20 research outputs found

    Géomorphologie et remblaiement récent de la plaine de Martil (région de Tétouan, Maroc septentrional).

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    La plaine de Martil, sur la façade méditerranéenne de la péninsule tingitane, s'ouvre au pied de la chaîne du Rif. C'est une plaine inondable, drainée par un fleuve pérenne qui était réputé navigable sur quelques kilomètres durant l'Antiquité. La cité punico-maurétanienne de Tamuda aurait ainsi assuré les fonctions d'emporium avant sa destruction, puis sa réutilisation comme fortin romain aux premiers siècles de notre ère. Le caractère sinueux du bas cours fluvial, avec méandres et embouchures abandonnés, ainsi que la présence de cordons littoraux fossiles, permet d'émettre l'hypothèse d'une ancienne lagune progressivement remblayée, avant d'être rapidement transformée par l'homme au cours du XXe siècle

    Coastal vulnerability in the Mediterranean sector between Fnideq and M'diq (North of Morocco)

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    This study assessed coastal vulnerability to erosion processes along a 24-km-long littoral with different levels of human occupation. An aerial photogram-metric flight and a Quickbird satellite image were used for mapping land uses and reconstructing coastal evolution from 1986 to 2003. Maximum erosion (-2.48 myr-1) was recorded south of Marina Kabila port and maximum accretion (+2.25 myr-1) south of Marina Smir port. Erosion/accretion rates have been divided into five categories and land uses have been mapped and divided into three categories. Coastal vulnerability has been assessed by combining coastal trend with land-use categories: 10% of the littoral recorded >very high> vulner-ability, 29% recorded >high> vulnerability, and 61% of the investigated littoral presented >null> and >low> vulnerability. The >Imminent Collapse Zone>, i.e. the littoral zone threatened by imminent erosion, presented mean values of 10.34 m, with maximum and minimum values of 15.3 and 7.6 m, respectively. Several human structures and activities are located within the imminent collapse zone and consequently will be threatened by severe erosion in near future.This work is a contribution to the Morocco PROTARS III D16/07 Research Project, the French-Moroccan MA/06/159 Volubilis Program and the Andalusia research Group RNM-328.Peer Reviewe

    Situation de la pêche aux petits métiers après l'ouverture du nouveau chenal dans la lagune de Nador

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    Artisanal fishing is the main socioeconomic activity in Nador lagoon, located on the Mediterranean coast in the North East of Morocco. This activity is not part of the official circuit. In 2009, after the deterioration of water quality, public authorities have decided to open an artificial channel with the aim of improving the circulation of water in the lagoon. This work aims to be an update of the state of knowledge of artisanal fishing in the Nador lagoon, after the opening of the new channel, through a diagnosis based on the exploitation and analysis of socioeconomic indicators. The analysis shows that fishermen operate with six jobs. The annual fishing effort is estimated at 72,385 fishing trips. The overall catch is estimated at 1,157 tons annually for a raw product of 28,180,146 MAD. The economic analysis shows that invested capital is 20,723,000 MAD. For a number of 15.4 fishing trips per month, the monthly net profit per boat is 2,465 MAD. The added value produced by all boats is about 6.3 million MAD. Keywords: Nador Lagoon, Diagnosis, Socioeconomic indicators, Artisanal fishing.La pêche artisanale constitue la principale activité socio-économique au niveau de la lagune de Nador. C’est une activité qui sort du circuit officiel. En 2009, suite à la détérioration de la qualité de l’eau, les pouvoirs publics ont décidé l’ouverture d’un chenal artificiel, dans l’objectif de l’amélioration de la circulation de l’eau au niveau de la lagune. Le présent travail propose une actualisation de l’état des connaissances de l’activité de pêche artisanale dans la lagune de Nador, après l’ouverture du nouveau chenal, à travers un diagnostic basé sur l’exploitation et l’analyse d’indicateurs socio-économiques. L’analyse montre que les pêcheurs pratiquent six métiers. L’effort de pêche annuel est estimé à 72.385 sorties. Le volume des captures est estimé à 1.157 tonnes pour un produit brut de 28.180.146 MAD. L’analyse économique montre que le capital investi est de 20.723.000 MAD. Pour un nombre de sorties de pêche de 15,4 /mois, le profit net mensuel par barque est de 2.465 MAD. La valeur ajoutée produite par l’ensemble des unités est d’environ 6,3 millions MAD. Mots clés : Lagune de Nador, Diagnostic, Indicateurs socioéconomiques, Pêche artisanal

    Plio-Pleistocene Ostracods from sedimentary sections along the eastern edge of Cape Bon (Wadi Lebna section, Eastern Tunisia)

