51 research outputs found
Discourses of conflict and collaboration and institutional context in the implementation of forest conservation policies in Soria, Spain
This article examines the emergence of conflict and collaboration in the implementation of forest conservation policies in Soria, Spain. We draw insights from discursive institutionalism and use a comparative case study approach to analyse and compare a situation of social conflict over the Natural Park declaration in the Sierra de Urbión, and a civil society led collaborative process to develop management plans for the “Sierra de Cabrejas” in Soria. The implementation of the EU Habitats Directive generated different outcomes in these two cases, which unfolded in the context of the same nature conservation legislation and national and provincial administrative structures but differed in terms of types of forests involved, property rights arrangements and forest use histories. We critically examine the influence of the institutional context and dominant discourses on the emergence of outcomes: conflict emerged where local institutions and discourses were threatened by the EU directive, while collaboration was possible where local institutions and counter-discourses were weak. We find that the institutional context plays an important part in determining local discourses in the implementation of forest conservation policies. Yet local counter-discourses have limited influence in the implementation and policy processes in the face of contestation by the discourses of regional civil servants conservation activists
VIGOR: Sviluppo geotermico nelle Regioni della Convergenza
La valutazione del potenziale geotermico.
Quadro normativo e iter autorizzativo per la ricerca e la coltivazione di risorse geotermiche.
Accettabilità sociale della geotermia.
Il caso tipo di Termini Imeres
Formazione di addotti emoglobinici nell'esposizione a farmaci antineoplastici
Denne artikkelen handler om norske engelsklæreres kompetanse i å arbeide med barn som har et annet morsmål enn norsk, og som lærer engelsk som fremmedspråk. Problemstillingene er "Hva slags utdanning og kunnskap innen flerspråklighet har engelsklærere i Norge?," "I hvilken grad føler engelsklærere i Norge seg forberedt på å undervise i flerkulturelle og flerspråklige klasserom?" og "Hvilken type kunnskap, ferdigheter og ressurser føler de behov for?". Vi presenterer resultater fra en nasjonal spørreundersøkelse hvor i alt 176 engelsklærere deltok. I tillegg presenterer vi resultater fra fokusintervjuer med i alt fire lærere fra to skoler. Resultatene viser at selv om engelsklærerne til en viss grad føler seg forberedt på arbeid med elever som ikke har norsk som morsmål, har svært få av dem utdanning som fokuserer på flerspråklighet. Svarene fra spørreundersøkelsen og fra intervjuene viser at engelsklærerne gjerne vil ha mer kompetanse på dette området. Vi vil derfor understreke betydningen av utdanning i teori og praksis om flerspråklig utvikling og flerkulturell utdanningsteori, og ikke minst betydningen av tilgang til faglig utvikling som fokuserer på flerspråklighet i skolen og i samfunnet for engelsklærere i Norge
Laparoscopic treatment of hepatic cysts [Il trattamento laparoscopico delle cisti epatiche.]
Laparoscopic treatment of simple hepatic cysts is reported. Recent indications to conservative surgical treatment for this benign disease are considered and different therapeutic options are analyzed. Surgical technique adopted in two cases observed is illustrated. In conclusion, the Authors consider laparoscopic treatment as an effective method for a mini-invasive surgical approach
Identification of enzyme origin in dough improvers: DNA-based and proteomic approaches
Enzymatic dough improvers (DIs) are increasingly used as baking co-adjuvants. Herein, an array of techniques, including Western blotting, PCR, electrophoresis-based and shotgun proteomics, was addressed to identify the enzymes in six commercial DI preparations. In particular, this work sought to exclude the possible undeclared use of amylolytic enzymes from porcine (or other animal origin) pancreas in DIs. PCR-amplified mitochondrial cytochrome b (mt cyt b) gene region and porcine pancreatic α-amylase were the targets of DNA-based and protein methods, respectively, both assuring a limit of detection lower than 0.5–0.1% (w/w). Aspergillum oryzae α-amylase and Hordeum vulgare (barley) β-amylase were the most represented enzymes in all DI samples. Although one sample was PCR-positive, none among the DIs contained porcine pancreatic enzymes. Comparative gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acids suggested that the porcine contamination might arise from hard fats of porcine origin (lard), emphasizing the need of performing analyses at the protein level when the targets are enzymes or proteins
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