438 research outputs found

    Different meanings for cummingtonite-hornblende association in plutonic rocks (Iberian Massif, Portugal)

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    Cummingtonite-grunerite series is frequently related with metamorphism or volcanic environments but rarely described as belonging to a plutonic assemblage [1]. Recently, in Iberian Massif (Portugal), there have been several references [2,3,4,5] of this Fe-Mg amphibole intimately associated with Ca amphiboles (mainly hornblende) on plutonic rocks. Different textural relations between two amphibole types have been argued to for a primary (igneous) or subsolidus metamorphic origin for Fe-Mg amphibole. Cummingtonite-grunerite (Cum, hereafter all abbreviation from [6]) from gabbros and diorites Carrascal Massif (Central Iberian Zone) occurs as tiny exsolution lamellae within a dominant hornblende (Hbl) crystal. Their textural occurrence agrees with the subsolidus growth of the Fe-Mg amphibole reflecting the equation Hbl+ Qtz= Cum + An + H2O [7]. Nevertheless, on Hospitais tonalite (Ossa-Morena Zone) Cum occur as euhedral to subhedral cores usually mantled by Hbl. Although seldom described in literature, Cum on Hospitais tonalite was interpreted as an igneous crystallizing early phase. As a consequence of the high water content of calc-alkaline magmas, the Fe-Mg amphibole should reflect the equation Opx+H2O = Cum+Mag+SiO2+H2 [8]. The similarity between Mg # on Cum and Hbl from tonalitic rocks suggests an equilibrium crystallizing assemblage as pointed by Wones and Gilbert [9] for a hypabyssal igneous suite. Considering that the Cum spectrum analyses from both occurrences exhibited a clear overlap; Carrascal gabbro-dorites (Mg#: 0.49-0.64; Al2O3: 0.7-2.37%; TiO2: 0.01-0.37%) and Hospitais tonalite (Mg#: 0.43-0.53; Al2O3: 1.22-2.44 %; TiO2; 0.05-0.27%), textural relations should be the main (only?) tool to decipher between igneous vs metamorphic growth. More detailed petrographic studies on plutonic rocks from Iberian Massif are needed to ascertain the petrogenetic significance of the association Cum-Hbl

    Interpretabilidade de modelos aplicados aos dados do Enem.

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    Introdução O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias nos ultimos anos, tanto de hardware quanto de software, viabilizou a aplicacão de técnicas mais sofisticadas de modelagem, como as de aprendizado de maquina. Focadas principalmente em aumentar o poder preditivo, essas técnicas muitas vezes se baseiam em abordagens não paramétricas e não lineares, que resultam em modelos mais precisos e menos interpretaveis [3]. E diante desse cenário que a interpretabilidade de um modelo pode se tornar um fator tão importante quanto a precisao de suas predições [2]. Por esta razão, metodologias como Shap Values foram desenvolvidas para apresentar relações entre as variáveis preditivas e a variável resposta, que muitas vezes nao são tão evidentes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho e elencar quais são as informações mais relevantes para um modelo aplicado aos dados socioeconomicos do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem), bem como identificar como elas impactam o seu funcionamento atraves dos Shap Values

    Concurrent training in prepubertal children: an update

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    This paper affords an update review over the state of art regarding the importance of physical fitness and the significance of different combination approaches between resistance and aerobic training, as well as conditioning methods exercise alone on physical fitness improvements, specifically explosive strength and cardiorespiratory fitness in prepubertal children. The main research conclusions can be summarized as: i) Resistance training can be reliable to improve muscle strength in prepubertal children; ii) A proper and quantifiable exercise frequency and intensity in aerobic training remains unclear; iii) No differences have been found between prepubertal girls and boys on strength and aerobic capacity improvements after intra-session concurrent training, resistance or aerobic training alone; iv) In adults, concurrent resistance and aerobic training seems to be more effective on improvements of aerobic capacity than aerobic training alone; v) Aerobic training biomechanically specific to the concurrent resistance training may minimize adaptation interference when concurrently training; vi) In adolescents, concurrent resistance and aerobic training is equally effective to improve explosive strength compared to resistance training alone, and more efficient in aerobic capacity than resistance training alone; vii) Optimum training sequence was determined by the individual purposes of the training program; viii) Performing aerobic prior to resistance training produces endurance gains, while performing resistance prior to aerobic training appears to be more adequate to obtain strength improvements; ix) In adults, performing concurrent training in different sessions seems to be more effective to improve muscular strength than intra-session concurrent training. These results can be helpful for coaches, teachers and researchers to optimize explosive strength and cardiorespiratory fitness training in sports club and school-based programs, as well as a reliable source for further researches

    Utilização de subprodutos da indústria frutífera na alimentação de caprinos e ovinos.

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    Subprodutos da indústria frutífera; Rendimentos médios de subprodutos do processamento de frutas; Valor nutricional dos subprodutos; Desempenho animal.bitstream/item/36517/1/DOC-42.pd

    Modeling fitness variable responses to training In prepubescent children

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    The aim of this study was to determine strength and oxygen uptake (VO2max) performances according to different training program intervention design with 8-weeks duration in prepubescent children through a multiple linear regression models. Two hundred and forty-five healthy prepubescent children (aged 10.9 ± 0.5 years) were randomly assigned to a specific training program (strength training only - S; aerobic training only - A; intra-session aerobic and strength training - AS; intra-session strength and aerobic training - SA; or concurrent training performed in different sessions - CT) or a control group (no training regimen - C). It was possible to develop indirect predictive models for each training method, by including each variable pre-training, body fat percentage and body mass index. The models provided explained 82% of variance in the VO2max, 98% in the 1kg ball-throw, 96% in the 3kg ball-throw, 92% in the counter-movement jump, 93% in the standing long jump and 98% in the 20m sprint performances. This novel approach to training evaluation and control aims to provide a tool to allow professionals to calculate changes with a high confidence level (CI 95%), to control gains and to choose the best training methodology to apply according to the defined purposes. The results of this study could be a great support to teachers, coaches and professionals providing important tools to improve the efficacy and individualization of training

    Warming-Up for Resistance Training and Muscular Performance: A Narrative Review

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    Warming-up is an indispensable component of any type of training, aiming to prepare the body for the intensity required by the following exercises. The use of different types of warm-up seems to produce different results, mainly because of the effects on force production. However, the research is not clear and further research is needed. The present study aimed to analyze and discuss the main results of the literature regarding the effects of warm-up on force production, as well as to analyze those responses during resistance training and maximal strength assessments. Additionally, based on the outcomes, we intended to suggest some practical recommendations for sports-related professionals and researchers, providing essential knowledge for their intervention near the athletes, and also to contribute to the performance optimization during training and in the competition. For this, a search on four databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and ScienceDirect) for original research published until November 2020 was performed, and then the outcomes were critically analyzed. The literature revealed that there is still little agreement on what should be the best warm-up to be used for strength performance and training. We, therefore, concluded that more research must be carried out and new approaches must be taken to clarify this issue