607 research outputs found

    High luminosity, slow ejecta and persistent carbon lines: SN 2009dc challenges thermonuclear explosion scenarios

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    Extended optical and near-IR observations reveal that SN 2009dc shares a number of similarities with normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), but is clearly overluminous, with a (pseudo-bolometric) peak luminosity of log (L) = 43.47 (erg s^(−1)). Its light curves decline slowly over half a year after maximum light [Δm_(15)(B)_true= 0.71], and the early-time near-IR light curves show secondary maxima, although the minima between the first and the second peaks are not very pronounced. The bluer bands exhibit an enhanced fading after ~200 d, which might be caused by dust formation or an unexpectedly early IR catastrophe. The spectra of SN 2009dc are dominated by intermediate-mass elements and unburned material at early times, and by iron-group elements at late phases. Strong C ii lines are present until ~2 weeks past maximum, which is unprecedented in thermonuclear SNe. The ejecta velocities are significantly lower than in normal and even subluminous SNe Ia. No signatures of interaction with a circumstellar medium (CSM) are found in the spectra. Assuming that the light curves are powered by radioactive decay, analytic modelling suggests that SN 2009dc produced ~1.8 M_⊙ of ^(56)Ni assuming the smallest possible rise time of 22 d. Together with a derived total ejecta mass of ~2.8 M_⊙, this confirms that SN 2009dc is a member of the class of possible super-Chandrasekhar-mass SNe Ia similar to SNe 2003fg, 2006gz and 2007if. A study of the hosts of SN 2009dc and other superluminous SNe Ia reveals a tendency of these SNe to explode in low-mass galaxies. A low metallicity of the progenitor may therefore be an important prerequisite for producing superluminous SNe Ia. We discuss a number of possible explosion scenarios, ranging from super-Chandrasekhar-mass white-dwarf progenitors over dynamical white-dwarf mergers and Type I(1/2) SNe to a core-collapse origin of the explosion. None of the models seems capable of explaining all properties of SN 2009dc, so that the true nature of this SN and its peers remains nebulous

    The Progenitors of Recent Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We present the results of our analysis of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and deep ground-based images to isolate the massive progenitor stars of the two recent core-collapse supernovae 2008 bk and 2008 cn. The identification of the progenitors is facilitated in one of these two cases by high-precision astrometry based on our HST imaging of SNe at late times

    SN 2013df, a double-peaked IIb supernova from a compact progenitor and an extended H envelope

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    Optical observations of the type IIb SN 2013df from a few days to about 250 days after explosion are presented. These observations are complemented with UV photometry taken by \textit{SWIFT} up to 60 days post-explosion. The double-peak optical light curve is similar to those of SNe 1993J and 2011fu although with different decline and rise rates. From the modelling of the bolometric light curve, we have estimated that the total mass of synthesised 56^{56}Ni in the explosion is ∼0.1\sim0.1 M⊙_{\odot}, while the ejecta mass is 0.8−1.40.8-1.4 M⊙_{\odot} and the explosion energy 0.4−1.2×10510.4-1.2 \times 10^{51}erg. In addition, we have estimated a lower limit to the progenitor radius ranging from 64−16964-169 R⊙R_{\odot}. The spectral evolution indicates that SN 2013df had a hydrogen envelope similar to SN 1993J (∼0.2\sim 0.2 M⊙_{\odot}). The line profiles in nebular spectra suggest that the explosion was asymmetric with the presence of clumps in the ejecta, while the [O\,{\sc i}] λ\lambdaλ\lambda63006300, 63646364 luminosities, may indicate that the progenitor of SN 2013df was a relatively low mass star ( ∼12−13\sim 12-13 M⊙_{\odot}).Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Type IIn Supernova SN 2010bt: The Explosion of a Star in Outburst

