473 research outputs found

    Raskmetallid Eesti okasmetsades – analüüs seireprogrammide andmete põhjal

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneTöö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli teha kokkuvõte keskkonnaseire riikliku programmi raames kogutud raskmetallide andmestiku baasil meie looduslike okasmetsade – raskmetallidega saastatuse tasemest. Seireandmestik võimaldas analüüsida kuut erinevat raskmetalli: Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Cd ja Pb. Peamiselt kasutati metsaseire ja kompleksseire raames kogutud raskmetallide andmeid, kuid ka raskmetallide andmestikku sammaldes ning kohalike sademete seire võrgustiku andmebaasi. Erinevate andmete kombineerimine andis ülevaate raskmetallide kontsentratsioonidest, nende liikumisest okasmetsa erinevate osade vahel (muld, peenjuured, elusokkad, varis), peetumisest ja akumuleerumisest okasmetsa mulla orgaanilises osas. Iseloomustati ka raskmetallide sadestumise ja akumuleerumise territoriaalset varieerumist. Raskemetallide peamisteks allikateks Eestis on olnud ja on ka praegusel hetkel paiksed antropogeensed saasteallikad: põlevkivil töötavad elektrijaamad, põlevkiviõli-, tsemendi- ning keemiatööstus, mis asuvad Kirde-Eesti tööstuspiirkonnas (Kohv et al., 2002). Alates 1990. aastatest on raskmetallide heitkogused Eestis märkimisväärselt vähenenud. Suurim langus emissioonides toimus 1990. aastate alguses seoses elektritootmise vähenemisega. Jätkuv raskmetallide emissioonide vähendamine pärast aastat 2000 on saavutatud põlevkivitööstuse moderniseerimise, rahvusvaheliste keskkonnaalaste eeskirjade rakendamisega ning investeeringutega puhastesse tehnoloogiatesse (Treier et al., 2008; Statistikaamet, 2017). Uuringu tulemusel leiti, et Eesti erinevates piirkondades on raskmetallide sadenemine ja sellega seotud varude osas erinevusi, seda just mulla orgaanilisse osasse kogunenud varudes. Raskmetallide suurimad varud oli mulla ülemises orgaanilises kihis, kuid raskmetallide kontsentratsioonid olid tihti kõrgemad peenjuures ja nendega seotud mütseelis. Mulla orgaanilistesse kihtidesse akumuleerunud raskmetallid satuvad uuesti ringlusesse peenjuurte abil, kus omastatud raskmetalllid suures osas ka peetuvad (eriti Pb Cd ja Cr). Seetõttu aeglustavad peenjuured raskmetallide liikumist mulla alumistesse kihtidesse ning pikendavad kõdukihi puhastumist raskmetallidest. Depositsioon on aga endiselt oluline raskmetallide allikas metsaökosüsteemis.The aim of this thesis was to get an overview of heavy metal pollution in natural coniferous ecosystems based on the data of environmental monitoring programmes. Therefore six different heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Cd, and Pb) in Estonian coniferous ecosystems were investigated. Samples of different media were collected under the framework of international and local monitoring programmes (ICP Forests, ICP IM, ICP Vegetation, and data from national precipitation network stations) to understand the differences in heavy metal concentrations and accumulation in different parts of the coniferous ecosystem. In addition, the concentrations, accumulation, and fluxes of heavy metals per territorial differences in heavy metal depositions and accumulation were estimated. The sharp decrease in heavy metal depositions during the 1990s were followed by slower decreasing trends over 2003–2013, and heavy metal depositions levels are now considered modest. High concentrations of heavy metals in fine roots, and significant correlations between heavy metal concentrations in soil organic horizons and fine roots, indicate that heavy metals accumulated in soil organic layers during the peak oil-shale-usage period. In some cases, these heavy metals might still be transported to the coniferous trees. High accumulation of heavy metals—especially Pb—was observed in fine roots and thereby the heavy metals’ stay in the ecosystem is prolonged, and the soil purification processes of upper soil organic layers delayed. The highest stores of heavy metals in the studied media were found in the soil organic layers. Territorial differences in current heavy metal deposition and accumulated storages of heavy metals occur in Estonia, especially regarding past depositions now accumulated in the older parts of soil organic horizons. Combining the results of international monitoring programmes with local datasets gave a unique insight into heavy metals in Estonian coniferous ecosystems both currently and in the past. This kind of scientific analysis of environmental data helps to form an overview of the current environmental status of forests and predict the effects of previously accumulated pollutants under changing environmental conditions

