603 research outputs found

    Monodromy of a Class of Logarithmic Connections on an Elliptic Curve

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    The logarithmic connections studied in the paper are direct images of regular connections on line bundles over genus-2 double covers of the elliptic curve. We give an explicit parametrization of all such connections, determine their monodromy, differential Galois group and the underlying rank-2 vector bundle. The latter is described in terms of elementary transforms. The question of its (semi)-stability is addressed

    Desinstituindo o ato e liberando a potência de ler e escrever

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    The aim of the paper is to analyze some theoretical fragments of Friedrich Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault on the activation of the potency of reading and writing within/against the university. From a lecture by Paulo Freire, there was a change of meaning in relation to the act of reading and writing when united with the interpretative key of potency, in the aristotelian sense, revisited by Giorgio Agamben. The study, thus, envisions passages from the structural reading of Victor Goldschmidt as an example of language sovereignty linked to authorship, intellectual property, disempowerment and the work. Likewise, the text suggests forms of disinstitution of this sovereignty through experiences of thought and the activation of potency in readings and writings, outside and inside the university. Therefore, it is noted that the activation of potency, in contrast to the unidimensionality of the act, in the actions of reading and writing, is in the recognition of power-o-no, in the un/work and in the “death” of the author. Key words: Reading. Writing. Potency. Disinstitution. Un/work.O objetivo do trabalho é analisar alguns fragmentos teóricos de Friedrich Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze e Michel Foucault sobre a ativação da potência de ler e escrever dentro da/contra a universidade. A partir de uma conferência de Paulo Freire, houve uma mudança de sentido em relação ao ato da leitura e da escrita quando unida à chave interpretativa da potência, no sentido aristotélico, revisitada por Giorgio Agamben. O estudo vislumbra, então, passagens da leitura estrutural de Victor Goldschmidt como um exemplo de soberania da linguagem vinculada à autoria, à propriedade intelectual, à despotencialização e à obra. Igualmente, o texto sugere formas de desinstituição dessa soberania por meio de experiências do pensamento e da ativação da potência nas leituras e nas escritas, fora e dentro da universidade. Portanto, nota-se que a ativação da potência, em contraste com a unidimensionalidade do ato, nas ações de ler e escrever, está no reconhecimento de poder-o-não, na des/obra e na “morte” do autor. Palavras-chave: Leitura. Escrita. Potência. Desinstituição. Des/obra

    Variabilidade espacial da produtividade e do estado nutricional do cafeeiro Canephora

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    Utilizing precision farming techniques along with the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) allows crop management to be improved, thereby making it possible to better control plant nutrition and to assist in reducing fertilizer expenditures. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of the nutritional status of conilon coffee (Coffea canephora), using the Nutritional Balance index (NBI). 140 points were georeferenced within a coffee crop, each sampling point contained five plants. Leaf samples were analyzed in order to determine levels of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, B, Zn, Mn and Cu. The crop showed itself to have a nutritional imbalance, as shown by the deficiency and excess variation of some nutrients in the crop. The nutritional balance index (NBI) was not correlated with productivity (Prod), indicating that, when the crop has a high nutritional imbalance IBN is not a good tool for establishing nutritional standards for conilon coffee.O uso das técnicas da agricultura de precisão aliada ao Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS) permite o aperfeiçoamento do manejo da lavoura, possibilitando melhor controle nutricional da planta e contribuindo para reduzir gastos com fertilizante. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a variabilidade espacial do estado nutricional do cafeeiro conilon (Coffea canephora), utilizando o Índice de Balanço Nutricional (IBN). Em uma lavoura de café foram amostrados 140 pontos georreferenciados, sendo cada ponto amostral constituído de cinco plantas. As amostras foliares foram analisadas para determinação dos teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, B, Zn, Mn e Cu. A lavoura apresenta desequilíbrio nutricional mostrado pela variação da deficiência e excesso de alguns nutrientes na lavoura. O índice de balanceamento nutricional (IBN) não apresentou correlação com a produtividade (Prod), indicando que, quando a lavoura apresenta elevado desequilíbrio nutricional o IBN não é uma boa ferramenta para o estabelecimento de um padrão nutricional para o café conilon

    Avaliação dos parâmetros de crescimento e desenvolvimento em melões submetidos à enxertia

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     Objetivou-se avaliar nesse estudo a compatibilidade entre porta–enxertos de abóboras para melão cantaloupensis. Foram avaliados a porcentagem de pegamento da enxertia, o diâmetro do porta-enxerto abaixo do local de enxertia, o diâmetro do enxerto acima do local de enxertia e a altura média das plantas sob diferentes porta-enxertos. Como porta–enxertos foram utilizados as cultivares Moranga Cabotiá (Curcubita máxima x Curcubita moschata), Moranga Exposição (Curcubita maxima) e Moranga Coroa (Curcubita maxima) e como enxerto a cultivar de melão cantaloupensis Don Francisco. O experimento foi conduzido nos meses de Abril e Maio de 2011 na Área Experimental da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT, localizada no município Sinop-MT. Como modelo experimental utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com 3 tratamentos e 10 repetições. As cultivares Moranga Cabotiá, Moranga Exposição e Moranga Coroa obtiveram 100%, 90% e 70% de pega respectivamente, diâmetro de enxerto de 4,80 mm, 3,55 mm e 3,40 mm, diâmetro de porta-enxerto de 5,15 mm, 4,37 mm e 3,43 mm, assim como altura de 14 cm, 12 cm e 6,5 cm. A Moranga Cabotiá demonstrou boa compatibilidade com o enxerto, proporcionando maior altura entre plantas, podendo ser recomendada para a técnica de enxertia


