900 research outputs found

    Philosophical Reflection of the Concept of "Borders" in Modern Culturechinese Performing

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    Objective: philosophical reflection problems of the frontiers of science, knowledge and creativity in the modern intercultural integration; rationale for new interpretations and understanding of the concept "border" providing an integrative model for science and culture, which, in turn, implies the unacceptability of Orthodox approaches, and rigid demarcation between different spheres of cultural production. This explains the need to develop a "rational-reflexive culture" that meets the new demands of modern society. Research procedure and methods: the theoretical and methodological research of the work is based on the works of classics of Western and domestic philosophical, cultural, historical, and other thought in the field of studying the essence of social and cognitive phenomena; classical and non-classical methodological paradigms of understanding the concept of "borders" in ontological, epistemological grounds and socio-cultural dynamics are used. The main method is the classical method of dialectics, associated with the consideration of things in a broad ontological, epistemological and cultural-historical context; a method of comparative analysis, a combination of historical and logical, concrete-universal, phenomenological and systemic principles, a thesaurus approach. The results of the study: analyzed new meanings of the concept "border", "rational – reflexive culture" in knowledge and creativity; proven illegality model "narrow" technological oriented science and culture to the detriment of the spiritual nature of man; it is proved that as the modern world blurs the lines of demarcation in science, culture, art, insofar exacerbated the task of establishing priorities, implying the transition from a world of "pure rationality" to the life world of man; an optimal model of the conjugacy of all forms of human cognitive and creative activity in culture is proposed, due to the genetic connection of rational and other mental and cognitive forms of world development. Theoretical / practical significance consists in the justification and author's interpretation of the new understanding of the boundaries of science-culture-man; in proving the need to expand the boundaries of science in ontological and epistemological grounds to the "borders of culture"; implemented criticism of the technogenic interpretation of science (science as "sciepse"), with the connection with which the thesis is justified about the inexpediency of excessive rationalization of knowledge and cognition to the detriment of other ways and forms of world development

    Evolution of the Bavarian dialect lexical system

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    The article deals with the specific features of the German language on the Bavarian dialect lexical level. The dialect is remarkable for its innovations and variety of linguistic forms on all levels of its system. The notion “Bavarian dialect” and its correlation with literary German language is being researched. The comparative analysis reveals the facts of deviation from the standards of the literary German language, especially in vocabulary and semantic

    The application of micro-wave treatment to reduce barley contamination

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    ArticleThe goal of this work is to study the applicability of ultra high frequency electromagnetic field treatment for decontaminating barley grain used in brewing while preserving its technological properties. The germination rates and/or yield of the treated sample seed were compared with those of the untreated seed germinated under normal conditions. To determine optimal treatment conditions, a two-factor analysis was carried out, taking the mycological state of the grain into account. The heating rate and the duration of electromagnetic exposure were chosen as variables; these values varied from 0.4 to 0.8 °C s-1 and from 30 to 90 s, respectively. It was found that germination of the treated barley seed was increased about 10.1–15.7% compared with that of the untreated seed. The microbial load decreased up to 80%. A heating rate of 0.4 °C s-1 and treatment exposure time of 30 s showed the strongest effect of decontamination while preserving the viability of the barley grain

    Comparative study of electrophoretic deposition of doped BaCeO3-based films on La2NiO4+δ and La1.7Ba0.3NiO4+δ cathode substrates

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    This paper presents the results of a comparative study of methods to prevent the loss of barium during the formation of thin-film proton-conducting electrolyte BaCe0.89Gd0.1Cu0.01O3-δ (BCGCuO) on La2NiO4+δ-based (LNO) cathode substrates by electrophoretic deposition (EPD). Three different methods of the BCGCuO film coating were considered: the formation of the BCGCuO electrolyte film without (1) and with a protective BaCeO3 (BCO) film (2) on the LNO electrode substrate and the formation of the BCGCuO electrolyte film on a modified La1.7Ba0.3NiO4+δ (LBNO) cathode substrate (3). After the cyclic EPD in six stages, the resulting BCGCuO film (6 μm) (1) on the LNO substrate was completely dense, but the scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis revealed the absence of barium in the film caused by its intensive diffusion into the substrate and evaporation during the sintering. The BCO layer prevented the barium loss in the BCGCuO film (2); however, the protective film possessed a porous island structure, which resulted in the deterioration of the film's conductivity. The use of the modified LBNO cathode also effectively prevented the loss of barium in the BCGCuO film (3). A BCGCuO film whose conductivity behavior most closely resembled that of the compacts was obtained by using this method which has strong potential for practical applications in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology. © 2019 by the authors.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationFunding: This research was funded by the Government of the Russian Federation (Agreement 02.A03.21.0006, Act 211)

