349 research outputs found

    Concurrent training in prepubertal children: an update

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    This paper affords an update review over the state of art regarding the importance of physical fitness and the significance of different combination approaches between resistance and aerobic training, as well as conditioning methods exercise alone on physical fitness improvements, specifically explosive strength and cardiorespiratory fitness in prepubertal children. The main research conclusions can be summarized as: i) Resistance training can be reliable to improve muscle strength in prepubertal children; ii) A proper and quantifiable exercise frequency and intensity in aerobic training remains unclear; iii) No differences have been found between prepubertal girls and boys on strength and aerobic capacity improvements after intra-session concurrent training, resistance or aerobic training alone; iv) In adults, concurrent resistance and aerobic training seems to be more effective on improvements of aerobic capacity than aerobic training alone; v) Aerobic training biomechanically specific to the concurrent resistance training may minimize adaptation interference when concurrently training; vi) In adolescents, concurrent resistance and aerobic training is equally effective to improve explosive strength compared to resistance training alone, and more efficient in aerobic capacity than resistance training alone; vii) Optimum training sequence was determined by the individual purposes of the training program; viii) Performing aerobic prior to resistance training produces endurance gains, while performing resistance prior to aerobic training appears to be more adequate to obtain strength improvements; ix) In adults, performing concurrent training in different sessions seems to be more effective to improve muscular strength than intra-session concurrent training. These results can be helpful for coaches, teachers and researchers to optimize explosive strength and cardiorespiratory fitness training in sports club and school-based programs, as well as a reliable source for further researches

    Utilização de subprodutos da indústria frutífera na alimentação de caprinos e ovinos.

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    Subprodutos da indústria frutífera; Rendimentos médios de subprodutos do processamento de frutas; Valor nutricional dos subprodutos; Desempenho animal.bitstream/item/36517/1/DOC-42.pd

    Modeling fitness variable responses to training In prepubescent children

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    The aim of this study was to determine strength and oxygen uptake (VO2max) performances according to different training program intervention design with 8-weeks duration in prepubescent children through a multiple linear regression models. Two hundred and forty-five healthy prepubescent children (aged 10.9 ± 0.5 years) were randomly assigned to a specific training program (strength training only - S; aerobic training only - A; intra-session aerobic and strength training - AS; intra-session strength and aerobic training - SA; or concurrent training performed in different sessions - CT) or a control group (no training regimen - C). It was possible to develop indirect predictive models for each training method, by including each variable pre-training, body fat percentage and body mass index. The models provided explained 82% of variance in the VO2max, 98% in the 1kg ball-throw, 96% in the 3kg ball-throw, 92% in the counter-movement jump, 93% in the standing long jump and 98% in the 20m sprint performances. This novel approach to training evaluation and control aims to provide a tool to allow professionals to calculate changes with a high confidence level (CI 95%), to control gains and to choose the best training methodology to apply according to the defined purposes. The results of this study could be a great support to teachers, coaches and professionals providing important tools to improve the efficacy and individualization of training

    Viabilidade econômica da terminação de ovinos em capim-tanzânia com quatro níveis de suplementação concentrada.

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    Avaliou-se a viabilidade econômica da terminação de ovinos em pastagem de capim-tanzânia sob lotação rotativa com quatro níveis de suplementação concentrada (0; 0,6; 1,2 e 1,8% PV), dois sistemas de separação do rebanho (cerca elétrica e cerca de tela) e três tamanhos de áreas (1,0; 3,0 e 5,0 ha). A análise foi feita com vistas a determinar as condições mínimas necessárias para tornar o empreendimento viável. Foram avaliadas a receita líquida, a relação benefício/custo, o valor presente líquido e a taxa interna de retorno, adotando uma taxa de juros de 8,75% ao ano. Foram estimados o custo total de implantação e manutenção para cada sistema, sendo orçados de acordo com os preços no mercado de Fortaleza/CE. Para o cálculo da receita total, foram considerados preços de venda entre R2,60e3,20/kgPV.Aexplorac\ca~ode1,0hasemostroueconomicamenteinviaˊvelparaosdoistiposdesistemastestados.Paraambosossistemas,observousequeaquelesqueutilizaramcercadetelaapresentarammaiorcustoemrelac\ca~oaˋcercaeleˊtrica.Paraossistemasqueutilizaramsuplementac\ca~o,osdadosmostraramquesoˊeˊviaˊvelsuplementarosanimaisquandooprec\copagopeloprodutoforsuperioraR 2,60 e 3,20/kg PV. A exploração de 1,0 ha se mostrou economicamente inviável para os dois tipos de sistemas testados. Para ambos os sistemas, observou-se que aqueles que utilizaram cerca de tela apresentaram maior custo em relação à cerca elétrica. Para os sistemas que utilizaram suplementação, os dados mostraram que só é viável suplementar os animais quando o preço pago pelo produto for superior a R 3,00/kg PV, em alguns casos com áreas superiores a 5 ha. Economic viability of finishing sheep on tanzania pasture under intermittent grazing with four concentrate supplementation levels. Abstract - The economic viability of finishing sheep on Tanzania grass under intermittent grazing was evaluated with four concentrate supplementation levels (0; 0.6; 1.2 and 1.8% LW), two herd separation systems (electric and net fence) and three pasture sizes (1.0; 3.0 and 5.0 ha). The analysis was carried out to determine the minimal necessary conditions to have a viable business. Net income, benefit-cost ratio, net present value and internal rate of return with an interest of rate of 8.75% per year were verified. The total implantation cost and maintenance to each system was estimated according to Fortaleza/CE market. Sale price between R2.60to3.20/kgLWwasconsideredtoestimatetotalbudget.Thepasturesized1.0hawaseconomicallyunviableforbothkindsofsystemtested.Thesystemwithnetfencewasmoreexpensivethantheonewithelectricfence.Forthesystemswithsupplementation,datashowedviabilityonlyforasalepriceaboveR 2.60 to 3.20/kg LW was considered to estimate total budget. The pasture sized 1.0 ha was economically unviable for both kinds of system tested. The system with net fence was more expensive than the one with electric fence. For the systems with supplementation, data showed viability only for a sale price above R 3.00/kg LW and, in some cases, in areas above 5.0 ha

