1,311 research outputs found

    Robust identification from band-limited data

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    Consider the problem of identifying a scalar bounded-input/bounded-output stable transfer function from pointwise measurements at frequencies within a bandwidth. We propose an algorithm which consists of building a sequence of maps from data to models converging uniformly to the transfer function on the bandwidth when the number of measurements goes to infinity, the noise level to zero, and asymptotically meeting some gauge constraint outside. Error bounds are derived, and the procedure is illustrated by numerical experiment

    Performing an Invisibility Spell: Global Models, Food Regimes and Smallholders

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    The present construction of global representations of food and farming is problematic. For example, how can we ‘know’ the world needs to double food production even though we cannot foresee a food crisis? How can we estimate investment opportunities while failing to quantify their impacts on smallholders? Global models constrain the manner in which we perceive the food regime while producing such representations. We need to identify the causal relations embedded inside models’ equations and why they are arrayed in this fashion. This article combines actor-network theory and structuration theory to analyse a sample of 70 global models. It locates the modules and equations of these black boxes in the sociotechnical and political context of their production. Finally, a bibliometric analysis sketches the overall epistemic community that drove models into success or extinction. Dominant global models recycle equations, modules and databases to effectuate narrow worlds. They make smallholder farming invisible in spite of its prevalence around the world. They do not address food needs and construct pixellated representations of underutilized land. They systematically favour large-scale agricultural trade and investments in production and productivity. This reflects the structure of signification modellers adhere to as well as the structure of domination they are embedded in. Securing clients ensures the success of global models independently from their validation. The article demonstrates the manner in which modelling is a social practice embedded in power relations. Considering simultaneously the structure of domination formalized inside models and surrounding modelling is crucial. Future research should investigate how various actors resort to global models to champion their goals. It should question the policy recommendations drawn from such models and their relevance as decision support tools.ualisms, what leads us to believe that dualistic oppositions are still a part of the agri-food reality and are something to take into account when different actors have to collaborate

    Roles of resonance and dark irradiance for infrared photorefractive self-focusing and solitons in bi-polar InP:Fe

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    This paper shows experimental evidence of photorefractive steady state self-focusing in InP:Fe for a wide range of intensities, at both 1.06 and 1.55μ\mum. To explain those results, it is shown that despite the bi-polar nature of InP:Fe where one photocarrier and one thermal carrier are to be considered, the long standing one photocarrier model for photorefractive solitons can be usefully applied. The relationship between the dark irradiance stemming out of this model and the known resonance intensity is then discussed

    COVID-19: A turning point to further sanitation justice?

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    Sanitation has received increased attention during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the heterogeneity of infrastructures, investments, practices and needs that exist on the ground, have often been overlooked. Consequently, the intersecting inequalities shaping how COVID-19 and sanitation interact remain unaddressed. This paper suggests it is possible to move beyond ‘deficit narratives’, and to support pathways towards just sanitation for all women and men, girls and boys during and beyond the pandemic. Tracking down past, ongoing and projected sanitary arrangements, exploring the political economy of both grid and off-grid investments and promises, and paying attention to the diversity of needs and practices from an intersectional perspective that considers, among other things, class, gender, age, ethnicity and ability, are three directions to do so. Together, these three directions can account for how illness or health, poverty or prosperity, suffering or well-being, stigma or respect are generated for different people who are dependent on, or who are providing, sanitation services. COVID-19 marks a turning point to critically reframe how we talk and act upon just sanitation and to challenge long-term inequalities

    Fast photorefractive self focusing in InP:Fe semiconductor at near infrared wavelengths

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    Self-trapping of optical beams in photorefractive (PR) materials at telecommunications wavelengths has been studied at steady state in insulators such as SBN [1] and in semiconductor InP:Fe [2], CdTe [3]. PR self-focusing and soliton interactions in semiconductors find interesting applications in optical communications such as optical routing and interconnections because of several advantages over insulators: their sensitivity to near-infrared wavelengths and shorter response time. Photorefractive self focusing in InP:Fe is characterized as a function of beam intensity and temperature. Transient self focusing is found to occur on two time scales for input intensities of tens of W/cm2 (one on the order of tens of μs, one on the order of milliseconds). A theory developed describes the photorefractive self focusing in InP:Fe and confirmed by steady state and transient regime measurements. PR associated phenomena (bending and self focusing) are taking place in InP:Fe as fast as a μs for intensities on the order of 10W/cm2 at 1.06 μm. Currently we are conducting more experiments in order to estimate the self focusing response time at 1.55μm, to clarify the temporal dynamic of the self focusing and to build up a demonstrator of fast optical routing by photorefractive spatial solitons interactions

    Short-term changes in particulate fluxes measured by drifting sediment traps during end summer oligotrophic regime in the NW Mediterranean Sea

