343 research outputs found

    Public survey instruments for business administration using social network analysis and big data

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    Purpose: The subject matter of this research is closely intertwined with the scientific discussion about the necessity of developing and implementing practice-oriented means of measuring social well-being taking into account the intensity of contacts between individuals. The aim of the research is to test the toolkit for analyzing social networks and to develop a research algorithm to identify sources of consolidation of public opinion and key agents of influence. The research methodology is based on postulates of sociology, graph theory, social network analysis and cluster analysis. Design/Methodology/Approach: The basis for the empirical research was provided by the data representing the reflection of social media users on the existing image of Russia and its activities in the Arctic, chosen as a model case. Findings: The algorithm allows to estimate the density and intensity of connections between actors, to trace the main channels of formation of public opinion and key agents of influence, to identify implicit patterns and trends, to relate information flows and events with current information causes and news stories for the subsequent formation of a "cleansed" image of the object under study and the key actors with whom this object is associated. Practical Implications: The work contributes to filling the existing gap in the scientific literature, caused by insufficient elaboration of the issues of applying the social network analysis to solve sociological problems. Originality/Value: The work contributes to filling the existing gap in the scientific literature formed as a result of insufficient development of practical issues of using analysis of social networks to solve sociological problems.peer-reviewe

    Higher education in the field of natural sciences as innovative business success

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    It is suggested in the article qualities that should have any chief to successfully engage in innovative enterpriseВысказываются предположения о том, какими качествами должен быть наделен руководитель, чтобы успешно заниматься инновационным предпринимательство

    Observation of acoustic turbulence in a system of nonlinear second sound waves in superfluid 4He.

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    We discuss the results of recent studies of acoustic turbulence in a system of nonlinear second sound waves in a high-quality resonator filled with superfluid 4He. It was found that, when the driving amplitude was sufficiently increased, a steady-state direct wave cascade is formed involving a flux of energy towards high frequencies. The wave amplitude distribution follows a power law over a wide range of frequencies. Development of a decay instability at high driving amplitudes results in the formation of subharmonics of the driving frequency, and to a backflow of energy towards the low-frequency spectral domain, in addition to the direct cascade

    Analysis of the goldfish Carassius auratus olfactory epithelium transcriptome reveals the presence of numerous non-olfactory GPCR and putative receptors for progestin pheromones

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    The goldfish (Carassius auratus) uses steroids and prostaglandins as pheromone cues at different stages of the reproductive cycle to facilitate spawning synchronization. Steroid progestin pheromone binding has been detected in goldfish olfactory membranes but the receptors responsible for this specific binding remain unknown. In order to shed some light on the olfactory epithelium transcriptome and search for possible receptor candidates a large set of EST from this tissue were analysed and compared to and combined with a similar zebrafish (Danio rerio) resource

    Matter and physical anisotropy of ultramafites of the Barkhatny massif (Kuznetsk Alatau ridge, Western Siberia) as criteria of their mineral potential for geological prospecting works

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    A complex of petrographic, petrofabric, and paleomagnetic analyses that was carried out for rocks from an ultrabasic massif of the Barkhatnaya Mountain in the Northern part of the Kuznetsk Alatau allowed us to prove that internal anisotropy of mineral aggregates had deformation-type evolution, which indicates possible plastic exhumation of lithosphere mantle fragments into upper crust levels. Complete conformity of geophysical and petrofabric parameters points out high possibility of multistage model for obduction of ophiolite association segments proposed for this region. Taking into account specifics of minerageny for such complexes (chromite ores and noble metals, asbestos and nephrites), we offer a new technology for geological prospecting works at the stage of estimating mineral potential of such geological objects, which is based on the presence of differently oriented systems of mineral plane orientation.Проведенный нами комплекс структурно-петрологических и палеомагнитных исследований для ультрабазитов Бархатно- го массива на северном склоне Кузнецкого Алатау подтверждает, что внутренняя анизотропия минеральных агрегатов име- ла деформационную эволюцию, которая указывает на возможную пластическую эксгумацию фрагментов мантии литосферы в верхние горизонты земной коры. Полное соответствие геофизических и петроструктурных параметров отмечает высокую вероятность многостадийной обдукции фрагментов офиолитовой ассоциации, предлагаемой для этого региона. Принимая во внимание особенности минерагении (хромитовые руды и благородные металлы, асбест и нефрит) для таких комплексов мы предлагаем новые методы геологоразведочных работ на стадии оценки рудоносности геологических объектов, которые харак- теризуются дискретными вариациями пространственной ориентировки элементов текстурной анизотропии пород

