162 research outputs found

    Convection of heat and thermodynamic irreversibilities in two-phase, turbulent nanofluid flows in solar heaters by corrugated absorber plates

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    The effects of simultaneous implementation of corrugated walls and nanoparticles upon the performance of solar heaters are investigated. Triangular and sinusoidal wall profiles along with varying concentration of nanoparticles are analyzed. The multi-phase mixture and the SST κ-ω models are used to simulate turbulent nanofluid flows inside the corrugated channels. The staggered computational grid is employed for storing the velocity and pressure terms at cell faces and cell center, respectively. The governing equations are first discretized by employing a second-order upwind differencing technique and are then solved by means of pressure-based finite volume approach. The convergence criterion is also presented for the validation of obtained results. The effects of wall profiles and nanoparticle concentration on the pertinent parameters including Nusselt number, pressure drop, performance evaluation criterion (PEC), and thermal and frictional irreversibilities are studied. This reveals that, in general, the triangular duct features superior heat transfer and inferior hydraulic characteristics in comparison with the sinusoidal duct. It is demonstrated that as long as the base fluid (water) is used the highest value of PEC corresponds to the straight duct. Yet, by introducing nanofluids the PEC values of the corrugated ducts exceed those of the straight duct. The analysis further shows that on the basis of the performance evaluation criterion, the sinusoidal duct appears to be a better choice in comparison with the triangular duct. However, the situation is reversed when thermodynamic irreversibilities are considered. It is argued that vortex formation in the two investigated wavy walls and shear layer developed in the triangular case are the essential physical reasons for the observed thermal, hydraulic and entropic behaviors

    Diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer's patients using classical and deep learning techniques

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    Machine based analysis and prediction systems are widely used for diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). However, lower accuracy of existing techniques and lack of post diagnosis monitoring systems limit the scope of such studies. In this paper, a novel machine learning based diagnosis and monitoring of AD-like diseases is proposed. The AD-like diseases diagnosis process is accomplished by analysing the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans using deep learning and is followed by an activity monitoring framework to monitor the subjects’ activities of daily living using body worn inertial sensors. The activity monitoring provides an assistive framework in daily life activities and evaluates vulnerability of the patients based on the activity level. The AD diagnosis results show up to 82% improvement in comparison to well-known existing techniques. Moreover, above 95% accuracy is achieved to classify the activities of daily living which is quite encouraging in terms of monitoring the activity profile of the subject

    Diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer's patients using classical and deep learning techniques

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    Machine based analysis and prediction systems are widely used for diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). However, lower accuracy of existing techniques and lack of post diagnosis monitoring systems limit the scope of such studies. In this paper, a novel machine learning based diagnosis and monitoring of AD-like diseases is proposed. The AD-like diseases diagnosis process is accomplished by analysing the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans using deep learning and is followed by an activity monitoring framework to monitor the subjects’ activities of daily living using body worn inertial sensors. The activity monitoring provides an assistive framework in daily life activities and evaluates vulnerability of the patients based on the activity level. The AD diagnosis results show up to 82% improvement in comparison to well-known existing techniques. Moreover, above 95% accuracy is achieved to classify the activities of daily living which is quite encouraging in terms of monitoring the activity profile of the subject

    Decreasing Physical Activity Levels across Religious Sikh Male South Asian Migrant Population in Kent, UK: A Public Health Concern

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    Physical activity (PA) plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). We investigated intergenerational physical activity level (PAL) among first and second generation Sikh Punjabi male subjects (n = 137), recruited from two Sikh temples in Medway, UK. Employing a crosssectional survey PA was quantified using the validated Global PA Questionnaire (GPAQ). Data were analysed using SPSS 20 and Epi Info software. Ninety-one per cent of the subjects were classified as overweight. Mean PAL range was sedentary to low levels of PA (1.45–1.60). Comparisons between first and second generation Punjabi male subjects showed that the two groups are equally culpable in not engaging in work-related or recreational PA, but for the second generation this is significantly lower. Low PAL is a contributory factor to increased risk and prevalence of NCDs among this population and a public health concern. Efforts to increase PA in this group should continue

    Analytical approach for entropy generation and heat transfer in CNT-nanofluid dynamics through a ciliated porous medium

