291 research outputs found

    Somatic cell counts in bulk milk and their importance for milk processing

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    Bulk tank milk somatic cell counts are the indicator of the mammary gland health in the dairy herds and may be regarded as an indirect measure of milk quality. Elevated somatic cell counts are correlated with changes in milk composition The aim of this study was to assess the somatic cell counts that significantly affect the quality of milk and dairy products. We examined the somatic cell counts in bulk tank milk samples from 38 farms during the period of 6 months, from December to the May of the next year. The flow cytometry, Fossomatic was used for determination of somatic cell counts. In the same samples content of total proteins and lactose was determined by Milcoscan. Our results showed that average values for bulk tank milk samples were 273,605/ml from morning milking and 292,895/ml from evening milking. The average values for total proteins content from morning and evening milking are 3,31 and 3,34%, respectively. The average values for lactose content from morning and evening milking are 4,56 and 4,63%, respectively. The highest somatic cell count (516,000/ml) was detected in bulk tank milk sample from evening milk in the Winter and the lowest content of lactose was 4,46%. Our results showed that obtained values for bulk tank milk somatic cell counts did not significantly affected the content of total proteins and lactose

    Histologija creva i promene u visini enterocita kod dužičaste pastrmke (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) gajene u kaveznom sistemu

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    Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) was grown in cages (water reservoirs 'Bočac', Bosnia and Herzegovina) in two separate experiments for a period of 90 days (autumn - winter and spring - summer). Trout were fed six different feed formulations and studied their influence on rainbow trout intestine histology. Normal histological structure of this part of the digestive system was found. The results showed that with water temperature and feed quantity decrease, the height of enterocytes increases; while with increase of water temperature and amount of food given to the fish, the average height of enterocytes decreased.Dužičasta pastrmka (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) je gajena u kaveznom sistemu (akumulacija 'Bočac', Bosna i Hercegovina) u dva odvojena eksperimenta u trajanju od po 90 dana (ciklus jesen - zima i ciklus proleće - leto). Pastrmke su hranjene sa šest različitih hrana i proučavan je uticaj hrane na histologiju creva. U svim uzorcima nađena je normalna histološka slika ovog dela digestivnog sistema. Rezultati su pokazali da kada temperatura vode i količina hrane pada, visina enterocita se povećava, dok je u suprotnom slučaju, kada se temperatura vode i količina davane hrane povećava, prosečna visina enterocita opada

    Enzymes as a platform for drug development

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    Polyoxometalates are negatively charged polyanions containing early transition metal ions in their high oxidation state surrounded by bridged oxygen. Firstly, these metal-based clusters were used as promising agents in electron-dense imaging, separations, catalysis, and analysis. In recent years, numerous studies in vitro and in vivo found that these nanocomplexes possess a variety of biological effects including antidiabetic, anticancer, and antibiotic actions. Despite these observed properties, the mechanism of their biological activities has not been completely elucidated so far. On the other hand, the results of enzymatic studies revealed their inhibiting influence on physiologically important extracellular enzymes such as phosphatases, esterases, and ecto-nucleotidases, which are considered target enzymes for the approved biological actions. Accordingly, the overview of the in vitro influence of selected polyoxo-vanadates, -tungstates, and – palladates on cholinesterase, ATPase, and phosphatase activities will be given in this presentation. Cholinesterases, enzymes located on the postsynaptic plasma membrane, have a key role in nerve impulse transmission and were confirmed as the targets of drugs for neurological diseases, which are regularly used in clinical practice. Moreover, ATPases and phosphatases were found to be included in the proliferation and migration of tumor cells, thus the inhibition of these enzymes was found as the mechanism of some anticancer drug actionSimpozijum „Stremljenja i novine u medicini“ Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 04-08. decembra, 2023

    The influence of induced mutagenesis on reproductive behavior of Drosophila subobscura and the role of sexual selection in relationto the level of mutational load

