The research is based on a background of the home or family whose wife works as a female labor, where they could not live up to their obligations, whereas the qualification for attaining the goal of marriage is fulfillment of rights and obligations. So, the goal of this research is to find out the factors that drive them to work overseas, and it realtes to the purpose of marriage. The research it was done using qualitative research methods and kind of research is field research. Data retrieval was done using interviews and questionnaires. And to measure the data validity used methods of triagulation and sufficient references. The analysis used is descriptive analysis by choosing the point and then explaining the material by a brief description or through table and then drawing conclusions. This research is conducted in the village of Tunjungrejo, denunciation of Margoyoso, town of Pati. The research was focussed on a family whose wife worked as a female labor force. Based on studies already done, data is generated that they are responsible for the economic factors that make them into women’s workforce, they do it for the prosperity of their family life. Then the relationship between their profession and the purpose of marriage sakinah mawaddah warahmah is that the majority have succeeded in reaching the goal