17 research outputs found


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    Banda Ace


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    Abstract. Cempaka-madu is a local name for one kind of gemstone from Aceh province in Indonesia. It is so attractive and its color is dark-orange. We have utilized X-Ray Florescent (XRF) to study these cempaka-madu gemstones from Aceh Tengah and Nagan Raya districts in Aceh province. Our results show that the cempaka-madu gemstone from Nagan Raya district contains 84.90% of SiO2, 8.89% of NiO, 5.47% of Fe2O3, and 0.6% of CaO. The mineral contains in cempaka-madu gemstone from Aceh Tengah district is about the same as those from Nagan Raya district. It is found that the oxide compounds contained in the cempaka-madu gemstone is significantly different than that in jadeite, nephrite-actinolite, nephrite-tremolite, serpentine-clinochrysotile, serpentine-antigoride, and vesuvianite. Consequently, we conclude that the cempaka-madu gemstone from Aceh Indonesia cannot be categorized as jade. Keywords: cempaka-madu gemstone, jade, jadeite, nephrite, serpentine, vesuvianit

    Analysis of Crystallinity and Physical Properties of the Bio-solar Gemstone

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    Abstract – Bio-solar is one of the natural gemstones found in the province of Aceh in Indonesia. A recent study suggested that this gemstone could be considered as a vesuvianite type of gemstone. Nevertheless, detail information of this bio-solar gemstone is still unknown. We do not know whether the bio-solar gemstone is crystalline or amorphous. The specific gravity and the hardness of this gemstone are also still unknown. This information is essential to determine the quality of a gem. To answer those questions, we have used x-ray diffraction to study the bio-solar gemstone from the province of Aceh in Indonesia. The physical properties (specific gravity and hardness) of this gemstone have also been measured. We found that the bio-solar gemstone is composed by CaO, SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and TiO2 phases. Our results revealed that the bio-solar gem is a crystalline material, not amorphous. The average crystallite size of this gemstone is found to be 353 Å (35 nm). Moreover, the specific gravity of bio-solar gemstone is found to be 3.09 – 3.34. Its hardness is 3 to 4 mohs. Thus, the bio-solar is a good quality gemstone. Our finding confirmed that the bio-solar could be classified as a vesuvianite gemstone

    Minerals Identification of Bio-Solar Gemstone From Aceh

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    Salah satu batu mulia yang terkenal di Aceh disebut Bio-Solar. Batu permata ini banyak ditemukan di Aceh, namun, informasi detail tentang batu permata ini masih sangat terbatas. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan karakterisasi batu permata Bio-Solar yang berasal dari Aceh dengan menggunakan X-Ray Florescent (XRF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batu permata Bio-Solar mengandung mineral-mineral CaO (59,8%), SiO2 (19,7%), Fe2O3 (11,1%), Al2O3 (7,5%), dan NiO (1,3%). Dengan membandingkan hasil ini dengan data-data penelitian sebelumnya, telah ditemukan bahwa batu permata Bio-Solar dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai jenis batu giok Vesuvianite. One of well-known gemstones in Aceh is called Bio-Solar. This gemstone is found a lot in Aceh. Nonetheless, the detail information of this gemstone is still limited. None knows if this gemstone can be classified as jade. This study has characterized this gemstone (Bio Solar) from Aceh using X-Ray Florescent (XRF). The results show that the Bio-Solar gemstone contains minerals of CaO (59.8%), SiO2 (19.7%), Fe2O3 (11.1%), Al2O3 (7.5%), and NiO (1.3%). By comparing this results to the available mineral data, we found that the Bio-Solar gemstone from Aceh can be classified as Vesuvianite jade


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    The research is based on a background of the home or family whose wife works as a female labor, where they could not live up to their obligations, whereas the qualification for attaining the goal of marriage is fulfillment of rights and obligations. So, the goal of this research is to find out the factors that drive them to work overseas, and it realtes to the purpose of marriage. The research it was done using qualitative research methods and kind of research is field research. Data retrieval was done using interviews and questionnaires. And to measure the data validity used methods of triagulation and sufficient references. The analysis used is descriptive analysis by choosing the point and then explaining the material by a brief description or through table and then drawing conclusions. This research is conducted in the village of Tunjungrejo, denunciation of Margoyoso, town of Pati. The research was focussed on a family whose wife worked as a female labor force. Based on studies already done, data is generated that they are responsible for the economic factors that make them into women’s workforce, they do it  for the prosperity of their family life. Then the relationship between their profession and the purpose of marriage sakinah mawaddah warahmah is that the majority have succeeded in reaching the goal

    Rumah Tangga TKW Dan Tujuan Perkawinan Dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rumah tangga atau keluarga yang istrinya bekerja sebagai tenaga kerja wanita, di mana mereka tidak bisa menjalankan kewajibannya, sedangkan syarat untuk mencapai tujuan perkawinan sakinah mawaddah dan rahmah adalah pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban. Jadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang mendorong mereka bekerja di luar negeri, dan kaitannya dengan tujuan perkawinan sakinah mawaddah dan rahmah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan. Jenis penelitian berupa penelitian lapangan. Dalam pengambilan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan kuesioner. Untuk mengukur validitas data digunakan metode triangulasi, dan kecukupan referensi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan cara memilih hal-hal yang pokok kemudian dijelaskan melalui uraian singkat, atau melalui tabel, selanjutnya penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Tunjungrejo Kecamatan Margoyoso Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini difokuskan kepada rumah tangga yang istrinya bekerja sebagai tenaga kerja wanita. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dihasilkan data bahwa mereka menjadi tenaga kerja wanita disebabkan faktor ekonomi, hal ini mereka lakukan demi kemakmuran kehidupan keluarga mereka. Kemudian hubungan antara profesi mereka dengan tujuan perkawinan sakinah mawaddah warahmah, adalah bahwa mayoritas telah mencapai tujuan perkawinan tersebu

    Pembuatan Website Monitoring Tenaga Kerja Telkom Akses Jatim Bali Nusra

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    Pada zaman digital sekarang hampir semua proses pendataan dilakukan secara otomasi. Telkom Akses Jatim Bali Nusra belum memiliki aplikasi yang dapat melakukan proses pendataan tenaga kerja secara otomatis sehingga sulit untuk melakukan monitoring tenaga kerja dan melakukan pengawasan akan kecurangan oleh mitra. Oleh karena itu, divisi HCM Telkom Akses Jatim Bali Nusra memiliki inovasi untuk membuat sebuah website untuk melakukan monitoring dan pengawasan terhadap tenaga kerja sehingga semua bisa terotomatisasi di sebuah website. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman web seperti PHP, CSS, HTML, dan Javascript dengan menggunakan DBMS MySQL Server. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah monitoring tenaga kerja oleh mitra, juga menjadi juga menjadi solusi masalah administratif yang ada. =========================================================================================================================== In today's digital era, almost all data collection processes are carried out automatically. Telkom Access East Java Bali Nusra does not yet have an application that can perform the labor data collection process automatically, making it difficult to monitor the workforce and monitor fraud by partners. Therefore, the HCM division of Telkom Access East Java Bali Nusra has the innovation to create a website to monitor and supervise the workforce so that everything can be automated on a website. This application is made using web programming languages such as PHP, CSS, HTML, and Javascript using the DBMS MySQL Server. This application is expected to facilitate monitoring of the workforce by partners, as well as being a solution to existing administrative problems