    California College of the Arts: "Academic Pathways" Planning Project

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    'As the California College of the Arts reaches the midpoint of its 2010-2015 “Dream Big” strategic plan and begins to contemplate the next era of strategic planning, the executive leadership determined that developing an academic strategic vision for the College is central to preparing for the next comprehensive planning exercise. CCA retained The Napa Group to facilitate an inclusive and objective process that would consider the significant growth of enrollment and geographic footprint during the last eight years and engage the College community in a series of activities to define key academic directives.

    Development of new biocompatible scaffolds for human ACL substitutes

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    Le Laboratoire de génie tissulaire est reconnu pour ses réalisations en ce domaine. Le principal défi soulevé par cette approche est le choix de la matrice des tissus reconstruits. Mes travaux ont consisté à établir une technologie de synthèse de collagène humain recombinant à des fins expérimentales et cliniques. Ce collagène sera utilisé éventuellement pour produire des substituts du ligament croisé antérieur (LCA) du genou, par génie tissulaire. Ces substituts ligamentaires pourraient être une alternative de remplacement des LCA rupturés. Le Dr. Nazrul Islam a conceptualisé une stratégie moléculaire pour construire un plasmide incluant les gènes codant pour les deux chaînes du collagène humain de type 1 et les deux sous-unités de l'enzyme prolyl-4-hydroxylase. Des cellules d'insecte ont été transfectées avec ce vecteur, en exploitant le système de bacul ovi rus, pour synthétiser le collagène recombinant. J'ai participé à chaque étape et à la mise au point des protocoles optimisé à grande échelle de cette nouvelle technologie, pour ensuite purifier le collagène et le caractériser biochimiquement. Mes superviseurs et moi-même considérons que ces travaux ont réussi et que bientôt, des substituts ligamentaires humains seront greffés pour évaluer leur intégration dans une articulation du genou in vivo

    A novel sketch based face recognition in unconstrained video for criminal investigation

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    Face recognition in video surveillance helps to identify an individual by comparing facial features of given photograph or sketch with a video for criminal investigations. Generally, face sketch is used by the police when suspect’s photo is not available. Manual matching of facial sketch with suspect’s image in a long video is tedious and time-consuming task. To overcome these drawbacks, this paper proposes an accurate face recognition technique to recognize a person based on his sketch in an unconstrained video surveillance. In the proposed method, surveillance video and sketch of suspect is taken as an input. Firstly, input video is converted into frames and summarized using the proposed quality indexed three step cross search algorithm. Next, faces are detected by proposed modified Viola-Jones algorithm. Then, necessary features are selected using the proposed salp-cat optimization algorithm. Finally, these features are fused with scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features and Euclidean distance is computed between feature vectors of sketch and each face in a video. Face from the video having lowest Euclidean distance with query sketch is considered as suspect’s face. The proposed method’s performance is analyzed on Chokepoint dataset and the system works efficiently with 89.02% of precision, 91.25% of recall and 90.13% of F-measure

    Direct Determination of Mercury in Rice Samples by Thermal Decomposition Amalgamation and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Technique

