957 research outputs found

    Developments in the “Northern and Southern Hake” Case Study of FishPi

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    The overarching objective of the FishPi project is to strengthen regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection. The role of every case study within the project is to bring together the countries with the most involvement in the fisheries selected to coordinate and cooperate in the search of a probabilistic regional sampling design. To this aim, case study 4 (CS4) is focused in the Northern and Southern Hake stocks. The work done in the case study include the description of the fishery at a regional level, the compilation of the present national sampling activity, the compilation of the logbooks and/or sales notes from 2013 and 2014 –to have a single regional data set of all trips of interest in the region– and different runs of simulations to test the selected sampling scenarios and stratifications. Finally, an objective evaluation of the performance of these regional designs is expected to understand the changes needed compared to the present situation. This document presents the progress done in this case study, from the data compilation to the simulations, documenting the different steps taken and allowing an understanding of the pending tasks

    Facile synthesis of low band gap ZnO Microstructures

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    Abstract In this work a simple chemical route was employed to synthesize ZnO microparticles by precipitation from aqueous solution of ZnCl2 as precursor, NaOH as oxidizing and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as surfactant. Samples of ZnO microparticles were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction, UV/Vis-NIR diffusereflectance,highresolutiontransmissionelectronmicroscopy(HR-TEM),andN2 adsorption-desorption.Itwasobserved from SEM analysis that ZnO microparticles with morphologies resembling six-blade impeller with diameters in the range of 500 nm to 1 m, and sheet-like (approximately 200 nm×300 nm) were obtained through this technique. X-Ray diffraction and Raman analyses confirmed the obtaining of hexagonal wurtzite ZnO crystal structure. The calculated band gap energy was 3.19 eV, which is slightly lower than the average value reported in the literature. Specific BET area of ZnO microparticles was 26.5 m2/g. Keywords: ZnO, microstructures, band gap energy, SEM, morphology. Resumen En este trabajo se empleó un a ruta química sencilla para sintetizar micropartículas de ZnO mediante precipitación en solución acuosa de ZnCl2 como precursor, NaOH como oxidante y dodecil sulfato de sodio (SDS) como tensoactivo. Las muestras de ZnO fueron analizadas mediante microscopía de barrido electrónico (SEM), espectroscopía de FTIR, espectroscopía Raman, difracción de rayos-X, reflectancia difusa de UV/Vis-NIR, microscopía de transmisión de electrones de alta resolución (HRTEM), y mediante adsorción-desorción de N2. Se observó mediante análisis de SEM que mediante esta técnica se obtienen micropartículas de ZnO con morfologías similares a impulsores de seis-aspas con diámetros entre 500 nm y 1 m, morfologías tipo-hojas(deaproximadamente200nm×300nm).Losanálisisdedifracciónderayos-XydeRamanconfirmaronlaobtención de ZnO con estructura cristalina wurtzita hexagonal. La energía de band gap calculada fue de 3.19 eV, la cual es ligeramente menor que el valor promedio reportado en la literatura. El área superficial BET de las nanopartículas de ZnO fue de 26.5 m2/g Palabras clave: ZnO, microestructuras, energía de band gap, SEM, morfología

    Evaluación de la inteligencia emocional del maestro de educación física en centros educativos de la Región de Murcia.