    Economic potential and development prospects of small businesses in rural areas

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    The article examines the role of small business in the development of rural areas by the example of bakery production. Moreover, it demonstrates the need for the interaction of small bakery businesses with large enterprises of the industry and grain processors. The article reveals the development trends of small bakery production in rural areas. The conditions for the participation of small bakery businesses in rural areas in the development of the production of functional and specialized bread are substantiated. The article proposes the directions and mechanisms of support for small bakery production at the level of rural territories. The development of modern methods of redistribution of bakery production in proportion to the living population, measures of state support for small bakery production and expansion of the range of bread products that contribute to improving the health of the population of Russia, is the theme of this study. The object of the research is the development of small bakery production as a condition for improving the quality of life of the population in rural areas. The subject of the research is production and management relations that ensure the development of small bakery production and its impact on the quality of life of the population in rural areas.peer-reviewe

    Decay of the turbulent cascade of capillary waves on the charged surface of liquid hyrdrogen.

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    We study the free decay of capillary turbulence on the charged surface of liquid hydrogen. We find that the decay begins from the high frequency spectral domains of the surface oscillations and is of a quasi-adiabatic character. The characteristic relaxation time of the whole turbulent cascade is close to the viscous damping time for capillary waves of frequency equal to the driving frequency

    Experiments on wave turbulence : the evolution and growth of second sound acoustic turbulence in superfluid 4He confirm self-similarity.

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    We report our experiments on the formation of second sound acoustic turbulence in superfluid 4He. The initial growth in spectral amplitude follows power laws that steepen rapidly with increasing harmonic number n, corresponding to a propagating front in frequency space. The lower growth exponents agree well with analytic predictions and numerical modeling. The observed increase in the formation delay with n validates the concept of selfsimilarity in the growth of wave turbulence

    Домашнее преимущество в городских дерби и дерби на одном стадионе: свидетельство европейского профессионального футбола

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    The search for the main factors of the home advantage phenomenon in professional European football is a hot topic for scientific research. We assessed the contribution of individual factors to the home advantage using the statistical results of European city derbies, same-stadium derbies, and matches of the championships of microstates. We compared the statistical results of the European city and stadium derbies, as well as matches of the championships of Luxembourg and Malta, played in the presence of spectators in the stands (2017–2020) and without spectators in the Covid‑19 pandemic (2020–2021). The number of home victories was compared with the number of away victories using a paired t-test, and the impact of the number of spectators in the stands on the outcome of matches was assessed based on a logistic regression model. Home advantage was present in European city derbies and Luxembourg championship matches before the Covid‑19 pandemic. For popular city derbies from Europe’s elite leagues, home advantage has been maintained through the Covid‑19 pandemic with no spectators in the stands. There was no home advantage in stadium derbies and Maltese championship matches. We conclude that the home advantage can be determined by the influence of only one factor – familiarity of the players of the home team with the football stadium. The information presented in the article can be used by players, coaches and managers of professional football clubs to improve the performance of the gameПоиск основных факторов, приводящих к домашнему преимуществу в профессиональном футболе, продолжает оставаться актуальной темой для научных исследований. Предложено использовать статистические результаты европейских городских дерби, стадионных дерби, матчей чемпионатов малых по размеру государств, для оценки вклада отдельных факторов в домашнее преимущество. Проведен сравнительный анализ статистических результатов европейских городских и стадионных дерби, а также матчей чемпионата Люксембурга и Мальты, сыгранных в присутствии зрителей на трибунах (2017–2020 гг.) и без зрителей в пандемию Ковид‑19 (2020–2021 гг.). Количество побед хозяев сравнивали с количеством побед гостей с помощью парного t-критерия, влияние количества зрителей на трибунах на исход матчей оценивали на основе модели логистической регрессии. Феномен домашнего преимущества имел место в европейских городских дерби и матчах чемпионата Люксембурга до пандемии Ковид‑19. Для популярных городских дерби из элитных европейских лиг домашнее преимущество сохранялось в пандемию Ковид‑19 при отсутствии зрителей на трибунах. Домашнее преимущество в стадионных дерби и матчах чемпионата Мальты отсутствовало. Сделан вывод о том, что домашнее преимущество может определяться влиянием только одного фактора – знакомства с футбольным стадионом игроками домашней команды. Представленная в статье информация может быть использована игроками, тренерами и менеджерами профессиональных футбольных клубов для повышения результативности игр