410 research outputs found

    Ethnographies of the Fairs of Açor Chestnut and Soalheira Cheese

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    [Resumen] El presente artículo supone la conclusión de una investigación antropológica más amplia que se ha realizado los últimos cuatro años (2014-2017) sobre diversas fiestas del Municipio de Fundão (Portugal), concretamente sobre la fiestas de los Cencerros (“Chocalhos”) de Alpedrinha (2014); la Fiesta de la Cereza (“Festa da Cereja”) de Alcongosta (2015); el Festival de los Níscaros (“Festival dos Miscaros ”) de Alcaide (2016) -etnografías ya publicadas-; a las que ahora viene a sumarse para completar el ciclo festivo, el estudio de la Feria del Queso (“Feira do Queijo”) de Soalheira (2017) y la Fiesta de las castañas” de la Maúnça en Açor (2017). El objetivo de la etapa final de tal investigación también ha sido además del de completar el mencionado calendario con el estudio de una de las celebraciones más antiguas y quizá la más genuina (Açor), el de aportar una reflexión final sobre la importancia de estos nuevos rituales en la actualidad realizando un análisis de su estructura, de su evolución y una prospectiva sobre su posible futuro. Ya hemos comprobado cómo estas fiestas, que no son del calendario tradicional religioso, están orientadas al incremento del consumo y el comercio de productos rurales autóctonos de calidad, así como a fomentar el turismo y una identidad positiva para los aldeanos. Y también conocemos que este nuevo ciclo festivo es intencionadamente fomentado por las autoridades municipales. En el artículo se retoman, ya al completo, sus orígenes, sus semejanzas y diferencias, y se ensaya poner de manifiesto las oposiciones del código simbólico estructural de las mismas[Abstract] This article supposes the conclusion of a more extensive anthropological investigation that has been realized in the last four years (2014-2017) on diverse festivals of the Municipality of Fundão (Portugal), concretely on the parties of the "Rattles" of Alpedrinha (2014) ; the "Festival of the cherry" of Alcongosta (2015); the "Mushroom Festival" of Alcaide (2016); and the "the chestnuts festival" of the Maunça in Açor (2017), and now being added to complete the festive cycle, the study of the Cheese Fair in Soalheira. The objective of the final stage of such research has also been to complete the mentioned calendar with the study of one of the oldest and perhaps the most genuine (Açor) celebrations, to provide a final reflection on the importance of these new rituals currently performing an analysis of its structure, its evolution and a prospective about its possible future. We have already seen how these holidays, which are not part of the traditional religious calendar, are aimed at increasing the consumption and trade of quality rural native products, as well as promoting tourism and a positive identity for villagers. And we also know that this new festive cycle is intentionally encouraged by the municipal authorities. This article goes back to its origins, its similarities and differences, and tries to reveal the oppositions of the structural symbolic code of the sam

    Anatomical factors in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reduction in the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes With the Mediterranean Diet: Results of the PREDIMED-Reus nutrition intervention randomized trial

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    OBJECTIVE - To test the effects of two Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) interventions versus a low-fat diet on incidence of diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - This was a three-arm randomized trial in 418 nondiabetic subjects aged 55-80 years recruited in one center (PREDIMED-Reus, northeastern Spain) of the Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea [PREDIMED] study, a large nutrition intervention trial for primary cardiovascular prevention in individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Participants were randomly assigned to education on a low-fat diet (control group) or to one of two MedDiets, supplemented with either free virgin olive oil (1 liter/week) or nuts (30 g/day). Diets were ad libitum, and no advice on physical activity was given. The main outcome was diabetes incidence diagnosed by the 2009 American Diabetes Association criteria. RESULTS - After a median follow-up of 4.0 years, diabetes incidence was 10.1% (95% CI 5.1-15.1), 11.0% (5.9 -16.1), and 17.9% (11.4 -24.4) in the MedDiet with olive oil group, the MedDiet with nuts group, and the control group, respectively. Multivariable adjusted hazard ratios of diabetes were 0.49 (0.25- 0.97) and 0.48 (0.24-0.96) in the MedDiet supplemented with olive oil and nuts groups, respectively, compared with the control group. When the two MedDiet groups were pooled and compared with the control group, diabetes incidence was reduced by 52% (27- 86). In all study arms, increased adherence to the MedDiet was inversely associated with diabetes incidence. Diabetes risk reduction occurred in the absence of significant changes in body weight or physical activity. CONCLUSIONS - MedDiets without calorie restriction seem to be effective in the prevention of diabetes in subjects at high cardiovascular risk. © 2011 by the American Diabetes Association.This study was funded, in part, by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) (projects PI051839, PI070240, PI1001407, G03/140, and RD06/0045), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, and the Public Health Division of the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia in collaboration with Merck Sharp & Dohme. The Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero and Hojiblanca SA (Málaga, Spain), California Walnut Commission (Sacramento, CA), Borges SA (Reus, Spain), and Morella Nuts SA (Reus, Spain) donated the olive oil, walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts, respectively, used in the study.Peer Reviewe

    Importancia de los alimentos lácteos en la salud cardiovascular: ¿enteros o desnatados?

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    Las guías nutricionales incorporan los lácteos como parte de una dieta equilibrada y saludable. En la mayoría de las ocasiones se especifica que los productos lácteos sean preferentemente bajos en grasa o desnatados. La razón que subyace a esta limitación es el aporte de ácidos grasos saturados (AGS) inherente al consumo de grasa láctea.Recientemente se ha planteado que valorar los alimentos según el aporte de nutrientes que contienen de forma aislada conlleva a interpretar de forma limitante sus funciones y propiedades. El conocimiento de la matriz alimentaria permite valorar el efecto sobre la salud de los alimentos en su totalidad al considerar, todos los componentes que contiene, y la interacción tras su consumo.Los productos lácteos son un ejemplo para destacar la importancia de la matriz alimentaria como un determinante del efecto que pueden ejercer los nutrientes del alimento. Los efectos potencialmente nocivos de los AGS sobre la salud cardiometabólica parecen no ser tales cuando se consumen como parte de alimentos con matrices alimentarias ricas en nutrientes como son la leche, el yogur, el queso u otros productos lácteos.Estudios epidemiológicos de grandes cohortes poblacionales seguidas a largo plazo muestran que el consumo de productos lácteos, especialmente de yogur, no se asocia con un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular. Por tanto, no existen suficientes evidencias científicas para recomendar a la población general el consumo de productos lácteos bajos en grasa o desnatados de forma preferente, en lugar de su versión entera. The nutritional guidelines incorporate dairy products as part of a balanced and healthy diet. In almost all guidelines it is announced that dairy products have to preferably be consumed as non or low-fat version. The reason behind this recommendation is the intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA). Recently, it has been suggested that building nutritional recommendations according to the nutrient food content, leads to a limiting interpretation of the functions and properties of the consumed food. Lately, the research focus has been shifted towards the study of the food matrix, which allows assessing health effects considering all the components contained in the foods, and their impact in human health. Dairy products are the perfect example to highlight the importance of the food matrix as a determinant of the effects of nutrients on health. The potentially harmful effects of SFA on cardiometabolic health seem to be different when they are consumed within nutrient-rich foods such as yogurt, cheese or other dairy products. Epidemiological studies with large population cohorts and long term follow-up show that consumption of dairy products, especially yogurt, is not associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. Therefore, there is not enough scientific evidence to preferentially recommend the consumption of non-fat or low-fat dairy products to the general population, instead of its whole-fat version

    Sensitivity of composite scores to amyloid burden in preclinical Alzheimer\u27s disease: Introducing the Z-scores of Attention, Verbal fluency, and Episodic memory for Nondemented older adults composite score

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    Introduction: Cognitive composite scores developed for preclinical Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) often consist of multiple cognitive domains as they may provide greater sensitivity to detect β-amyloid (Aβ)-related cognitive decline than episodic memory (EM) composite scores alone. However, this has never been empirically tested. We compared the rate of cognitive decline associated with high Aβ (Aβ+) and very high Aβ (Aβ++) in cognitively normal (CN) older adults on three multidomain cognitive composite scores and one single-domain (EM) composite score. Methods: CN older adults (n = 423) underwent Aβ neuroimaging and completed neuropsychological assessments at baseline, and at 18-, 36-, 54-, and 72-month follow-ups. Four cognitive composite scores were computed: the ADCS-PACC (ADCS-Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite), ADCS-PACC without the inclusion of the mini-mental state examination (MMSE), an EM composite, and the Z-scores of Attention, Verbal fluency, and Episodic memory for Nondemented older adults (ZAVEN) composite. Results: Compared with Aβ+ CN older adults, Aβ++ CN older adults showed faster rates of decline across all cognitive composites, with the largest decline observed for ZAVEN composite (d = 1.07). Similarly, compared with Aβ- CN older adults, Aβ+ CN older adults also showed faster rates of cognitive decline, but only for the ADCS-PACC no MMSE (d = 0.43), EM (d = 0.53), and ZAVEN (d = 0.50) composites. Discussion: Aβ-related cognitive decline is best detected using validated neuropsychological instruments. Removal of the MMSE from the ADCS-PACC and replacing it with a test of executive function (verbal fluency; i.e., the ZAVEN) rendered this composite more sensitive even in detecting Aβ-related cognitive decline between Aβ+ and Aβ++ CN older adults

    Total dairy consumption in relation to overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and prospective cohort studies was conducted to assess the associations between total dairy consumption and its different subtypes with the prevalence and incidence of overweight, obesity, and overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. A literature search was conducted in Medline through PUBMED and Cochrane Library databases until October 18, 2021. Articles reporting the risk estimates as odd ratios (OR), risk ratios (RR), or hazard ratios and their corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) for the association between dairy product consumption and the risk of overweight and/or obesity were included. In the meta-analysis from cross-sectional studies, results showed an inverse association between total dairy consumption and obesity prevalence (OR (95% CI): 0.66 (0.48–0.91). No significant associations were found between milk or yogurt and obesity prevalence risk. Regarding prospective studies, total milk consumption was positively associated with overweight prevalence (OR (95% CI): 1.13 (1.01–1.26)) and incidence (RR (95%CI): 1.17 (1.01–1.35)) risk. Evidence from pooled analysis of cross-sectional studies suggested an inverse association between total dairy consumption and obesity. However, there is limited and no conclusive evidence to confirm an inverse relationship from pooled analysis of prospective studies in children and adolescents

    Direct determination of the solar neutrino fluxes from solar neutrino data

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    We determine the solar neutrino fluxes from a global analysis of the solar and terrestrial neutrino data in the framework of three-neutrino mixing. Using a Bayesian approach we reconstruct the posterior probability distribution function for the eight normalization parameters of the solar neutrino fluxes plus the relevant masses and mixing, with and without imposing the luminosity constraint. This is done by means of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo employing the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. We also describe how these results can be applied to test the predictions of the Standard Solar Models. Our results show that, at present, both models with low and high metallicity can describe the data with good statistical agreement.Comment: 24 pages, 1 table, 7 figures. Acknowledgments correcte