371 research outputs found

    A note on the origin of the Chinese duodenary cycle

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    Instrumental variable estimation with heteroskedasticity and many instruments

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    It is common practice in econometrics to correct for heteroskedasticity.This paper corrects instrumental variables estimators with many instruments for heteroskedasticity.We give heteroskedasticity robust versions of the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) and Fuller (1977, FULL) estimators; as well as heteroskedasticity consistent standard errors thereof. The estimators are based on removing the own observation terms in the numerator of the LIML variance ratio. We derive asymptotic properties of the estimators under many and many weak instruments setups. Based on a series of Monte Carlo experiments, we find that the estimators perform as well as LIML or FULL under homoskedasticity, and have much lower bias and dispersion under heteroskedasticity, in nearly all cases considered.

    Nondestructive analyses of irradiated MITR fuel by gamma ray spectroscopy

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    "AFCRL-65-787."Also issued as a Sc. D. thesis in the Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1966Prepared by Air Force Cambridge Research LaboratoriesIncludes bibliographical references (pages 243-248)Contract no. AF19(604)-7492, Project no. 5620; Task no. 562002, Scientific report no.

    A Game Theoretic Analysis of the Convoy-ASW Problem

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    The problem of allocation of ASW forces assigned to an oceanic convoy in a submarine warfare environment is postulated as a two-person game with the payoff function being based on the "formula of random search". The opponents in the game are a convoy system and a submarine system. A submarine is given the option of attacking the convoy system either from afar with surface-launched missiles or near with torpedoes. The convoy system is defended by units capable of destroying submarines exercising either of their options. The optimal allocation of forces for both sides is shown to be a set of pure strategies which are dependent on the parameters of the model.http://www.archive.org/details/gametheoreticana00kilaLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Survival of gastrointestinal stromal tumor patients in the imatinib era: life raft group observational registry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), one of the most common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, prior to routine immunohistochemical staining and the introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, were often mistaken for neoplasms of smooth muscle origin such as leiomyomas, leiomyosarcomas or leiomyoblastomas. Since the advent of imatinib, GIST has been further delineated into adult- (KIT or PDGFRĪ± mutations) and pediatric- (typified by wild-type GIST/succinate dehydrogenase deficiencies) types. Using varying gender ratios at age of diagnosis we sought to elucidate prognostic factors for each sub-type and their impact on overall survival.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a long-term retrospective analysis of a large observational study of an international open cohort of patients from a GIST research and patient advocacy's lifetime registry. Demographic and disease-specific data were voluntarily supplied by its members from May 2000-October 2010; the primary outcome was overall survival. Associations between survival and prognostic factors were evaluated by univariate Cox proportional hazard analyses, with backward selection at <it>P </it>< 0.05 used to identify independent factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Inflections in gender ratios by age at diagnosis in years delineated two distinct groups: above and below age 35 at diagnosis. Closer analysis confirmed the above 35 age group as previously reported for adult-type GIST, typified by mixed primary tumor sites and gender, KIT or PDGFRĪ± mutations, and shorter survival times. The pediatric group (< age 18 at diagnosis) was also as previously reported with predominantly stomach tumors, females, wild-type GIST or SDH mutations, and extended survival. "Young adults" however formed a third group aged 18-35 at diagnosis, and were a clear mix of these two previously reported distinct sub-types.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Pediatric- and adult-type GIST have been previously characterized in clinical settings and these observations confirm significant prognostic factors for each from a diverse real-world cohort. Additionally, these findings suggest that extra diligence be taken with "young adults" (aged 18-35 at diagnosis) as pediatric-type GIST may present well beyond adolescence, particularly as these distinct sub-types have different causes, and consequently respond differently to treatments.</p

    Role of MODIS Vegetation Phenology Products in the ForWarn System for Monitoring of Forest Disturbances in the Conterminous United States