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    The transportation of biological and industrial nanofluids by natural propulsion like cilia movement and self-generated contraction-relaxation of flexible walls has significant applications in numerous emerging technologies. Inspired by multi-disciplinary progress and innovation in this direction, a thermo-fluid mechanical model is proposed to study the entropy generation and convective heat transfer of nanofluids fabricated by the dispersion of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) nanoparticles in water as the base fluid. The regime studied comprises heat transfer and steady, viscous, incompressible flow, induced by metachronal wave propulsion due to beating cilia, through a cylindrical tube containing a sparse (i.e. high permeability) homogenous porous medium. The flow is of the creeping type and is restricted under the low Reynolds number and long wavelength approximations. Slip effects at the wall are incorporated and the generalized Darcy drag-force model is utilized to mimic porous media effects. Cilia boundary conditions for velocity components are employed to determine analytical solutions to the resulting non-dimensionalized boundary value problem. The influence of pertinent physical parameters on temperature, axial velocity, pressure rise and pressure gradient, entropy generation function, Bejan number and stream-line distributions are computed numerically. A comparative study between SWCNT nanofluids and pure water is also computed. The computations demonstrate that axial flow is accelerated with increasing slip parameter and Darcy number and is greater for SWCNT- nanofluids than for pure water. Furthermore the size of the bolus for SWCNT-nanofluids is larger than that of the pure water. The study is applicable in designing and fabricating nanoscale and microfluidics devices, artificial cilia and biomimetic micro-pump

    Candida albicans repetitive elements display epigenetic diversity and plasticity

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    Transcriptionally silent heterochromatin is associated with repetitive DNA. It is poorly understood whether and how heterochromatin differs between different organisms and whether its structure can be remodelled in response to environmental signals. Here, we address this question by analysing the chromatin state associated with DNA repeats in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Our analyses indicate that, contrary to model systems, each type of repetitive element is assembled into a distinct chromatin state. Classical Sir2-dependent hypoacetylated and hypomethylated chromatin is associated with the rDNA locus while telomeric regions are assembled into a weak heterochromatin that is only mildly hypoacetylated and hypomethylated. Major Repeat Sequences, a class of tandem repeats, are assembled into an intermediate chromatin state bearing features of both euchromatin and heterochromatin. Marker gene silencing assays and genome-wide RNA sequencing reveals that C. albicans heterochromatin represses expression of repeat-associated coding and non-coding RNAs. We find that telomeric heterochromatin is dynamic and remodelled upon an environmental change. Weak heterochromatin is associated with telomeres at 30?°C, while robust heterochromatin is assembled over these regions at 39?°C, a temperature mimicking moderate fever in the host. Thus in C. albicans, differential chromatin states controls gene expression and epigenetic plasticity is linked to adaptation

    Electro-osmotic flow of couple stress fluids in a microchannel propagated by peristalsis

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    A mathematical model is developed for electro-osmotic peristaltic pumping of a non-Newtonian liquid in a deformable micro-channel. Stokes’ couple stress fluid model is deployed to represent realistic working liquids. The Poisson-Boltzmann equation for electric potential distribution is implemented owing to the presence of an electrical double layer (EDL) in the micro-channel. Using long wavelength, lubrication theory and Debye-Huckel approximations, the linearized transformed dimensionless boundary value problem is solved analytically. The influence of electro-osmotic parameter (inversely proportional to Debye length), maximum electro-osmotic velocity (a function of external applied electrical field) and couple stress parameter on axial velocity, volumetric flow rate, pressure gradient, local wall shear stress and stream function distributions is evaluated in detail with the aid of graphs. The Newtonian fluid case is retrieved as a special case with vanishing couple stress effects. With increasing couple stress parameter there is a significant elevation in axial pressure gradient whereas the core axial velocity is reduced. An increase in electro-osmotic parameter induces both flow acceleration in the core region (around the channel centreline) and also enhances axial pressure gradient substantially. The study is relevant to simulation of novel smart bio-inspired space pumps, chromatography and medical microscale devices

    Exchange rate volatility and capital inflows: role of financial development

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    There is vast literature examining the impact of exchange rate volatility on various macroeconomic aggregates such as economic growth, trade flows, domestic investment, and more recently capital flows. However, these studies have ignored the role of financial development while examining the impact of exchange rate volatility on capital flows. This study aims to analyze the impact of exchange rate volatility on capital inflows towards developing countries by incorporating the role of financial development over the time period 1980–2013. In this regard, the behavior of two types of capital flows is examined: physical capital inflows measured as foreign direct investment, and financial inflows quantified through remittance inflows. The empirical investigation comprises the direct as well as indirect effect of exchange rate volatility on capital inflows. The study employs dynamic system GMM estimation technique to empirically estimate the effect of exchange rate volatility on capital inflows. The empirical results of the study identify that exchange rate volatility dampens both physical and financial inflows towards developing countries. The indirect impact of exchange rate volatility through financial development, however, turns out positive and statistically significant. This finding reflects that financial development helps in reduc- ing the harmful impact of exchange rate volatility on capital inflows. Hence, the study concludes that a developed financial system is an important channel through which developing countries may improve capital inflows in the long run.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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