526 research outputs found

    Problems in increasing innovative sustainability of regional development

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of innovative and technological development in Russia and other countries. The paper shows that the innovation sector of the Russian Federation lags behind most developed and developing countries: Russia has almost left the market of high technologies, the main expenditures on innovations are incurred in the sectors of low and medium technology industries; the self-sufficiency in the Russian economy in a number of key types of manufacturing equipment is significantly below the threshold marks determined by national security requirements. The authors describe the differentiation of innovative development in the Russian regions. The study of Russian innovation space has revealed that there are fairly intensive processes of science decay on the periphery, which causes serious problems for the spread of innovative impulses across the country. The article elaborates the methodology for comprehensive assessment of innovative security in the region and presents the relevant calculations for the regions of the Ural Federal District (UFD). It identifies the factors of innovative sustainability that are the most critical for these regions. The authors present the forecast and built long-term forecast trajectories for the level of innovative security in UFD by using the modernized Hurst method. They define the main barriers to the innovative development of Russian regions. The article presents the methodological approaches to substantiating the priority areas for building the innovative systems of regions by taking into account the characteristics of their science and manufacturing complexes. The authors propose a methodology to formally assess the priority of establishing in the region the centers of innovative activity aimed at supporting the competitiveness of industries with different levels of technology intensity. The paper presents the results of calculations with regard to priority of establishing the centers of innovative activity aimed at supporting the development of industries with different level of technology intensity using the example of UFD, one of the leading Russian regions in terms of innovation and production capacity.The article has been supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, Project 14-02-00331 “Innovative and technology development of the region: assessment, forecasting and ways of progressing”

    Assessment of quality of life in adolescents with obesity associated with polymorphisms of the lactase gene.

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    The growing obesity incidence in adolescents on the background of insufficiently studied genetic markers of formation of impairments of carbohydrate metabolism associated with the lactase gene polymorphism (SNP LCT), necessitates studying life quality particularly in this age group. Associations of 13910 C>T polymorphism of lactase gene with the quality of life in 60 adolescents aged 14-18 with obesity using the MOS-SF-36 technique (MOS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey) were studied.It was established the presence of associations of the genotype C/C 13910 of the LCT gene (p<0,05) with decrease of role functioning due to physical condition of young men and decrease of the overall health of girls. Prevention of obesity should startfrom birth of the newborn to gether with the rational organization of alimentary behavior in the family as a whole, depending on the phenotype and formation of a certain psychotype of adolescent’s personality, defined by the lactase gene polymorphism

    Numerical model of ultrasonic multi-channel data transfer for servicing subsea production complex

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    Various researchers focused on different problems, and we can conclude that a single effective communication design with a specific algorithm that could be used in all types of underwater channels was not found. The design of the transmission is highly dependent on the conditions of the canal, as various schemes are used in shallow and deep water, and various algorithms in turbulent and calm waters. The type of channel alignment also depends on parameters such as channel estimation and coding. The ever-growing demand for bandwidth, efficiency, spatial diversity and the performance of underwater acoustic communications has opened the door to using Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology. In this paper, we propose a method of ultrasonic data transmission under water based on the MIMO technology (Many emitters, many receivers, or MIMO - Multilpe Input - Multiple Output). This approach will allow for multi-channel data transmission in water and significantly increase the speed of information transfer

    From the experience of learning of musical software

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    Environmental and economic damage from the development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic shelf of the Russian Federation

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    The aim of the paper is the development of a technique of assessment of possible ecological and economic damage to air resources during the development of offshore fields for ensuring sustainable development of the Arctic region of Russia. The use of a modified temporary method for determining the prevented environmental damage is proposed to point out the possible environmental and economic damage by Monte Carlo mathematical modelling. After calculations authors made a conclusion about the most rational method for calculating damage from the offshore Arctic oil and gas projects in the water of the Ob-Taz Bay in the Kara Sea. The practical significance of this work is that the proposed methodology can be applied to all oil and gas fields on the Arctic shelf of Russia for measuring potential damages from air pollution as well as soil and water pollution.peer-reviewe

    Significance of the rs754635 variant of the cholecystokinin gene in the development of obesity in children