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    บทคัดย่อ   เทคนิคการวิเคราะห์ปรอทโดยตรงด้วยการสลายตัวด้วยความร้อน จัดเป็นเทคนิคที่มีประสิทธิภาพในการหาปริมาณปรอทในตัวอย่างข้าวเจ้า โดยสามารถชั่งตัวอย่างข้าวเจ้าที่ผ่านการบดแล้วนำไปเข้าเครื่องวิเคราะห์ได้เลย น้ำหนักตัวอย่างแป้งข้าวที่เหมาะสมในการวิเคราะห์ คือ 200 มิลลิกรัม กราฟมาตรฐานระหว่างค่าการดูดกลืนแสงของปรอทในรูปพื้นที่พีคและน้ำหนักของสารมาตรฐานปรอทช่วง 0.1-10 ng มีความสัมพันธ์เป็นเส้นตรงดังสมการ y = 0.6838x + 0.0151  มีค่าสัมประสิทธิ์การตัดสินใจ (R2) เท่ากับ 0.9998 ความเที่ยงของการวิเคราะห์แสดงในเทอม Repeatability มีค่า 8.7%RSD ที่ปริมาณปรอท 0.96 µg kg-1 ค่าร้อยละการได้กลับคืนอยู่ระหว่าง 83-114% ค่าขีดจํากัดการตรวจวัด (LOD) เท่ากับ 0.1 µg kg-1 (3S/N) ปริมาณปรอทที่ตรวจพบในตัวอย่างข้าวเจ้าจำนวน 56 ตัวอย่างที่ปลูกในประเทศไทยในช่วงปี พ.ศ. 2558-2559 มีค่าน้อยกว่า 10 µg kg-1 ซึ่งอยู่ในเกณฑ์มาตรฐานที่อนุญาตให้มีปริมาณปรอทได้ไม่เกิน 20 µg kg-1 ในอาหารทั่วไปตามประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข ฉบับที่ 98 (พ.ศ. 2529) คำสำคัญ: ปรอท อะมัลกัม เทคนิคการวิเคราะห์ปรอทโดยตรงด้วยการสลายตัวด้วยความร้อน ข้าวเจ้า ABSTRACT   Direct thermal decomposition mercury analysis is an efficient technique for determination of mercury in rice samples. The grinded rice samples were directly weighed and transferred into mercury analyzer. The optimum weight of rice samples was 200 mg. The calibration curve was plotted between absorbance in peak area and nanogram of mercury standard between 0.1-10 ng. It was linearly followed equation y = 0.6838x + 0.0151 with the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9998. Precision was reported in term of repeatability as 8.7 %RSD at 0.96 µg kg-1 mercury. The recovery was between 83-114%. The limit of detection was 0.1 µg kg-1 (3S/N). The determined amount of mercury in 56 rice samples grown in Thailand during 2015-2016 was less than 10 µg kg-1, which was under the standard permitted in general food under the notification of the Ministry of Public Health No. 98 (1986).   Keywords: mercury, amalgam, direct thermal decomposition mercury analysis, ric

    The Investigation of Student Dropout Prediction Model in Thai Higher Education Using Educational Data Mining: A Case Study of Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla Uni-versity

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    The student’s retention rate is one of the challenging issues that representing the quality of the university. A high dropout rate of students affects not only the reputation of the university but also the students’ career in the future. Therefore, there is a need of student dropout analysis in order to improve the academic plan and management to reduce students drop out from the university as well as to  enhance the quality of the higher education system. Data mining technique provides powerful methods for analysis and the prediction the dropout. This paper proposes a model for predicting students’ dropout using the dataset from the representative of the largest public university in the Southen part of Thailand. In this study, data from Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University was collected from academic year of 2013 to 2017. The experiment result shows that JRip rule induction is the best technique to generate a prediction model receiving the highest accuracy value of 77.30%. The results highlight the potential prediction model that can be used to detect the early state of dropping out of the student which the university can provide supporting program to improve the student retention rat

    Koostööd arendavad käsitöö õppemängud II ja III kooliastmele

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    Design of a simple monitoring system for large-scale networks