    Role of diamine oxidase in the pathogenesis of chronic urticaria

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    Chronic urticaria is a polyetiological disease proceeding by various immunological and non-immunological (pseudo-allergic) mechanisms. Food intolerance is a distinct type of pseudo-allergies, manifesting, e.g., with histamine intolerance syndrome, caused by imbalance between the histamine accumulation and the ability to degrade it. The purpose of this article was to summarize results of recent studies, to discuss the difficulties of diagnosing this pathology, which primarily depends on the degree of impaired histamine degradation under the influence of diamine oxidase. Diamine oxidase is the main enzyme required for histamine destruction in the intestines, being synthesized by apical enterocytes. The review draws attention to the reasons leading to increased level of histamine not only with consumed food, given its different concentration in the same food products, depending, for example, on their processing and storage, but also with suppressing activity of the enzymes required for metabolism of histamine by various food additives, by the influence of microbiota. The results of studies in which the levels of histamine and/or diamine oxidase activity were determined, which depend on adherence to the diet confirming the association of diamine oxidase with the symptoms of histamine intolerance. According to most studies, the compliance with diet led to increased level of diamine oxidase. However, in some studies, no changes in the activity of this enzyme were found. There are several studies that have evaluated the levels of diamine oxidase in patients with true allergies. Moreover, some authors, in addition to adherence to the diet, evaluated the effectiveness of drugs containing diamine oxidase in patients with low levels of this enzyme in blood serum. The workers also confirm high proportion of histamine intolerance syndrome among various food reactions, suggesting a need for differential diagnosis with other non-immune reactions, including disorders of gastrointestinal tract and psychosomatic reactions. Thus, all the authors confirm the need for laboratory diagnosis of histamine intolerance syndrome, since this will not only increase the efficiency of dietary adherence, but also substantiate the usage of drugs containing diamine oxidase, which will improve quality of life in these cohorts. However, these patients are still treated with low-histamine diets. The literature data confirm the opportunity of using this histamine degradation enzyme as a biological marker of histamine intolerance syndrome, and recommend its assays for inclusion into the diagnostic algorithm for chronic urticaria

    The practice of using FMEA-analysis at a Russian industrial enterprise

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    Поэтапное описание внедрения методики FMEA на российском предприятии, влияние внедрения методики на производственный процесс и качество продукции. Актуальные проблемы, возникающие при внедрении методики на производстве.A phased description of the implementation of the FMEA methodology in a Russian enterprise, the impact of the implementation of the methodology on the production process and product quality. Actual problems arising from the introduction of methods in production

    Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the dissolution of milk solids during the reconstitution of skim milk powder

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    ArticleThe producing reconstituted milk products that retain the same sensory properties as those of raw milk products is of high interest to the food industry In the technology of producing reconstituted milk processing products, the most significant factor that determines the component transition degree and the usefulness of the product being produced is the recombination process. It determines the possibility of bringing the organoleptic characteristics of reconstituted milk to the properties of the genuine one. One promising method to improve the process of milk powder recombination is ultrasonic exposure. The aim of the present study is to improve the process of milk powder recombination using ultrasonic exposure. The results of the conducted studies show that the ultrasonic treatment eliminates the agglomerates of dried milk particles in water and provides more accessible interaction between the particles and water, and as a result, improves the recombination process. The application of ultrasonic treatment during the reconstitution of the skim milk powder improved the dissolution of milk solids, as evidenced by around a 75% reduction in the amount of centrifuged insoluble sediment. The mass fractions of protein and lactose have increased by 4.8 and 6.5%, respectively