991 research outputs found


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    The initial fouling rates of four crude oils were determined at a nominal bulk temperature of 315 °C, an initial heated wall shear stress of 13 Pa, and initial surface temperatures between 375 and 445 °C. These initial fouling rates ranged from 1.3(10-6) to 7.8(10-5) m2 K/kJ. Corresponding Arrhenius plots were linear with the initial fouling rates passing through an isokinetic temperature of 407.5 °C. A plot of the natural logarithm of the preexponential factors (7.6(104) – 5.2(1015) m2 K/kJ) versus the apparent activation energies (128 – 269 kJ/mol) was also linear, confirming the validity of the isokinetic temperature and the presence of the compensation effect. Below the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were Crude Oil C \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil B; above the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were reversed (Crude Oil B \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil C). Chemical characterization of a fouling deposit suggested that the dominant fouling mechanism at these conditions was coking with significant contributions from sedimentation (iron sulfide) and corrosion (~340 μm/yr) of the 304 stainless steel test material


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    The initial fouling rates of four crude oils were determined at a nominal bulk temperature of 315 °C, an initial heated wall shear stress of 13 Pa, and initial surface temperatures between 375 and 445 °C. These initial fouling rates ranged from 1.3(10-6) to 7.8(10-5) m2 K/kJ. Corresponding Arrhenius plots were linear with the initial fouling rates passing through an isokinetic temperature of 407.5 °C. A plot of the natural logarithm of the preexponential factors (7.6(104) – 5.2(1015) m2 K/kJ) versus the apparent activation energies (128 – 269 kJ/mol) was also linear, confirming the validity of the isokinetic temperature and the presence of the compensation effect. Below the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were Crude Oil C \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil B; above the isokinetic temperature, the relative fouling rates were reversed (Crude Oil B \u3e Crude Oil D \u3e Crude Oil A \u3e Crude Oil C). Chemical characterization of a fouling deposit suggested that the dominant fouling mechanism at these conditions was coking with significant contributions from sedimentation (iron sulfide) and corrosion (~340 μm/yr) of the 304 stainless steel test material

    Energy-dispersed ions in the plasma sheet boundary layer and associated phenomena: Ion heating, electron acceleration, Alfvén waves, broadband waves, perpendicular electric field spikes, and auroral emissions.

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    Recent Cluster studies reported properties of multiple energy-dispersed ion structures in the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) that showed substructure with several well separated ion beamlets, covering energies from 3 keV up to 100 keV (Keiling et al., 2004a, b). Here we report observations from two PSBL crossings, which show a number of identified one-to-one correlations between this beamlet substructure and several plasma-field characteristics: (a) bimodal ion conics (<1 keV), (b) field-aligned electron flow (<1 keV), (c) perpendicular electric field spikes (~20 mV/m), (d) broadband electrostatic ELF wave packets (<12.5 Hz), and (e) enhanced broadband electromagnetic waves (<4 kHz). The one-to-one correlations strongly suggest that these phenomena were energetically driven by the ion beamlets, also noting that the energy flux of the ion beamlets was 1–2 orders of magnitude larger than, for example, the energy flux of the ion outflow. In addition, several more loosely associated correspondences were observed within the extended region containing the beamlets: (f) electrostatic waves (BEN) (up to 4 kHz), (g) traveling and standing ULF Alfvén waves, (h) field-aligned currents (FAC), and (i) auroral emissions on conjugate magnetic field lines. Possible generation scenarios for these phenomena are discussed. In conclusion, it is argued that the free energy of magnetotail ion beamlets drove a variety of phenomena and that the spatial fine structure of the beamlets dictated the locations of where some of these phenomena occurred. This emphasizes the notion that PSBL ion beams are important for magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. However, it is also shown that the dissipation of electromagnetic energy flux (at altitudes below Cluster) of the simultaneously occurring Alfvén waves and FAC was larger (FAC being the largest) than the dissipation of beam kinetic energy flux, and thus these two energy carriers contributed more to the energy transport on PSBL field lines from the distant magnetotail to the ionosphere than the ion beams

    The normal field instability under side-wall effects: comparison of experiments and computations