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    This presentation discusses MODIS vegetation phenology products used in the ForWarn Early Warning System (EWS) tool for near real time regional forest disturbance detection and surveillance at regional to national scales. The ForWarn EWS is being developed by the USDA Forest Service NASA, ORNL, and USGS to aid federal and state forest health management activities. ForWarn employs multiple historical land surface phenology products that are derived from MODIS MOD13 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. The latter is temporally processed into phenology products with the Time Series Product Tool (TSPT) and the Phenological Parameter Estimation Tool (PPET) software produced at NASA Stennis Space Center. TSPT is used to effectively noise reduce, fuse, and void interpolate MODIS NDVI data. PPET employs TSPT-processed NDVI time series data as an input, outputting multiple vegetation phenology products at a 232 meter resolution for 2000 to 2011, including NDVI magnitude and day of year products for seven key points along the growing season (peak of growing season and the minima, 20%, and 80% of the peak NDVI for both the left and right side of growing season), cumulative NDVI integral products for the most active part of the growing season and sequentially across the growing season at 8 day intervals, and maximum value NDVI products composited at 24 day intervals in which each product date has 8 days of overlap between the previous and following product dates. MODIS NDVI phenology products are also used to compute nationwide NRT forest change products refreshed every 8 days. These include percent change in forest NDVI products that compare the current NDVI from USGS eMODIS products to historical MODIS MOD13 NDVI. For each date, three forest change products are produced using three different maximum value NDVI baselines (from the previous year, three previous years, and all previous years). All change products are output with a rainbow color table in which forests with the most severe NDVI decreases are assigned hot colors (yellow to red) and forests with prominent NDVI increases are assigned cold colors (blue tones). All mentioned products have been integrated as data layers into ForWarn s geospatial data viewer known as the U.S. Forest Change Assessment Viewer (FCAV). The latter is used to view and assess the context of the mentioned forest change products with respect to ancillary data layers, such as land cover, elevation, hydrologic features, climatic data, storm data, aerial disturbance surveys, fire data, and land ownership. The FCAV also includes a temporal NDVI profiler for viewing phenological change in multi-year NDVI associated with known or suspected regionally apparent forest disturbances (e.g., from fire and insects). ForWarn forest change products have been used to detect, track, and assess several biotic and abiotic regional forest disturbance events across the country, including ephemeral and longer lasting damage from storms, drought, and insects. Such change products are most effective for viewing severe disturbances affecting multiple MODIS pixels. MODIS vegetation phenology products contribute vital current information on forest conditions to the ForWarn system and this role is expected to grow as these products are refined and derivative products are added

    Combining Two Consistent Estimators

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    This chapter shows how a weighted average of a forward and reverse Jackknife IV estimator (JIVE) yields estimators that are robust against heteroscedasticity and many instruments. These estimators, called HFUL (Heteroscedasticity robust Fuller) and HLIM (Heteroskedasticity robust limited information maximum likelihood (LIML)) were introduced by Hausman, Newey, Woutersen, Chao, and Swanson (2012), but without derivation. Combining consistent estimators is a theme that is associated with Jerry Hausman and, therefore, we present this derivation in this volume. Additionally, and in order to further understand and interpret HFUL and HLIM in the context of jackknife type variance ratio estimators, we show that a new variant of HLIM, under specific grouped data settings with dummy instruments, simplifies to the Bekker and van der Ploeg (2005) MM (method of moments) estimator

    An Expository Note on the Existence of Moments of Fuller and HFUL Estimators

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    In a recent paper, Hausman, Newey, Woutersen, Chao, and Swanson (2012) propose a new estimator, HFUL (Heteroscedasticity robust Fuller), for the linear model with endogeneity. This estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed in the many instruments and many weak instruments asymptotics. Moreover, this estimator has moments, just like the estimator by Fuller (1977). The purpose of this note is to discuss at greater length the existence of moments result given in Hausman et al. (2012). In particular, we intend to answer the following questions: Why does LIML not have moments? Why does the Fuller modification lead to estimators with moments? Is normality required for the Fuller estimator to have moments? Why do we need a condition such as Hausman et al. (2012), Assumption 9? Why do we have the adjustment formula

    Properties of the Fractured Glacial Till at the Madison County, Ohio, Field Workshop Pit Site

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    Author Institution: USDA/ARS, Soil Drainage Research Unit ; School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University ; Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State UniversityWater and contaminants obviously do move through the so-called impermeable glacial tills in Ohio. This study was conducted to illustrate the extensive presence of fractures in the till and to quantify the differences in hydraulic conductivity and physical and chemical properties between the fractureaffected zones and the till matrix. In situ measurements of the saturated hydraulic conductivity were made in small boreholes positioned either in the matrix or intersecting the fractures. Soil samples from both the fracture faces and the matrix were analyzed for particle size distribution, clay mineralogy, calcite, dolomite, and iron content. Hydraulic conductivity measured in boreholes intersecting fractures was 1.25 x 105 cm/sec (0.018 in/hr), one order of magnitude greater than in boreholes in the matrix. Particle size distribution was the same for the fracture faces and the matrix. The fracture faces showed no significant change in total clay content and a slight increase in expandable clay. Calcite content was 62% greater, dolomite content was 6% lower, and iron content was 73% lower on the fracture faces as compared to the matrix. The fractures affected approximately 7% of the soil volume

    Elastic-Plastic Nonlinear Response of a Space Shuttle External Tank Stringer

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    Elastic-plastic, large-deflection nonlinear thermo-mechanical stress analyses are performed for the Space Shuttle external tank s intertank stringers. Detailed threedimensional finite element models are developed and used to investigate the stringer s elastic-plastic response for different thermal and mechanical loading events from assembly through flight. Assembly strains caused by initial installation on an intertank panel are accounted for in the analyses. Thermal loading due to tanking was determined to be the bounding loading event. The cryogenic shrinkage caused by tanking resulted in a rotation of the intertank chord flange towards the center of the intertank, which in turn loaded the intertank stringer feet. The analyses suggest that the strain levels near the first three fasteners remain sufficiently high that a failure may occur. The analyses also confirmed that the installation of radius blocks on the stringer feet ends results in an increase in the stringer capability
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