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    Prema teorijskim očekivanjima seksualna selekcija može smanjivati mutaciona opterećenja u populacijama. Mužjaci koji su boljeg genetičkog kvaliteta bi trebalo da budu uspešniji u parenju u poređenju sa mužjacima lošijeg genetičkog kvaliteta. Na taj način ženke, prilikom izbora partnera za parenje, mogu da eliminišu one mužjake koji nose štetne alele, i da smanje mogućnost prenošenja štetnih alela u sledeću generaciju. Seksualna selekcija će redukovati mutaciona opterećenja i povećavati adaptivnu vrednost populacije, ako je većina mutacija štetna i za adaptivnu vrednost i za osobine koje utiču na uspešnost mužjaka u parenju. Istraživanja poslednjih godina su dala rezultate koji idu u prilog ovoj teoriji, ali i oprečne rezultate. Ovakva kontradiktornost proizilazi iz kompleksnosti problematike usled različitih reproduktivnih strategija vrsta, kao i različitih reproduktivnih strategija mužjaka i ženki. Takođe, osobine koje utiču na komponente adaptivne vrednosti, kao i na uspešnost u parenju, su veoma složene, pod determinacijom velikog broja gena, i u čijoj osnovi leže kompleksne genske interakcije. Iako se kao osobine koje su cilj seksualne selekcije najčešće analiziraju sekundarne polne karakteristike, i mnoge druge osobine određuju atraktivnost mužjaka. To su i morfološke, fiziološke, ponašajne i druge osobine koje utiču na uspešnost u parenju, a mogu se nazvati osobinama koje su zavisne od opšteg stanja mužjaka (eng. condition-dependent traits)...According to theoretical predictions sexual selection can reduce mutational load in populations. Males of good genetic quality should be more successful in matings, compared to the males of low genetic quality. In this way females, through the choice of mating partners, can eliminate males carriers of deleterious alleles, and reduce transmission of deleterious alleles to the next generation. Sexual selection will purge mutational load and increase fitness if most mutations were deleterious to both nonsexual fitness and condition-dependent traits affecting mating success. Studies in recent years have yielded results that support this theory, but opposite results are obtained, as well. This contradiction arises from different reproductive strategies of species, and different reproductive strategies of males and females. Traits that affect fitness components, as well as mating success, are under polygenic determination, with very complex gene interactions. Although secondary sexual traits were usually analyzed as target of sexual selection, many other traits can determine male attractiveness. Traits such as morphological, physiological, behavior and other, affecting mating success, can be termed as condition-dependent traits. In order to test this hypothesis, that sexual selection can reduce mutational load, two experimental groups were formed from the same population genetic pool of Drosophila subobscura, which differed in the level of mutational load. Mutations were induced in one group, using 30Gy ionizing radiation. The effect of sexual selection in reduction of mutational load was measured through different components of male mating behavior (courtship occurrence, courtship latency, courtship intensity, mating occurrence,latency to mating and duration of mating)...

    The influence of induced mutagenesis on reproductive behavior of Drosophila subobscura and the role of sexual selection in relationto the level of mutational load

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    Prema teorijskim očekivanjima seksualna selekcija može smanjivati mutaciona opterećenja u populacijama. Mužjaci koji su boljeg genetičkog kvaliteta bi trebalo da budu uspešniji u parenju u poređenju sa mužjacima lošijeg genetičkog kvaliteta. Na taj način ženke, prilikom izbora partnera za parenje, mogu da eliminišu one mužjake koji nose štetne alele, i da smanje mogućnost prenošenja štetnih alela u sledeću generaciju. Seksualna selekcija će redukovati mutaciona opterećenja i povećavati adaptivnu vrednost populacije, ako je većina mutacija štetna i za adaptivnu vrednost i za osobine koje utiču na uspešnost mužjaka u parenju. Istraživanja poslednjih godina su dala rezultate koji idu u prilog ovoj teoriji, ali i oprečne rezultate. Ovakva kontradiktornost proizilazi iz kompleksnosti problematike usled različitih reproduktivnih strategija vrsta, kao i različitih reproduktivnih strategija mužjaka i ženki. Takođe, osobine koje utiču na komponente adaptivne vrednosti, kao i na uspešnost u parenju, su veoma složene, pod determinacijom velikog broja gena, i u čijoj osnovi leže kompleksne genske interakcije. Iako se kao osobine koje su cilj seksualne selekcije najčešće analiziraju sekundarne polne karakteristike, i mnoge druge osobine određuju atraktivnost mužjaka. To su i morfološke, fiziološke, ponašajne i druge osobine koje utiču na uspešnost u parenju, a mogu se nazvati osobinama koje su zavisne od opšteg stanja mužjaka (eng. condition-dependent traits)...According to theoretical predictions sexual selection can reduce mutational load in populations. Males of good genetic quality should be more successful in matings, compared to the males of low genetic quality. In this way females, through the choice of mating partners, can eliminate males carriers of deleterious alleles, and reduce transmission of deleterious alleles to the next generation. Sexual selection will purge mutational load and increase fitness if most mutations were deleterious to both nonsexual fitness and condition-dependent traits affecting mating success. Studies in recent years have yielded results that support this theory, but opposite results are obtained, as well. This contradiction arises from different reproductive strategies of species, and different reproductive strategies of males and females. Traits that affect fitness components, as well as mating success, are under polygenic determination, with very complex gene interactions. Although secondary sexual traits were usually analyzed as target of sexual selection, many other traits can determine male attractiveness. Traits such as morphological, physiological, behavior and other, affecting mating success, can be termed as condition-dependent traits. In order to test this hypothesis, that sexual selection can reduce mutational load, two experimental groups were formed from the same population genetic pool of Drosophila subobscura, which differed in the level of mutational load. Mutations were induced in one group, using 30Gy ionizing radiation. The effect of sexual selection in reduction of mutational load was measured through different components of male mating behavior (courtship occurrence, courtship latency, courtship intensity, mating occurrence,latency to mating and duration of mating)...

