12 research outputs found

    Going with the flow: How corals in high‐flow environments can beat the heat

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    Coral reefs are experiencing unprecedented declines in health on a global scale leading to severe reductions in coral cover. One major cause of this decline is increasing sea surface temperature. However, conspecific colonies separated by even small spatial distances appear to show varying responses to this global stressor. One factor contributing to differential responses to heat stress is variability in the coral's micro‐environment, such as the amount of water flow a coral experiences. High flow provides corals with a variety of health benefits, including heat stress mitigation. Here, we investigate how water flow affects coral gene expression and provides resilience to increasing temperatures. We examined host and photosymbiont gene expression of Acropora cf. pulchra colonies in discrete in situ flow environments during a natural bleaching event. In addition, we conducted controlled ex situ tank experiments where we exposed A. cf. pulchra to different flow regimes and acute heat stress. Notably, we observed distinct flow‐driven transcriptomic signatures related to energy expenditure, growth, heterotrophy and a healthy coral host–photosymbiont relationship. We also observed disparate transcriptomic responses during bleaching recovery between the high‐ and low‐flow sites. Additionally, corals exposed to high flow showed “frontloading” of specific heat‐stress‐related genes such as heat shock proteins, antioxidant enzymes, genes involved in apoptosis regulation, innate immunity and cell adhesion. We posit that frontloading is a result of increased oxidative metabolism generated by the increased water movement. Gene frontloading may at least partially explain the observation that colonies in high‐flow environments show higher survival and/or faster recovery in response to bleaching events.National Science Foundatio

    Long-term dynamics and drivers of coral and macroalgal cover on inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

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    Quantifying the role of biophysical and anthropogenic drivers of coral reef ecosystem processes can inform management strategies that aim to maintain or restore ecosystem structure and productivity. However, few studies have examined the combined effects of multiple drivers, partitioned their impacts, or established threshold values that may trigger shifts in benthic cover. Inshore fringing reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) occur in high-sediment, high-nutrient environments and are under increasing pressure from multiple acute and chronic stressors. Despite world-leading management, including networks of no-take marine reserves, relative declines in hard coral cover of 40–50% have occurred in recent years, with localized but persistent shifts from coral to macroalgal dominance on some reefs. Here we use boosted regression tree analyses to test the relative importance of multiple biophysical drivers on coral and macroalgal cover using a long-term (12–18 yr) data set collected from reefs at four island groups. Coral and macroalgal cover were negatively correlated at all island groups, and particularly when macroalgal cover was above 20%. Although reefs at each island group had different disturbance-and-recovery histories, degree heating weeks (DHW) and routine wave exposure consistently emerged as common drivers of coral and macroalgal cover. In addition, different combinations of sea-surface temperature, nutrient and turbidity parameters, exposure to high turbidity (primary) floodwater, depth, grazing fish density, farming damselfish density, and management zoning variously contributed to changes in coral and macroalgal cover at each island group. Clear threshold values were apparent for multiple drivers including wave exposure, depth, and degree heating weeks for coral cover, and depth, degree heating weeks, chlorophyll a, and cyclone exposure for macroalgal cover, however, all threshold values were variable among island groups. Our findings demonstrate that inshore coral reef communities are typically structured by broadscale climatic perturbations, superimposed upon unique sets of local-scale drivers. Although rapidly escalating climate change impacts are the largest threat to coral reefs of the GBRMP and globally, our findings suggest that proactive management actions that effectively reduce chronic stressors at local scales should contribute to improved reef resistance and recovery potential following acute climatic disturbances

    Pelagic larval traits of the amphidromous goby Sicyopterus lagocephalus

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    International audienceAmphidromous gobies represent a substantial part of freshwater fish diversity throughout islands of the Indo-Pacific region. They display a marine pelagic phase during several months before recruiting in rivers. Understanding the relationship between larval traits and environmental conditions is a major challenge for the evaluation of a spatial scale of connectivity and populations’ dynamics, especially in a climate change context. In this study, the larval traits of Sicyopterus lagocephalus were examined and related to the sea surface temperature (SST), over three consecutive years in La RĂ©union Island (Mascarene archipelago). The pelagic larval duration (PLD, range from 96 to 293 days), the size-at-recruitment (range from 26.5 to 37 mm TL) and the larval growth rate (range from 0.112 to 0.293 mm·day−1 TL) varied seasonally depending on hatching date. The larval growth rate was inversely correlated to the fluctuations of PLD and size. Larvae living in high sea water temperatures exhibited a faster growth, shorter PLDs and smaller sizes-at-recruitment than those living in cool water temperatures. The instantaneous daily growth was assessed by the study of otolith increment widths. The daily growth was not linear throughout larval life and was positively correlated to SST. We showed high amplitude of PLD periodic fluctuations (170.39 ± 43.75 days) related to temperature (12.8% PLD drop per degree), which could affect dispersal and induce intermittent connectivity between distant populations. This high plasticity of larval traits is likely to be advantageous to respond to the wide range of environmental conditions encountered throughout the species distribution rang