maps. This provides a unified framework for Nica-Toeplitz semigroup crossed products by endomorphisms and by transfer operators. We illustrate these two classes of examples with semigroup CC^*-algebras of right and left semidirect products.Comment: Title changed from "Nica-Toeplitz algebras associated with right tensor C*-precategories over right LCM semigroups: part II examples". The manuscript accepted in J. Math. Anal. App

    Review of the financial and medicolegal implications of nasal fractures seen at St Luke’s Hospital

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    Simple nasal bone fractures are the third most common type of all fractures leading to numerous patient visits at the Accident & Emergency department. Nasal fractures are commonly over-investigated in St Luke’s hospital leading to a substantial financial burden on our health system. In this article we review the frequency of simple nasal fractures as well as the necessity or otherwise of nasal x-ray imaging in addition to the financial and health consequences that result from nasal x-ray imaging. These issues are also discussed from a legal perspective.peer-reviewe

    Endotrivial Modules for the General Linear Group in a Nondefining Characteristic

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    Suppose that GG is a finite group such that SL(n,q)GGL(n,q)\operatorname{SL}(n,q)\subseteq G \subseteq \operatorname{GL}(n,q), and that ZZ is a central subgroup of GG. Let T(G/Z)T(G/Z) be the abelian group of equivalence classes of endotrivial k(G/Z)k(G/Z)-modules, where kk is an algebraically closed field of characteristic~pp not dividing qq. We show that the torsion free rank of T(G/Z)T(G/Z) is at most one, and we determine T(G/Z)T(G/Z) in the case that the Sylow pp-subgroup of GG is abelian and nontrivial. The proofs for the torsion subgroup of T(G/Z)T(G/Z) use the theory of Young modules for GL(n,q)\operatorname{GL}(n,q) and a new method due to Balmer for computing the kernel of restrictions in the group of endotrivial modules


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media bioplastik lumut dan LKS praktikum serta mendeskripsikan validitas media dan LKS berdasarkan teori. Pengembangan media bioplastik lumut dan LKS praktikum dilakukan dengan menggunakan model ASSURE. Kegiatan pengembangan dilaksanakan di Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya pada Agustus 2014 sampai April 2015. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan penilaian terhadap penggunaan media, tampilan media, kualitas media dan fungsi, media bioplastik lumut dinyatakan sangat layak (persentase kelayakan 97,22%). Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil validasi terhadap aspek isi, kebahasaan, penyajian, dan karakteristik pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik, LKS praktikum tumbuhan lumut yang dikembangkan juga dinyatakan sangat layak (persentase sebesar 97,78%). Kata kunci : media bioplastik lumut, lembar kegiatan siswa praktikum, biologi kelas

    Perilaku Sakral Dan Profan Pada Upacara Adat Rebo Wekasan Di Desa Suci Kabupaten Gresik

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji fenomena Rebo Wekasan di Desa Suci yang mengalami Perubahan dari sakral ke profan. Pada awalnya upacara adat Rebo Kasan memiliki ritual yang sakral yaitu hadrah, Khotmil Qur\u27an, istighotsah, bersuci di sendang dan sholat malam. Dari tahun ke tahun Rebo Kasan semakin menonjolkan hiburannya seperti pasar Rebo Kasan, panggung hiburan dan komedi putar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa dan mendeskripsikan Perubahan dari sakral ke profan pada Rebo Kasan. Manfaat dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan kontribusi pada dunia pengetahuan khususnya sosiologi ekonomi. Teori Strukturasi oleh Anthony Giddens menjadi alat analisis untuk mengetahui Perubahan yang terjadi pada praktik sosial Rebo Kasan. Dilengkapi dengan konsep sakral profan dan ruang-waktu untuk melengkapi pemahaman Perubahan pada Rebo Kasan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meggunakan metode kualitatif agar dapat menggambarkan dan mendiskripsikan berbagai macam kondisi realitas sosial dalam Perubahan yang terjadi pada Rebo Kasan di Desa Suci. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Perubahan yang terjadi pada Rebo Kasan disebabkan adanya kepercayaan air di sendang yang dapat mengobati segala penyakit. Kepercayaan tersebut mengundang pengunjung dan pedagang datang ke Rebo Kasan. Akhirnya pemerintah Desa Suci sebagai dominasi menyadari banyak keuntungan yang didapat dari adanya Rebo Kasan. Sehingga para dominasi menambahkan acara hiburan pada satu ruang dan waktu dengan alibi melestarikan Rebo Kasan. Namun, hiburan Rebo Kasan kini justru lebih menonjol daripada ritualnya yang sakral. Kondisi tersebut memberi signifikasi pada masyarakat apabila Rebo Kasan tiba masyarakat sudah tidak ingin melaksanakan ritual namun ingin pergi bersenang-senang ke hiburan Rebo Kasan

