145 research outputs found

    Mobile Viewing and Self-Management of Patient’s Electronic Health Records (EHRs) with MyHealthCloud

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    Mobile computing has become one of the most dominant computer use paradigms and an essential part of the modern healthcare environment. As these applications become more sophisticated, a trend will inevitably develop towards providing comprehensive support for healthcare practitioners. According to industry estimates, by 2018, 50 percent of more than 3.4 billion smartphone and tablet users will have downloaded mobile healthcare apps. These users include healthcare professionals, consumers and patients. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is encouraging the development of mobile medical applications that improve healthcare and provide consumers and healthcare professionals with valuable health information. In this thesis, we propose a novel mobile healthcare platform for the visualization and management of patients’ medical reports, named MyHealthCloud. The research offers a new approach to store, retrieve and share the medical reports for patients and doctors. This new platform maximizes the benefits of mobile health technology by providing the best possible way for healthcare professionals to share information with their patients efficiently and effectively. This thesis empirically validates the usability of the proposed approach and clearly demonstrates its usefulness, providing details of the empirical study conducted with end-users in a real environment at various hospitals

    Factors associated to the use of psychotropc drugs by community-dwelling elderly in São Paulo City

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    RESUmo Os objetivos do estudo foram identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao uso de psicotrópicos entre os idosos do Município de São Paulo. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de base populacional, cujos dados foram obtidos do Estudo Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento. A amostra foi constituída de 1.115 idosos de 65 anos ou mais, os quais foram entrevistados por meio de instrumento padronizado. Na aná-lise dos dados utilizou-se regressão logísti-ca univariada e múltipla stepwise forward e nível de significância de 5%. A prevalên-cia de uso de psicotrópicos foi 12,2% e os fatores associados foram sexo feminino (OR=3,04 IC95%=1,76-5,23) e polifarmácia RESUmEn Los objetivos del estudio fueron identificar la prevalencia y los factores relacionados al uso de psicotrópicos entre ancianos del São Paulo. Es un estudio trasversal, poblacional, cuyos datos fueron obtenidos del Estudio de Salud, Bien-estar y Envejecimiento. La muestra constituye de 1.115 ancianos de 65 años o más, los cuales fueron encuestados, por medio de instrumentos padronizados. El análisis de los datos fue utilizada una regresión logística univariado y múltiple, stepwise forward y nivel de significancia del 5%. La prevalencia de uso de psicotrópicos fue 12,2% y los factores asociados fueron sexo femenino (OR= 3,04 IC95%=1,76-5,23) y polifarmaci

    Commercial Arctic shipping through the Northeast Passage:routes, resources, governance, technology, and infrastructure

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    The Russian and Norwegian Arctic are gaining notoriety as an alternative maritime route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and as sources of natural resources. The renewed interest in the Northeast Passage or the Northern Sea Route is fueled by a recession of Arctic sea ice coupled with the discovery of new natural resources at a time when emerging and global markets are in growing demand for them. Driven by the expectation of potential future economic importance of the region, political interest and governance has been rapidly developing, mostly within the Arctic Council. However, this paper argues that optimism regarding the potential of Arctic routes as an alternative to the Suez Canal is overstated. The route involves many challenges: jurisdictional disputes create political uncertainties; shallow waters limit ship size; lack of modern deepwater ports and search and rescue (SAR) capabilities requires ships to have higher standards of autonomy and safety; harsh weather conditions and free-floating ice make navigation more difficult and schedules more variable; and more expensive ship construction and operation costs lessen the economic viability of the route. Technological advances and infrastructure investments may ameliorate navigational challenges, enabling increased shipping of natural resources from the Arctic to global markets.Albert Buixadé Farré, Scott R. Stephenson, Linling Chen, Michael Czub, Ying Dai, Denis Demchev, Yaroslav Efimov, Piotr Graczyk, Henrik Grythe, Kathrin Keil, Niku Kivekäs, Naresh Kumar, Nengye Liu, Igor Matelenok, Mari Myksvoll, Derek O'Leary, Julia Olsen, Sachin Pavithran.A.P., Edward Petersen, Andreas Raspotnik, Ivan Ryzhov, Jan Solski, Lingling Suo, Caroline Troein, Vilena Valeeva, Jaap van Rijckevorsel and Jonathan Wightin