    A Novel Approach of Determining the Risks for the Development of Hyperinsulinemia in the Children and Adolescent Population Using Radial Basis Function and Support Vector Machine Learning Algorithm

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    Hyperinsulinemia is a condition with extremely high levels of insulin in the blood. Various factors can lead to hyperinsulinemia in children and adolescents. Puberty is a period of significant change in children and adolescents. They do not have to have explicit symptoms for prediabetes, and certain health indicators may indicate a risk of developing this problem. The scientific study is designed as a cross-sectional study. In total, 674 children and adolescents of school age from 12 to 17 years old participated in the research. They received a recommendation from a pediatrician to do an OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance test) with insulinemia at a regular systematic examination. In addition to factor analysis, the study of the influence of individual factors was tested using RBF (Radial Basis Function) and SVM (Support Vector Machine) algorithm. The obtained results indicated statistically significant differences in the values of the monitored variables between the experimental and control groups. The obtained results showed that the number of adolescents at risk is increasing, and, in the presented research, it was 17.4%. Factor analysis and verification of the SVM algorithm changed the percentage of each risk factor. In addition, unlike previous research, three groups of children and adolescents at low, medium, and high risk were identified. The degree of risk can be of great diagnostic value for adopting corrective measures to prevent this problem and developing potential complications, primarily type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and other mass non-communicable diseases. The SVM algorithm is expected to determine the most accurate and reliable influence of risk factors. Using factor analysis and verification using the SVM algorithm, they significantly indicate an accurate, precise, and timely identification of children and adolescents at risk of hyperinsulinemia, which is of great importance for improving their health potential, and the health of society as a whole

    Correlation between morphologic carotid plaque findings based on color-Doppler and CT multidetector angiography with intraopertive findings in carotid artery stenosis

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    Bacground/Aim. Vast majority of patients with corotid artery sclerosis do not have transitory ischemic attacks (TIA) as working to the persistent silent disease, but stroke is the first sign. Precise and early diagnosis of the carotid artery disease and plaques are very important. The aim of this study was to determine how the composition / identity of diagnostic methods, color-Doppler, ultrasonography (US) CT multidetector angio (MDCTA) scan and intraoperative (IO) findings, as well as the morphology of plaques in patients with haemodynamic significant stenosis of the internal carotid artery. Methods. Carotid plaques were observed by two diagnostic methods, US and MDCTA, and these findings were correlated with the IO findings. Results. In 62 patients both carotid artheries were examined and 83 plaques were observed. There were 68 surgical interventions. The structure of plaques was divided into four types: lipid, fibrous, fibrocalcified and calcified plaque. US showed: lipid plaques 10.8%; fibrous 1.2%; fibrocalcified 44.6% and calcified 43.4%, and the MDCTA lipid plaques 8.4%; fibrocalcified 48.2% and calcified 43.4%. Intraoperative findings were: lipid plaques 10.3%; fibrocalcified 41.2% and calcified 48.5%. A statistically highly significant agreement between the US and MDCTA in the diagnosis of plaque morphology was obtained (Cramer's V = 0.919, p < 0.01; Lambda = 0.921, p < 0.01) and also statistically significant agreement between US and IO findings (Cramer' s V = 0.831, p < 0.01; Lambda = 0.859, p < 0.01). A statistically highly significant agreement between MDCTA and IO findings in plaque morphology was found, as well (Cramer's V = 0.815, p < 0.01; Lambda = 0.829, p < 0.01). Conclusion. There is statistically highly significant correlation between US and MDCTA diagnostic methods in the evaluation of plaque morphology in surgically significant stenosis of internal carotid artery as well as their agreement with the intraoperative finding

    Histochemical observation and the analysis of biochemical bone regeneration markers in treatment of an osteoporotic rat bone with Ca/Co-HAp nanoparticles

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    One of the prerequisites for a good prosthetic rehabilitation is well preserved bone tissue. However, osteoporosis as a modern age disease often compromises a good dental treatment. Oral implantology offers a solution through the use of various biomaterials. Most researchers focus on the synthesis of the nanomaterials with magnetic and paramagnetic properties. The aim of this study is to examine the role of Ca / Co-HAp nanoparticles in the regeneration of the osteoporotic alveolar bone in experimental animals by analyzing the biochemical blood markers (ALP, Ca, Mg, and P) and through histochemical analysis. The research was carried out on female Westar rats, aged 6-8 weeks. The obtained results for the biochemical blood markers showed statistically significant rise. Histological analysis revealed high level reparatory skills of the biocomposite implanted in the bone defect as early as in the 6th week of the experiment as well as an increased alkaline phosphatase activity in the mineralized tissues. The implantation of the biomaterials facilitates osteogenesis, justifying their use in the accelerated regeneration treatment of the osteoporotic alveolar bone