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    We consider a single spike of ferrofluid, arising in a small cylindrical container, when a vertically oriented magnetic field is applied. The height of the spike as well as the surface topography is measured experimentally by two different technologies and calculated numerically using the finite element method. As a consequence of the finite size of the container, the numerics uncovers an imperfect bifurcation to a single spike solution, which is forward. This is in contrast to the standard transcritical bifurcation to hexagons, common for rotational symmetric systems with broken up-down symmetry. The numerical findings are corroborated in the experiments. The small hysteresis observed is explained in terms of a hysteretic wetting of the side wall.Comment: accepted to New Journal of Physic

    Universality in fully developed turbulence

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    We extend the numerical simulations of She et al. [Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ 70, 3251 (1993)] of highly turbulent flow with 15≤15 \le Taylor-Reynolds number Reλ≤200Re_\lambda\le 200 up to Reλ≈45000Re_\lambda \approx 45000, employing a reduced wave vector set method (introduced earlier) to approximately solve the Navier-Stokes equation. First, also for these extremely high Reynolds numbers ReλRe_\lambda, the energy spectra as well as the higher moments -- when scaled by the spectral intensity at the wave number kpk_p of peak dissipation -- can be described by {\it one universal} function of k/kpk/k_p for all ReλRe_\lambda. Second, the ISR scaling exponents ζm\zeta_m of this universal function are in agreement with the 1941 Kolmogorov theory (the better, the large ReλRe_\lambda is), as is the ReλRe_\lambda dependence of kpk_p. Only around kpk_p viscous damping leads to slight energy pileup in the spectra, as in the experimental data (bottleneck phenomenon).Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 5 figures (on request), 3 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Neutrino Decays over Cosmological Distances and the Implications for Neutrino Telescopes

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    We discuss decays of ultra-relativistic neutrinos over cosmological distances by solving the decay equation in terms of its redshift dependence. We demonstrate that there are significant conceptual differences compared to more simplified treatments of neutrino decay. For instance, the maximum distance the neutrinos have traveled is limited by the Hubble length, which means that the common belief that longer neutrino lifetimes can be probed by longer distances does not apply. As a consequence, the neutrino lifetime limit from supernova 1987A cannot be exceeded by high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. We discuss the implications for neutrino spectra and flavor ratios from gamma-ray bursts as one example of extragalactic sources, using up-to-date neutrino flux predictions. If the observation of SN 1987A implies that \nu_1 is stable and the other mass eigenstates decay with rates much smaller than their current bounds, the muon track rate can be substantially suppressed compared to the cascade rate in the region IceCube is most sensitive to. In this scenario, no gamma-ray burst neutrinos may be found using muon tracks even with the full scale experiment, whereas reliable information on high-energy astrophysical sources can only be obtained from cascade measurements. As another consequence, the recently observed two cascade event candidates at PeV energies will not be accompanied by corresponding muon tracks.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Matches published versio

    Prediction and understanding of soft proton contamination in XMM-Newton: a machine learning approach

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    One of the major and unfortunately unforeseen sources of background for the current generation of X-ray telescopes are few tens to hundreds of keV (soft) protons concentrated by the mirrors. One such telescope is the European Space Agency's (ESA) X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton). Its observing time lost due to background contamination is about 40\%. This loss of observing time affects all the major broad science goals of this observatory, ranging from cosmology to astrophysics of neutron stars and black holes. The soft proton background could dramatically impact future large X-ray missions such as the ESA planned Athena mission (http://www.the-athena-x-ray-observatory.eu/). Physical processes that trigger this background are still poorly understood. We use a Machine Learning (ML) approach to delineate related important parameters and to develop a model to predict the background contamination using 12 years of XMM observations. As predictors we use the location of satellite, solar and geomagnetic activity parameters. We revealed that the contamination is most strongly related to the distance in southern direction, ZZ, (XMM observations were in the southern hemisphere), the solar wind radial velocity and the location on the magnetospheric magnetic field lines. We derived simple empirical models for the first two individual predictors and an ML model which utilizes an ensemble of the predictors (Extra Trees Regressor) and gives better performance. Based on our analysis, future missions should minimize observations during times associated with high solar wind speed and avoid closed magnetic field lines, especially at the dusk flank region in the southern hemisphere.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Genetics, recombination and clinical features of human rhinovirus species C (HRV-C) infections; interactions of HRV-C with other respiratory viruses