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    Short-term changes in the flux of particulate matter were determined in the central north western Mediterranean Sea (near DYFAMED site) using drifting sediment traps at 200 m depth in the course of the DYNAPROC 2 cruise (14 September–17 October 2004). In this period of marked water column stratification, POC fluxes varied by an order of magnitude, in the range of 0.03–0.29 mgC m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup> over the month and showed very rapid and high variations. Particulate carbon export represented less than 5% of integrated primary production, suggesting that phytoplankton production was essentially sustained by internal recycling of organic matter and retained within the photic zone. While PON and POP fluxes paralleled one another, the elemental ratios POC/PON and POC/POP, varied widely over short-term periods. Values of these ratios generally higher than the conventional Redfield ratio, together with the very low chlorophyll a flux recorded in the traps (mean 0.017 μg m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup>), and the high phaeopigment and acyl lipid hydrolysis metabolite concentrations of the settling material, indicated that the organic matter reaching 200 m depth was reworked (by grazing, fecal pellets production, degradation) and that algal sinking, dominated by nano- and picoplankton, made a small contribution to the downward flux. Over time, the relative abundance of individual lipid classes in organic matter (OM) changed from glycolipids-dominated to neutral (wax esters, triacylglycerols) and phospholipids-dominated, suggesting ecosystem maturation as well as rapid and continual exchanges between dissolved, suspended and sinking pools. Our most striking result was documenting the rapid change in fluxes of the various measured parameters. In the situation encountered here, with dominant regenerated production, a decrease of fluxes was noticed during windy periods (possibly through reduction of grazing). But fluxes increased as soon as calm conditions settle

    Series solutions for a static scalar potential in a Salam-Sezgin Supergravitational hybrid braneworld

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    The static potential for a massless scalar field shares the essential features of the scalar gravitational mode in a tensorial perturbation analysis about the background solution. Using the fluxbrane construction of [8] we calculate the lowest order of the static potential of a massless scalar field on a thin brane using series solutions to the scalar field's Klein Gordon equation and we find that it has the same form as Newton's Law of Gravity. We claim our method will in general provide a quick and useful check that one may use to see if their model will recover Newton's Law to lowest order on the brane.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Comments on Supergravity Description of S-branes

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    This is a note on the coupled supergravity-tachyon matter system, which has been earlier proposed as a candidate for the effective space-time description of S-branes. In particular, we study an ansatz with the maximal ISO(p+1)xSO(8-p,1) symmetry, for general brane dimensionality p and homogeneous brane distribution in transverse space \rho_\perp. A simple application of singularity theorems shows that (for p \le 7) the most general solution with these symmetries is always singular. (This invalidates a recent claim in the literature.) We include a few general comments about the possibility of describing the decay of unstable D-branes in purely gravitational terms.Comment: 19 pages, refs adde

    The Strong Energy Condition and the S-Brane Singularity Problem

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    Recently it has been argued that, because tachyonic matter satisfies the Strong Energy Condition [SEC], there is little hope of avoiding the singularities which plague S-Brane spacetimes. Meanwhile, however, Townsend and Wohlfarth have suggested an ingenious way of circumventing the SEC in such situations, and other suggestions for actually violating it in the S-Brane context have recently been proposed. Of course, the natural context for discussions of [effective or actual] violations of the SEC is the theory of asymptotically deSitter spacetimes, which tend to be less singular than ordinary FRW spacetimes. However, while violating or circumventing the SEC is necessary if singularities are to be avoided, it is not at all clear that it is sufficient. That is, we can ask: would an asymptotically deSitter S-brane spacetime be non-singular? We show that this is difficult to achieve; this result is in the spirit of the recently proved "S-brane singularity theorem". Essentially our results suggest that circumventing or violating the SEC may not suffice to solve the S-Brane singularity problem, though we do propose two ways of avoiding this conclusion.Comment: 13 pages, minor corrections and improvements, references adde

    Stable topological modes in two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau models with trapping potentials

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    Complex Ginzburg-Landau (CGL) models of laser media (with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity) do not contain an effective diffusion term, which makes all vortex solitons unstable in these models. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the addition of a two-dimensional periodic potential, which may be induced by a transverse grating in the laser cavity, to the CGL equation stabilizes compound (four-peak) vortices, but the most fundamental "crater-shaped" vortices (CSVs), alias vortex rings, which are, essentially, squeezed into a single cell of the potential, have not been found before in a stable form. In this work we report families of stable compact CSVs with vorticity S=1 in the CGL model with the external potential of two different types: an axisymmetric parabolic trap, and the periodic potential. In both cases, we identify stability region for the CSVs and for the fundamental solitons (S=0). Those CSVs which are unstable in the axisymmetric potential break up into robust dipoles. All the vortices with S=2 are unstable, splitting into tripoles. Stability regions for the dipoles and tripoles are identified too. The periodic potential cannot stabilize CSVs with S>=2 either; instead, families of stable compact square-shaped quadrupoles are found