    Assessment of metal and metalloid contamination in soils trough compositional data: the old Mortórios uranium mine area, central Portugal

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    Soils from the old Mortórios uranium mine area were studied to look for contamination, as they are close to two villages, up to 3 km away, and used for agriculture. They are mainly contaminated in U and As and constitute an ecological threat. This study attempts to outline the degree to which soils have been affected by the old mining activities through the computation of significant hot clusters, Traditional geostatistical approaches commonly use raw data (concentrations) accepting that the analyzed elements represent the soil’s entirety. However, in geochemical studies these elements are just a fraction of the total soil composition. Thus, considering compositional data is pivotal. The spatial characterization, considering raw and compositional data together, allowed a broad discussion about not only the concentrations’ spatial distribution, but also a better understanding on the possibility of trends of “relative enrichment” (RE) and, furthermore an insight in U and As fate. The highest proportions (Compositional data) on U (up to 33%), As (up to 35%) and Th (up to 13 %) are reached in the south-southeast segment. However, the highest concentrations (Raw data) occur in north and northwest of the studied area, pointing out to a “relative enrichment” towards the south-southeast zone. The Mondego Sul area is mainly contaminated in U and As, but also in Co, Cu, Pb and Sb. The Mortórios area is less contaminated than the Mondego Sul area.This research was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through projects UID/ GEO/04035/201C and UID/MAR/04292/2013-MARE (PPC). Boente obtained a grant from the ‘‘Formación del Profesorado Universitario’’ program, financed by the ‘‘Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España.’’ M.T.D Albuquerque acknowledges a scholarship 567 SFRH/BSAB/ 127907/2016 from the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal)

    Assessment of metal and metalloid contamination in the waters and stream sediments around the abandoned uranium mine area from Mortórios, central Portugal

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    In the abandoned Mortórios uranium mine area there are quartz veins containing wolframite and sulphides and basic rock dykes with torbernite and autunite cutting a porphyritic granite. The basic rock dykes were exploited and produced about 27 tonnes of U3O8, from 1982 to 1988. There are an open pit lake and nine dumps. Surface water and groundwater are contaminated in U, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb. Stream sediments are contaminated in U, As, Th and W, which are adsorbed by smectite, kaolinite and iron- and aluminium- oxy-hydroxides. The maximum U concentrations are of 1268 ug/L in the open pit lake, 100 g/L in surface water, 103 ug/L in groundwater and 81.5 mg/kg in stream sediments all downstream of the open pit lake and dumps. Further downstream the U concentration in water decreases, due to the high mobility of U (VI), but the U concentration in stream sediments increases. Calcium uranyl carbonate dominates in the open pit lake, but uranyl carbonate complexes dominate in surface water and groundwater. The maximum As concentrations are 56.0 g/L in the open pit lake, 63.4 g/L in the surface water and 66.7 g/L in the groundwater, both downstream of the open pit lake and dumps. The arsenic occurs as As (V). The Mortórios area is compared with two other areas exploited from open pits, all located in the uranium-bearing Beira area of central Portugal. Vale de Abrutiga produced 90 tonnes of U3O8 between 1982 and 1989 and Mondego Sul produced 75 tonnes of U3O8 from 1987 to 1991. The two mines consist of quartz veins containing sulphides, saleeite and meta-saleeite at Vale de Abrutiga and with sulphides, autunite, torbernite, meta-uranocircite and meta-saleeite at Mondego Sul cutting the Schist-graywacke complex. The mine area of Vale de Abrutiga with the highest exploitation of U2O3 has strongly acidic to slight alkaline water, which is the most contaminated. Mortórios with the lowest exploitation presents a higher contamination of slightly acidic to alkaline water than that of acidic to alkaline water from Mondego Sul, but the former has As (V), whereas the latter has As (III), which is toxic. The stream sediments from Mortórios present the lowest contamination, except for Th that has a higher median value than that from Vale de Abrutiga. Stream sediments from Mondego Sul have higher U, Th, Pb and lower Co, Cr, Cu and Zn median values than those of Vale de Abrutiga.We are grateful to J.F.C. Mendes for the determination of organic matter and cation exchange capacity in samples of stream sediments. We thank Robert Ayuso and three anonymous reviewers for their comments. Some financial support was given by the project UID/GEO/04035/2013

    Viabilidade econômica da terminação de cordeiros em pastagem cultivada.