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    To estimate the frequency, molecular epidemiological and clinical associations of infection with the newly described species C variants of human rhinoviruses (HRV), 3243 diagnostic respiratory samples referred for diagnostic testing in Edinburgh were screened using a VP4-encoding region-based selective polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for HRV-C along with parallel PCR testing for 13 other respiratory viruses. HRV-C was the third most frequently detected behind respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and adenovirus, with 141 infection episodes detected among 1885 subjects over 13 months (7.5%). Infections predominantly targeted the very young (median age 6–12 months; 80% of infections in those &#60;2 years), occurred throughout the year but with peak incidence in early winter months. HRV-C was detected significantly more frequently among subjects with lower (LRT) and upper respiratory tract (URT) disease than controls without respiratory symptoms; HRV-C mono-infections were the second most frequently detected virus (behind RSV) in both disease presentations (6.9% and 7.8% of all cases respectively). HRV variants were classified by VP4/VP2 sequencing into 39 genotypically defined types, increasing the current total worldwide to 60. Through sequence comparisons of the 5′untranslated region (5′UTR), the majority grouped with species A (n = 96; 68%, described as HRV-Ca), the remainder forming a phylogenetically distinct 5′UTR group (HRV-Cc). Multiple and bidirectional recombination events between HRV-Ca and HRV-Cc variants and with HRV species A represents the most parsimonious explanation for their interspersed phylogeny relationships in the VP4/VP2-encoding region. No difference in age distribution, seasonality or disease associations was identified between HRV-Ca and HRV-Cc variants. HRV-C-infected subjects showed markedly reduced detection frequencies of RSV and other respiratory viruses, providing evidence for a major interfering effect of HRV-C on susceptibility to other respiratory virus infections. HRV-C's disease associations, its prevalence and evidence for interfering effects on other respiratory viruses mandates incorporation of rhinoviruses into future diagnostic virology screening

    Theory of Interaction of Memory Patterns in Layered Associative Networks

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    A synfire chain is a network that can generate repeated spike patterns with millisecond precision. Although synfire chains with only one activity propagation mode have been intensively analyzed with several neuron models, those with several stable propagation modes have not been thoroughly investigated. By using the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model, we constructed a layered associative network embedded with memory patterns. We analyzed the network dynamics with the Fokker-Planck equation. First, we addressed the stability of one memory pattern as a propagating spike volley. We showed that memory patterns propagate as pulse packets. Second, we investigated the activity when we activated two different memory patterns. Simultaneous activation of two memory patterns with the same strength led the propagating pattern to a mixed state. In contrast, when the activations had different strengths, the pulse packet converged to a two-peak state. Finally, we studied the effect of the preceding pulse packet on the following pulse packet. The following pulse packet was modified from its original activated memory pattern, and it converged to a two-peak state, mixed state or non-spike state depending on the time interval

    Guaranteed and Prospective Galactic TeV Neutrino Sources

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    Recent observations, particularly from the HESS Collaboration, have revealed rich Galactic populations of TeV gamma-ray sources, including a collection unseen in other wavelengths. Many of these gamma-ray spectra are well measured up to ~10 TeV, where low statistics make observations by air Cerenkov telescopes difficult. To understand these mysterious sources, especially at much higher energies--where a cutoff should eventually appear--new techniques are needed. We point out the following: (1) For a number of sources, it is very likely that pions, and hence TeV neutrinos, are produced; (2) As a general point, neutrinos should be a better probe of the highest energies than gamma rays, due to increasing detector efficiency; and (3) For several specific sources, the detection prospects for km^3 neutrino telescopes are very good, about 1-10 events/year, with low atmospheric neutrino background rates above reasonable energy thresholds. Such signal rates, as small as they may seem, will allow neutrino telescopes to powerfully discriminate between models for the Galactic TeV sources, with important consequences for our understanding of cosmic-ray production.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; minor changes to match published versio
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