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    So far, the possible influence of single nucleotide variants (SNV) of the cholecystokinin (CCK) gene on the likelihood of developing obesity and metabolic disorders in children has not been demonstrated. The aim of the study SNV associations of the CCK gene to predict the probability of obesity and personalize the development trajectory of various metabolic disorders associated with obesity in children. Materials and methods. 252 obese children aged 6–18 years were examined. The main group (n=152) was represented by children with metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO). The control group (n=100) consolidated of children with metabolically healthy obesity (MHO). Whole genome sequencing (CeGat, Germany) was performed in 31 children of the main and 21 children of the control group. Serum levels of interleukin-1b were measured using a chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) method, interleukin-6 — by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Synevo, Ukraine. Results. The G allele of SNV rs754635 of the CCK gene was significantly more frequent among children with both MHO (t=10.93; p<0.05) and MUO (t=12.96; p<0.05) compared to healthy individuals. The G allele of SNV rs754635 of the CCK gene was associated with basal hyperglycemia (r=0.44) and impaired carbohydrate tolerance (r=0.33) in the MHO phenotype and with the atherogenicity index of the lipid spectrum (r=0.40) and was inversely correlated with the level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) (r=-0.58) in children with MUO phenotype, p<0.05. Conclusions. The G allele SNV rs754635 of the CCK gene is associated with obesity and the development of metabolic disorders. The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The research protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the institution mentioned in the work. Informed consent of parents or their guardians was obtained for conducting research. No conflict of interests was declared by the author. На сьогодні не доведено впливу однонуклеотидних варіантів (single nucleotide variants — SNV) гена холецистокініну (cholecystokinin — CCK) на ймовірність розвитку ожиріння з метаболічними розладами в дітей. Мета — вивчити асоціації SNV гена ССK для прогнозу ймовірності ожиріння та персоналізації траєкторії розвитку різних метаболічних розладів, пов’язаних з ожирінням у дітей. Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 252 дитини віком 6–18 років з ожирінням. Основну групу (n=152) становили діти з метаболічно нездоровим ожирінням (metabolically unhealthy obesity — МUО). Контрольну групу (n=100) — діти з метаболічно здоровим ожирінням (metabolically healthy obesity — МHО). Проведено повногеномне секвенування («CeGat», Німеччина) у 31 дитини основної та 21 дитини контрольної групи. Рівень інтерлейкіну-1b у сироватці крові визначено методом імунохемілюмінесцентного аналізу, інтерлейкіну-6 — методом імуноферментного аналізу, «Synevo», Україна. Результати. G-алель SNV rs754635 гена CCK вірогідно частіше зустрічався в дітей як з MHO (t=10,93; p<0,05), так і з MUO (t=12,96; p<0,05) порівняно зі здоровими особами. G-алель SNV rs754635 гена CCK асоціювався з базальною гіперглікемією (r=0,44) і порушенням толерантності до вуглеводів (r=0,33) при фенотипі MHO та з індексом атерогенності ліпідного спектра (r=0,40) і обернено пропорційно корелював із рівнем ліпопротеїнів високої щільності (r=-0,58) у дітей з фенотипом МUO, р<0,05. Висновки. Алель G SNV rs754635 гена CCK асоціюється з ожирінням і розвитком метаболічних порушень. Дослідження проведено відповідно до принципів Гельсінської декларації. Протокол дослідження затверджено місцевим комітетом із питань етики зазначеної в роботі установи. На проведення дослідження отримано інформовану згоду батьків або осіб, які їх замінюють. Автор заявляє про відсутність конфлікту інтересів

    Genetic variants of the glucagon-like receptor-1 in obesity

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    Introduction and aim. Dysfunction of the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)/GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) axis promotes obesity and metabolic disorders. The aim was to study the associations of the single nucleotide variants (SNV) GLP1R gene with pro-inflammatory cytokines and metabolic disorders in children with various obesity phenotypes. Material and methods. 252 children with obesity aged 6-18 years were examined. The first group (n=152) was represented by children with metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO). The second group (n=100) consolidated of children with metabolically healthy obesity (MHO). Whole genome sequencing (CeGat, Germany) was performed in 52 children. Results. An association with the development of obesity was noted for T alleles rs61754624 (t=3.33) and rs10305457 (t=2.06); with MUO – for C alleles rs1042044 (t=2.23), rs1126476 (t=2.63), rs2235868 (t=2.82); T alleles rs61754624 (t=3.33), rs10305457 (t=2.06) GLP1R, p<0.05. In the MHO group, a correlation was found with the levels of pro-inflammatory markers IL-1β, IL-6 in the presence of the GA genotype SNV rs3765468; with hyperglycemia - GA genotype SNV rs6923761, CC genotype SNV rs1042044, AA rs6918287; hyperinsulinemia - GA genotype SNV rs3765468, GG rs10305421; triglyceridemia - AA rs6918287 of GLP1R. Conclusion. SNV rs1042044, rs3765468, rs6923761, s6918287, and rs rs10305421 GLP1R are associated with the development of MUO in individuals with MHO


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    The article describes the possibilities and limitations of ancient DNA research on organic materials that are usually not the focus of archaeogenetics, because of their low preservation potential and thus rareness in archaeological settings. These are remains from fish and birds, animal hairs, and coprolites. Several of the author’s own key studies from different regions and time periods are presented.Key words: ancient DNA, archaeozoology, animal hairs, fishbone, Acipenser, Pelecanus, coprolites, paleofaeces.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/ab.v23i0.129

    The role and future outlook for renewable energy in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation

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    The development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (the Russian Arctic) aims to enhance the social and economic growth of the region in line with the priorities set forth by the state policy and address a range of socio-economic issues. As the Russian Arctic offers an array of hydrocarbons and renewables available in the context of the region's unbalanced infrastructural and manufacturing development and extreme climatic environment, the conditions dictate the need for an integrated use of the Arctic's energy resources. Energy security of a region is a primary contributor to its social and economic sustainability. Key energy users in the Russian Arctic include both large and local load consumers that have to operate against the background of economic and logistic difficulties related to power supply. The Russian Arctic can offer a wide range of energy resources, but individual areas are facing power shortage. These challenges are particularly relevant for the Arctic regions in Siberia and the Far East, and to a lesser extent for the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions as the areas are covered by the capabilities of the Unified Energy System of Russia. Energy challenges and discrepant development plans for the power and manufacturing sectors create major barriers that slow down the social and economic development of the areas. Our analysis demonstrated that the role of unconventional and renewable energy in power generation and energy mix of the Russian Arctic will remain insignificant in the short term.peer-reviewe

    Blended learning as a tool for modernizing modern education

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    This literature review presents the features of the implementation of a mixed form of education for higher medical education in the realities of today. The data on the main types of full-time and part-time interactive educational activities, their essence, advantages and disadvantages are given