85 research outputs found

    The Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms Providing the Increased Constitutive Cold Resistance in the Potato Plants, Expressing the Yeast SUC2 Gene Encoding Apoplastic Invertase

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    The expression of heterologous genes in plants is an effective method to improve our understanding of plant resistance mechanisms. The purpose of this work was to investigate the involvement of cell-wall invertase and apoplastic sugars into constitutive cold resistance hypothermia conditions compared to WT-plants. This fact allows us to consider cell-wall invertase as a enzyme of carbohydrate metabolism playing an important regulatory role in the metabolic signaling upon forming increased plant resistance to low temperature. Thus, the potato line with the integrated SUC2 gene is a convenient tool to study the role of the apoplastic invertase and the products of its activity during growth, development and formation constitutive resistance to hypothermia

    Assessment of the Macro-and Microelement Composition of Fly Ash from 50-Year-Old Ash Dumps in the Middle Urals (Russia)

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    The paper considers the macro-and micro-element composition of two ash dumps in the Middle Urals, where meadow and forest communities have been spontaneously forming for 50 years, as well as the effect of the plants on the changing composition of the ash. Higher contents of Cu, Co, Sn, Ga, and Yb were found in the deep ash layers of both dumps, while in the upper 20-cm layer, the trace element composition depended on the influence of different plant communities. Higher contents of Sr, Cr, Ni, Sn, and Co were revealed under meadows, and Ba, Zr, and La were found under the forest. The levels of element accumulation in the aboveground and underground parts of dominant plants were revealed. Increased content of Be, Ce, Ga, La, Sc, Y, and Yb was detected in areas where meadow plants were dominant and Zn and Ba in forest areas. The toxic elements Cd and Pb were highly accumulated in both communities, whereas Co was found only in meadows. The studied materials can serve as a base to assess the feasibility of processing and/or utilizing fly ash from ash dumps in the Middle Urals and similar ash dumps in other regions situated in the southern taiga. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [project number 121031700309-1 in ISSA SB RAS and project number FEUZ-2021-0014 in URFU]

    A clinical case of secondary arterial hypertension on the background of type I neurofibromatosis with impairment of abdominal aortic branches: diagnosis features, tactics, treatment methods

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    The purpose of the study was to demonstrate a clinical case of secondary AH in a 5-year-old patient occurring against the background of type I neurofibromatosis with lesions of the abdominal aortic branches caused by nonspecific arteritis.Цель исследования – демонстрация клинического случая вторичной АГ у пациента 5 лет, протекающей на фоне нейрофиброматоза I типа с поражением ветвей брюшной аорты, обусловленным неспецифическим артериитом

    Efficiency of psycho-emotional stroop-test in the diagnostics of arterial hypertension for children and teenagers

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    We used Stroop-test as a psychoemotional load of children in hospital. Before, during and after testing we estimated arterial pressure and pulse, also we estimated ECG and 24-hour blood pressure monitorin. Wer previously analysed the medical histories of patients (medical history, complaints, and related pathology). The Stroop-test showed a high efficiency of 63%. It allows to reveal among patients a group of persons with early functional haemodynamic infringements that allows to consider them as group of the raised risk of development of an arterial hypertensia and demands their further supervision and inspection.Исследование психоэмоционального состояния больных проводили с помощью Струп-теста. Тестирование проводили в условиях стационара. До, во время и после тестирования измеряли АД и ЧСС у детей, дополнительно проводилось снятие электрокардиограммы, а также суточное мониторирование артериального давления. Предварительно были проанализированы истории болезни больных (анамнез, жалобы, сопутствующая патология). Проба показала высокую эффективность 63%, что говорит о возможности ее применения в качестве дополнительного метода к уже известным пробам, но для более точной ее оценки необходимы дополнительные исследования с привлечением группы контроля и стандартизация пробы


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    The present paper shows the relationship of the success rate of alpha-training – learning to voluntarily increase the power of the alpha-rhythm with the help of the neurofeedback – with factors of the "Big Five" model of personality traits (NEO–FFI). It was found that most successful at the task of training were the subjects with low scores on Extraversion dimension and moderately high scores on Neuroticism dimension.Показана связь успешности прохождения альфа-тренинга – обучения произвольному увеличению мощности альфа-ритма при помощи технологии биоуправления – с факторами «большой пятерки» личностных черт (NEO-FFI). Установлено, что c задачей тренинга наиболее успешно справляются испытуемые с низкими баллами по шкале «Экстраверсия» и умеренно высокими баллами по шкале «Нейротизм»

    Innovative direction of educational trajectory of pediatrics under continuous medical education successes, problems and prospects

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    The main problems and perspectives of the development of continuous medical education (NMI) and the work of the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics and Pediatrics of the FPK and PP FGBOU in the UGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia on the introduction of the NMA system are presented. An analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey of 45 pediatricians participating in the implementation of the pilot project for the implementation of the additional educational program “Palliative care in pediatrics.” As a result of the study, 80% of the practitioners indicated that the information on the palliative care system for children is known to them for the first time, and the cycle is timely and in demand by the pediatric community.Представлены основные проблемы и перспективы развития непрерывного медицинского образования (НМО) и работа кафедры поликлинической педиатрии и педиатрии ФПК и ПП ФГБОУ ВО УГМУ Минздрава России по внедрению системы НМО. Проведен анализ результатов анкетирования 45 врачей-педиатров, участвующих в реализации пилотного проекта по реализации дополнительной образовательной программы «Паллиативная помощь в педиатрии». В результате проведенного исследования 80% врачей практического звена указали на то, что полученная информация по системе оказания паллиативной помощи детям познается ими впервые, а проведение цикла своевременно и востребовано педиатрическим сообществом

    Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Alters Mycobacterium Bovis BCG-Induced Cytokine Production in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Contraceptive Users

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    Most individuals latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) contain the infection by a balance of effector and regulatory immune responses. This balance can be influenced by steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids. The widely used contraceptive medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) possesses glucocorticoid activity. We investigated the effect of this hormone on immune responses to BCG in household contacts of active TB patients. Multiplex bead array analysis revealed that MPA demonstrated both glucocorticoid and progestogenic properties at saturating and pharmacological concentrations in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and suppressed antigen specific cytokine production. Furthermore we showed that PBMCs from women using MPA produced significantly lower levels of IL-1α, IL-12p40, IL-10, IL-13 and G-CSF in response to BCG which corresponded with lower numbers of circulating monocytes observed in these women. Our research study is the first to show that MPA impacts on infections outside the genital tract due to a systemic effect on immune function. Therefore MPA use could alter susceptibility to TB, TB disease severity as well as change the efficacy of new BCG-based vaccines, especially prime-boost vaccine strategies which may be administered to adult or adolescent women in the future

    Асцитно-солидная модель рака предстательной железы и ее морфологическая характеристика

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    Targeted therapy and immunotherapy are considered promising novel therapies capable of increasing the effcacy of prostate cancer (PCa) treatment. The purpose of the study was to obtain and characterize TRAMP-C2 subcutaneous and ascite-solid models of prostate cancer in C57Bl/6j mice to study specifc anti-tumor activity of the candidate molecules of targeted drugs and adjust immunotherapy strategies in an evidence-based manner. Material and Methods. We used cultured TRAMP-C2 cells in subcutaneous and ascites mouse prostate cancer models. Histological and immunohistochemical methods were used to study the tumor tissues. Results. The high in vivo growth ability of TRAMP-C2 cells was demonstrated in subcutaneous and intraperitoneal inoculation of C57Bl/6j mice. These tumors are characterized by a high reproducibility and level of PSMA expression. Histological study showed that subcutaneous and carcinomatous TRAMP-C2 tumor nodules had solid structure morphologically corresponding to low differentiated neoplasm, cytomorphological analysis of smears showed that peritoneal fuid containd a large number of rounded tumor cells, macrophages and erythrocytes. Conclusion. The obtained subcutaneous and ascite-solid models of TRAMP-C2 can be useful for the development of new ways to effectively treat cancer, including targeted and immunotherapy, as well as for the experimental study of biotherapeutic effects using PSMA as a target, and photoinduced effects.Подходы, основанные на принципах таргетной терапии и иммунотерапии, рассматриваются как перспективное направление для создания новых методов, способных увеличить эффективность лечения больных раком предстательной железы (РПЖ). Цель исследования – получение и характеристика подкожной и асцитно-солидной моделей РПЖ TRAMP-C2 у мышей С57Bl/6j для изучения специфической противоопухолевой активности молекул-кандидатов таргетных лекарственных средств и корректировки стратегий иммунотерапии. Материал и методы. Объект исследования – подкожная и асцитная модели рака предстательной железы мыши, полученные с использованием клеток TRAMP-C2. Для исследования тканей опухолей использованы методы гистологического и иммуногистохимического анализов. Результаты. Показана высокая способность клеток TRAMP-C2 к росту in vivo при подкожной и внутрибрюшинной инокуляции мышам С57Bl/6j. Данные опухоли характеризуются высокой воспроизводимостью и уровнем экспрессии PSMA. При гистологическом исследовании показано, что подкожные и канцероматозные опухолевые узлы TRAMP-C2 имеют солидное строение, морфологически соответствующее низкодифференцированному образованию, при цитоморфологическом анализе мазков – в перитонеальной жидкости содержится большое количество округлых опухолевых клеток, макрофагов и эритроцитов. Заключение. Полученные подкожная и асцитно-солидная модели TRAMP-C2 могут быть полезны для разработки новых способов эффективного лечения РПЖ, в том числе таргетной и иммунотерапии, а также при экспериментальном изучении биотерапевтических воздействий, использующих PSMA в качестве мишени, и фотоиндуцированных эффектов

    Fructan and its relationship to abiotic stress tolerance in plants

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    Numerous studies have been published that attempted to correlate fructan concentrations with freezing and drought tolerance. Studies investigating the effect of fructan on liposomes indicated that a direct interaction between membranes and fructan was possible. This new area of research began to move fructan and its association with stress beyond mere correlation by confirming that fructan has the capacity to stabilize membranes during drying by inserting at least part of the polysaccharide into the lipid headgroup region of the membrane. This helps prevent leakage when water is removed from the system either during freezing or drought. When plants were transformed with the ability to synthesize fructan, a concomitant increase in drought and/or freezing tolerance was confirmed. These experiments indicate that besides an indirect effect of supplying tissues with hexose sugars, fructan has a direct protective effect that can be demonstrated by both model systems and genetic transformation