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    Cet article présente, pour la première fois, une étude détaillée des ostracodes des dépôts sédimentaires du Pliocène supérieur-Pléistocène inférieur affleurant au niveau de l'Oued Lebna (bordure orientale du Cap Bon, Tunisie nord orientale). Les analyses qualitative et quantitative ont permis de retracer l'évolution paléo-environnementale de cette région depuis un milieu marin relativement profond ou circalittoral à la base de la série passant progressivement à un environnement moins profond, jusqu'à un milieu infralittoral interne à côtier au sommet de la coupe. Il est particulièrement important du point de vue paléoécologique de signaler la présence de Bythocythere turgida qui ne vit plus en Méditerranée et qui est rapportée aux phases froides du Pléistocène.This paper presents for the first time a detailed study of ostracods in the Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene deposits of Wadi Lebna (Cape Bon eastern edge, northeastern Tunisia). The quantitative and qualitative analyses document the evolution of this area from a marine environment dominated by relatively deep or circalittoral species at the base of the succession, passing progressively up into shallower environments, and at the top infralittoral coastal environments. Particularly important from the ecological point of view is the presence in some samples of Bythocythere turgida. This species indicates deposition of these sediments during the cold phases of the Early Pleistocene

    Evolution Temporelle Et Spatiale De La Macroflore Benthique De L’ecosysteme Lagunaire De Nador

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    The objective of the present study undertaken in 2011is to evaluate the status of the benthic macroflora of the Nador lagoon after the management works carried out in 2009 to improve the lagoon environmental quality. Relying on a previous study carried out in 1987, the results of analysis in 2011 showed that the lagoon seabed macroflora recorded a marked decline and an overall change in its distribution and specific composition. The marine Phanerogams, represented by Cymodocea and Zostera, in association with Caulerpa, which were the main vegetationin 1987, were replaced by a macroflora highly dominated by macroalgae (64.3% of the total area), essentially represented by Rhodophyceae (58% of total area).In 2011, the genus Alsidiumwas the main representative in the macroflora(55% of total area),while the genus Caulerpa, and Phanerogamssaw their area of occurrence regress to 25.6% and 18% respectively

    Les Ostracodes actuels des plates-formes et du domaine profond de Mediterranee occidentale : leur interet pour l'evolution paleohydrologique au Quaternaire terminal

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    SIGLET 55127 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    14 Los ostrácodos y la evolución paleoambiental del Neógeno reciente del No de Marruecos y del SE de España

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    Esta tesis realiza una revisión de la taxonomía y sistemática de los ostracodos fósiles del neógeno mediterráneo. utilizando las muestras obtenidas en quince secuencias de cuencas neógenas del margen atlántico marroquí y de cuencas mediterráneas en el se de España y n de Marruecos actualiza el conocimiento de las asociaciones de ostracodos en el mioceno superior y plioceno de la región. A partir del tratamiento cuantitativo de los componentes de las asociaciones y sus características ecofisiológicas interpreta la evolución paleoambiental del mediterráneo occidental y las relaciones de esta evolución con las conexiones atlántico-mediterráneas en el neógeno superior. Las conclusiones obtenidas a partir de las asociaciones de ostracodos fósiles se apoyan y son congruentes con los datos sedimentológicos previosUniversidad de Granada. Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontologí

    Situation de la pêche aux petits métiers après l'ouverture du nouveau chenal dans la lagune de Nador

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    Artisanal fishing is the main socioeconomic activity in Nador lagoon, located on the Mediterranean coast in the North East of Morocco. This activity is not part of the official circuit. In 2009, after the deterioration of water quality, public authorities have decided to open an artificial channel with the aim of improving the circulation of water in the lagoon. This work aims to be an update of the state of knowledge of artisanal fishing in the Nador lagoon, after the opening of the new channel, through a diagnosis based on the exploitation and analysis of socioeconomic indicators. The analysis shows that fishermen operate with six jobs. The annual fishing effort is estimated at 72,385 fishing trips. The overall catch is estimated at 1,157 tons annually for a raw product of 28,180,146 MAD. The economic analysis shows that invested capital is 20,723,000 MAD. For a number of 15.4 fishing trips per month, the monthly net profit per boat is 2,465 MAD. The added value produced by all boats is about 6.3 million MAD

    Sediment Quality Indices for the Assessment of Heavy Metal Risk in Nador Lagoon Sediments (Morocco) Using Multistatistical Approaches

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    Heavy metals in coastal ecosystems caused by the increased expansion of urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural practices have become a significant environmental risk to human well-being. This study evaluates and compares 17 sediment quality indices to examine the possible ecological and human health risks associated with heavy metal concentrations in the sediments of the Nador lagoon in Morocco. The concentration order of the HMs and sulfurs evaluated was S > Sr > Ba > V > Zr > Zn > Cr > Rb > La > Cu > Pb > Ni > Ce > Nd > Co > Sc > Nb > Ga > Th > Y > Hf. Sulfurs, Pb, Sr, and Nd exhibited concentrations that exceeded geochemical background values. The analysis of the sediment quality indices allowed us to understand that the Nador lagoon was moderately to strongly polluted by heavy metals originating from various anthropogenic activities. Results from the Sediment Quality Guidelines indicated a toxic response in the benthic organisms within the lagoon, while the ecological hazard analysis revealed a very high risk of heavy metal contamination in the ecosystem. The Hazard Index for non-carcinogenic values was below the limit, suggesting a lack of non-cancerous effects. However, Cu and Pb concentrations surpassed the Lifetime Cancer Risk range, indicating a potential cancer risk with prolonged exposure. Integrating our research into coastal management frameworks can contribute to the preservation and enhancement of these coastal ecosystems for future generations