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    Indexación: Scopus.It is well known that massive stars (M > 8 M ) evolve up to the collapse of the stellar core, resulting in most cases in a supernova (SN) explosion. Their heterogeneity is related mainly to different configurations of the progenitor star at the moment of the explosion and to their immediate environments. We present photometry and spectroscopy of SN 2010bt, which was classified as a Type IIn SN from a spectrum obtained soon after discovery and was observed extensively for about 2 months. After the seasonal interruption owing to its proximity to the Sun, the SN was below the detection threshold, indicative of a rapid luminosity decline. We can identify the likely progenitor with a very luminous star (log L/L ≈ 7) through comparison of Hubble Space Telescope images of the host galaxy prior to explosion with those of the SN obtained after maximum light. Such a luminosity is not expected for a quiescent star, but rather for a massive star in an active phase. This progenitor candidate was later confirmed via images taken in 2015 (∼5 yr post-discovery), in which no bright point source was detected at the SN position. Given these results and the SN behavior, we conclude that SN 2010bt was likely a Type IIn SN and that its progenitor was a massive star that experienced an outburst shortly before the final explosion, leading to a dense H-rich circumstellar environment around the SN progenitor. © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aac51

    Explosion of a massive, He-rich star at z=0.16

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric data of the peculiar SN 2001gh, discovered by the 'Southern inTermediate Redshift ESO Supernova Search' (STRESS) at a redshift z=0.16. SN 2001gh has relatively high luminosity at maximum (M_B = -18.55 mag), while the light curve shows a broad peak. An early-time spectrum shows an almost featureless, blue continuum with a few weak and shallow P-Cygni lines that we attribute to HeI. HeI lines remain the only spectral features visible in a subsequent spectrum, obtained one month later. A remarkable property of SN 2001gh is the lack of significant spectral evolution over the temporal window of nearly one month separating the two spectra. In order to explain the properties of SN 2001gh, three powering mechanism are explored, including radioactive decays of a moderately large amount of 56Ni, magnetar spin-down, and interaction of SN ejecta with circumstellar medium. We favour the latter scenario, with a SN Ib wrapped in a dense, circumstellar shell. The fact that no models provide an excellent fit with observations, confirms the troublesome interpretation of the nature of SN 2001gh. A rate estimate for SN 2001gh-like event is also provided, confirming the intrinsic rarity of these objects.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted by MNRA

    Moderately Luminous type II Supernovae

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    Core-collapse Supernovae (CC-SNe) descend from progenitors more massive than about 8 Msun. Because of the young age of the progenitors, the ejecta may eventually interact with the circumstellar medium (CSM) via highly energetic processes detectable in the radio, X-ray, ultraviolet (UV) and, sometimes, in the optical domains. In this paper we present ultraviolet, optical and near infrared observations of five type II SNe, namely SNe 2009dd, 2007pk, 2010aj, 1995ad, and 1996W. Together with few other SNe they form a group of moderately luminous type II events. We collected photometry and spectroscopy with several telescopes in order to construct well-sampled light curves and spectral evolutions from the photospheric to the nebular phases. Both photometry and spectroscopy indicate a degree of heterogeneity in this sample. The light curves have luminous peak magnitudes (−16.95<MB<−18.70-16.95<M_{B}<-18.70). The ejected masses of ^56\ni for three SNe span a wide range of values (2.8×10−22.8\times10^{-2}Msun<<M(\ni)<1.4×10−1<1.4\times10^{-1}Msun), while for a fourth (SN2010aj) we could determine a stringent upper limit (7×10−37\times10^{-3}Msun). Clues of interaction, such as the presence of high velocity (HV) features of the Balmer lines, are visible in the photospheric spectra of SNe 2009dd and 1996W. For SN2007pk we observe a spectral transition from a type IIn to a standard type II SN. Modelling the observations of SNe 2009dd, 2010aj and 1995ad with radiation hydrodynamics codes, we infer kinetic plus thermal energies of about 0.2-0.5 foe, initial radii of 2-5×1013\times10^{13} cm and ejected masses of ∼\sim5.0-9.5 Msun. These values suggest moderate-mass, super-asymptotic giant branch (SAGB) or red super-giants (RSG) stars as SN precursors, in analogy with other luminous type IIP SNe 2007od and 2009bw.Comment: 28 pages, 27 fig, accepted by A&A, 3 pages of online material, abstract abridged. revised significantly with respect to the previous versio

