47 research outputs found

    Energy efficient detached house with fitness centre

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    Jedná se o samostatně stojící rodinný dům s menší provozovnou fitcentra. Tvar objektu je obdélníkový se sedlovou střechou. Objekt má dvě nadzemní a jedno podzemní podlaží. Obytná část tvoří jeden byt pro rodinu s dětmi. Provozovna fitcentra má kapacitu přibližně 15 lidí. Dům je postaven ze dvou konstrukčních systémů. Obvodová zeď v podzemním podlaží je z bednících betonových tvarovek BTB 40/20/24 s tepelnou izolací XPS polystyren tloušťky 160 mm a v nadzemních podlažích je z vápenopískových tvarovek systému SENDWIX s tepelnou izolací ROCKWOOL tloušťky 160 mm. Stropy jsou polomontované systému POROTHERM z nosníků a keramickými vložkami MIAKO. Nosnou konstrukcí střechy je hambálková soustava.It is a detached family house with a smaller fitness establishment. The shape of the building is rectangular with a gabled roof. The building has two above ground and one underground floor. The residential part consists of one apartment for a family with children. Plant fitness center has a capacity of approximately 15 people. The house is built of two structural systems. The perimeter wall in the basement is concrete shuttering with fittings BTB 40/20/24 XPS polystyrene insulation thickness 160 mm and the floors of the calcium silicate system SENDWIX fittings with insulation ROCKWOOL thickness 160 mm. The ceilings are made from POROTHERM system of beams and ceramic inserts MIAKO. The supporting structure of the roof is system of hambalek.

    Lossless Image Compression

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    Tato práce se zabývá bezeztrátovou kompresí obrazu. Je zde rozebrána celá problematika sestavení kodéru/dekodéru. V práci lze nalézt porovnání různých prediktorů, výběr vhodného barevného modelu a dva druhy entropického kódování. V závěru práce je uvedeno porovnání výsledků implementace se stávajícím formátem PNG.This thesis deals with lossless image compression. You can nd all the process of assembling lossless image coder/decoder. There are described many predictors, color models and two entropy coders in this thesis. The results of thesis are compared and disscused with current lossless image format PNG at the end of thesis.

    Block of flats in Bystřice nad Pernštejnem

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    PD ve stupni stavební části k provedení novostavby čtyřpatrového Bytového domu v ,,Bystřici nad Pernštejnem“ s provozovnou veterinární ambulance a se 7 vestavěnými garážemi situované v lokalitě Bystřice nad Pernštejnem okres Žďár nad Sázavou kraj Vysočina. Objekt BD má 8 bytových jednotek. Objekt je navržen jako pravidelný kvádr s vystupujícím 1. Nadzemním podlažím jižním, severní a východním směrem. Obvodová plášť je navržen z vápenopískových tvárnic systému SENDWIX s vnějším kontaktním zateplením a s plastovými okenními konstrukcemi s izolačním trojsklem. Stavba má plochou střechu. Koncepčně byl objekt navržen jako pasivní dům s klasifikační třídou prostupu tepla obálkou budovy A- velmi úsporná.Project documentation in stage construction of the new building a four-storey residential building in,, Bystřice nad Pernštejnem " with establishment of the veterinary ambulance, and 7 bulit garages located in Bystřice Pernštejnem. Block of flats has 8 units. The building is designed as a regular block with projecting first Above ground floor south, north and east. The cladding is made from blocks SENDWIX system with external plastic contact insulation and window construction with triple glazing. The building has a flat roof. Conceptually, the building was designed as a passive house with the class of heat transmission through the building envelope A-very economical.

    Commutative semigroups with almost transitive endomorphism semirings

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    Remediation of the old ecological load in the protected area of the Morava river - re-abandonment of the oil and gas production wells

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    The presence of the former oil and gas producing wells that are or can be improperly abandoned creates a possible environmental hazard in terms of contamination of the groundwater and soil in the present. In the area of the Czech Republic, specifically in South Moravia part, which has a long oil and gas production history, plenty of such wells can be found. Finding out the information about their abandonment in archives is often very demanding (sometimes even impossible). During various survey works and re-abandonment attempts it was found out that many wells are originally abandoned improperly, insufficiently or not at all. The occurrence of such wells is not just potential but also very actual hazard for the cultural landscape of the South Moravia, especially for aquifers, agriculture and natural protected areas of national significance. This paper is focused on the possibility of the definitive abandonment of this particular ecological load. The proposed method was verified in laboratory conditions and in the field. It is now a standard form of the re abandonment of oil and gas wells without precise localization in the South Moravian oil fields.Web of Science3018

    Tris(2-amino-1,3-thia­zolium) hydrogen sulfate sulfate monohydrate

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    The centrosymmetric crystal structure of the novel semi-organic compound, 3C3H5N2S+·HSO4 −·SO4 2−·H2O, is based on chains of alternating anions and water mol­ecules (formed by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds). The chains are inter­connected with the 2-amino-1,3-thia­zolium cations via strong N—H⋯O and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions into a three-dimensional network

    2-Amino-1,3-thia­zolium dihydrogen phosphate

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    In the title compound, C3H5N2S+·H2PO4 −, the dihydrogen phosphate anions form infinite chains along [001] via short O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The 2-amino­thia­zolium cations inter­connect these chains into a three-dimensional network by short linear or bifurcated N—H⋯O and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    The Distribution of Toxoplasma gondii Cysts in the Brain of a Mouse with Latent Toxoplasmosis: Implications for the Behavioral Manipulation Hypothesis

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    reportedly manipulates rodent behavior to enhance the likelihood of transmission to its definitive cat host. The proximate mechanisms underlying this adaptive manipulation remain largely unclear, though a growing body of evidence suggests that the parasite-entrained dysregulation of dopamine metabolism plays a central role. Paradoxically, the distribution of the parasite in the brain has received only scant attention. at six months of age and examined 18 weeks later. The cysts were distributed throughout the brain and selective tropism of the parasite toward a particular functional system was not observed. Importantly, the cysts were not preferentially associated with the dopaminergic system and absent from the hypothalamic defensive system. The striking interindividual differences in the total parasite load and cyst distribution indicate a probabilistic nature of brain infestation. Still, some brain regions were consistently more infected than others. These included the olfactory bulb, the entorhinal, somatosensory, motor and orbital, frontal association and visual cortices, and, importantly, the hippocampus and the amygdala. By contrast, a consistently low incidence of tissue cysts was recorded in the cerebellum, the pontine nuclei, the caudate putamen and virtually all compact masses of myelinated axons. Numerous perivascular and leptomeningeal infiltrations of inflammatory cells were observed, but they were not associated with intracellular cysts. distribution stems from uneven brain colonization during acute infection and explains numerous behavioral abnormalities observed in the chronically infected rodents. Thus, the parasite can effectively change behavioral phenotype of infected hosts despite the absence of well targeted tropism

    Application for the dance figures visualization

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    Tato práce je o vývoji aplikace. Vyvíjená aplikace je určena k zobrazování a spravování tanečních figur. Používá programovací jazyk Java. Tato práce předvádí převážně použití grafického rozhraní uplatněním knihoven swing a Graphics2D ve skutečné aplikaci. Mohou zde být nalezeny programové konstrukce jako je herní smyčka a počítání lineární interpolace.Katedra informatiky a výpočetní technikyObhájenoThis thesis is about development of an application. The purpose of developed application is to visualize and manage dance figures. It is using programming language Java. This work mainly represents the usage of graphical interface by using swing and Graphics2D library in a real application. There can be found application structures as game loop and counting of linear interpolation