Pharmacology of Shothahara Dravyas - A Literary Survey


The word Shotha refers to oedema and the drugs which relieves the Shotha (oedema) called as Shothahara Dravyas. Ayurveda enumerated number of Shothahara drugs, among them the Dashamoola have given prime importance. The Dashamoola are Bilva, Agnimantha, Shyonaka, Patala, Kashmari, Brihati, Kantakari, Shalaparni, Prishniparni and Gokshura. The roots of these drugs are used to treat oedema. The Shotha is caused by vitiated condition, due to aggravation of Vata, movement or Rasa Dhatu is obstructed. Due to this it gets accumulated in between Twacha and Maamsa, which is known as Shotha, though it is caused by Tridosha, Vatadosha has predominant role. As the Dashamoola is having the Vatagna and Shothagna property so used in these conditions. The present study reveals the reference regarding Shothagna drugs from various classical texts their Rasa Panchakas, pharmacological activities and various research works are reviewed systematically. The further scope of the study is that to make available these drugs as a standard drug (Control Drug) to evaluate the Shothagna activity with the other available drugs along with the clinical study

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