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    Emotional intelligence is a key psychological factor to generate a teacher-student bond and an optimal teaching-learning process. Thus, the aim of this study was to know the level of emotional intelligence in Physical Education teachers. The sample consisted of 94 Physical Education teachers from different schools in the Region of Murcia. The questionnaire, used electronically, was the TMMS-24. The results only showed a positive correlation between clarity and emotional repair, with the latter dimension obtaining the highest scores among the participants. In relation to gender, females showed higher scores in emotional repair. On the other hand, teachers with less than five years' experience showed higher values in emotional intelligence, while the more experienced ones obtained higher values in emotional repair. The analysis of these results helps to improve teacher training about emotional intelligence.La inteligencia emocional es un factor psicológico clave para generar un vínculo profesor-alumno y un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje óptimo. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer el nivel de inteligencia emocional en docentes de Educación Física. La muestra constó de 94 maestros de Educación Física de diferentes colegios de la Región murciana. El cuestionario, utilizado de forma electrónica, fue el TMMS-24. Los resultados únicamente mostraron una correlación positiva entre la claridad y la reparación emocional, siendo esta última dimensión la que obtuvo mejores puntuaciones entre los participantes. En relación al género, las mujeres manifestaron puntuaciones superiores en la reparación emocional. Por otro lado, los maestros con una experiencia inferior a cinco años mostraron valores superiores en inteligencia emocional, mientras que los más expertos obtuvieron valores superiores en reparación emocional. El análisis de estos resultados ayuda a mejorar los procesos de formación de los docentes en este ámbito

    The Young Stellar Population of IC1613. I. A New Catalogue of OB Associations

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    Context: Determining the parameters of massive stars is crucial to understand many processes in galaxies and the Universe, since these objects are important sources of ionization, chemical enrichment and momentum. 10m class telescopes enable us to perform detailed quantitative spectroscopic analyses of massive stars in other galaxies, sampling areas of different metallicity. Relating the stars to their environment is crucial to understand the physical processes ruling their formation and evolution. Aims: In preparation for the GTC, our goal is to build a catalogue of massive star candidates in the metal-poor irregular galaxy IC1613 with high astrometric accuracy, apt for the current generation of multi-object spectrographs. A census of OB associations in this galaxy is also needed, to provide important additional information about age and environment of the candidate OB stars. Methods: From INT-WFC observations, we have built an astrometric and photometric catalogue of stars in IC1613. Candidate blue massive stars are preselected from their colors. A friends-of-friends algorithm is developed to find their clustering in the galaxy. While a common physical origin for all the members of the associations cannot be ensured, this is a necessary first step to place candidate OB stars in a population context. Results: We have produced a deep catalogue of targets in IC1613 that covers a large field of view. To achieve high astrometric accuracy a new astrometric procedure is developed for the INT-WFC data. We have also built a catalogue of OB associations in IC1613. We have found that they concentrate in the central regions, specially in the HII bubbles. The study of extinction confirms that it is patchy, with local values of color-excess above the foreground value.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages + appendix (14 pages); 20 figure

    Statistical analysis of the sampling design: FishPi case study on the biological sampling of the European hake fishery

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    FishPi is a pilot project financed through an European grant (MARE/2014/19) aiming to strengthen regional coordination in the area of fisheries data collection. This project includes four case studies, one of which aims at analyzing alternative sampling plans for fisheries operating on Northern & Southern hake stocks. The case study analyzes a variety of sampling design scenarios, from Simple Random Sampling to combinations of stratified sampling designs (by country, by port, by quarter…), using anonymised landings data from logbooks and sales notes (2013-2014). The results were compared regarding bias and precision to evaluate the best approach. The most precise estimates of total catch were obtained in scenarios stratified by port and, secondly, by port and country and by port and quarter. The general conclusion was that regional sampling designs stratified by port provided improved precision in this fishery. Apart from statistical considerations, this conclusion was also discussed under other points of view to give a feasibility perspective showing that coverage by country, and also by domain (stock), would be compromised if regional design is simply based on statistical analyses. Efficiency and precision of sampling were found to be highly sensitive to the sampling assumptions and in general countries with smaller contributions to overall landings of hake would see their sampling plans reduced, compromising other requirements for advice such as those related to other stocks or local management measures established by National governments. Hence further analyses are being considered that integrate biometrics, cost-benefit aspects, and concurrent or single-stock sampling strategies

    In MMTV-Her-2/neu transgenic mammary tumors the absence of caveolin-1−/− alters PTEN and NHERF1 but not β-catenin expression