    The supernova impostor PSN J09132750+7627410 and its progenitor

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    We report the results of our follow-up campaign of the supernova impostor PSN J09132750+7627410, based on optical data covering ∼250 d\sim250\,\rm{d}. From the beginning, the transient shows prominent narrow Balmer lines with P-Cygni profiles, with a blue-shifted absorption component becoming more prominent with time. Along the ∼3 months\sim3\,\rm{months} of the spectroscopic monitoring, broad components are never detected in the hydrogen lines, suggesting that these features are produced in slowly expanding material. The transient reaches an absolute magnitude Mr=−13.60±0.19 magM_r=-13.60\pm0.19\,\rm{mag} at maximum, a typical luminosity for supernova impostors. Amateur astronomers provided ∼4 years\sim4\,\rm{years} of archival observations of the host galaxy, NGC 2748. The detection of the quiescent progenitor star in archival images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope suggests it to be an 18−2018-20\msun white-yellow supergiant.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, supplemental material available in the source file. Accepted for publication on Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Type IIP SN 2007od in UGC 12846: from a bright maximum to dust formation in the nebular phase

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    Ultraviolet (UV), optical and near infrared (NIR) observations of the type IIP supernova (SN) 2007od are presented, covering from the maximum light to the late phase, allowing to investigate in detail different physical phenomena in the expanding ejecta. These data turn this object into one of the most peculiar IIP ever studied. The early light curve of SN 2007od is similar to that of a bright IIPs with a short plateau, a bright peak (MV = -18 mag), but a very faint optical light curve at late time. However, with the inclusion of mid infrared (MIR) observations during the radioactive decay we have estimate a M(56Ni) ~ 2\times10^-2 M\odot. Modeling the bolometric light curve, ejecta expansion velocities and black-body temperature, we estimate a total ejected mass was 5 - 7.5 M\odot with a kinetic energy of at least 0.5 \times 10^51 erg. The early spectra reveal a boxy H{\alpha} profile and high velocities features of the Balmer series that suggest interaction between the ejecta and a close circum-stellar matter (CSM). SN 2007od may be, therefore, an intermediate case between a Type IIn SN and a typical Type IIP SN. Also late spectra show a clear evidence of CSM and the presence of dust formed inside the ejecta. The episodes of mass loss short before explosion, the bright plateau, along with the relatively small amount of 56Ni and the faint [O I] observed in the nebular spectra are consistent with a super-asympthotic giant branch (super-AGB) progenitor (M~9.7 - 11 M\odot).Comment: V2, some test added and three figures changed from the first version. 21 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS on May 24, 201

    Interpreting the near-infrared spectra of the 'golden standard' Type Ia supernova 2005cf

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    We present nine near-infrared (NIR) spectra of supernova (SN) 2005cf at epochs from -10 d to +42 d with respect to B-band maximum, complementing the existing excellent data sets available for this prototypical Type Ia SN at other wavelengths. The spectra show a time evolution and spectral features characteristic of normal Type Ia SNe, as illustrated by a comparison with SNe 1999ee, 2002bo and 2003du. The broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) of SN 2005cf is studied in combined ultraviolet (UV), optical and NIR spectra at five epochs between ~ 8 d before and ~ 10 d after maximum light. We also present synthetic spectra of the hydrodynamic explosion model W7, which reproduce the key properties of SN 2005cf not only at UV-optical as previously reported, but also at NIR wavelengths. From the radiative-transfer calculations we infer that fluorescence is the driving mechanism that shapes the SED of SNe Ia. In particular, the NIR part of the spectrum is almost devoid of absorption features, and instead dominated by fluorescent emission of both iron-group material and intermediate-mass elements at pre-maximum epochs, and pure iron-group material after maximum light. A single P-Cygni feature of Mg II at early epochs and a series of relatively unblended Co II lines at late phases allow us to constrain the regions of the ejecta in which the respective elements are abundant.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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