    Positive Feedbacks in Seagrass Ecosystems – Evidence from Large-Scale Empirical Data

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    Positive feedbacks cause a nonlinear response of ecosystems to environmental change and may even cause bistability. Even though the importance of feedback mechanisms has been demonstrated for many types of ecosystems, their identification and quantification is still difficult. Here, we investigated whether positive feedbacks between seagrasses and light conditions are likely in seagrass ecosystems dominated by the temperate seagrass Zostera marina. We applied a combination of multiple linear regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) on a dataset containing 83 sites scattered across Western Europe. Results confirmed that a positive feedback between sediment conditions, light conditions and seagrass density is likely to exist in seagrass ecosystems. This feedback indicated that seagrasses are able to trap and stabilize suspended sediments, which in turn improves water clarity and seagrass growth conditions. Furthermore, our analyses demonstrated that effects of eutrophication on light conditions, as indicated by surface water total nitrogen, were on average at least as important as sediment conditions. This suggests that in general, eutrophication might be the most important factor controlling seagrasses in sheltered estuaries, while the seagrass-sediment-light feedback is a dominant mechanism in more exposed areas. Our study demonstrates the potentials of SEM to identify and quantify positive feedbacks mechanisms for ecosystems and other complex systems

    Positive Feedbacks in Seagrass Ecosystems – Evidence from Large-Scale Empirical Data

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    Positive feedbacks cause a nonlinear response of ecosystems to environmental change and may even cause bistability. Even though the importance of feedback mechanisms has been demonstrated for many types of ecosystems, their identification and quantification is still difficult. Here, we investigated whether positive feedbacks between seagrasses and light conditions are likely in seagrass ecosystems dominated by the temperate seagrass Zostera marina. We applied a combination of multiple linear regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) on a dataset containing 83 sites scattered across Western Europe. Results confirmed that a positive feedback between sediment conditions, light conditions and seagrass density is likely to exist in seagrass ecosystems. This feedback indicated that seagrasses are able to trap and stabilize suspended sediments, which in turn improves water clarity and seagrass growth conditions. Furthermore, our analyses demonstrated that effects of eutrophication on light conditions, as indicated by surface water total nitrogen, were on average at least as important as sediment conditions. This suggests that in general, eutrophication might be the most important factor controlling seagrasses in sheltered estuaries, while the seagrass-sediment-light feedback is a dominant mechanism in more exposed areas. Our study demonstrates the potentials of SEM to identify and quantify positive feedbacks mechanisms for ecosystems and other complex systems

    Оцінка оновлення основних засобів за рахунок позикових коштів

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    Оновлення основних засобів є актуальною проблемою сьогодення. Для багатьох підприємств кредити банків є чи не єдиним джерелом коштів на модернізацію виробничих потужностей. В даній статті нами були розглянуті можливості і перспективи приватних фірм для використання з цією метою позикових засобів, оцінений ступінь прозорості банківських установ, річні ставки за інвестиційними кредитами та інші умови їхнього надання.Modernizing of the basic assets is a topical problem of the present. For many business firms bank loans are may be the only source of funds for renewal of production facilities. In the article we have considered the opportunities and prospects for use of borrowed funds by private firms for this purpose, rated the degree of transparency of banking institutions, the annual rates of investment credits and other conditions of their granting

    Large Mesopelagic Fishes Biomass and Trophic Efficiency in the Open Ocean

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    With a current estimate of B1,000 million tons, mesopelagic fishes likely dominate the world total fishes biomass. However, recent acoustic observations show that mesopelagic fishes biomass could be significantly larger than the current estimate. Here we combine modelling and a sensitivity analysis of the acoustic observations from the Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation Expedition to show that the previous estimate needs to be revised to at least one order of magnitude higher. We show that there is a close relationship between the open ocean fishes biomass and primary production, and that the energy transfer efficiency from phytoplankton to mesopelagic fishes in the open ocean is higher than what is typically assumed. Our results indicate that the role of mesopelagic fishes in oceanic ecosystems and global ocean biogeochemical cycles needs to be revised as they may be respiring B10% of the primary production in deep water