243 research outputs found


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    The word Nighantu in Ayurveda implies the group of drugs, synonyms, properties and their description of part used. Ayurveda treatment possesses herbal, mineral, animal origin products which mainly take part in the treatment of various health ailments. Dhanvantari Nighantu is one of them and is oldest Ayurvedic materia medica placed between 8th -10th AD. The original name of this lexicon is Drvayavali Samucchaya. This book contains seven Vargas namely; Guduchadi Varga, Shatapushpadi Varga, Chandanadi Varga, Karaviradi Varga, Amradi Varga, Suvarnadi Varga, and Mishrakadi Varga, and the total numbers of drugs are 527. The drugs are classified in this book are on the basis of Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka etc. The Nighantu starts with salutation to Lord Dhanvantari, then the author go on narrating the synonyms and properties of the drugs. The peculiar of this Nighantu is the Varga starts with the name of the first drug e.g, Guduchi as Guduchadi Varga. And the Vargas of the medicinal plant are explained systematically first with synonyms and then properties. Also Dadima and Kadali are not mentioned under Phala Varga but in Shatapushpadi Varga and Karaveeradi Varga respectively. The present literary study reveals the critical analysis of the text and the drugs, their properties. Further scope of study is remove the controversy of the date, plants on the basic of literature survey, gathering information by the local people, proper inspection with the microscopes, Sparsha (by touching) and compare with modern flora and fauna with taxonomical parameters

    Pharmacology of Shothahara Dravyas - A Literary Survey

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    The word Shotha refers to oedema and the drugs which relieves the Shotha (oedema) called as Shothahara Dravyas. Ayurveda enumerated number of Shothahara drugs, among them the Dashamoola have given prime importance. The Dashamoola are Bilva, Agnimantha, Shyonaka, Patala, Kashmari, Brihati, Kantakari, Shalaparni, Prishniparni and Gokshura. The roots of these drugs are used to treat oedema. The Shotha is caused by vitiated condition, due to aggravation of Vata, movement or Rasa Dhatu is obstructed. Due to this it gets accumulated in between Twacha and Maamsa, which is known as Shotha, though it is caused by Tridosha, Vatadosha has predominant role. As the Dashamoola is having the Vatagna and Shothagna property so used in these conditions. The present study reveals the reference regarding Shothagna drugs from various classical texts their Rasa Panchakas, pharmacological activities and various research works are reviewed systematically. The further scope of the study is that to make available these drugs as a standard drug (Control Drug) to evaluate the Shothagna activity with the other available drugs along with the clinical study

    Materia medica of Bala Dwaya - A Literary Review

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    Literary Dwaya means two, Bala Dwaya means two types of Bala i.e. Bala and Atibala. Bala means strength promoting, hence it bestows strength and is a tonic in general as well as rejuvenator for all kinds of Vataja disorders. The Bala is Sida cordifolia Linn. and Atibala is Abutilon indicum Linn. both belongs to Malvaceae family. Both are having Madhura Rasa, Madhura Vipaka and Sheeta Virya. In Brimhaniya Mahakashaya of Charaka Samhita it is enumerated that Vatyayani as Bala and Bhadroudini is Atibala. There are two varieties of Atibala one is big and the other is small. The big one is named as Abutilon hirtum where as the second one is named as Abutilon indicum Linn. which is smaller variety. In the Atharva Parishishta the Bala flowers can be used as Pushpabhisheka. The present study of Bala and Atibala reveals the pharmacological actions, their controversies, therapeutic application, etc. according to different Ayurvedic lexicons

    The Harita Samhita - A Literary Review on an ancient Ayurvedic text

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    Harita Samhita is one of the classical work on Ayurvedic medicine, which is written in between 6th to 7th century AD. This book is written in conversation module, and the conversation was between Maharshi Atreya and Acharya Harita. Acharya Harita has proposed his own new concepts in his texts. The present text is divided into six parts, viz; Prathamasthana, Dwitiyasthana, Chikitsasthana, Sutrasthana, Kalpasthana, Sharirasthana. The Harita Samhita can be included under Dravyaguna Shastra. In present work the concepts of Acharya Harita were critically analyzed and elaborated systematically. Further scope of study is to critically analyze the work of Acharya Harita and explore his views to the Ayurvedic scholars