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    The study aimed to analyze the spatial distribution of heat sources inside and outside the Chapada dos Guimarães National Park (PNCG) in the State of Mato Grosso. The analyzes were performed through the estimate of kernel density (KDE) and Ripley's K function from 2005 to 2014. The data related to the number of hot spots were obtained from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) from 2005 to 2014, and the vector files were acquired from the cartographic base of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In the 10 years of analysis, 579 hot spots were detected in the PNCG, where it was found that the months of August and September had the highest incidence of hot spots in the park. The kernel maps demonstrated that most hotspots were observed in the years 2007, 2010 and 2012. The years 2005 and 2013 presented average densities and the years 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2014 indicated low density of the hot spots. Ripley's K function, calculated to observe the spatial distribution of the hot spots, rejected the hypothesis of complete spatial randomness (CSR), indicating that they showed a tendency to cluster during the study time series at the PNCG

    Control of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) for small animal ventilators

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) for the mechanical ventilation of small animals is frequently obtained with water seals or by using ventilators developed for human use. An alternative mechanism is the use of an on-off expiratory valve closing at the moment when the alveolar pressure is equal to the target PEEP. In this paper, a novel PEEP controller (PEEP-new) and the PEEP system of a commercial small-animal ventilator, both based on switching an on-off valve, are evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The proposed PEEP controller is a discrete integrator monitoring the error between the target PEEP and the airways opening pressure prior to the onset of an inspiratory cycle. In vitro as well as in vivo experiments with rats were carried out and the PEEP accuracy, settling time and under/overshoot were considered as a measure of performance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The commercial PEEP controller did not pass the tests since it ignores the airways resistive pressure drop, resulting in a PEEP 5 cmH<sub>2</sub>O greater than the target in most conditions. The PEEP-new presented steady-state errors smaller than 0.5 cmH<sub>2</sub>O, with settling times below 10 s and under/overshoot smaller than 2 cmH<sub>2</sub>O.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PEEP-new presented acceptable performance, considering accuracy and temporal response. This novel PEEP generator may prove useful in many applications for small animal ventilators.</p

    Batalla de Berna (1954) : la lucha por los sentidos de identidad en el campo de fútbol

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    O artigo objetiva analisar as diferentes estratégias da imprensa brasileira para narrar a disputa entre Brasil e Hungria na Copa do Mundo da Suíça (1954). A análise dos textos publicados no O Globo e na Folha de São Paulo revela a presença de uma discussão sobre o caráter nacional, a crença na superioridade das características “naturais” do futebol brasileiro em comparação com o “espírito de organização” dos europeus e a vitória húngara como resultado de um conluio europeu. Conclui que a imprensa elabora uma inversão da hierarquia entre natureza e cultura, estereotipando identificações em um contexto de relações de poder desequilibradas.The article aims at identifying, describing and analyzing different strategies of Brazilian press to narrate the dispute between Brazil and Hungary in the 1954 World Cup in Switzerland. The analysis of articles published in newspapers O Globo and Folha de São Paulo reveals the presence of a discussion about national character, the belief in the superiority of the “natural” characteristics of Brazilian football in comparison with Europeans’ “spirit of organization” and the Hungarian victory as a result of a European collusion. The study concludes that the press reverses the hierarchy between nature and culture, stereotyping identifications in a context of unbalanced power relations.Objetiva identificar, describir y analizar las diferentes estrategias de la prensa brasileña para narrar la disputa entre Brasil y Hungría en la Copa del Mundo en Suiza (1954). El análisis de los textos publicados en O Globo y en Folha de São Paulo revela la presencia de una discusión sobre el carácter nacional, la creencia en la superioridad de las características “naturales” del fútbol brasileño en comparación con el “espíritu de organización” de los europeos y la victoria húngara como resultado de un acuerdo europeo. Concluye que la prensa elabora una inversión de jerarquía entre naturaleza y cultura, estereotipando identificaciones en un contexto de relaciones de poder desequilibradas


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    This study evaluated the environmental departments of some municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, regarding their structure and licensing and enforcement processes. Information was collected through online questionnaires sent to municipalities. The questionnaires addressed the staff, the training of the technical staff and the work structure of the environmental departments in the municipalities. Evaluations and classifications were conducted using the classification tree technique based on municipal data on the environmental licenses issued, and additionally the infraction notices issued as response variables. Thus, it was observed that human resources, effective civil servants and the work team composition are the variables that best explain the issuance behavior of the municipal environmental licenses, and in parts the infraction notices. The other variable that most satisfactorily explains the issuance of infraction notices in the municipalities is the use of their own website with environmental software in the environment departments