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    In a recent study, we have shown that in mammary tumors from mice lacking the Cav-1 gene, there are alterations in specific heat shock proteins as well as in tumor development. With this in mind, we have now investigated other proteins in the same mammary mouse tumor model (Her-2/neu expressing mammary tumors from Cav-1 wild type and Cav-1 null mice), to further comprehend the complex tumor-stroma mechanisms involved in regulating stress responses during tumor development. In this tumor model the cancer cells always lacked of Cav-1, so the KO influenced the Cav-1 in the stroma. By immunohistochemistry, we have found a striking co-expression of β-catenin and Her-2/neu in the tumor cells. The absence of Cav-1 in the tumor stroma had no effect on expression or localization of β-catenin and Her-2/neu. Both proteins appeared co-localized at the cell surface during tumor development and progression. Since Her-2/neu activation induces MTA1, we next evaluated MTA1 in the mouse tumors. Although this protein was found in numerous nuclei, the absence of Cav-1 did not alter its expression level. In contrast, significantly more PTEN protein was noted in the tumors lacking Cav-1 in the stroma, with the protein localized mainly in the nuclei. P-Akt levels were relatively low in tumors from both Cav-1 WT and Cav-1 KO mice. There was also an increase in nuclear NHERF1 expression levels in the tumors arising from Cav-1 KO mice. The data obtained in the MMTV-neu model are consistent with a role for Cav-1 in adjacent breast cancer stromal cells in modulating the expression and localization of important proteins implicated in tumor cell behavior.Fil: Cuello Carrión, Fernando Darío. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Cayado Gutiérrez, Niubys de Los Milagros. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Natoli, Anthony L. . Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Metastasis Research Laboratory; AustraliaFil: Restall, Christina. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Metastasis Research Laboratory; AustraliaFil: Anderson, Robin L.. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Metastasis Research Laboratory; AustraliaFil: Nadin, Silvina Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez Olmedo, Daiana Gisela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Gisela N.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Gago, Francisco E.. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Fanelli, Mariel Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Ciocca, Daniel Ramon. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentin

    Reference ranges for Doppler indices of umbilical and fetal middle cerebral arteries and cerebroplacental ratio: systematic review.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess studies reporting reference ranges for umbilical artery (UA) and fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) Doppler indices and cerebroplacental ratio (CPR), using a set of predefined methodological quality criteria for study design, statistical analysis and reporting methods. METHODS: This was a systematic review of observational studies in which the primary aim was to create reference ranges for UA and MCA Doppler indices and CPR in fetuses of singleton gestations. A search for relevant articles was performed in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science (from inception to 31 December 2016) and references of the retrieved articles. Two authors independently selected studies, assessed the risk of bias and extracted the data. Studies were scored against a predefined set of independently agreed methodological criteria and an overall quality score was assigned to each study. Linear multiple regression analysis assessing the association between quality scores and study characteristics was performed. RESULTS: Thirty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria. The highest potential for bias was noted in the following fields: 'ultrasound quality control measures', in which only two studies demonstrated a comprehensive quality-control strategy; 'number of measurements taken for each Doppler variable', which was apparent in only three studies; 'sonographer experience', in which no study on CPR reported clearly the experience or training of the sonographers, while only three studies on UA Doppler and four on MCA Doppler did; and 'blinding of measurements', in which only one study, on UA Doppler, reported that sonographers were blinded to the measurement recorded during the examination. Sample size estimations were present in only seven studies. No predictors of quality were found on multiple regression analysis. Reference ranges varied significantly with important clinical implications for what is considered normal or abnormal, even when restricting the analysis to the highest scoring studies. CONCLUSIONS: There is considerable methodological heterogeneity in studies reporting reference ranges for UA and MCA Doppler indices and CPR, and the resulting references have important implications for clinical practice. There is a need for the standardization of methodologies for Doppler velocimetry and for the development of reference standards, which can be correctly interpreted and applied in clinical practice. We propose a set of recommendations for this purpose. Copyright © 2018 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Psicoterapia y problemas actuales. Debates y alternativas

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    Ante la proliferación de fenómenos psicosociales, como el suicidio, la violencia sexual, los trastornos del comportamiento alimenticio y las crisis de identidad, emerge esta obra, como una respuesta reflexiva que aborda desde una pluralidad de perspectivas el quehacer psicoterapéutico, para favorecer una comprensión amplia de estas situaciones problema y ofrecer, desde la experiencia de sus autores, alternativas de entendimiento y de desarrollo de tratamientos para la atención de quienes las viven. El objetivo es compartir una comprensión innovadora de la práctica del psicoterapeuta, desde una mirada caracterizada por el diálogo interdisciplinario. Ello a partir de la recuperación de las estrategias implementadas frente a distintas coyunturas, así como a través de la reflexión personal en torno a la formación y el ejercicio profesional del psicoterapeuta, que pueden favorecer la retroalimentación y la generación de formas de intervención más adecuadas a la realidad de algunos dilemas contemporáneos y de los entornos en que estos se desenvuelven. Un libro recomendable para estudiantes, docentes y profesionales en el campo de la psicoterapia y la salud psicosocial.ITESO. A.C

    Addressing the urban heat islands effect: A cross-country assessment of the role of green infrastructure

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The Urban Heat Islands (UHI) effect is a microclimatic phenomenon that especially affects urban areas. It is associated with significant temperature increases in the local microclimate, and may amplify heat waves. Due to their intensity, UHI causes not only thermal discomfort, but also reductions in the levels of life quality. This paper reviews the important role of green infrastructure as a means through which the intensity of UHI may be reduced, along with their negative impact on human comfort and wellbeing. Apart from a comprehensive review of the available literature, the paper reports on an analysis of case studies in a set of 14 cities in 13 countries representing various geographical regions and climate zones. The results obtained suggest that whereas UHI is a common phenomenon, green infrastructure in urban areas may under some conditions ameliorate their impacts. In addition, the study revealed that the scope and impacts of UHI are not uniform: depending on peculiarities of urban morphologies, they pose different challenges linked to the microclimate peculiar to each city. The implications of this paper are threefold. Firstly, it reiterates the complex interrelations of UHIs, heat waves and climate change. Secondly, it outlines the fact that keeping and increasing urban green resources leads to additional various benefits that may directly or indirectly reduce the impacts of UHI. Finally, the paper reiterates the need for city planners to pay more attention to possible UHI effects when initiating new building projects or when adjusting current ones

    Predictive model of pheochromocytoma based on the imaging features of the adrenal tumours

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    The purpose of our study was to develop a predictive model to rule out pheochromocytoma among adrenal tumours, based on unenhanced computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features. We performed a retrospective multicentre study of 1131 patients presenting with adrenal lesions including 163 subjects with histological confirmation of pheochromocytoma (PHEO), and 968 patients showing no clinical suspicion of pheochromocytoma in whom plasma and/or urinary metanephrines and/or catecholamines were within reference ranges (non-PHEO). We found that tumour size was significantly larger in PHEO than non-PHEO lesions (44.3 +/- 33.2 versus 20.6 +/- 9.2 mm respectively; P < 0.001). Mean unenhanced CT attenuation was higher in PHEO (52.4 +/- 43.1 versus 4.7 +/- 17.9HU; P < 0.001). High lipid content in CT was more frequent among non-PHEO (83.6% versus 3.8% respectively; P < 0.001); and this feature alone had 83.6% sensitivity and 96.2% specificity to rule out pheochromocytoma with an area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC-ROC) of 0.899. The combination of high lipid content and tumour size improved the diagnostic accuracy (AUC-ROC 0.961, sensitivity 88.1% and specificity 92.3%). The probability of having a pheochromocytoma was 0.1% for adrenal lesions smaller than 20 mm showing high lipid content in CT. Ninety percent of non-PHEO presented loss of signal in the out of phase MRI sequence compared to 39.0% of PHEO (P < 0.001), but the specificity of this feature for the diagnosis of non-PHEO lesions low. In conclusion, our study suggests that sparing biochemical screening for pheochromocytoma might be reasonable in patients with adrenal lesions smaller than 20 mm showing high lipid content in the CT scan, if there are no typical signs and symptoms of pheochromocytoma