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    Actualmente, existen muchas herramientas de administración de redes que tratan de monitorizar dispositivos de diferentes casas fabricantes. Sin embargo, ninguna de ellas permite automatizar las tareas de monitoreo que se realizan en la red. Para solventar este problema, se propone un sistema a medida que verifica automáticamente los archivos de configuración de los equipos de red para que los técnicos puedan dedicar su tiempo a solucionar los fallos encontrados, lo que dará como resultado un uso más eficiente de sus días de trabajo. El sistema de monitoreo propuesto se desarrolla para la red WAN de la Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT EP) de Ecuador, en el cual se utiliza dos formas para el análisis automático de los registros de configuración: 1) mediante el uso interactivo de comandos que se pueden usar en cualquiera de los dispositivos, independientemente de su marca. 2) mediante el uso de los objetos MIB de Cisco, que son la mayoría de los dispositivos de la red. El sistema se desarrolló utilizando software gratuito y nuestro sistema lleva a cabo la supervisión automática de la red en 14 horas, lo que representa una reducción en el tiempo de aproximadamente el 94%.Currently, there are network management tools that try to monitor devices from different manufacturers. However, none of them allow you to automate the monitoring tasks carried out on the network. To tackle this problem, we propose a tailored system that automatically checks the networking devices’ configuration files. In this way, the technicians can spend their time resolving the faults found, resulting in a more efficient use of their workdays. The proposed monitoring system was developed for the WAN of Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT EP) of Ecuador, in which two forms are used for the automatic analysis of configuration records: 1) by interactive use of commands that can be used in any of the devices, independently of his brand. 2) by using the MIB objects of Cisco, which are most of the network devices. The system was developed using free software and the whole, automatic network monitoring is carried out by our system in 14 hours, which represents a reduction in time of approximately 94%


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Studi Literatur: Pendekatan Bermain Dalam Gerak Melompat Siswa Sekolah Dasar”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mengenai pendekatan bermain dalam gerak melompat siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini hanya memfokuskan pada pendekatan bermain yang menggunakan gerak melompat satu kaki maupun dua kaki pada siswa Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kepustakaan atau library research untuk memperoleh data sesuai topik permasalahan dalam penelitian. Sumber data yang diambil adalah jurnal dan skripsi terdahulu yang relevan serta buku dan sumber data lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil kajian serta analisis pada sumber data, pendekatan bermain dapat digunakan dalam materi gerak melompat pada siswa sekolah dasar seperti lompat lingkaran berwarna, lompat tali karet, lompat bilah bamboo dan kardus, lompat melewati kertas, lompat kangguru dan kegiatan gerak melompat pembelajaran PJOK lainnya. This research is entitled "Literature Study: Playing Approach in Elementary School Students Jumping Motion". This study aims to examine the play approach in the jumping motion of elementary school students. This study only focuses on a play approach that uses one leg or two leg jumps for elementary school students. The research method used is the library research method to obtain data according to the topic of the research problem. Sources of data taken are journals and relevant previous thesis and books and other data sources. Based on the results of the study and analysis of data sources, the play approach can be used in the material of jumping motion for elementary school students such as colored circle jumps, rubber rope jumps, bamboo and cardboard blades jumping, paper jumping, kangaroo jumping and other PJOK learning jump motion activities

    Desarrollo de sistemas de inventarios con demanda estocástica en el almacén de la empresa Happyland Perú S.A. – Lima, 2015

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorAnte la necesidad de desarrollar técnicas y tomar decisiones tácticas que permitan llevar un control selectivo de los inventarios, se realiza esta investigación con el objetivo de aplicar el modelo de gestión de inventarios con demanda estocástica que permite mejorar el promedio de utilidades de la empresa Happyland Perú S.A. - Lima, 2015. La investigación es de tipo no experimental, transversal, debido a que se enfoca en un determinado segmento de tiempo dentro del plazo planeado del estudio. Cuantitativa de acuerdo al carácter de medida de la variable independiente (X: Gestión de Inventarios). La población está comprendida por todos los colaboradores de la empresa Sociedad Happyland Perú S.A. que se ven involucrados por los efectos negativos de no poseer una correcta gestión de inventario; comprendida por 82 colaboradores. Se utiliza la escala de Likert; se realiza el análisis de fiabilidad (alfa de Cronbach) al instrumento desarrollado para evaluar la calidad del estudio obteniendo un α = 0,833 el cual en la escala de confiabilidad, representa una excelente confiabilidad del instrumento. El modelo matemático que explica la aplicación del cuestionario a los dueños del problema es la siguiente: Calidad de la investigación (Y) = 0,401 + 0,440 × (proyección de la demanda) + 0,163 × (Comportamiento de la demanda) + 0,418 × (lote económico) teniendo un coeficiente de correlación R=0,76 nos indica que existe una relación del 76% entre las 3 dimensiones con la calidad de la investigación. El coeficiente de determinación R2=0,577 explica la variabilidad de los datos con respecto a la línea de tendencia.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona