2,551 research outputs found

    Konstruksi Makna Hijab Fashion Bagi Moslem Fashion Blogger

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    Penelitian berjudul “Konstruksi Makna Hijab Fashion bagi Moslem Fashion Blogger di Indonesia”dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan busana muslim di Indonesia yang mengalami peningkatan dalambeberapa tahun terakhir. Fenomena tersebut tidak terlepas dari pengaruh gaya hidup masa kini yang tidakdapat dipisahkan dari teknologi. Blog yang merupakan perkembangan teknologi media baru (new media)dimanfaatkan oleh para Moslem Fashion Blogger untuk mengekspresikan gaya berbusana muslim sebagaisuatu trend fashion yang berperan dalam perkembangan fashion moslem di Indonesia. Peneliti ingin mengkajilebih jauh mengenai pemahaman, motif, dan pengalaman Moslem Fashion Blogger dalam menggunakan blogsebagai media komunikasi mengenai Hijab Fashion di Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan untuk membentukkerangka pemikiran dalam penelitian ini adalah teori fenomenologi Alfred Schutz, Teori Konstruksi SosialAtas Realitas Luckmann dan Berger, dan Teori Interaksi Simbolik George Herbert Mead. Penelitian inimenggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan tradisi fenomenologi yang memusatkan perhatian padapengalaman hidup dan mencari makna mengenai realitas berdasarkan sudut pandang subjek penelitian. Penelitimenetapkan enam informan sebagai sumber informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahamanMoslem Fashion Blogger mengenai hijab fashion adalah bahwa perkembangan tren hijab fashion di Indonesiamerupakan perkembangan yang positif namun terjadi suatu pergeseran makna. Motif dalam menggunakanblog sebagai media komunikasi mengenai hijab fashion terbagi atas motif atraksi, motif inspirasi, dan motifeksistensi. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah perkembangan hijab fashion merupakan salah satufenomena yang menarik dan terus berkembang, maka diharapkan penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengkaji lebihmendalam khususnya mengenai konstruksi makna hijab fashion bukan hanya terhadap pelaku industri hijabnamun juga lebih dalam terhadap mereka yang benar-benar memahami syariat agama Islam

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Belajar Dan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMA N 1 Jekulo Kudus

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    Learning environment and teachers\u27 professional competence are factors which can affect students\u27 achievement. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of learning environment and teachers\u27 professional competence toward students\u27 achievement either partially or simultaneously. The populations were 133 students and the samples were 100 students. Then, data were collected by questionnaires and documentation. The calculation of multiple regression resulted the equation of Y = 60.866 + 0.114 X1 + 0.048 X2. The coefficient of determination simultaneously; learning environment and teachers\u27 professional competence toward students\u27 achievement was 53.3%, the coefficient of determination partially; learning environment toward students\u27 achievement was 26.3%, and teachers\u27 professional competence toward students\u27 achievement was 16.9%. It was concluded that there was significant influence of learning environment toward students\u27 achievement, there was no significant influence of the teachers\u27 professional competence toward students\u27 achievement, and there was significant influence of learning environment and teachers\u27 professional competence toward students\u27 achievement

    Using technology in the development of a collaborative approach to feedback and more active reflection: an exploration of trainee teachers’ views

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    This study is driven by two separate but interrelated issues. First, it is driven by the desire to explore the effectiveness of technology devices in the structure of professional development of trainee teachers. Second, it seeks to explore the extent to which such technologies, as reflected in the use of digital recordings in the process of self-reflection by trainee teachers, can contribute to a shift to more collaborative feedback and active reflection. The anchor for this exploration is the desire to move away from the teacher (educator)–centred role (Copland 2010) that is prevalent in the use of feedback in contemporary teacher training programmes. The study surveyed the views of trainee teachers in two colleges through the use of a questionnaire and through a focus group discussion in consonance with the integrative approach to action research which acknowledges the importance of the voice of the third person (Coghlan and Brannick, 2010). The findings were subjected to both qualitative and quantitative analysis, the former through the use of the SPSS statistical analysis tool and the latter through an ethno-linguistic approach (Copland 2010). The study found that in the views of trainee teachers (third person), the use of technology devices can significantly facilitate the promotion of more collaborative approaches to giving and using feedback in their professional development if certain conditions were met. The study concluded that while these approaches are highly desired by trainee teachers who see them as more helpful than the prevalent teacher-centred approach, there is the need to develop a conceptual framework for its implementation

    Optimasi Formula Mikroenkapsulasi Ekstrak Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Dengan Penyalut Berbasis Air

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    Java turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a native plant of Indonesia which has been proved as anti-inflamation, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antitumor, hepatoprotective and antihyperlipidemic agent. The bitter taste with pungent aroma of java turmeric, improper storage that decreasing essential oil and curcuminoid level can be prevented by coating java turmeric as microcapsule. Recently, many microcapsule formulation is made based on organic solvent which have high risk on toxicity and also flammable. The study aimed to produce microcapsule using water based coating material from mixture of tapioca starch and carboxymethylceIlulose (CMC). There are 3 formulas of coating material that were used in this study, with proportion (w/v) of tapioca starch and CMC in formula I (3% : 1 %), formula II (2% : 2 %), and formula III (1% : 3%). The results showed that microcapsule with coating material made from formula III was the best, regarding to the measurements of physical parameter (recovery, water content, absorption efficiency, flow rate and particle size) and chemical parameter (curcumin content) compared to formula I and II. The higher CMC concentration on coating material compotition, the better microcapsule will be produced

    Pengaruh Tata Ruang Dan Komunikasi Intern Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Guru Di Smk Negeri 9 Semarang

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    Office layout is a method to formulate spatial, tools, layout, and their physical environment that aims to provide a means for teachers and internal communications are an important means to unify the direction and the views and thoughts among teachers and between teachers with the Head of School, so create cohesion in the work. This research aims: 1) to determine whether there is any spatial effect on the effectiveness of teachers \u27work; 2) to determine whether there is an internal communication influence the effectiveness of teachers\u27 work; 3) to know how big influence of spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of working collectively same. The population that became the subject of this study was the teacher of SMK Negeri 9 Semarang all 44 people who made the research sample because this study represents a population study. In this study, the independent variables are spatial and internal communications, while the dependent variable is the employment effectiveness of teachers. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire technique, documentation and observation. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis percentages, multiple regression analysis, simultaneous test, partial test, coefficient of determination and classical assumption. Based on the results of regression analysis obtained F value of 13.357 with a probability of 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is significant influence between spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of teacher working SMK Negeri 9 Semarang. The amount of influence between spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of teacher working SMK Negeri 9 for 39.5% of Semarang. Based on this research, the authors suggest that: in drafting desk should be more loose and in placing the furniture and other equipment should be to take advantage of the space available, so the staff room and classrooms and teachers more impressed with a neat move freely when doing academic activities; head schools should pay more attention to another teacher performance by giving instructions clearly did not even hesitate to reprimand if proven negligent in completing the job, as an effort to improve the quality of education, school principals should be willing to open ourselves to receive all complaints, ideas, or ideas from teachers
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