    Introductory knowledge of Annapana Varga - A Literary Review

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    The word Anna refers to Ahara, means the one which is consumed to nourish the bodily tissues. In other words the nutrients which can be taken to maintain the body in healthy state are called as Anna. Carbohydrates, proteins, salts, water, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants etc. macro as well as micro nutrients play an important role in the nourishment of the body. Ayurveda itself is the only branch which tells about the healthy life style, code of conducts, spiritual practices, medicines along with Ahara Upayogi Vargas. The Vargas includes - Jalavarga, Dugdhavarga, Madhuvarga, Tailavarga, Shukadhanyavarga, Shamidhanyavarga, Phalavarga, Shakavarga, Mamsavarga etc. which all mainly take part in the maintenance of good health as well as to attain the salvation i.e. Moksha which is ultimate aim of Ayurveda


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    ABSTRAK Teaterlalanan di India, atau \u27Teater Ketiga\u27 sebagai bentuk komunikasi sosial dan budaya, tertanam kuat dalam tradisi India. Banyak persoalan sosial yang rumit, baik yang terkait dengan jender, persalinan, penyebarluasan pengetahuan tentang HIV dan AIDS, pentingnya mendidik anak perempuan, sistem sosial dan politik, maupun politik kedinastian, dihidupkan melalui genre \u27drama jalanan\u27. Ada \u27diskusi panggung\u27 melalui berbagai perspektif mengenai sejumlah karakter, yang membawa unsur keterlibatan langsung dan urgensi pada tema yang sedang dibahas. Dalam situasi seperti ini, penon ton datang tanpa persiapan untuk menonton sebuah pertunjukan drama dan mungkin tidak memiliki banyak waktu. Oleh karena itu, dampak dari \u27drama jalanan\u27 itu langsung, dekat. intim, dan efektif Dampaknya terasa \u27seketika\u27. Strategi \u27meyakinkan-mengubah\u27 diterapkan ditemani oleh alat musik perkusi India yang disebut Dholak atau paduan suara untuk menarik penonton di perempatan atau di sudut jalan. Kata kunci: Teaterlalanan, revolusioner,proscenium, persoalan sosialyang kompleks, diskusi panggung, revitalisasi teater menggunakan bhasha, instrumen untuk memperoleh dampak langsun

    Development of a decision aid to inform patients' and families' renal replacement therapy selection decisions.

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    BACKGROUND: Few educational resources have been developed to inform patients' renal replacement therapy (RRT) selection decisions. Patients progressing toward end stage renal disease (ESRD) must decide among multiple treatment options with varying characteristics. Complex information about treatments must be adequately conveyed to patients with different educational backgrounds and informational needs. Decisions about treatment options also require family input, as families often participate in patients' treatment and support patients' decisions. We describe the development, design, and preliminary evaluation of an informational, evidence-based, and patient-and family-centered decision aid for patients with ESRD and varying levels of health literacy, health numeracy, and cognitive function. METHODS: We designed a decision aid comprising a complementary video and informational handbook. We based our development process on data previously obtained from qualitative focus groups and systematic literature reviews. We simultaneously developed the video and handbook in "stages." For the video, stages included (1) directed interviews with culturally appropriate patients and families and preliminary script development, (2) video production, and (3) screening the video with patients and their families. For the handbook, stages comprised (1) preliminary content design, (2) a mixed-methods pilot study among diverse patients to assess comprehension of handbook material, and (3) screening the handbook with patients and their families. RESULTS: The video and handbook both addressed potential benefits and trade-offs of treatment selections. The 50-minute video consisted of demographically diverse patients and their families describing their positive and negative experiences with selecting a treatment option. The video also incorporated health professionals' testimonials regarding various considerations that might influence patients' and families' treatment selections. The handbook was comprised of written words, pictures of patients and health care providers, and diagrams describing the findings and quality of scientific studies comparing treatments. The handbook text was written at a 4th to 6th grade reading level. Pilot study results demonstrated that a majority of patients could understand information presented in the handbook. Patient and families screening the nearly completed video and handbook reviewed the materials favorably. CONCLUSIONS: This rigorously designed decision aid may help patients and families make informed decisions about their treatment options for RRT that are well aligned with their values

    The providing resources to enhance African American patients' readiness to make decisions about kidney disease (PREPARED) study: protocol of a randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Living related kidney transplantation (LRT) is underutilized, particularly among African Americans. The effectiveness of informational and financial interventions to enhance informed decision-making among African Americans with end stage renal disease (ESRD) and improve rates of LRT is unknown. METHODS/DESIGN: We report the protocol of the Providing Resources to Enhance African American Patients' Readiness to Make Decisions about Kidney Disease (PREPARED) Study, a two-phase study utilizing qualitative and quantitative research methods to design and test the effectiveness of informational (focused on shared decision-making) and financial interventions to overcome barriers to pursuit of LRT among African American patients and their families. Study Phase I involved the evidence-based development of informational materials as well as a financial intervention to enhance African American patients' and families' proficiency in shared decision-making regarding LRT. In Study Phase 2, we are currently conducting a randomized controlled trial in which patients with new-onset ESRD receive 1) usual dialysis care by their nephrologists, 2) the informational intervention (educational video and handbook), or 3) the informational intervention in addition to the option of participating in a live kidney donor financial assistance program. The primary outcome of the randomized controlled trial will include patients' self-reported rates of consideration of LRT (including family discussions of LRT, patient-physician discussions of LRT, and identification of a LRT donor). DISCUSSION: Results from the PREPARED study will provide needed evidence on ways to enhance the decision to pursue LRT among African American patients with ESRD

    Meta-analysis of molecular response of kidney to ischemia reperfusion injury for the identification of new candidate genes

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    Abstract Background Accumulated to-date microarray data on ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) of kidney represent a powerful source for identifying new targets and mechanisms of kidney IRI. In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis of gene expression profiles of kidney IRI in human, pig, rat, and mouse models, using a new scoring method to correct for the bias of overrepresented species. The gene expression profiles were obtained from the public repositories for 24 different models. After filtering against inclusion criteria 21 experimental settings were selected for meta-analysis and were represented by 11 rat models, 6 mouse models, and 2 models each for pig and human, with a total of 150 samples. Meta-analysis was conducted using expression-based genome-wide association study (eGWAS). The eGWAS results were corrected for a rodent species bias using a new weighted scoring algorithm, which favors genes with unidirectional change in expression in all tested species. Results Our meta-analysis corrected for a species bias, identified 46 upregulated and 1 downregulated genes, of which 26 (55%) were known to be associated with kidney IRI or kidney transplantation, including LCN2, CCL2, CXCL1, HMOX1, ICAM1, ANXA1, and TIMP1, which justified our approach. Pathway analysis of our candidates identified “Acute renal failure panel” as the most implicated pathway, which further validates our new method. Among new IRI candidates were 10 novel (<5 published reports related to kidney IRI) and 11 new candidates (0 reports related to kidney IRI) including the most prominent candidates ANXA2, CLDN4, and TYROBP. The cross-species expression pattern of these genes allowed us to generate three workable hypotheses of kidney IRI, one of which was confirmed by an additional study. Conclusions Our first in the field kidney IRI meta-analysis of 150 microarray samples, corrected for a species bias, identified 10 novel and 11 new candidate genes. Moreover, our new meta-analysis correction method improved gene candidate selection by identifying genes that are model and species independent, as a result, function of these genes can be directly extrapolated to the disease state in human and facilitate translation of potential diagnostic or therapeutic properties of these candidates to the bedside.Peer Reviewe

    Enhanced surface water flood forecasts: User-led development and testing

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    The risk of surface water flooding (SWF) in England is already high and its frequency and severity is projected to increase in the future. SWF generally occurs due to intense, highly localised rainfall, which is challenging to forecast with sufficient accuracy to take proactive action ahead of flood events. Being able to manage the risk effectively lies in improved rainfall and flood forecast products, better communication of uncertainty and building the capacity of local responders. This study utilises state-of-the-art high-resolution ensemble rainfall forecasts and hydraulic modelling tools alongside a novel post-processing method to develop and trial new SWF forecast products within an incident workshop attended by forecast producers and regional forecast users. Twenty-two of 24 workshop participants reported that the new information would be useful to their organisation but more product development and training in its interpretation is required. Specific recommendations to improve SWF forecast provision include increased support for local government through a single government organisation responsible for SWF, making more use of existing static SWF mapping in a real-time context and employing the process of user-based consultation, as outlined in this study, to guide the future development of future SWF forecast information and processes
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