    A Content Analysis on ESP Syllabus of Accounting Program

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    Kartika, Nadia R.N. S891402038. (2016). A Content Analysis on ESP Syllabus of Accounting Program. Thesis. Consultant 1: Dr. Suparno, M. Pd.; Consultant 2: Dr. Hersulastuti, M.Hum. English Education, Graduate Program, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Economic expansion across nations leads some global agreements and commitments such as ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), World Trade Organization (WTO), and General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) by Indonesian governance. As a result, there is a new paradigm about qualification parameter based on quality equality principle and concepts of IQF from many work fields and professions in global era. Those issues then influence the design of curriculum in educational institution in Indonesia, especially in higher education institution. The new regulation is called Indonesian Qualification Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia). IQF is a reference of grading competence that integrates between education and work training and experience. IQF is basically designed to equalize national and international qualification so that Indonesian human resources are able to encounter world-wide economic competition. The study aims to analyze the content of an instructional syllabus in relation with the qualification of IQF. The study was carried out at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Putra Bangsa which is located on Jl.Ronggowarsito no.88, Kebumen. This study used the framework of qualitative research. The primary data in this study is the content of ESP syllabus of Accounting department. Other data are the result of interview, the statements made by the lecturer, the head of institution, and the students of 3rd semester. The finding of the study shows that the syllabus has conformed IQF regulation in terms of elements of syllabus and some general competences of Diploma 3 program. Nonetheless, the syllabus has some drawbacks in relation to the qualifications of IQF. First, the activities found in the syllabus dominantly reflect TCL than SCL. Second, the time allocation in a week is insufficient. Third, the compositions of program and course learning outcomes are insufficient. It is hoped that the result of the study provide an insight in designing a syllabus. Keywords: Content analysis, English for Specific Purposes, syllabus, Indonesian Qualification Framewor

    Comparison between the Use of LMA™ and SLIPA™ in Patients Undergoing Minor Surgeries.

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    Supraglottic airway devices have been used as safe alternatives to endotracheal intubation in appropriate types of surgery. This was a prospective, randomised, single blind study comparing the use of LMA™ and SLIPA™ in terms of ease of insertion, haemodynamic changes and occurrence of adverse effects (e.g. blood stains on the device upon removal and sore throat). A total of 62 ASA I or II patients, aged between 18 to 70 years were recruited for this study. Patients were randomised into two groups; LMA™ and SLIPA™ group. Following induction of anaesthesia, an appropriate sized LMA™ or SLIPA™ was inserted after ensuring adequate depth of anaesthesia. Anaesthesia was maintained with oxygen, nitrous oxide and sevoflurane. The ease of insertion was graded and haemodynamic changes were recorded at 2 minute intervals up to 10 minutes after insertion of the airway devices. The presence of blood stains upon airway device removal at the end of surgery and incidence of sore throat was also recorded. No difficult insertion was experienced in either of these devices. Insertion was either easy [LMA™ 87.1% versus SLIPA™ 80.6% (p = 0.49)] or moderate [LMA™ 12.9% versus SLIPA™ 19.4% (p = 0.16)]. Throughout the study period, the haemodynamic changes that occurred in both groups were not statistically different. Traces of blood were noted on the surface of the device in 9.7% of patients in the SLIPA™ group versus 6.5% of patients in the LMA™ group. The incidence of sore throat was recorded in 12.9% versus 19.4% of patients in the SLIPA™ and the LMA™ groups respectively. These findings were not statistically significant. In conclusion, this study showed no significant differences between the use of LMA™ and SLIPA™ in terms of ease of insertion, haemodynamic changes and adverse effects in patients undergoing minor surgical procedures