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    O presente trabalho, realizado na Embrapa Caprinos, em Sobral - CE, avaliou a terminação de cordeiros em pastagem de capim gramão e capim tanzânia, sob duas taxas de lotação. O período de terminação foi de 83 dias. O lucro obtido com a terminação de cordeiros em pastagem de gramão (Cynodon dactylon) e venda dos animais em pé foi de R1,58/cordeiroeR 1,58/cordeiro e R 3,77/cordeiro, para taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/h a, respectivamente. Nas áreas de tanzânia (Panicum maximum), o lucro obtido foi de R4,31/cordeiroeR 4,31/cordeiro e R 2,64/cordeiro, para taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. Entretanto, cada ha permitiu a terminação de 4,4 lotes por ano. Com isso, o lucro anual da terminação no gramão foi de R277,30/haeR 277,30/ha e R 995,66/ha nas taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. A terminação à pasto no tanzânia proporcionou um lucro anual de R758,64/haeR 758,64/ha e R 697,65/ha nas taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente. A venda dos animais abatidos proporcionou um lucro anual de R94,79/haedeR 94,79/ha e de R 233,23/ha para taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 animais/ha, respectivamente, no gramão. Já em pastagem de tanzânia, a venda dos animais abatidos proporcionou um lucro anual de R198,79/haeR 198,79/ha e R 891 ,95/ha para as taxas de lotação de 40 e 60 anímais/ha, respectivamente. Economic viability of lamb finishing on cultivated pasture. Abstract: The present work carried out at Embrapa Caprinos, Sobral-CE, evaluated lamb finishing on cultivated pastureof coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon) and tanzania grass (Panicum maximum cv. tanzania) with two stocking rates. Finishing took 83 days. The profit obtained with lamb finishing on coast-cross grass was of R1.58/lambandR 1.58/lamb and R 3.77/lamb for stocking rates of 40 and 60 lambs/ha, respectively. In the areas of tanzania grass the achieved profit was of R4.31/lambandR 4.31/lamb and R 2.64/lamb for stocking rates of 40 and 60 lambs/ha, respectively. However, each ha allowed the termination of 4.4 flocks per year. With this, the annual profit of the termination on pasture of coast-cross was of R277.30/haandR 277.30/ha and R 995.66/ha for stocking rates of 40 and 60 lambs/ha, respectively. The termination in pasture of tanzania grass enabled an annual profit of R758.64/haandR 758.64/ha and R 697.65/ha for stocking rates of 40 and 60 lambs/ha, respectively. When commercializing carcass, the yearly profit obtainable was of R94.79/haandR 94.79/ha and R 233.23/ha for stocking rates of 40 and 60 lambs/ha, respectively, on coast-cross. On tanzania grass, the yearly obtainable profit was of R198.79/haandR 198.79/ha and R 891.95/ha for stocking rates of 40 and 60 lambs/ha, respectively. Lamb finishing on pasture was economically vi able

    High-intensity interval training upon cognitive and psychological outcomes in youth : a systematic review

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Development of innovative and time-efficient strategies to involve youth in physical activity is pivotal in the actual inactivity pandemic. Moreover, physical activity may improve academic performance, of great interest for educators. This present systematic review aimed to analyze the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on cognitive performance and psychological outcomes in youth. A database search (Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, and PsycINFO) for original research articles was performed. A total of eight articles met the inclusion criteria, and the Cochrane risk of bias tool was used. The studies' results were recalculated to determine effect sizes using Cohen's d. Different HIIT interventions reported improvements on cognitive performance at executive function (d = 0.75, +78.56%), linguistic reasoning (d = 0.25, +7.66%), concentration (d = 0.71, +61.10%), selective attention (d = 0.81, +60.73%), non-verbal and verbal abilities (d = 0.88, +47.50%; d = 1.58, +22.61%, respectively), abstract reasoning (d = 0.75, +44.50%), spatial and numerical abilities (d = 37.19, +22.85%; d = 1.20, +8.28%, respectively), and verbal reasoning (d = 1.00, +15.71%) in youth. Regarding psychological outcomes, HIIT showed higher self-concept (d = 0.28, +8.71%) and psychological well-being in boys and girls (d = 0.73, +32.43%, d = 0.39, +11.58%, respectively). To sum up, HIIT interventions between 4-16 weeks, for 8-30 min/session, at ≥85% maximal heart rate, would provide positive effects on cognitive performance and psychological outcomes in youth.This research was funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, I.P.), under the project UIDB/04045/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio